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姜振江 《职业圈》2008,(11):64-65
人才流动,从社会角度看,是必然趋势,市场经济需要人才流动。但从企业角度看,人才的流失对于稳定职工队伍,实现企业目标,将产生不利影响。由此产生的弊端成为国有企业管理者最棘手的难题,文章将从所在单位人才流失现状及原因分析入手,探讨留住人才的对策。  相似文献   

人才流动,从社会角度看,是必然趋势,市场经济需要人才流动.但从企业角度看,人才的流失对于稳定职工队伍,实现企业目标,将产生不利影响.由此产生的弊端成为国有企业管理者最棘手的难题,文章将从所在单位人才流失现状及原因分析入手,探讨留住人才的对策.  相似文献   

人才资源是国企第一资源,培育人才是国企领导的重要职责.文章认为在目前人才流动频繁的环境下,国企领导加强人才建设对企业发展具有一定的现实指导意义.  相似文献   

当前形势下,人才市场的流动活跃,人才流动已成了市场经济的常态。人才流失对单位来说是一个双倍的损失,因为不仅削弱了自己的力量,更强化竞争对手的力量,流失人才管理在人力资源管理中具有非常重要的地位。近年来地勘单位人才流失现象普遍存在,必须引起我们的高度重视,现结合本单位近年来人才流失情况对这一现象的影响及形成的原因做简单的分析。  相似文献   

冯光涛 《职业圈》2012,(23):150-150
近几年来,国有企业大量高素质人才流动到私营企业,形成单方面的人才流动即人力资本流失,给企业带来巨大损失,制约了国有企业的发展:  相似文献   

林婕  罗毅  吴鹏 《现代企业文化》2023,(29):152-155
学习发展体系可让员工快速从新手成长为熟手,对员工学习发展具有导航作用,而基于员工全职业生涯发展路径的学习发展体系优化升级是企业人才发展路径“全职涯”、培训对象“全覆盖”、培训资源“全要素”、培养跟踪“全过程”的人才培养蓝图,能为企业战略发展及转型提供强有力的人才支撑。  相似文献   

21世纪是法商结合的时代。在我们身处的这个商业竞争激烈的社会里,商业行为离不开法律的应用和规范,法律也寸步不离地在影响着商业行为。基于现代社会对人才的这种需求,  相似文献   

高忠悦 《文化学刊》2008,(4):121-124
在当今法学研究领域,许多研究者都是把法律问题当作一个纯粹的逻辑和规范命题,研究怎么样去制定一个逻辑严谨、内部条文无矛盾、具有安定性的法律体系,把研究的重点放在法律的规范层面上。实际上,法律文化的建设,即法律如何与国民文化相融合、法律的实际效力如何等社会学方面的问题,人们很少研究。  相似文献   

彭斌  季长敏 《职业圈》2012,(35):131-131
一、中西法律文化冲突之缘由法律文化的冲突是不同性质的法律文化之间存在的内在矛盾反映和表现。任何一种法律文化,都有其产生、形成、发展的社会历史条件和地域的民族的土壤,因而形成不同的法律文化类型和模式。各种法律文化体系所内涵的价值观念,  相似文献   

曹洋 《文化学刊》2009,(2):59-62
流行音乐经过百余年的发展、变异,已经形成自己生存、成长、繁衍的体系和独特的教育规律,再用其他体系、理念来约束是行不通的。我们需要适合流行音乐教学规律的教学方法来保证流行音乐人才的培养,因此就要在流行音乐教育导向、教学方法、教材建设上加大改革力度,保证流行音乐高等教育科学、系统、规范、实用,真正建立起一个完善的、具有新思维、新观念、与本土音乐结合紧密的音乐教育体系。  相似文献   


Value Added Modeling (VAM) is a statistical technology used to evaluate teacher effectiveness. While it was heralded for years as the next big innovation in education reform, VAM has become an object of legal scrutiny since it was implemented in dozens of states across the U.S. Building on STS findings about science and the law, this paper considers the lawsuits involving VAM as an opportunity to analyze the contestation of expertise in court. It finds that not only is there a great deal of variation in terms of how expertise gets constructed in legal settings, leading to very different outcomes, but also that judges’ assessments of VAM are conducted such that they are implicitly adjudicating what constitutes proper science. Contrary to the idea that judges conform to criteria for evaluating expertise imposed by the scientific community limiting themselves to the inclusion or exclusion of expertise, in the case of VAM the legal system is asserting its own vision of how science should operate and thus making judgments about what counts authentically as science.  相似文献   

Intellectual property and optimal copyright protection   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Copyright protection, or more generally, intellectual property rights, can be regarded as a means for the stimulation of production of information goods. This paper analyses the basic problem of production and dissemination of information and the role of copyright protection as an incentive for the producers of creative works. Using a simple model, it is shown that not only a cause for limiting the extent of copyright protection does exist, but that also an argument for a minimum level of protection can be found. Even optimal copyright protection, given the restriction that production and dissemination of information goods has to be co-ordinated by a market mechanism, however, does not lead to a first-best (allocatively efficient) solution. Hence, the judgment that copyright protection is the best solution to the basic problem can be grounded only on a comparative institutional approach.Indeed, one has ample reason to despair of finding a legal tenet that governs the rights of authors and artists. There exists no legal principle by which the state is forced to grant to authors a right in their creation. They cannot claim any right thereupon. This is not to say that the state shall not award such a right. On the contrary, there is every reason to treat them like the most favoured workers, as they deliver a work that is more robust than ashlar, and bring food that does not decay...  相似文献   

