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陈志勇 《成才之路》2010,(36):80-80
《数学课程标准》要求教师在教学中做到调动学生的学习积极性.让学生主动探索。在合作交流中进行自主学习。所以初中数学教师在课堂上的教学活动应该以学生为中心.活动的过程要让学生充分展示自主学习、合作与探究,努力让数学学习活动成为全体学生能力获取和展现的舞台。因此.以学生小组合作学习为组织形式的。  相似文献   

在课堂教学的革新中,我一是尽量减少教师的讲授:二是最大限度地满足学生自主发展的需要:三是尽可能做到让学生在活动中学习,在主动中发展,在合作中增知,在探究中创新,使课堂成为学生真正展现自我的舞台。  相似文献   

1小组合作学习的意义1.1合作学习能激发学习积极性学生是课堂的主人,教师应该帮助学生搭建舞台,给他们表演的机会。合作学习就给了每一位学生畅所欲言的舞台,学生你一言,我一语,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,还有利于学生之间相互提醒  相似文献   

《全日制普通高中生物新课程标准》期望使每一个学生通过学习生物知识,能够在责任感、合作精神和创新意识等方面得到提高。合作学习是培养学生合作精神的最佳途径。小组合作是合作学习中采用最多的组织形式。但是,现在生物课堂中合作学习很多流于形式,没有选择恰当的合作时机,没有将教师的角色定位好,变成了优等生表演的舞台。本文在笔者课堂实践的基础上,就教师角色的定位、合作学习的时机等方面进行探讨,以期取得合作学习的最佳效果。  相似文献   

教学自述: 在课堂教学的革新中,我一是尽量减少教师的讲授;二是最大限度地满足学生自主发展的需要;三是尽可能做到让学生在活动中学习,在主动中发展,在合作中增知,在探究中创新,使课堂成为学生真正展现自我的舞台。  相似文献   

曹阳 《高中数理化》2014,(14):45-45
新课改中,合作学习作为一种新的学习方式应用于高中物理课堂教学中,不仅仅是因为合作学习方式能够培养学生的团队合作意识,提高与人共事的能力,我们更为看重的是合作学习能够提高与改善每一个学生的认知.高中物理课堂合作学习活动的教学行为要素可以从教师的教学行为和学生的学习行为要素2个方面进行分析.  相似文献   

小组合作学习要使课堂成为展示学生能力的舞台,让学生来告诉教师和同伴自己学习、思考的过程,并让学生在小组合作过程中收获荣誉感和存在感。只有这样的小组学习,才能让学生从倾听者变为学习者,从旁观者变为主动探究者,才能够杜绝小组学习的形式主义。  相似文献   

<正>一、小组合作学习模式在初中语文教学中的现状及意义在新课堂教学改革中,对于小组合作学习这一学习方式进行了大力倡导,鼓励教师在教学的过程中培养学生团队合作的精神以及创造想象力。小组合作学习模式作为课程改革中推出的新型教学方式之一,主要是通过教师对于学生进行合理的引导和帮助,令其能够在交流、讨论、互动等活动中提升自身学习能力。利用小组合作学习模式不仅可以引导  相似文献   

吴保明 《文教资料》2009,(28):127-128
随着新课程改革的深入推进,合作学习作为一种重要的学习方式已为广大教师普遍接纳与实践。实践证明.合作学习并非几个学生简单的组合,其行为也不会自发产生.只有经过教师的精心组织与指导,学生才能够真正融入到合作学习∞活动中去,并在活动中养成良好的合作学习习惯。从而获得认知、情意与人格等方面更好的发展。  相似文献   

合作学习是近几年在小学数学课堂教学中常见的一种教学形式,在各种各样的合作学习中,我们发现大多数都是通过问题讨论进行合作学习。问题的提出都是以学生认知基础为前提,在已有知识的基础上过渡到新知识。在小组合作学习中,提出的问题必须要为学生的学习活动指明方向,对学生的各种感官进行刺激,从而促进学生学习。提出的问题必须是教师在深入钻研教材的基础上,能够体现教学重、难点的问题。问题要具有针对性和实用性,要能够真  相似文献   

