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牟玉梅  丁小燕 《体育科技》2010,31(3):138-142
从性别的角度,通过文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法及数理统计法分析民办高校大学生课外体育活动中存在的问题。结果:男、女生在锻炼动机方面存在显著性差异。男、女生在与同伴一起锻炼和班级组织活动方面存在显著性差异。男、女生在体育锻炼项目方面存在显著性差异。男、女生的锻炼时间和锻炼频次存在非常显著性差异,男生优于女生。影响学生体育锻炼的主要因素是没时间、没兴趣、场地少和没人组织。结论:民办高校场地器材缺乏限制了学生的体育参与,女生对场地、器材满意度低。组织力度欠佳,学生锻炼项目单一,课外体育活动参与率低于全国平均水平。男、女生课外体育锻炼相关指标均存在性别差异。  相似文献   

从个体与人际层面探讨大学生体育锻炼行为影响因素及交互关系。以浙江省5所高校1150名大学生为研究对象,采用体育锻炼等级、自我效能、行为态度、行为认知、教师支持以及同伴支持6个量表进行测试,利用结构方程模型对数据进行分析与建模,得到个体与人际水平的大学生体育锻炼行为促进模型。结果显示:锻炼自我效能是大学生体育锻炼行为促进的重要因素,人际水平中同伴支持能够对大学生的锻炼自我效能产生影响;同伴支持对大学生体育锻炼行为的影响大于教师支持,教师支持通过大学生体育锻炼认知与态度影响体育行为。研究认为,在针对大学生群体的体育锻炼行为促进中应关注同伴支持的重要作用,以及教师课堂教学质量的提高。  相似文献   

为了掌握我区青少年生长发育规律、了解各校学生发育水平,探讨青少年体育锻炼与生长发育、视力低下的关系,对我区26所小学12034名男女(其中男生6027名、女生6007名)学生进行了个体评价。资料来源:一九八五年五月,经过统一培训、统一标准、统一仪器、专人专项对全区26所学校7~12岁男女学生进行了疾病、发育和机能三方面的检查、测量的资  相似文献   

运用交叉滞后组设计探讨学校自然环境、人际环境与青少年体育锻炼三者间的因果关联,以及性别、学段在三者中的调节效应。采用学校自然环境量表、锻炼氛围量表和体育活动等级量表,对1091名青少年进行为期12周、两阶段纵向调查。结果显示:青少年体育锻炼的性别差异显著(男性优于女性),并且学校自然环境、人际环境以及体育锻炼的学段差异也显著(初中生各指标高于高中生);学校自然环境能单向预测体育锻炼和人际环境,体育锻炼能单向预测学校人际环境,即在学校自然环境与人际环境的影响链上,青少年体育锻炼具备中介作用且该效应存在学段差异。研究表明:学校自然环境、人际环境与青少年体育锻炼存在因果关系,其中,学校自然环境能通过促进青少年体育锻炼而间接提升人际环境,且该路径对初中生影响功效更大。  相似文献   

目的探讨体育锻炼对青少年学业表现的影响及其中介机制。方法利用中国教育追踪调查2013—2015年的数据,采用面板分层线性模型考察体育锻炼对青少年学业表现的影响,并通过结构方程模型和KHB法检验可能存在的中介机制。结果青少年每天的体育锻炼投入时间对其学业表现的影响呈倒U型曲线效应,每天体育锻炼时间45.6 min对学生文化课平均成绩的提升作用最大;多重中介效应分析结果显示,体育锻炼可通过降低负面情绪、增强同学间的互动、促进同学的积极行为、增强自信心等4种渠道提升青少年学业表现。结论结果支持了前人提出的“积极效应说”,并非体育锻炼时间最多或极力压缩体育锻炼时间对学业表现收益最大,每天坚持合适剂量运动对青少年学业表现的促进效应最优。青少年的心理健康因子、同学积极行为、同学关系、对自己未来的信心是体育锻炼影响学业表现的重要中介机制,青少年BMI、每天睡眠时间等生理健康的中介机制效应未得到统计验证。  相似文献   

