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Creating behavior change to mobilize transitions toward sustainability is a significant challenge of our time. Inspired by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s Farmer Field School, we developed a novel community-based education program to engage people in local sustainability topics. In the Sustainable Communities Field School (Field School) program, advertised as team building tours, participants from local organizations are guided by instructors through University of British Columbia Botanical Garden, while receiving verbal and experiential education on topics of food systems and choices, biodiversity conservation, water conservation, and waste reduction. We found that after the Field School program, participants were significantly more knowledgeable about environmental issues, more connected to nature, showed greater intentions and willingness to engage in sustainability actions compared to garden visitors from the general public who did not go through the program. The results suggest that interactive sustainability education in a botanical garden setting can be a useful education model to mobilize public engagement on sustainability.  相似文献   

学前教育作为教育发展的基石和关键环节,事关国家与民族的未来。贵阳市积极推进学前教育发展,在普及学前教育、扩展学前教育资源、加大财政投入、促进教师队伍建设等方面取得了长足进步,但也面临着学前教育发展不均衡、政策落实责任不清、机制体制不健全、学前教育地方立法缺乏、法治监管不完善等现实问题,需要通过强化政府统筹力度;加大财政投入;健全机制,稳定教师队伍;人大地方立法等措施,破解贵阳市学前教育发展难题。  相似文献   

This article explores the various types of domestic education, particularly cookery, available in Manchester between 1870 and 1902. The work of the two local School Boards and the Manchester School of Domestic Economy are shown as part of a complicated network of provision – a mixed economy of welfare, including enthusiastic philanthropists and educational entrepreneurs offering a range of practical and academic classes for middle‐class ladies as well as working‐class schoolgirls. The campaigners for domestic education managed a dual vision of what it was to be domestically competent, insisting on the value of lessons from professionals, while arguing that domesticity was a natural, innate feminine talent. Likewise, although women’s education and/or employment could be blamed for a decline in domestic skills, re‐centring domestic education in schools and evening classes could make education a cure not just for a generation of inadequate mothers and wives, but also for racial degeneration.  相似文献   

Background: Globalisation trends such as increased migration to and within European countries have led to even greater cultural diversity in European societies. Cultural diversity increases the demand of cultural competency amongst professionals entering their work field. In particular, healthcare professionals need knowledge and skills to equip them to work with clients from different cultural backgrounds. Within higher education (HE), the professional development of cultural competency should ideally feature in undergraduate education and is often promoted as a by-product of a study abroad period. However, recognising that logistical and financial barriers often exist for extended study abroad, one alternative approach could be participation, at home or abroad, in a short-term international programme set within students’ own HE institutions.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore HE students’ experiences of participating in international ‘short-term mobility week’ programmes at three European universities.

Methods: Each university involved in the research offered short-term programmes for healthcare professions students at their own institution, where both local students and students from abroad could participate. Participants were healthcare students in the programme at one of the three universities. Data were collected through focus group interviews (4–8 students per group; n = 25). The data were transcribed and then analysed qualitatively, using a content comparison method.

Results: The analysis identified six categories, which reflected students’ journeys within the short-term international experiences.

Conclusions: The analysis suggested that, for these students, engagement in a short-term mobility week programme provided valuable opportunities for encounters with others, which contributed to personal and professional development, greater confidence in the students’ own professional identities, as well as an increasing sense of cultural awareness.  相似文献   

Post‐Fordism and globalisation are trends in the contemporary world in which the role of the market and consumer are given greater centrality. It has been argued that these trends have consequences of spreading ‘Western’ lifestyles and values around the globe, encouraging cultural uniformity, while also giving greater importance to senses of the local and place, encouraging cultural difference. Drawing on Foucault's notion of discourse, this paper suggests these trends are found also in changing theories of distance education and open learning. It is argued that notions of distance education are part of the trend towards uniformity under conditions of globalisation, while those of open learning are part of the trend encouraging difference and diversity. The discussion is situated within contemporary debates about the modern and postmodern.  相似文献   

高职教育是一种新“类型”高等教育,特点鲜明,地方性特征是关键,是办学定位的核心要素。高职教育与地方发展关系非常密切,地方经济催生了高职教育,高职院校依存于地方发展,不可分割,相互促进。高职教育应面向地方办学,谋求地方效益,培养地方人才,服务地方经济,引领地方发展。高职院校、地方政府及社会各界应多管齐下,综合推进,进一步强化高职教育的地方性特征,放大其地方性效能。  相似文献   

