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变革中的教师职业倦怠   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
我国当前正在加速推动教师职业化,如何关注和研究教师心理状态,采取有效的策略减少变革中的教师职业倦怠,对继续推进教师职业发展具有重要的现实意义。本文从教师职业特征、社会环境、学校情境和教师个人因素等四个方面阐述了教师职业倦怠的成因,并从社会、学校和教师自身角度提出预防和缓解教师职业倦怠的对策建议。  相似文献   

海南省黎苗族地区英语教师职业倦怠受到社会因素、组织因素和教师职业特点影响,是缘自生理和心理的极度疲乏。关注少数民族地区英语教师心理健康已经成为一个无法回避的话题。只有心理健康的教师,才能培养出心理健康的学生。  相似文献   

教师职业倦怠的管理心理学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为表现在教师职业生活中的系列消极心理和行为中的教师职业倦怠现象,尽管早已有之,且难以完全避免和消除。但处于转型期的我国社会及其对教育的期待以及对教师素质要求的提高,使教师职业倦怠现象更为普遍和严重。有学者甚至称这种现象为“教育中的危机”。为解决此问题,必须在调查分析基础上从管理心理学视角深入分析生发于中国社会、文化和教育背景下的教师职业倦怠现象的组织管理根源及其干预路径与策略。学校管理者对教师的人性假设偏差和教师评价中的理性主义泛滥与人文关怀缺失,是教师职业倦怠的主要组织管理根源;实施以权变理论为指导的管理并彰显学校教师评价的人文关怀,是教师职业倦怠的管理心理对策。  相似文献   

我国教师职业倦怠原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外对教师职业倦怠进行了多角度的研究。造成教师职业倦怠的原因主要是个人的因素、职业的因素和组织的因素等。消除教师职业倦怠,应从建立教师心理调适机制、创设和谐融洽的组织环境、提倡尊师重教的社会氛围等入手。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 教师职业倦怠,是指教师在长期、连续和过度的压力影响下,难以获取足够的缓冲资源,而产生的教师职业的理想与信念迷失、教书育人的价值感和满足感匮乏、师生教学交往的热情与兴趣枯竭,以及教育教学手段和方法的简单粗暴等一系列不良反应。作为表现在教师职业生活中的教师职业倦怠现象,尽管早已有之且难以完全避免和消除,但处于转型中的我国社会及其对教育的期待以及对教师素质要求的提高,使教师职业倦怠现象更为普遍和严重,有学者甚至称这种现象为“教育中的危机”。教师职业倦怠现象日益成为困扰和阻抑我国教师专业化发展的重要现实问题。30年来,国内外学者对此现象已进行了比较广泛、深入的研究且成果颇丰,但理论仍然落后于现实,特别是生发于中国社会、文化和教育背景下的教师职业倦怠现象,现有理论尚不能很深入、准确地诠释和有效预防并消解教师职业倦怠问题。  相似文献   

变革中的教师职业倦怠及其对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在教育变革中,教师职业倦怠出现了新的特征。教师职业倦怠主要表现在教师的自我效能感低、抵制与消极心理、教学水平下降以及责任心不强等方面。变革的不确定性、学校的绩效主义、社会的高期望以及教师的角色冲突等因素,成为教师职业倦怠的主要根源。我们所要采取的对策是:教师参与教育改革;提倡发展性评价;加强学校文化建设:教师坦然面对职业倦怠。  相似文献   

教师是职业倦怠症的高发群体,中职教师职业的特殊性、社会认可度因素、中职学生因素等,导致职业倦怠表现得更为明显。要通过提升社会地位、提高心理承受力等对策,有效地解决中职教师职业心理倦怠问题。  相似文献   

通过梳理国外教师职业倦怠研究文献发现,国外教师职业倦怠研究一方面集中于教师的个人因素和外界影响因素,前者包括教师的工作满意度、自我效能感和情绪情感,后者主要包括人口因素、社会支持和组织行为;另一方面集中于教师职业倦怠预测分析研究,并提出了一些预防策略,主要包括:重视教师专业发展,提高工作满意度;促进教师自我效能感发展,预防职业倦怠;提高教师情感能力,培养教师心理资本;设置相关课程,培养教师克服倦怠的能力。对我国教师职业倦怠的启示包括紧密与学校实践相结合、积极开发合适的研究工具和研究方法,选择更具代表性的研究样本并考虑多种影响变量、与教师职业认同感研究有效结合起来、重视家长对教师职业倦怠的影响等五个方面。  相似文献   

校长如何应对教师职业倦怠   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,关于教师职业倦怠已有很多的探索与研究。但在应对策略上,绝大多数都是从教师个人生理心理角度,采用自我调适的策略。本文试图从校长的工作视角研究我国中小学教师的职业倦怠状况,对于帮助教师预防与走出工作倦怠,进一步提高教育教学的质量与水平,更具有直接的现实意义。一、教师职业倦怠及其危害所谓教师职业倦怠,是指教师长期处在社会的、职业的、心理的、组织的、人际的等种种压力下而产生的指向教师职业的各种消极情绪体验的总和。使得教师个体不能顺利应对工作压力而产生的疲倦困乏的身心状态,属于一种非正常的行为和心理。典型症…  相似文献   