In the New South Africa, as in other developing countries, the equitable distribution of public resources is a priority. The case for public support of the arts is thus difficult to make because it has been shown and borne out by South African research, that arts audiences tend to represent the better educated, more prosperous minority of society, not the majority of the very poor, mainly African-origin population. Using data from willingness to pay studies conducted at two South African arts festivals, this paper shows that, when the positive externalities provided by the arts are included in their valuation, it can be shown that both high and low income earners benefit. However, as suggested by Seaman (2003), it is also found that some of what the WTP figure is capturing is current and expected future economic benefit from the event.  相似文献   

In its emphasis on the legal technicalities this article is concerned with materiality of financial markets – a key theme in social studies of finance. The paper insists on the importance of local legal culture by articulating this concept in distinction to politics. Focusing on the Amendment to Article 1062 of the Russian Civil Code concerning an important class of financial products – cash-settled currency derivatives – it synthesises the insights of actor-network theory and finitism, and argues that local legal culture is a composite of both distributed agencies and interpretative acts.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the issue of whether international copyright legislation is effective in curbing audio software counterfeiting. The paper finds that copyright conventions have not been effective in reducing audio counterfeiting to comparatively low levels. This result holds even when allowances are made for the duration of copyright convention membership and the specificity of the articles of the convention. Economic development is found to be the main determinant of low counterfeit levels. This would tend to support anecdotal evidence which indicates that economic development is a necessary condition for the active recognition of audio property rights by the general public, judiciary and police. It is also consistent with a view that pirate audio software, being an inferior good, has a more buoyant market in less developed economies. From a policy perspective the research would seem to suggest that the extensive efforts and copious attention to detail by legal experts has made little impact on counterfeit activity and is secondary in importance to the socio-economic environment in which these laws are being applied.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that one of the key ways in which economics and cognate calculative discourses and practices ‘perform’ the economy is through the drawing of conceptual boundaries between economic activities and entities of various sorts. One such boundary is the boundary between markets. This article shows that a critical contemporary arena for the differentiation of one product or service market from another is competition (or antitrust) law, which, through its work of market definition, seeks to identify the boundaries of competition: the location of the borders between meaningful economic spaces within which buyers and sellers encounter one another and establish prices. The article argues that in envisioning markets (‘the law's markets’), competition law simultaneously constitutes markets, and it demonstrates this through an empirical examination of the exercise of such law in three economic sectors: insurance, grocery retailing, and pay-television. It also shows, however, that competition law is perennially dogged by conflict – both over the placement of such conceptual boundaries, and over the very process of placement and the status of the market boundary itself – and that its application and effects can only be understood in this light.  相似文献   

The theory of institutional isomorphism has been criticized for overemphasizing organizational convergence and neglecting organizational divergence. Drawing on a range of empirical data, this paper shows that multi-dimensional accounts of isomorphic change are not necessarily incompatible with accounts emphasizing divergence as a typical form of organizational response to environmental uncertainties. The specific case investigated is the proliferation of academic organizational units teaching law at Australian universities over a ten-year period (1987–1996) that saw far-reaching structural transformations of the Australian university system. The key heuristic strategy employed in this paper is to scrutinize (a) when isomorphic responses appear to occur, and (b) which specific organizational form they take. In the empirical case examined, scrutiny of each of these dimensions strongly suggests that at least some isomorphic responses of universities were driven by a dual agenda of manifesting not only similarity but also distinction.  相似文献   

Gläser  Jochen  Ash  Mitchell  Buenstorf  Guido  Hopf  David  Hubenschmid  Lara  Janßen  Melike  Laudel  Grit  Schimank  Uwe  Stoll  Marlene  Wilholt  Torsten  Zechlin  Lothar  Lieb  Klaus 《Minerva》2022,60(1):105-138
Minerva - The independence of research is a key strategic issue of modern societies. Dealing with it appropriately poses legal, economic, political, social and cultural problems for society, which...  相似文献   

How one copy of a film or a single is made illegal, while its identical twin is treated as legitimate? By drawing from the material collected in Russia on the illegal copying and distribution of video and musical contents, this paper moves beyond the definition of media piracy in legal terms, and instead examines practices of copying, the properties of copies, and the motivations that drive their circulation, color laws and their continuous application. It approaches the copy not as an isolated, individual unit but part of an assemblage, and demonstrates the existence of a specific culture of circulation which brings together its diverse components as one ‘catchment’. In Russia, the legal and pirate media markets do not stand in opposition to one another but co-exist and even enable each other. Media goods have social value that extends beyond commercial, and which is strongly associated with the cultural reproduction of audiences who are cosmopolitan in character and partake in the transnational circuits of culture. Finally, the very definition of what is ‘legal’ in Russian is an outcome of the unstable process of authentication in which experts test, guess and create material trails of evidence to stabilize elusive digital substances. On the basis of these findings, the paper problematizes the social imaginary around the digital copy and with it, the widely circulating notion of ‘piracy’.  相似文献   

江苏13座城市入选国家历史文化名城,体现了该地区深厚的文化历史积淀和优秀的城市精神内涵。地方立法作为一种法律保障,对加强历史名城保护、弘扬优秀传统文化、约束各类破坏行为起到重要作用。对江苏10座地级市的名城保护地方立法发展进行梳理,对各市立法名称、目的、体例、保护对象、保护措施、法律责任进行比较研究,提出修订和新增相关立法时可采用的思路和建议,可为丰富名城保护法治理论提供参考。  相似文献   

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