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斯滕伯格的成功智力理论克服了传统智力观念在认识上的局限,使人们能够以全新的视角来理解学生的发展。这一理论对当代学校德育也有着重要的启示:德育目标的确立应以培养创新人格为最终目的,德育内容的选择应满足学生对自身道德发展的内在需要,德育方法的运用应注重以情境体验为主,德育评价应向综合性、过程性和发展性方向发展。  相似文献   

审美—逻辑教学模式是一种将德育与美育有机结合的全新教学思想理论和操作模式,其最突出的特点是不仅强调教学要素的外在形式美,更追求教学要素之间的内在逻辑美,是形式美和逻辑美的和谐统一。在高校思想政治理论课教学过程中,灵活运用审美—逻辑教学模式,通过精心设计、审美转化和应用实施等环节,可大大提高学生的学习兴趣,实现提高教学实效之目的。  相似文献   

“以德治国”思想是对马克思主义理论的创新和治国思想发展的内在要求,是对历史经验的科学批判与总结,是提高综合国力,促进国家快速发展的必然选择。在新的历史条件下,高校肩负着培养跨世纪高素质人才的重任,高校德育应全面贯彻“以德治国”思想,用“以德治国”思想作指导,浓化德育氛围,净化德育环境,优化德育内容,深化德育改革,强化德育管理,量化德育绩效,提高青年学生的思想素质,使之成为德、智、体、美全面发展的高素质人才。  相似文献   

思想政治学科就其本质而言,是一门智育与德育内在统一显性的德育课程。德育,即对学生进行政治思想道德和心理品质教育,思想政治课所传授的德育知识和有关的社会科学知识,是人类知识的组成部分。传播这些知识的过程,是从一个侧面启迪学生思路,增长学生见识,提高学生观察和分析问题能力的德育过程。思想政治课内容体现了对学生比较系统的德育知识的教育,其直接的功能是要提高学生的道德水准和思想政治觉悟。思想政治课德育功能和智育功能是内在统一于教学过程之中的。那么,在思想政治课教学中,如何更好地发挥其德育功能呢?一、课堂教学是思想…  相似文献   

花美林 《考试周刊》2014,(31):115-116
素质教育,德育为先。加强中学生的思想品德教育是当务之急,体育教师应责无旁贷地在课堂中渗透思想品德教育。体育教师是教学教育过程中最活跃和最重要的主体因素,不仅担负向学生传授知识和发展智力的任务,还担负培养思想品德的职责。体育教学德育渗透是科学性和艺术性的统一。因此,教师在教学过程中应有的放矢地根据教学内容和学生生理、心理特点,加强德育渗透,全面实现体育教学目标。本文探讨了初中体育教学中渗透德育的途径。  相似文献   

高校德育课在提高大学生思想政治素质、培养优良的道德品质方面起到了一定的作用 ,但在时效性方面还不尽如人意。经过多年的教学实践 ,笔者认为 ,高校德育课应转变教育观念 ,在教学目的、教学内容、教学过程和教学方法上下大力气 ,从培养学生出发 ,发挥学生在德育过程中的主导性 ,引导学生学会思考、学会学习 ,使“德育”真正落到实处。  相似文献   

有效的德育过程是道德主体生成的过程。高校德育课堂能否走向主体性是提高大学生课堂德育实效性的关键问题。高校德育课堂要有效地展开“对话”从而实现主体性的德育,从外部途径看,应突出真实性任务教学、强调学习共同体构建和重视过程性评价实施。真诚、协商和等待则是高校德育课堂实现主体性的三个内在条件。  相似文献   

把握高校学风建设的几个环节   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在高校中 ,学风是校风的核心和归宿。营造一个优良的学风氛围 ,是培养面向新世纪全面发展的人的需要。这里就高校学风建设中应把握的几个问题进行一下探讨。一、高校德育 :大学生知识学习的内在动力在高校的学风建设中德育起着重要的作用 ,是学生知识学习的强大内在动力 ,对学生的知识学习具有巨大的推动和促进作用。知识学习可以促进学生思想道德品质的培养 ,反过来 ,德育又是学生知识学习的重要保证和思想动力所在。德育对大学生知识学习的促进作用 ,主要表现在它所培养的人的理想、信念、情感、意志等非智力因素主要是知识学习的作用。智…  相似文献   

高校教学管理体系的建立促进了教学质量,而德育的构建完善了教学环节并体现了以学生为本的德育理念。在教学管理过程中高校应注重学生的思想政治素质的培养,将"育人"与"育才"放在同等的高度和地位,全面促进人的"和谐发展",拓宽大学生的德育的途径,积极建设先进的校园文化和优化大学校园的德育环境,努力实现高校的德育的立体式发展。  相似文献   

黄长浩 《考试周刊》2011,(31):180-181
高校是学生德育的主阵地和主渠道,高校德育的任务是向学生传授道德理论,从而指导自身道德行为,做到知行统一。但在现实中一些大学生"知而不行"、"知而错行",与德育目标完全背离。本文指出高校德育工作应落实在学生个体的品德形成和发展,既要着眼于道德认知的形成和发展,更要重视道德实践的锻炼和深化,从而实现知行的真正统一。  相似文献   

This paper, which is particularly centered on the student’s learning process, is the first half of a detailed study of selectivity in Whitehead’s philosophy of education. Here, by setting forth the analogy between the creative process exhibited in Whitehead’s Theory of Prehensions and the learning process through an interpretation of the term, ‘prehending subject’ as ’learner,’ I argue that selectivity, via ‘negative prehensions,’ is the efficient motive power at work in the process of learning. Various concrete classroom examples of selectivity are alluded to, which lend support to this thesis. With clues from the Aims of Education, by reading the theory of prehensions with some conceptual modifications made for the purposes of education, I present the perspective that, as one side of a logical contrast, Whitehead’s theory of prehensions can be said to be conducive to a critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