通过文献资料调研及问卷调查等方法 ,对辽宁省普通高校大学生心理健康及参加体育锻炼状况进行分析。结果表明 :辽宁省普通高校大学生心理健康状况好于全国大学生同年龄组水平 ,男生相对好于女生 ,城市相对好于乡村。中等偏上运动量对男生有较好的心理健康效应 ,中等偏下运动量对女生有较好的心理健康效应 ,长期坚持中等运动量的体育锻炼有利于大学生心理健康水平的提高。  相似文献   

通过文献资料和问卷调查等方法,对重庆市12所普通高校大学生参加课外体育活动的动机、活动形式、锻炼时间、锻炼次数以及课外体育活动管理等方面进行了调查。结果表明:有91.5%的男生和94.9%的女生认为参加体育锻炼很重要;每一周参加课外体育活动2次的男生为50.4%,女生为41.8%;男生最喜爱的运动项目是足球,健美操是女生最喜爱的运动项目;学习压力大与场地器材是影响大学生参加体育锻炼的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨体育锻炼、自尊对青少年攻击行为之间的关系及自尊在两者间的中介作用。方法采用问卷对400名学生施测。结果 1)青少年体育锻炼强度处于较高水平,男生显著高于女生;青少年自尊处于中上等水平,攻击行为处于中下水平,且男女生都没有显著差异。2)体育锻炼与自尊呈正相关关系,与敌意呈负相关关系;自尊与攻击行为及各维度呈显著负相关。3)自尊在体育锻炼与敌意行为之间起完全中介作用。结论 1)青少年锻炼量总体较高;自尊水平处于中上水平,攻击行为处于中下水平。2)经常参加体育锻炼的青少年表现出更高的自尊水平,不经常参加锻炼的个体表现出更多的敌意行为,低自尊的青少年表现出更多的攻击行为。3)体育锻炼可以直接减少敌意的发生,还可以通过提高自尊来降低青少年敌意行为,从而减少攻击行为。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法等研究方法,对广东财经大学华商学院学生课外体育锻炼现状以及影响因素进行调查与分析。结果表明:男生每周参加体育锻炼次数多于女生;场地器材不足是影响学生课外体育锻炼主要因素;男女生参加体育锻炼所用时间差距较大;学生参加课外体育锻炼形式多样;男生体育锻炼的项目以篮球为主,女生以健美操为主;参加体育锻炼的目的是增强体质、娱乐身心;男女生对课外体育锻炼重要性的认识比例偏差大。针对大学生锻炼的现状并作出相应的研究对策,以及对大学生和学院领导在课外体育锻炼方面提出意见与建议作参考依据?  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生学习倦怠对自我效能感的影响,并研究体育锻炼的中介效应。选用大学生学习倦怠量表(LBUS)、中文版一般自我效能感量表(GSES)和体育活动等级量表(RARS-3)对778名大学生进行调查分析,结果显示:大学生具有较好的自我效能感,但是学习倦怠和体育锻炼情况不佳,在体育锻炼和自我效能两个变量中,男生和女生具有显著性差异,男生的体育锻炼情况和学习倦怠情况优于女生。学习倦怠和体育锻炼、自我效能感显著性负相关,体育锻炼和自我效能感显著正相关。回归结果显示,学习倦怠对自我效能感和体育锻炼的回归效应显著,学习倦怠在体育锻炼的基础上对自我效能感回归效果显著,体育锻炼属于部分中介效应,占总变量的7.00%。SEM模型拟合度适可,验证了体育锻炼在学习倦怠对自我效能感的影响中具有部分中介效应。  相似文献   

居家体育锻炼作为全民健身和终身体育的重要形式,是新冠肺炎疫情期间和特殊天气条件下大众的主要锻炼方式。通过对新冠肺炎疫情期间47所高校4 416名大学生居家体育锻炼情况的调查,分析了疫情期间大学生居家体育锻炼的行为,结果显示:(1)82.98%的大学生达不到每天锻炼一小时的标准,男生居家体育锻炼频率、强度、时长均显著高于女生,受疫情影响严重的华中地区大学生居家体育锻炼频率和时长均最低,力量练习、跑步、跳绳是大学生主要的居家体育锻炼项目;(2)大学生居家体育锻炼认知与行为之间存在正向相关关系,但知行不一的现象仍普遍存在;(3)内部动机是大学生居家体育锻炼的主要动机,外在因素是阻碍大学生居家体育锻炼的主要因素,学校体育教学、网络媒体、运动APP和公众号是大学生居家体育锻炼认知的主要途径,基于网络课堂的居家体育学习方式中,通过教学视频进行学习的效果最好,网络直播效果最差;(4)父母与子女间的居家体育锻炼行为具有较强的代际互动关系。建议建立基于网络平台的家校社联动机制,促进大学生居家体育锻炼可持续发展。  相似文献   

