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刘金增  郝夕亮 《新高考》2010,(11):53-54
Since the day we are born,we begin to depend on other people.None of us could live without other people.First of all,think about your food and clothes.Do you grow your own food and make your own clothes? No!  相似文献   

A person' s cholesterol levels may depend not only on what he or she eats, but also how often, according to UK researchers. They found that middle-aged and older adults who ate frequently throughout the day had lower bad cholesterol levels compared with those who tended to down  相似文献   

Seabirds depend on the sea for their food.Many birds can swim or dive to catch fish.Penguins and pelicans live near the water and feed on fish.Seabirds have webbed feet.This helps them to swim.Seabirds have an oil gland near their tails.  相似文献   

Contrary to what most people believe,what we attract in life does not depend on our looks,our status,or our IQ."It depends on our AQ-Attraction Quotient,"says Sandra Anne Taylor,"which is determined by the energetic message we send out about ourselves.Whe…  相似文献   

Leaving now the questions of formal geometrical propositions, I proceed to enumerate a few games or puzzles which depend mainly on the relative position of things. Some writers regard draughts, solitaire, chess, and such like games as subjects for geometrical treatment in the same way as they treat dominoes, backgammon,  相似文献   

For Teachers:
Time across Cultures
Your friends are having a dinner party at 8 pm. You arrive 20 minutes late. Are they upset? That may depend on where you live. In Germany, your tardiness (迟到) would probably be considered an offense (冒犯).  相似文献   

许多同学认为,反身代词用法比较简单,涉及反身代词的考题一般不会太难,所以对反身代词重视不够,从而在涉及反身代词的考题上丢分。请看下面两个例子:1.If our parents do everything for us children,we won't learn to depend on_____.(2010年上海卷)  相似文献   

1.Well.it depends.【考点】it depends在语境当中的应用【归纳】depend在口语中意为"看情况",可以有That depends,It depends,It all depends等几种说法。例如:—Are you going?—It all depends.  相似文献   

The answer is No.Man's best friend is colorblind, but, fortunately, his survival does not depend upon the ability to see colors. His keen sense of smell compensates for his inability to see colors, and enables him to differentiate(区分)between things.Extensive scientific testing on dogs supports the conclusion that they live in a colorless world. The testing done primarily  相似文献   

解含有分母的一元一次方程是一元一次方程的难点.初学解含有分母的一元一次方程时,一些同学总是大错不犯,小错不断.究其原因,主要是没有搞清“去分母”的来龙去脉,没有真正理解“去分母”.相信,弄清楚下面几个有关“去分母”的问题之后,再解含有分母的一元一次方程时就会大大降低出错的机率.  相似文献   

Chinese cultural contains a great number of styles;culture differentiation does not depend on region differentiation.This research would interpret what difference between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.1.Food culture in china Traditional Chinese medicine suggests eating local seasonal fruit and vegetables,as they are most suitable for the body during a particular season.It is also divided food into 3 characteristics:cooling foods,warming foods and balance or  相似文献   

能激发创造力的食品:生姜中含有辣素和挥发油,能够使人体内血液得到稀释,流动更加畅通,从而向大脑提供更多的营养物质和氧气,有助于激发人的想像力和创造力。能增强记忆力的食物:黄豆含有丰富的卵磷脂,能在人体内释放乙酸胆碱(是脑神经细胞间传递信息的桥梁),对增强记忆力大有裨益;常吃胡萝卜有助于加强大脑的新陈代谢;菠萝含有很多维生素C和微量元素,且热量小,有助于提高记忆力。能提高灵敏度的食物:核桃含有较多的优质蛋白质和脂肪酸,对脑细胞生长有益。栗子含有丰富的卵磷脂、蛋白质和锌,有助于提高思维的灵敏性。能集…  相似文献   

<正>一、知识梳理1.用字母表示数在含有字母的算式中,加号、减号、除号都不能省略。在含有字母的乘法算式中,乘号可以用“·”代替,或省略不写。2.方程含有未知数的等式叫作方程。方程必须具备两个条件:一是等式,二是含有未知数,二者缺一不可。3.方程的解使方程左右两边相等的未知数的值,叫作方程的解。  相似文献   

1. —How do you like here so far, Mr Cox? —Well, I7ve really enjoyed meeting many nice people here and ev- erything here is quite different. A. it B. them C. that D. this 2. You may depend on that they will stand by you. A. it B. that C. them D. this 3. …  相似文献   

酸是一类化学物质,很多东西里都含有酸,包括食物和饮料。你知道吗,可乐、奶酪和茶水里都含有酸。在下面的小实验里,你会了解更多关于酸的知识。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Dynamics of carbon and water vapor fluxesexchange between the atmosphere and the ecosystembiosphere, depend on complex and non-liner interplayamong physiological, ecological, biochemical andedaphic factors and meteorological conditions (Jarvis,1995; Leuning et al., 1995). There are many studiesquantifying the fluxes across different time and spacescales as well as assessing the environment con-straints on them by some kinds of biophysical orempirical models whose resul…  相似文献   

两个含有二次根式的代数式相乘,如果它们的积不含有二次根式,我们说这两个代数式互为有理化因式.  相似文献   

无数据计算题是指题目中不出现任何数据的一类计算题。该类计算题在近年来的各省市中考化学题中时有出现。解无数据计算题应根据题目的特点来选择不同的方法。对于不同物质中含有相同成分或变化前后质量不变等情况,巧找等量关系是解题的关键与捷径。下面举例说明:例1若SO。与SO。两种物质中含有相同质量的氧元素,求SO与SO。两种物质的质量比。用析1个SO。分子中含有2个氧原子,1个SOa分子中含有3个氧原子,则3个SO。分子与2个SO3分子含有相同的氧原子,即含有相同质量的氧元素。因此,SO。与SO两种物质的质量比就等于3个SO。分…  相似文献   

条件为ab+bc+ca=1的一类不等式的证明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宏 《中等数学》2009,(5):12-13,20
当遇到含有条件如ab+bc+ca=1的不等式时,如果不等式的项中含有类似于a^2+1的项,则可以尝试用ab+bc+ca去代替其中的1,然后分解因式,有利于进一步分析问题、解决问题.  相似文献   

氨基酸形成蛋白质时,一个氨基酸分子的氨基(-NH2)与另一个氨基酸分子的羧基(-C00H)相连接,形成一个肽键(-NH-CO-),同时失去一分子的水.一个蛋白质分子可以含有一条肽链,也可以含有几条肽链.  相似文献   

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