幼儿园乡土教育是一种利用家乡本土文化、自然、社会中一切适宜的资源,深入幼儿生活,采用多种教学方式对本地幼儿进行的身心浸润式教育,其价值在于传承乡土知识和生存智慧,促进幼儿社会化,培养其爱国情怀、文化包容能力以及民族感情与信念。乡土教育内容的选择要坚持适宜性、生活性和启蒙性的原则,内容包括乡土文学、娱乐、艺术、自然等。  相似文献   

赵学峰 《台州学院学报》2010,32(4):81-83,96
艾米莉.勃朗特的文学成就与其所受的教育息息相关。艾米莉创作的源泉可以追溯到少年时代的教育。艾米莉的教育分为世俗和宗教两块,世俗教育主要受益于家庭内的互助学习,学校教育仅是辅助作用;宗教教育则受到福音派牧师父亲和循道宗信徒姨妈的影响,在此基础上形成自己独特的宗教观,并将其付之于自己的文学创作。艾米莉的世俗教育使她立足现实,踏实生活,而宗教教育则为她的艺术虚构提供了想象的空间,二者共同构建了艾米莉自由而不失理性的文学世界。  相似文献   


The article analyses initial teacher education (ITE) policy and practice in Aotearoa New Zealand over forty years. Central to the local ITE context was the incorporation of the ‘monotechnic’ colleges of teacher education into the university sector in the 1990s and 2000s, following New Zealand’s structural adjustments to the state education sector in 1989 and 1990. Policy ideologies of ‘marketisation’ and ‘professionalisation’ raised expectations of the abstract knowledge base and competencies that university-based teacher education graduates would acquire, while simultaneously degrading the rich immersion in cultural, curriculum and subject studies and learning by doing that were the hallmark of the former colleges. Indigenous staff and students arguably suffered most during the incorporation years. The final section looks to New Zealand’s future demographic, environmental and socio-economic imperatives and asks how ITE can be recast to enable teacher educators and beginning teachers to face the realities and challenges of the decades ahead.  相似文献   

Higher education emphasises training and skills for employment, yet while the ‘idea’ of educating global citizens appears in university discourse, there is limited evidence demonstrating how the ‘idea’ of the global citizen translates into practice. Recent research emphasises a desire for graduates to be local and global citizens with ethical and critical capacities for global workforce preparedness. The purpose of this paper is to explore the university responsibility for translating the ‘idea’ of the ethical thinking global citizen into practice. Semi-structured interviews were undertaken with higher education experts (n?=?26). The interpretive research is discussed through the themes: Constructing the global citizen, Enacting the global citizen, Legitimating the global citizen and The sidelining context (italics used to distinguish research themes in text). The paper contributes to higher education discourse on a contested and topical issue.  相似文献   


In the study, the impact of inquiry-based learning on pre-service teachers’ critical thinking dispositions was investigated. The sample of the study comprised of 56 pre-service teachers in the science education teacher education programme at the public university in the north of Turkey. In the study, quasi-experimental design with an experimental and a control group were applied to find out the impact of inquiry-based learning on the critical thinking dispositions of the pre-service teachers in the teacher education programme. The results showed that the pre-service teachers in the experimental group did not show statistically significant greater progress in terms of critical thinking dispositions than those in the control group. Teacher educators who are responsible for pedagogical courses in the teacher education programme should consider that the inquiry-based learning could not be effective method to improve pre-service teachers’ critical thinking dispositions. The results are discussed in relation to potential impact on science teacher education and implications for future research.  相似文献   

我国新建地方本科院校是高等教育大众化的产物,普遍实行"省地共建以地为主"的教育管理体制模式,这无疑是当前我国高等教育体制改革与创新中最为典型的建制模式。可以说,这一制度创新扩大了地方政府的教育管理权限,有利于充分调动地方举办高等教育的积极性,充分挖掘地方资源,使高等教育得到更好更快发展。但由于制度安排还有待进一步完善,再加上受地方经济社会发展水平与地理位置等诸多因素的影响和制约,高等教育发展不平衡的问题日渐突出。文章以凯里学院的探索与实践为例,通过对新建地方本科院校现行的制度设计进行分析,以寻求实现科学发展的制度创新路径。  相似文献   