主要采用修订的"蒙汉"双语文字的《蒙古族大学生体育锻炼行为改变量表》进行问卷调查的方法,运用跨理论模型对蒙古族大学生体育锻炼行为改变进行了研究,对内蒙古自治区1 000名蒙古族大学生的体育锻炼行为改变进行了实测和统计分析。结果表明,蒙古族大学生锻炼行为有阶段性的特点,基本呈"橄榄球"型的分布特点。在体育锻炼行为上,自我释放和自我管理与5个变化阶段高度相关,意识控制因素与后3个变化阶段高度相关,并在准备阶段出现了影响因素重叠的情况。  相似文献   

Government and sport stakeholders, in the Australian context, are focused on increasing girls’ participation in sport. Sport organisations, particularly those who receive limited government funding and commercial revenue, experience challenges in recruiting and retaining adolescent girls. In this paper, a case study of table tennis delivery in one Australian state, is presented, with a focus on the issue of girls’ participation. Framed using Green’s (2005) normative theory of sport development, and drawing on physical activity participation literature, micro- and meso-level factors are examined. The focus is placed on girls’ experiences participating in the sport of table tennis and how delivery stakeholders find the process of recruiting and retaining girls in the sport. Interviews and focus groups reveal that a male-dominated culture, resource constraints, and a host of social influences, including peer and parental influences, and the absence of a social norm around girls’ participation, are hampering this sport’s capacity to recruit and retain adolescent females. Organisational commitment at state and national levels are necessary if table tennis is to target the issue of gender balance within its junior participation market.  相似文献   

The current study examined associations between physical education (PE) class enjoyment and sociodemographic, personal, and perceived school environment factors among early adolescent girls. Participants included 1,511 sixth-grade girls who completed baseline assessments for the Trial of Activity in Adolescent Girls, with 50% indicating they enjoyed PE class a lot. Variables positively associated with PE class enjoyment included physical activity level, perceived benefits of physical activity, self-efficacy for leisure time physical activity, and perceived school climate for girls' physical activity as influenced by teachers, while body mass index was inversely associated with PE class enjoyment. After adjusting for all variables in the model, PE class enjoyment was significantly greater in Blacks than in Whites. In model testing, with mutual adjustment for all variables, self-efficacy was the strongest correlate of PE class enjoyment, followed by perceived benefits, race/ethnicity, and teachers' support for girls' physical activity, as compared to boys, at school. The overall model explained 11% of the variance in PE class enjoyment. Findings suggest that efforts to enhance girls' self-efficacy and perceived benefits and to provide a supportive PE class environment that promotes gender equality can potentially increase PE class enjoyment among young girls.  相似文献   

Based on a socio-ecological framework for physical education (PE), this study explored and analysed the perspectives of physically active and inactive adolescent boys and girls with different socioeconomic status (SES), regarding the meanings that PE had on their physical activity (PA) lifestyles throughout childhood and adolescence. An interpretative and qualitative design was adopted and operationalised through an individual two-hours in-depth interview. Thematic analysis identified five main themes that distinguish active from inactive adolescents: ‘Early experiences of PE at primary school’; ‘PE experiences in middle and secondary school’; ‘Friendly, professional and pedagogue. That’s what I want from my PE teacher’; ‘Friends in PE and PA’; ‘Active lifestyles? Are schools and PE ready for making a difference?…’. Regardless of the lifestyle, girls revealed more PE negative experiences, related to uninteresting and competitive activities, groups’ constitution and logistic factors. SES played a major role on their PA and PE experiences, with low SES adolescents having limited opportunities inclusively within the primary school PE context. This study provides evidence for the importance of promoting positive PE and PA experiences in early years. Based on adolescents’ voices, several recommendations are discussed that can be considered for improving PE professionals’ effectiveness in promoting active lifestyles.  相似文献   

