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分析、总结如何在回填土上安全、经济、合理地进行给排水管道基础处理  相似文献   

建筑工程的质量直接影响着人们的生活和社会的发展,给排水管道的施工更是与人们的生活密切相关.建筑给排水工程是建筑安装工程的重要部分,也是影响整个工程质量的重要因素,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对给排水管道的施工也提出了更高的要求.本文主要针对建筑工程给排水管道的一些常见问题和施工过程进行分析,并给出一些相关防治措施,以保证给排水管道的质量.  相似文献   

给排水系统施工具有其特殊性,在给排水工程施工过程中,管理施工是十分重要的.建筑给排水管道的质量控制工作是一项个面、细致的工作,应贯穿于整个工程施工过程.本文着重指出了建筑行业给排水施工中存在的问题,并提出建筑给排水施工过程中的安全和质量管理对策和采取的措施,从给水管道、排水管道,及施工后期等力面对质量控制进行了论述.  相似文献   

本文简要论述了城市给排水系统设计的一般原则,以及对管道分布、管材质量的一些具体要求,以确保城市给排水的安全稳定和可靠性,保障城市生产、生活的有序进行。  相似文献   

随着城市建设的发展,UPVC加筋管正以其特有的优势逐步取代钢筋混凝土管用于市政污水管道的新建和改造工程。针对近年来管道施工中发现的一些质量问题,探讨了如何在管道的基础、安装、回填等各个方面,采取合适的工艺方法和必要的控制手段,保证PVC加筋管的施工质量和使用寿命。对PVC材料应用于市政管道的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济的快速发展和城市化进程的不断加快,市政工程建设在城市建设中起到了重要的作用.在市政建设和规划的过程中,给排水管道的施工对市政建设的质量管理是非常重要的.在当前的发展过程中,在国内市政给排水管道工程的施工中,由于受至工艺、观念、技术、管理模式的影响,出现了不同程度的施工质量问题.本文主要是结合笔者在市政给排水管道施工中的经验,提出了提升给排水工程施工质量的对策.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步和经济的发展,各类建筑工程发展迅速,相应的建筑给排水技术也得到了同步快速发展.然而,伴随着给排水工程项目的增加,也在实践中暴露出了一些亟须解决的问题,如果在建筑给排水工程施工中技术处理不好,将引起使用的诸多不便.本文根据多年实践经验的记录,对给水设备安装中的技术要点、给水管道安装的技术要点、排水系统的施工技术要点、给多种管道间距和避让的要点、建筑给排水工程监理要点等,进行了一些探讨,以期对各位业内人士有所借鉴.  相似文献   

排水管道属于城市下永久性隐藏工程设施,而给水管道则要求具有很高的安全可靠性,因此如何正确合理进行给排水管道施工,既保证其运行功能,延长使用寿命,又能降低造价,是需要社会各界关注的课题,综合各种因素,针对市政给排水管道的施工技术措施进行了论述.  相似文献   

分析总结了污水源热泵污水侧存在的关键问题:毛发类污杂物堵塞换热管;污水中杂质造成换热面污染结垢,降低换热性能,造成实际应用中的污水换热设备庞大。进而提出采用大管径管防止毛发类污物堵塞换热管;采用循环流化床换热技术,降低换热器内污垢热阻,强化传热过程,同时解决毛发堵塞换热管与污垢严重与换热效率不高等瓶颈问题。并对大管径换热装臵的防堵性能进行了实验测试,实验表明大管径壳管式流化床污水换热装臵有效解决了毛发堵塞问题,大大提高了换热设备的性能,达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

住宅建筑给排水设计,是建筑设计中的一个重要组成部分,直接影响着住户居住环境的改善和生活质量的提高.文章根据多年建筑给排水设计和施工经验,就给排水管材的选用和管道敷设、地漏的水封、水表的户外设置等问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

in order to evaluate the seismic reliability of water distribution system and make rehabilitation decisions correspondingly, it is necessary to assess pipelines damage states and conduct functional analysis based on pipe leak- age model. When an earthquake occurred, the water distribution system kept serving with leakage. By adding a virtual node at the centre of the pipeline with leakage, an efficient approach to pressure-driven analysis was developed for simulating a variety of low relative scenarios, and a hydraulic leakage model was also built to perform hydraulic analy- sis of the water supply network with seismic damage. Then the mean-first-order-second-moment method was used to analyse the seismic serviceability of the water distribution system. According to the assessment analysis, pipes that were destroyed or in heavy leakage were isolated and repaired emergently, which improved the water supply capability of the network and would constitute the basis for enhancing seismic reliability of the system. The proposed approach to seismic reliability and rehabilitation decision analysis on water distribution system is demonstrated effective through a case study.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of buried pipe characteristics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voluminous statistical data on the breakage and leakage of pipelines occurring frequently in water supply and drainage engineering, were collected and analyzed to find the causes and solutions for the breakage and leakage. Then the original parameter method of foundation beam on elastic semi-infinite plane subgrade was applied to verify the statistical results. Numerical computational results showed that the performance of the original parameter method of foundation beam was satisfactory. Project supported by Zhejiang Province Science & Technology Foundation for Construction.  相似文献   