提问是小学英语课堂教学的重要组成部分,也是一门艺术。它是教师输出信息、传递信息和获得教与学的反馈信息的重要渠道。教师须重视课堂提问策略,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,使他们对学好英语充满信心。  相似文献   

新课程标准所倡导的教学观、学习观以及学习方式让我们的课堂充满了人文关怀,让师生相互赏识,共同进步,教学相长,不仅发掘了学生的个性潜力,而且培养了他们的创新意识,更重要的是培养了他们的选择与合作的素质,因此说,新课程标准让我们的课堂更宽容。  相似文献   

Despite a considerable body of literature devoted to the ‘behaviour management’ of pupils, there is little that actually considers the experience of beginning teachers in learning to cope with that behaviour. Here we consider the experience of student teachers and illustrate their attempts to form deeper understanding, connections between theory and practice and the contribution made by other teachers. It is argued that students at this first stage of classroom teaching experiences are, despite the inevitable anxieties in their new encounters, starting to make deeper sense of them than can be provided by tips on discipline. There is a need for caution against over‐emphasis of behaviour management as misleading, premature categorisation that could inhibit new teachers' capacity to build the relationships with pupils on which good teaching depends.  相似文献   

王向青 《天津教育》2021,(7):121-122,125
现阶段,多媒体技术的普及使农村小学语文教学受益匪浅,多媒体形象、直观、有趣的特点深深吸引了小学生,快速勾起了小学生的学习欲望。农村小学语文教师要不断创新和改革,巧妙运用多媒体技术,提高语文阅读课堂的实效性,发展小学生的阅读水平和语感能力,提高课堂教学质量。本文先分析了农村小学语文阅读教学现状,进而提出了多媒体在农村小学语文阅读教学中的运用策略。  相似文献   

A key assumption underpinning formative assessment strategies is that individual pupils must be fully involved in the process. While such engagement and attention on the individual is important, studies suggest that teachers do not always readily engage with formative assessment as a reciprocal process which involves pupils. Additionally, a focus on individual differences between pupils can be problematic if the work that is set for some is differentiated to such an extent that they are not able to participate in classroom activities with others. Inclusive pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning that attends to individual differences between pupils but avoids the marginalisation that can occur when pedagogical responses are designed only with individual needs in mind. Using participant observation and video footage from three classrooms that captured ‘learning moments’ identified by teachers and pupils, this study documents how the professional craft knowledge of teachers develops as they learn to use what their pupils have to say about learning in the context of whole class teaching. By concentrating on the findings from one site, this paper shows how teachers can use what they learn from listening to pupils’ self-assessments of their learning in ways that meet the standard of inclusive pedagogy.  相似文献   