Little is known about population-level contributions of school physical education to overall physical activity (PA) in youth. Because PA levels are lower in girls than boys, it is particularly important that the effects of PE programs in adolescent girls be understood. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the association of enrollment in physical education and overall physical activity participation in adolescent girls. A measurement protocol was administered to cross-sectional samples of 8th-, 9th-, and 12th-grade girls participating in a school-based PA intervention study (1998–2003). PA was assessed with the 3-Day Physical Activity Recall. Three-way analyses of variance were performed to compare groups formed on the basis of physical education enrollment. For each grade group of girls, those who were enrolled in physical education reported more moderate-to-vigorous PA and more vigorous PA than nonenrolled girls. When activity in physical education classes was deleted, 8th-and 9th-grade physical education enrollees were not more active than nonenrollees; however, 12th-grade physical education enrollees remained more active than nonenrollees. Girls who were enrolled in physical education were more physically active than nonenrolled girls in all three grade levels. These findings suggest that expanded enrollment in physical education may increase American adolescent girls' PA level.  相似文献   

郭强 《浙江体育科学》2012,34(4):76-80,111
采用问卷调查法和访谈法,对当前大学生的锻炼行为和锻炼消费特征进行了调查。结果发现:①在锻炼行为方面,男生每周锻炼1~2次的人数比例最高,占33.3%;女生偶尔参加锻炼的人数比例最高,为36.1%。45.0%的男生每次锻炼时间在31~60min;55.5%的女生每次锻炼时间在30min以内。32.4%的男生已经坚持锻炼了1~6个月;52.7%的女生坚持锻炼的时间不足1个月。以上3方面,男女生之间均存在非常显著的性别差异。②友伴锻炼和单独锻炼是大学生主要的锻炼参与方式;65.7%的男生会将大球类作为锻炼项目,49.8%的女生则喜欢跑步锻炼;选择下午课外时间锻炼的男生人数比例最高,为37.0%;选择晚上时间锻炼的女生比例最高,为27.3%;多数人选择校内室外体育场地进行锻炼,人数比例高达57.7%。③69.4%的大学生年体育消费额在100元以内;大学生的体育消费主要用于购买运动服装、小器械等物化的体育用品。④从主观总体而言,学业压力大空闲时间少、没有喜欢的锻炼项目、锻炼场所拥挤不方便、锻炼相关知识掌握少、怕累及从众心理等是大学生不良锻炼行为的主要原因。  相似文献   

Little is known about population-level contributions of school physical education to overall physical activity (PA) in youth. Because PA levels are lower in girls than boys, it is particularly important that the effects of PE programs in adolescent girls be understood. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the association of enrollment in physical education and overall physical activity participation in adolescent girls. A measurement protocol was administered to cross-sectional samples of 8th-, 9th-, and 12th-grade girls participating in a school-based PA intervention study (1998-2003). PA was assessed with the 3-Day Physical Activity Recall. Three-way analyses of variance were performed to compare groups formed on the basis of physical education enrollment. For each grade group of girls, those who were enrolled in physical education reported more moderate-to-vigorous PA and more vigorous PA than nonenrolled girls. When activity in physical education classes was deleted, 8th- and 9th-grade physical education enrollees were not more active than nonenrollees; however, 12th-grade physical education enrollees remained more active than nonenrollees. Girls who were enrolled in physical education were more physically active than nonenrolled girls in all three grade levels. These findings suggest that expanded enrollment in physical education may increase American adolescent girls' PA level.  相似文献   

对本市四所高校大学生体育锻炼的现状进行调查,结果表明大学生对有氧运动概念完全了解的占35.57%,其中男女生各为42.67%与18.23%,差异有统计学意义.体育锻炼动机男生排前三位的是:强身健体、喜欢、业余时间的休闲娱乐.女生排前三位的是:业余时间的休闲娱乐、喜欢、强身健体.超过70%男生的体育锻练行为达到有氧锻炼的状态,而女生只有50%的达到,男女生的差异有统计学意义.所以高校应采取各种有效措施,加强对学生的体育教育和体育促进,使每一个学生都参与到体育锻练中,以提高身体健康水平.  相似文献   

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