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情感是人类经验的重要组成部分,其在语言中的表达很大程度上是通过隐喻实现的。情感隐喻的形成主要是以人的体验为基础。为进一步探讨情感隐喻的体验性,以英汉两种语言中人类四种基本消极情感隐喻表达为研究对象,对英汉"悲伤"、"愤怒"、"恐惧"、"焦虑"情感隐喻从共性和个性差异方面进行了系统的认知对比,探讨其体验基础,进而挖掘其内在的体验哲学根基及文化动因。  相似文献   

情感隐喻是指与喜悦、悲伤、愤怒、恐惧等情感相关的隐喻概念。本文旨在从隐喻的视角来找到情感隐喻化过程的特点,应用互动理论、映射理论、合成理论探究诗歌中的情感隐喻,并通过实例赏析诗歌中的情感体验。对诗歌中的情感隐喻的解读有助于人们进一步了解情感隐喻的实质,同时也有利于理解情感隐喻这种语言现象。  相似文献   

情感隐喻本质上是一种认知现象,它深深地植根于人类的语言、思维和文化中。理解隐喻不能脱离所处的文化背景。本文试图将人类最基本的情感之一"爱情"作为研究对象,对英汉两种语言中的情感隐喻认知的共性和个性进行对比分析,讨论了情感隐喻认知在文化教学中的重要作用。  相似文献   

李效宁 《考试周刊》2009,(13):36-37
很久以来,人们就认识到了隐喻在人类交际和认知活动中的重要作用,隐喻作为一种普遍的语言现象,在各种语言中都有所体现,而情感这一抽象的概念常常是用隐喻来表达的。英汉两种语言中都有大量表达情感的隐喻,这些情感隐喻存在着一定的共性,这源于人类相同的生理特征和情感体验。本文也借鉴了Lakoff和Johnson对隐喻所提出的新观点并从认知的角度探讨了情感隐喻的一些问题。  相似文献   

李煜后期词作主要是其从一国之君到亡国之奴后的心理写照。在其后期词作中惆怅和悲伤贯穿始终,而这两种情感又是人类经验中很重要的方面。根据认知语言学的观点,在组织抽象情感时,人们习惯于根据自身的人体感知来对情感进行隐喻式的表达。从认知语言学的角度来对李煜后期词作中的隐喻进行解读,将有利于我们更加深刻地理解李煜后期词作的情感以及人类思想的语言体现。  相似文献   

隐喻,作为认知语言学中的一个重要方面,在人们的日常生活中无处不在.而情感隐喻在古代诗词中也占有重要的地位.本文在现代认知隐喻理论的框架下基于数首李清照的词及许渊冲教授的英译本中的几种情感隐喻进行了对比研究,结果发现英汉两种语言情感隐喻的不同表达方式;从词中的情感隐喻及其翻译不难看出中英情感隐喻不同的文化内涵.  相似文献   

沈婕 《考试周刊》2014,(72):33-34
情感是人类生活中必不可少的部分。但是其作为一种抽象的经验,人们只能够感知,很难用具体的语言描述这种感觉,只能借助隐喻这一工具,将意会的东西予以言传。心理学上将人的基本情感分为恐惧、悲伤、愤怒和喜悦,也可将其归为两大类——消极情感和积极情感。本文从概念隐喻的角度,对比分析英汉语中对积极情感的隐喻表达及产生的原因。  相似文献   

情感是人类经验的重要组成部分,在语言中。人的抽象情感在很大程度上是通过建立在人体感知基础上的隐喻表达的。本文以味觉形容词的隐喻表达作为研究对象.对英汉两种日常语言中的有关这两个形容词的情感隐喻认知在共性和个性差异方面进行了系统的对比分析和论述。并得出了两种文化差异产生的深层次原因.  相似文献   

张丽 《考试周刊》2014,(20):20-21
情感是人类经验的重要组成部分,在语言中,人的抽象情感在很大程度上是通过建立在人体感知基础上的隐喻表达的。为了帮助人们进一步了解情感隐喻的实质,本文以味觉形容词的隐喻表达为研究对象,对英汉两种日常语言中的有关味觉形容词的情感隐喻认知在共性和个性差异方面进行了系统的对比分析。  相似文献   

文化模式中愤怒隐喻的解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本将英汉两种语言中的情感隐喻进行对比分析,具体的研究对象是表愤怒的情感隐喻。这两种语言都遵循同样的原则:都是以描述由这种情感所产生的生理反应来表达这种情感。但是在选择具体由哪种隐喻来表达情感又有不同,而这是由这个国家的化模式所决定的。因此,隐喻既是建立在身体经验的基础上又受到化模式的影响。  相似文献   

在很大程度上,人的情感是通过建立在感知基础上的隐喻表达的。习语是语言和文化的重要组成部分,所以人类普遍的隐喻思维不可避免地反映在习语中。文章着重从认知角度分析了英语习语中“愤怒”这一人类基本情感的隐喻表达,以便更好地帮助英语学习者了解情感隐喻的实质,同时也为习语学习提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