This paper establishes a 3D numerical model for 15# hydropower house of the Three Gorges Project (TGP) and performs a nonlinear static and dynamic damage analysis. In this numerical model, a coupling model of finite and infinite elements for simulating infinite foundation of hydropower station is adopted. A plastic-damage model based on continuum damage mechanics, which includes the softening and damage behavior under tension is considered for the concrete material. The dynamic equilibrium equations of motion are solved by using the HilberHughes-Taylor (HHT) time integration method. Firstly, the static damage response analysis of the hydropower station is conducted due to high tensile stress resulting from large water head and diameter of an inlet pipe. Then, on the basis of static simulation, the dynamic damage analysis of hydropower house subjected to earthquake motion is simulated. Numerical results show that under large water head and diameter of an inlet pipe of the project, the damages are mainly located near the top of the spiral case from the inlet section to the 0° section; under combined loadings of static loads and earthquake, the damages of the concrete surrounding the spiral case increase insignificantly; however, some damages occur on the side walls of the main powerhouse.  相似文献   

Water distribution networks are essential components of water supply systems. The combination of pipe structural deterioration and mechanics leads to the failure of pipelines. A physical model for estimating the pipe failure must include both the pipe deterioration model and mechanics model. Winkler pipe-soil interaction (WPSI), an analytical mechanics model developed by Rajani and Tesfamariam (2004), takes external and internal loads, temperature changes, loss of bedding support, and the elastoplastic effect of soil into consideration. Based on the WPSI model, a method to evaluate the elastic and plastic areas was proposed in the present study. An FEM model based on pipe-soil interaction (PSI) element was used to verify the analytical model. Sensitivity analyses indicate that the soft soil, long pipe and high temperature induced the axial plastic deformation more likely, which, however, may not occur in normal scenarios. The soft soil, pipes in small diameters, long unsupported bedding are prone to form flexural plastic area. The results show that the pipes subjected to the same loads have smaller stresses in the elastoplastic analysis than elastic analysis. The difference, however, is slight.  相似文献   

在明确给排水管网系统课程设计教学目标的基础上,针对课程的特点,对给排水管网系统课程设计的任务布置、教学方法和考核方式等进行了探讨。根据多年的教学实践,提出了教师在指导过程中加强设计过程监督,实行校外基地设计与校内设计结合,校内集中设计与校外分散设计相结合的设计模式。改革课程设计考核方法。  相似文献   

超声波流量计在液体测量中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于超声波流量计在管道中测流时,不破坏流场,没有压力损失,不影响正常工作,测流费用少。适用于大小管径等特点,适用于管道输送和城市供水等流量计量.本介绍了时差式超声波流量计的工作原理及其在液体测量中的优点,并分析了它在计量中产生误差的原因.  相似文献   

通过对各种新型给水管材之间水力工况的比较和分析,推得各种管径的新型给水管材与相应公称直径的镀锌钢管单位长度水头损失的比值K,由于管材间水力工况的不同,在工程设计、旅工中更换管材时,不能简单地用相同或相近管径的管材互相替代,而应重新对系统进行水力计算。  相似文献   

在城市供水系统中,管网的铺设费用占很大比重。如何最大限度降低建设成本而又保证供水的可靠性,是供水管网设计的重点和难点。基于供水管网的固有特性,结合蚁群、粒子群算法的优点,将蚁群粒子群混合算法应用到供水管网设计的多目标优化中。将蚁群中的信息素、启发因子、信息素挥发度参数映射到粒子群算法中粒子的位置坐标,通过粒子迭代寻找最优位置,并将蚁群算法通过特定信息素更新方式并限制迭代次数来进行优化,再将粒子最优位置反馈到优化后的蚁群算法中,寻找最优解。通过此算法,优化了供水管网中管径的选择,在保证供水管网可靠性的前提下,尽量缩减建设费用,为决策者提供更加经济实用的决策参考。  相似文献   

对国内外城市地下线形结构(地下管道、地下铁道和隧道等)震害的形式、成因及外部影响因素,如地震烈度、场地土条件、埋深、结构构造特点及尺寸等进行了综合分析.并就不同地下线形结构抗震措施的制订发表了见解。综合有关文献资料和工程实例.对盾构隧道进行纵向抗震分析,总结了地震区隧道结构的震害特点以及目前所采用的抗震措施,以供地震区隧道结构的设计、施工、加固作参考。  相似文献   

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