Whitehead's well-known three stages's theory of any educational process (romance, precision, generalisation) should be revisited in the light of E. Weil's moral philosophy so that the pupil could develop a sense of responsibility towards the totality of the human beings, rather than a speculative or esthetic sense of the totality of the world. Consequently, reflecting about Whitehead's cosmology could prepare the construction of a renewed educational pattern.  相似文献   

现代教学论的生成发展,必须解决研究方法论问题。通过借鉴怀特海过程哲学所提供的方法论启示,在对主流教学论批判分析基础上,提出了对现代教学论生成发展的研究范式的几点思考。  相似文献   

In this second article on the rhythm of the university, I concentrate on Alfred North Whitehead's theory of a distinctive rhythm of research. The narrow assumptions of 17th century science, which still comprise the dominant paradigm for a good deal of university research, emanate from "the Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness" and result in "quite unbelievable" abstractions that continue to hold sway over the university as a whole. What is needed is an aesthetic appreciation, grounded in our concrete experience of nature, that enables researchers to recognize our organic connections with the world. In particular, the bodily feelings at the base and forefront of our experience constitute a "vectoral" energetic flow from the universe to our bodies that must be recognized in all research. Fortunately, prominent researchers in diverse disciplines - physics, chemistry, philosophy, theology, economics, and the philosophy of economics - are now using this Whiteheadian paradigm and demonstrating its value to the research community as a whole. In conclusion, Whitehead's theory of the university knits together teaching, learning, administering, and research into a seamless web capable of restoring balance to the postmodern university.  相似文献   

怀特海有机哲学影响深远,其方法论为我们建构现代教学理论提供了全新认识。理想教学理论的建构要在做好前期的收集工作的基础上,恰当地预设逻辑起点,以教学现象的解释和预测为价值取向,努力追求理论本身的内在一致性和逻辑上的完满,在保持理论的开放性中不断完善或重建教学理论。  相似文献   

怀特海过程哲学影响深远,其方法论为课程论研究提供了深刻的洞见和全新的认识.根植于过程哲学视野,未来课程论研究需要构筑“元叙事”,预设基于“存有原则”的逻辑起点,借助“想象的理性化”的研究方法,秉承过程性的研究思维方式.  相似文献   

Pete A.Y. Gunter 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):211-223
The organizers of this conference have given me a difficult task: that of finding heretofore unfound implications of Whitehead's philosophy for environmental thought. The task is not difficult because implications of Whitehead's philosophy for environmental thought are hard to find. They are easy to find. The problem is that so many people have found them that finding something new to say is not easy.In what follows, however, some new implications are actually ferreted out. They fall under three headings: a) the interrelations between three ways of thinking about the environment: bioregionalism, land ethics, and the philosophy of organism; b) the implications of Whitehead's philosophy of organism for environmental aesthetics; and c) the implications of Whitehead's philosophy of organism for human communities (sustainable communities) viewed as interfused with living nature.  相似文献   

Mark Flynn 《Interchange》1995,26(4):365-381
In this paper I analyse the concept of emotion on Jean Piaget's theory of development and Alfred North Whitehead's theory of growth. For Piaget, emotion is the motivating force of action emanating from outside the individual in the form of sensations emitted by objects. His view is rooted in the Newtonian conception of a universe comprised of isolated objects requiring an emotive force to initiate a series of mechanistic interactions between objects. Piaget reduces all conscious human experience to a cognitive formulation of these causal relations. His abstract concept of emotion as force fails to explain the relationship between bodily feelings, emotions, and higher forms of consciousness in human beings. Conversely, Whitehead explains that emotions are the crucial mediating factors between the welter of awareness of these feelings in higher organisms. His view is consistent with the new physics and its emphasis on indeterminacy, energy, and the organic relationship among events. Whitehead's concrete concept of emotion gives insight into the experience of bodily feelings and their relationship to the growth and learning of human beings. The implications of these conflicting views of emotion for psychology and education are clear. Psychologists must avoid the reductionist tendencies illustrated in Piaget's theory if they hope to understand the subtleties of human experience. Failing to do this will lead them to a concept of human growth and learning in which ideas have no internal relationship with the experience of the knower. Such a conception distorts our understanding of human beings and ignores the joy of knowing.  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles examining Alfred North Whitehead's notion of the rhythm of the university. Here, I concentrate on the rhythm of teaching and learning, the importance of academic freedom to an imaginative faculty, and the relationship between Whitehead's own pedagogy and his considerable administrative practice. My purpose is to show how his views enlarge our understanding of universities today.  相似文献   

Elspeth Crawford 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):159-177
The idea of comparing Whitehead with Bion was born when I first met Whitehead's idea, "the fallacy of misplaced concreteness" (FMC), and felt immediately that I knew it from my knowledge of Bion's work. The paper begins by indicating some of the elements in Alfred North Whitehead's "process philosophy." There is a brief survey of object relations theory, particularly Kleinian psychodynamics, as introduction to the aspect of Wilfred Bion's work which explored the nature of thought. The unconscious processes he named "truth" and "lie" in thinking are identified. Comparison between these two thinkers begins from common ground, the notions of process, fallacious or truthful, in thought, and looks at the differences of perspective each brought to the problems of methodology in thinking. It is shown that each accepts that "true" thought is open to query and interrogation, and that it is not possible to know whether or not a particular thought is "true," as conscious thought cannot access primary undistorted perception of an objective world. A claim is made that a particular conscious discipline in mental awareness, akin to the use of countertransference in psychodynamic thought, will however increase the probability that a thought process is "thinking truly" rather than thinking in a fallacious way.  相似文献   

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