高职教师职业倦怠的成因和对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业倦怠是教师的心理问题之一,高职教师由于其职业角色的特殊性,是职业倦怠的高发人群。文章通过高职业院校教师职业倦怠心理的成因分析,提出了缓解高职教师职业倦怠心理的有效对策。  相似文献   

学习负荷大、社会支持系统缺失、学习自我效能感低、教育教学方法不当以及个人人格因素是学习倦怠的预测变量.英语学习因为其自身的特殊性,更加容易遭遇学习倦怠的损害.结合已有的学习倦怠研究成果和英语教学的经验提出应对英语学习中学习倦怠问题的策略.  相似文献   

图书馆员工作倦怠问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析图书馆员的工作倦怠的表现和影响因素,提出解决图书馆员工作倦怠问题的途径.  相似文献   

《The Educational forum》2012,76(4):430-433

This article shares findings from a year-long study about social practices of high school youth with mobile devices during school time. In particular, this study found that students see their school time as fluidly social and academic. Educators and policy-makers need to carefully consider these social practices when preparing 21st century youth for engaging with technology in responsible and meaningful ways beyond their time in school.  相似文献   

This article describes a joint attempt by the federal government, a private foundation, several local social service agencies, and a local school district to revitalize an urban high school and its neighboring community. This revitalization was to occur through the development of an information system that would provide high school students, adult learners, and community residents with data on educational and job opportunities in St. Louis. The information system was to be reinforced by counseling and referral services provided jointly by the school system and by local civic organizations.The intended purposes and potential impact of such a project that aims at urban high school reform are discussed. The paper provides some insights into the potential pitfalls involved in the implementation of small discretionary projects, as well as the promise of providing integrated social services to an urban population.Presently Assistant Vice President, The Fashion Institute of Technology.  相似文献   

This article examines interview talk of three students in an Australian high school to show how they negotiate their young adult identities between school and the outside world. It draws on Bakhtin's concepts of dialogism and heteroglossia to argue that identities are linguistically and corporeally constituted. A critical discourse analysis of segments of transcribed interviews and student-related public documents finds a mismatch between a social justice curriculum at school and its transfer into students' accounts of outside school lived realities. The article concludes that a productive social justice pedagogy must use its key principles of (con)textual interrogation to engage students in reflexive practice about their positioning within and against discourses of social justice in their student and civic lives. An impending national curriculum must decide whether or not it negotiates the discursive divide any better.  相似文献   

张海峰 《天津教育》2021,(1):158-160
高中阶段,学生把主要精力都放到学习上,对社会实践和职业认知比较少,很难为自己制定一个合理的生涯规划.而高中语文的学科特性决定了可以对学生进行生涯规划教育,培养高中生健全的人格,提升高中生自身修养.因此,高中语文教师应把生涯规划教育渗透课堂教学中,帮助学生更好地规划自己的未来.本文主要分析生涯规划教育的重要性以及具体策略...  相似文献   

Transition from high school to postsecondary education (PSE) and employment can be challenging for all youth, and particularly for youth with intellectual disability (ID). Promoting equity and access to PSE for students with ID is a social justice mandate, and high school counselors are uniquely positioned to assist youth with ID in accessing appropriate PSE options. This article describes how high school counselors can effectively support the postsecondary transition needs of students with ID through applying a framework of advocacy and social justice, using the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies.  相似文献   


This article describes the collective efforts educators and multiple community partners are taking to transform one alternative urban high school into a full-service community school. The article presents preliminary findings on the opportunities for bridging social capital that the full-service initiative has created and the impacts such opportunities have for students in urban alternative settings with multiple risk factors stacked against them.  相似文献   

This article explores the complex process of school change over a six‐year period in one high‐poverty, urban elementary school in a northeastern city of the United States. The school included in this instrumental case study was identified by its State Department of Education as “being in need of improvement” in March 2000. Findings suggest that creating opportunities for context‐based solutions, curricular coherence, and responsive and consistent coaching were the necessary means for leveraging change at this school. Further, responding to the layers and iterations of educational policy, and addressing the deeper social issues intimately associated with serving high‐poverty communities, was essential. We identify policy issues that contributed to the complexity of this school’s improvement efforts. Our analysis extends beyond surface‐level documentation of the school’s inputs and outputs, and illustrates what it means to meet individual students’ needs in complex social and institutional spaces. We also discuss social justice issues that are linked with current policies targeting improved outcomes for all children.  相似文献   

采用问卷法研究了1791名不同年级、性别、学校类型中学生师生关系与友谊质量的特点,结合同伴特征和问题行为分析了学校氛围对中学生学校人际关系的影响,并探讨了中学生学校人际关系与社会适应的关系。结果发现:(1)中学生的师生关系总体上重点校好于非重点校,初一、高一好于高二,在亲密性和支持性维度上,年级与学校类型、年级与性别的交互作用显著;(2)中学生的友谊质量总体上重点校好于非重点校,高一、初一略好于初二,女生好于男生,学校类型与年级的交互作用显著;(3)重点校拥有不良同伴的学生和问题行为较多的学生比例均显著少于非重点校;(4)师生关系与友谊质量各维度可以预测中学生社会适应过程中的自我肯定、自我烦扰和社会疏离感。  相似文献   

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