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对旋转投掷铁饼技术形成左侧支撑前摆动腿动作的分析研究表明,摆动腿趋于“直线性”的摆动能减小铁饼在旋转阶段所获得预先速度的损耗,提高人体旋转速度;能增加整个身体重心的稳定性,有助于铁饼最后出手的合速度。旋转掷铁饼中形成左侧支撑前摆动腿趋于“直线性”摆动技术将成为旋转掷铁饼运动技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

<正> 研究投掷运动的技术规律,中外学者尽管有种种见解,但我认为:弄清投掷过程中人体各个环节之间,以及人体与器械、人体与地面的相互关系问题,则为重要一环。投掷铁饼时,从旋转到饼出手;人和饼始终处于多维方向的运动。因此,准确地描记人体主要环节的运动轨迹,探讨相互之间力的作用,并进行准确的定量分析是非常必要的。我们运用单机拍摄,描记与分析铁饼与肩关节的轨迹:从而探讨了掷铁饼技术中的一些规律。  相似文献   

少年铁饼运动员由于学习掷铁饼的时间短,且旋转掷铁饼的技术较难,不好掌握,投掷时会出现这样或那样的技术性错误,如不及早纠正就会形成错误的动力定型,影响运动成绩的提高。少年铁饼运动员旋转掷铁饼常犯的技术性错误及纠正可归纳如下:  相似文献   

铁饼是一项复杂的多轴性旋转投掷项目。其技术由若干个环节组成,旋转技术是主要环节之一。进入90年代以来,随着掷铁饼技术的不断完善,对旋转技术的认识进一步深化。目前国内此类研究较少,特别是对旋转技术力学的多层次分析尚未见到。文章采用文献资料法、技术摄影和图片分析法,以运动生物力学、理论力学及运动解剖学为理论依据,结合田径投掷技术理论,较为系统地对掷铁饼(以右手投掷为例)的旋转技术进行  相似文献   

近几年来,掷铁饼技术发展得很快,在背向旋转投掷的基础上,现在又出现了宽站立、低重心、大半径背向旋转投掷的技术。目前国内外优秀运动员都采用这种姿势,并取得了很好成绩。因为这种掷铁饼的方法,从开始旋转到铁饼掷出,铁饼运动路战长,其次能在较长的旋转过程中不断加大速度,更符合力学、人体解剖学的要求。下面介绍这种掷铁饼技术的旋转动作和最后用力部分。  相似文献   

掷铁饼技术可以分为四个阶段,即预摆阶段、旋转阶段、最后用力阶段和缓冲阶段。在预摆阶段,摆动动作开始,投掷者移动身体以便进入旋转阶段。在旋转阶段,加快铁饼的运行速度,身体下半部旋转并超过身体上半部以预先拉长最后用力的肌群。在最后用力阶段,创造附加速度,并使其在铁饼出手前转移到铁饼上。在缓冲阶段,投掷者应稳固支撑,避免犯规。  相似文献   

一、投掷过程中铁饼的运动投掷铁饼,多数是采用背对着投掷方向,用旋转前进的方法将铁饼投掷出去的。在铁饼出手之前,铁饼参与了两个运动:一是铁饼相对人体重心的相对运动;二是人体重心相对地面的牵连运动。因此,铁饼的出手速度即绝对速度便是相对速度和牵连速度的矢量合成,如图一所示。众所周知,出手速度对投掷的成绩至关重要,它与投掷距离的平方成正比。但怎样才能增大出手速度呢?长期以来,人们始终  相似文献   

一、研究目的掷铁饼是一项古老的田径投掷项目。掷铁饼技术经不断演变,成为由器械握持方法一预备姿式和摆饼—旋转—最后用力—铁饼掷出后的身体平衡五个部分组成的背向旋转掷铁饼技术。  相似文献   

本文采用三维录像解析法、Person相关分析等方法,以2007年全国田径锦标赛中孙太凤的5次有效投掷技术为研究对象,对孙太凤掷铁饼最后用力技术阶段的运动学参数与投掷成绩进行相关分析,结果显示:在左脚着地瞬间以及铁饼出手瞬间存在着与投掷成绩密切相关的运动学参数,同时,在最后用力的初始加速阶段、最后用力的最后加速阶段以及整个最后用力阶段也存在着与投掷成绩密切相关的运动学参数。  相似文献   

铁饼投掷技术是田径项目中较难掌握的技术之一,它主要靠人体逐渐加速的旋转带动铁饼获得尽可能大的角动量,从而以尽可能大的出手速度将铁饼掷出的田赛项目。由于它的旋转动作是由非周期性运动的各个技术环节构成,同时身体又是在高速旋转状态中完成一系列的连贯动作,掷铁饼技术是由旋转来完成对铁饼加速的,那么转动就必须要有转动轴,只有有了稳定和牢固的旋转轴才能使身体重心逐渐加速,才能控制住转动的方向。通过笔者对掷铁饼技术的理解,把铁饼的整个旋转过程看成是身体在围绕着四个转动轴旋转的过程。实际上学习掷铁饼技术也就是如何学习旋转的问题。只要是这四个旋转轴能很好地解决,就可以完全掌握旋转掷铁饼技术。但是在这四个旋转轴中的第三个旋转轴(最后用力时右脚落地轴)又是整个掷铁饼技术的关键,它起承上启下的作用,直接影响身体在第一、二个轴旋转中获得的加速度是否能有效地传递到第四个旋转轴(最后用力中左脚落地轴)。所以把围绕着如何使学生尽快地掌握第三个旋转轴技术就成为教学的关键。其次是第二个转动轴,它完成的好坏直接影响到第三个旋转轴完成的质量。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、影片解析法、问卷调查法和对比分析法,对6名运动员最好的一次投掷技术进行解析,对投掷过程中铁饼的运动学特征进行分析和讨论得出相应结论,认为6名运动员在心速度变化、旋转技术节奏、铁饼运行轨迹等方面各有其特点和不足。  相似文献   