For twenty years, scholars have contested Burke's argument—originally offered at an Eastern Communication Association convention — that dramatism is ontological and literal. These Burkean scholars have instead emphasized dramatism as epistemological and metaphorical. In this essay, I reread this dispute in support of Burke's position. I conclude that this debate contains two separate claims by Burke: (1) dramatism is ontological, and not epistemological, because it begins with language as action, not representation; and (2) this starting‐point can claim a privileged (literal) status because it offers the most complete approach to its topic. Through this interpretation of the debate, I make a case for a rehabilitated (and ontologically‐grounded) notion of literality—and sketch its implications for contemporary rhetorical theory.  相似文献   

e‐Learning is becoming an increasingly popular educational paradigm because of the rapid growth of the Internet. Recent studies have argued that affective modelling (ie, considering a learner's emotional or motivational state) should also be considered while designing learning activities. Many studies indicated that various learning emotions markedly impact learning outcomes. In the language education field, many studies have investigated anxiety associated with learning a second language, noting that anxiety has an adverse effect on the performance of those speaking English as a second language. Therefore, how to reduce anxiety associated with learning a second language to increase learning performance is an important research issue in the language education field. Accordingly, this study employed a sensor, signal processing, wireless communication, system‐on‐chip and machine‐learning techniques in developing an embedded human emotion recognition system based on human pulse signals for detecting three human emotions—nervousness, peace and joy—to help teachers reduce language‐learning anxiety of individual learners in a web‐based one‐to‐one synchronous learning environment. The accuracy rate of the proposed emotion recognition model evaluated by cross‐validation is as high as 79.7136% when filtering out human pulse signals that have bias. Moreover, this study applied the embedded emotion recognition system to assist instructor's teaching in a synchronous English conversation environment by immediately reporting variations in individual learner emotions to the teacher during learning. In this instructional experiment, the teacher can give appropriate learning assistance or guidance based on the emotion states of individual learners. Experimental results indicate that the proposed embedded human emotion recognition system is helpful in reducing language‐based anxiety, thus promoting instruction effectiveness in English conversation classes.  相似文献   

以体验哲学和原型范畴化理论为指导,对英汉"恐惧"进行了认知原型分析。首先提出英汉"恐惧"这一情感概念是在人类相同的或不同的认知体验之上演变而来,具有相同和不同的认知原型。然后对其进行了认知解读,得出:英汉情感概念"恐惧"是以人类身体体验为基础,以原型为认知参照点,利用家族相似性,通过隐喻认知机制而逐步形成的。  相似文献   

隐喻思维与外语教学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据认知语言学对隐喻研究的成果,可以从四个方面探讨隐喻概念对外语教学的影响,即隐喻思维与语言信息的内化,隐喻概念与英语同义结构的辨析,隐喻表达的文化内涵,隐喻思维与教学理念的更新。这表明隐喻不仅仅是一种语言的修饰手段,更是人们思维和认知的工具,在语言教学中具有很强的实用意义。  相似文献   

英语中大量存在以隐喻形式存在的情感表达,而情感表达是大学英语教学中的难点。对大学英语课本中出现的大量情感隐喻表达进行认知语言学分析,探索其工作机制,将隐喻引入大学英语的词汇教学中,有助于学生掌握隐喻类词汇。  相似文献   

Picture books, as both sophisticated aesthetic objects and literary texts, provide the ideal site for critically examining how values and ideology are transmitted to children. How the child reader might be affected by the process of reading a picture book—that is, how he or she might be moved emotionally and potentially gain new insights about the world—is of interest to scholars and educators alike. This article draws upon cognitive literary theory as a conceptual frame through which to explore the cognitive and emotional affect that reading may have upon children. “Reader response” and “cultural criticism” are approaches to literature that seek to understand how readers interact with texts. Cognitive theory, when applied to literature, builds on these discourses by focusing on why reading fiction might cause the brain to produce emotional and cognitive responses in readers. As metaphors are a feature of language and of thought, a study of the metaphorical in picture books aptly lends itself to the theoretical framework offered by cognitive literary theory. Drawing on examples from four picture books produced for children, broadly correlating to different developmental stages, this article examines the role of metaphor in encouraging skills in decoding and creative thinking. Talking to children about visual metaphor or metaphorical expression introduces them to a feature of language and thought that provides a conceptual frame for richer understanding and expression of ideas. Examining how the metaphorical operates in picture books thus takes us a step closer to understanding how the process of reading affects children and enriches their lives.  相似文献   

概念隐喻及其对大学英语教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻在语言中是大量存在的。隐喻不仅是语言的修辞手段,更是一种认识机制,概念隐喻理论在外语教学中的应用可有效促进词汇习得、语句分析及语篇理解。在外语教学中,教师应充分认识及把握概念隐喻理论,并将该理论模式应用到课堂实践中去,培养学生的概念隐喻思维。  相似文献   

短信语言既是信息时代发展的产物,又是一种新的语言文化样式,它不同于熟语、谚语、俗语、俚语、格言和歇后语,而是将这些语言进行了信息化的处理使其更加简洁、生动、活泼,更能表现时代的特征。许多短信语言蕴藏着深厚的修辞魅力,尤其是辞格的运用,使表达者和接受者双方充分感受到短信的无限乐趣。本文从语言修辞的角度着重分析了短信语言中的设疑。根据笔者搜集的短信语料,以设喻的对象来分,设疑短信主要有动物设疑、事物设疑、人物设疑、话语设疑四种。  相似文献   

语言是思想的外衣,是思想的直接体现。通过隐喻思维在语言各个层面上的表现模式,深化对语言隐喻性本质和隐喻特点的认识。思维是隐喻性的,语言也是隐喻性的。了解语言的隐喻性本质及其隐喻特点对语言学习大有裨益。  相似文献   

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