Nigeria’s diverse cultures, religions and political parties appear to be unified by a strong taboo against homosexuality and gay rights. This has affected academic research, HIV/AIDS programmes, and sexuality education, all which commonly show evidence of heterosexism, self-censorship and even explicit condemnations of homosexuality. Yet a dissident discourse in Nigeria, as well as research from elsewhere in the region, suggests that this appearance of unity may belie greater openness to the issues than assumed. Indeed, research shows that (1) many African societies are traditionally more accommodating toward non-normative sexualities than contemporary nationalist or cultural claims would allow, and (2) secretive ‘bisexuality’ is more common in practice (and tacitly acknowledged) than previously understood. Is it possible then that the presumption of homophobia and the fear of backlash that has clearly contributed to heterosexism and self-censorship in scholarship around homosexualities in Nigeria are exaggerated? Is it possible that Nigerians may be more open to consideration of scientific evidence and international best practices around sexual diversity, rights, and health than is commonly assumed in the literature? A trial intervention at a small state university in a predominantly rural area of Nigeria tested these questions by introducing wide-ranging, frank and non-judgemental (science-based) discussions of same-sex sexuality in several classes. Analysis of the students’ feedback finds that stigmatising attitudes toward homosexuality were indeed present among the students. However, there was also a high degree of curiosity, awareness of the existence of secretive homosexualities in Nigeria, desire for education, and confidence that traditional cultures and Nigerian democracy could accommodate individual freedom and sexual rights. The conclusion is that well-prepared researchers and educators could be less anxious and self-censoring around the topic of homosexuality than prevails at present. Careful attention would need to be paid to local sensibilities, but sexuality and HIV education programmes could probably be brought closer into line with world guidelines on best practices and comprehensive approaches to human sexuality education and sexual health.  相似文献   

Throughout most of the 1960s there was considerable optimism among education policy makers that schools could foster equality of opportunity: could mitigate social class disparities in educational achievements. During the 1980s a growing number of local education authorities have produced policy documents which are designed to remedy racism, ‘racial’ inequalities and ‘racial’ disparities in achievements. This article argues that these more recent initiatives mirror very clearly the earlier, class based, definitions of problems, explanatory paradigms and policy recommendations. It suggests that the racialisation of structural inequalities, the politicisation of ‘race’ issues locally and the contradictions generated by four particular crises of legitimacy within education provide the context within which antiracist policies can be understood. It asks what lessons can be learned from the demise and failure of earlier class‐based education policies.  相似文献   

In this study, we seek to illuminate teachers’ constructions of US teacher evaluation policies through close analysis of the way teachers in one district describe these policies. We conducted a thematic discursive analysis of 60 teachers’ speeches, recorded during local school board meetings in a Tennessee school district. Using discursive psychology as a lens, analysis focuses on the teachers’ constructions of teacher accountability policies and their own positioning within the policies. We also attend to the linguistic resources teachers used in justifying their decision to speak during the meetings. Findings showed that while drawing upon repertoires of human capital and one-size-fits-all education, the teachers’ patterned participation involved the contestation of status quo practices of teacher evaluation and effectiveness by contrasting them with imagined possibilities of what evaluation could be instead. Implications for developing teacher evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

作为一种极具童趣和乡土气息的语言形式,客家童谣是非常具有地域文化特色的综合教育素材,对儿童语言、艺术、社会性、科学认识等方面的健康发展有着激发和促进的重要价值.幼儿园一方面应有针对性地对客家童谣进行全面整合,在其中融入时代的因素,拓展客家童谣的文化内涵,另一方面应借鉴客家童谣的形式,编写信息量大、图文并茂、地方特色浓厚的正规启蒙教材,从而既保存童谣这一客家口头文化的珍品,又充分发挥其对现代幼儿教育的重要补充作用.  相似文献   

In order to increase the competitiveness of the workforce at low cost, the Hong Kong government brought in the idea of community colleges and the associate degree while keeping the same annual set quota of first-year, first-degree places at publicly-funded universities. At first glance, in doing so, the government could avoid expanding the sector of university education, which could eventually lead to credential inflation usually found in the West. However, the policy, perhaps unintentionally, boosts up students’ educational aspiration: while a greater number of students obtain an associate degree, they do not take an associate degree as a final degree but demand a bachelor degree. This rising demand, then, leads to the emergence and subsequent expansion of the self-financing sector of university education. This Hong Kong experience demonstrates that it is perhaps a mission impossible, to let more people have a higher education while keeping the sector of higher education intact.  相似文献   

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