运用近景动态立体摄像的方法 ,对我国优秀女子运动员完成旋转掷铁饼技术时的肩、髋、铁饼及人体重心的时空特征进行了三维分析。表明不同时空的肩、髋、铁饼及人体重心处于不同的位置 ,是与铁饼技术要求紧密相关的 ,破坏了各个时空中肩、髋、铁饼及人体重心的时空结构势必会影响掷铁饼技术、速度和最后的运动成绩 ;铁饼速度与人体重心速度的变化反映了旋转掷铁饼技术的节奏特征  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify associations between discus throwing performance and the technical parameters of: hip-shoulder and shoulder-arm separation, trunk forward-backward tilt, and throwing-arm elevation angles. Video data of male and female discus throwers' competitive performances were captured during major competitions. Real-life three-dimensional coordinates of 21 body landmarks, and the discus's centre, were obtained for 94 trials using the direct linear transformation procedure. Each technical parameter was reduced at six critical instants. The trend of each parameter across four standards of performance was analysed separately for both sexes. For the female throwers, hip-shoulder and shoulder-arm separations after the flight phase, as well as forward-backward trunk tilts at the beginning and end of the throwing procedure were associated with performance. For male throwers, only the hip-shoulder separation immediately before the flight phase was associated with performance. These findings suggest that the relationships between technical parameters and discus throwing performance are different for males and females. Our results suggest that elite female discus throwers are reliant on effective technique throughout the throwing procedure to achieve long distances, whereas male discus throwers may have a relatively homogeneous technique, and a dependence on physical strength to achieve their long throws.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify associations between discus throwing performance and the technical parameters of: hip–shoulder and shoulder–arm separation, trunk forward–backward tilt, and throwing-arm elevation angles. Video data of male and female discus throwers' competitive performances were captured during major competitions. Real-life three-dimensional coordinates of 21 body landmarks, and the discus's centre, were obtained for 94 trials using the direct linear transformation procedure. Each technical parameter was reduced at six critical instants. The trend of each parameter across four standards of performance was analysed separately for both sexes. For the female throwers, hip–shoulder and shoulder–arm separations after the flight phase, as well as forward–backward trunk tilts at the beginning and end of the throwing procedure were associated with performance. For male throwers, only the hip–shoulder separation immediately before the flight phase was associated with performance. These findings suggest that the relationships between technical parameters and discus throwing performance are different for males and females. Our results suggest that elite female discus throwers are reliant on effective technique throughout the throwing procedure to achieve long distances, whereas male discus throwers may have a relatively homogeneous technique, and a dependence on physical strength to achieve their long throws.  相似文献   

对我国优秀男子铁饼运动员投掷技术的运动学分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
佟贵锋 《体育科学》2000,20(1):47-50,54
通过对我国优秀男子铁饼运动员旋转掷铁饼技术的速度结构特征和动作结构特征的初步分析,发现我国男子铁饼运动员与国外优秀运动员的主要差距是双支撑起转阶段和旋转阶段铁饼的速度损失较大。腾空和过渡时间长、肩髋柔韧性差、最后用力时机晚等是影响我国运动员铁饼速度发挥的主要因素。  相似文献   

采用文献资料综合分析法,并结合多年田径教学与训练的实践和总结,对背向旋转掷铁饼技术的教学重点难点进行深入的研究后认为:其重点难点应根据铁饼技术的动作结构特点来确定,并对背向旋转掷铁饼的教学提出了建议,以飨广大体育工作者。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between discus throwing performance and the following technical parameters: hip–shoulder and shoulder–arm separation, trunk forward–backward tilt, throwing-arm elevation angles, and the absolute and relative throwing procedure phase times. Videographic data of 51 male and 53 female discus throwers' competitive performances were captured during major meets. The three-dimensional coordinates of 21 body landmarks and the discus were obtained for each thrower's best trial using direct linear transformation. The technical parameters were reduced from the three-dimensional data at six critical instants during the throwing procedure. Hierarchical stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed to determine the relative influence of linear combinations of the technical parameters on discus throwing performance. Specific techniques associated with linear combinations of certain technical parameters were identified using canonical correlations. Males and females were analysed separately. Suggestions for controlling the height of release and the vertical component of the speed of release using an effective technique are made.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between discus throwing performance and the following technical parameters: hip-shoulder and shoulder-arm separation, trunk forward-backward tilt, throwing-arm elevation angles, and the absolute and relative throwing procedure phase times. Videographic data of 51 male and 53 female discus throwers' competitive performances were captured during major meets. The three-dimensional coordinates of 21 body landmarks and the discus were obtained for each thrower's best trial using direct linear transformation. The technical parameters were reduced from the three-dimensional data at six critical instants during the throwing procedure. Hierarchical stepwise multiple regression analyses were performed to determine the relative influence of linear combinations of the technical parameters on discus throwing performance. Specific techniques associated with linear combinations of certain technical parameters were identified using canonical correlations. Males and females were analysed separately. Suggestions for controlling the height of release and the vertical component of the speed of release using an effective technique are made.  相似文献   

宋爱民是我国优秀的女子铁饼运动员之一,她的技术风格代表了我国优秀的女子铁饼运动员的技术特征,发挥了我国优秀女子铁饼运动员身材灵巧的特点。运用三维摄像法对宋爱民的完整技术进行分析,得出相关数据,并与国外优秀运动员进行对比分析。研究结果表明:在右脚着地到左脚着地阶段,宋爱民的技术特点表现出非常快的特点,投掷臂在旋转过程中不太稳定,造成了一部分速度的损失。  相似文献   

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