As teacher educators, preparing student–teachers who are able to address diverse student needs is our main concern. It has been suggested in the literature that teachers who are adaptive to students’ needs are those who possess adequate pedagogical content knowledge or pedagogical understanding. However, it is not uncommon for teacher educators to find student–teachers with diverse pedagogical understandings even at the point of graduation from the teacher education programme. This paper aims to explain and analyse the development of pedagogical understanding among student–teachers in an initial teacher education programme. The findings are drawn from a study conducted at the Hong Kong Institute of Education where in-depth interviews were carried out during the four-year programme. The findings from the three selected cases provide an explanation for why some individual student–teachers show continuous development, whereas others remain confused in their pedagogical understanding throughout the teacher education programme. While acknowledging individual differences in pedagogical understanding, we attempt to explain such differences by investigating the relationship between different dimensions of the student–teachers’ learning such as the integration of pedagogical understanding with the teaching contexts, integration of feedback from lecturers and supporting teachers, and their focus of concern. The findings reveal that the three cases demonstrate different levels of pedagogical understanding and possess varying ‘senses of agency’. Of the three cases, the first one, Peggy has the strongest sense of agency. Despite influences related to classroom management, diverse learning ability among pupils, and the teaching methods which pupils were accustomed to previously, she actively introduced rhythmic movements into her lessons, developed pupils’ ability to learn gradually and achieved an impact on pupils’ learning which was also recognized by her supporting teacher. The analysis suggests that the second case, Lilian has a weaker sense of agency as she was severely limited by influences in the teaching context in her first teaching practice and resorted to teacher-centered teaching strategies. She improved later on in the programme and started to plan her own learning, drawing on the feedback she received as well as learning from other taught modules, from feedback from various sources, and from her pupils’ responses to her teaching and her own evaluation of her teaching. The third case, Stephanie remained confused throughout the programme and struggled with the implementation of student-centered teaching strategies. The ability to practice one’s own convictions and demonstrate an active sense of agency distinguishes the student–teacher who achieves better pedagogical understanding. Drawing on the findings, the paper concludes that it is crucial for teacher educators to identify ways to nurture a sense of agency among student–teachers. Implications for teacher education programmes are discussed, including providing opportunities for student–teachers to be able to articulate and integrate their pedagogical understandings, as well as negotiate how to accomplish their learning and teaching targets despite complex classroom situations.  相似文献   

This article explores the perspectives of seven teachers in England who teach pupils with severe profound and multiple learning difficulties about their learning to teach this group of students. Teachers’ views were captured through a combination of synchronous and asynchronous online communications. Four themes emerged from teachers’ perspectives about their own learning: learning through doing in the classroom, learning through self-inquiry and research, learning from and with others and more formal learning opportunities. A constructivist approach to teacher learning is affirmed as a helpful lens to further understand how teachers learn to teach pupils with complex learning profiles. The article supports teacher learning as a holistic process that takes place throughout teachers’ careers. It highlights the value teachers place on learning through doing in the classroom, learning through self-inquiry and research, learning from and with others, as well as formal learning.  相似文献   

Strategies student-teachers employ in classroom interaction with pupils during teaching practice periods are surprisingly understudied, considering that the teaching practicum provides a central arena for student-teachers learning to become teachers. This study investigates the primary strategies student-teachers utilised in classroom interaction and the multiple qualities of these strategies. The data were collected from 31 student-teachers during their teaching practicum through stimulated recall (STR) interviews focusing on challenging and empowering critical incidents that student-teachers chose from their video-recorded lessons. The results showed that in challenging classroom incidents, student-teachers applied predominantly reactive behavioural strategies, whereas in the empowering situations, student-teachers primarily employed proactive cognitive and behavioural strategies. Use of proactive cognitive strategies was typically associated with positive meaningful experiences; hence, they setting the stage for utilising a more diverse set of proactive strategies in the classroom. Implications for teacher education programmes providing student-teachers authentic learning opportunities that promote proactive strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study is to generate knowledge of how teachers change their teaching and how pupils change their learning as a consequence of working in One-to-One environments in schools. The result shows that teachers and students are changing their relation to teaching and learning when school is digitized. The most important dimension of this change is that content related knowledge of the digitized learning in a one-to-one school, is a prerequisite for improved quality and better results in schools where digital artefacts are used. The results also show in what ways teachers must understand that knowledge is stretched between analogue and digital teaching and learning in the classroom.  相似文献   

学科教学知识(PCK)是教师知识的核心,发展PCK是教师专业发展的重要途径。文章阐述小学科学教师PCK的内涵,即教师为适应不同能力和兴趣的小学生,在将特定科学知识转化为学生易于理解的课堂教学形式时所使用的知识,它由小学科学课程知识、学习者知识、教学策略知识和学习评价知识构成。小学科学教师PCK的发展策略主要有:根据PCK内涵进行反思;加强专业阅读,进一步学习科学知识和科学教育知识;在学习共同体成员的交流中建构PCK。  相似文献   

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