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This article reflects on the potential benefits of applying systemic theory to the work of educational psychologists (EPs). It reviews developments in systemic thinking over time, and discusses the differences between more directive “first order” versus collaborative “second order” approaches. It considers systemic theories and illustrates their application in educational psychology practice through a case study. It assesses current engagement of EPs with systemic thinking, based on published literature. It hypothesises about barriers that EPs may encounter when attempting to use systemic approaches in their work, as well as possible solutions and their implications.  相似文献   


Dynamic assessment (DA) is appealing to educational psychologists (EPs) due to: its flexibility, allowing EPs to adjust materials and processes to fit the assessment context; its usefulness, revealing ideas about how the next steps for learning might be achieved; and its focus on strengths. In Feuerstein’s words, “it is the instances of success of the individual that are the focal point for analysis for the reasons of success and failure”. Given the appeal of DA, it is frustrating that it has not been taken up more by practitioners. This paper will explore what DA is, and what it is not, summarise its advantages, consider why it is not more widely used, and introduce one way in which EPs can receive support for DA; using video of an EP “doing” DA within supervision in order to reflect on “good” DA.  相似文献   

Coaching psychology is a distinct sub-discipline of academic and applied psychology that focuses on the enhancement of performance, development and well-being in the broader population. Applied in educational contexts, the practice of coaching psychology has the potential to have a positive impact by supporting children and adults to achieve enhanced standards of functioning and well-being. It therefore represents a way in which educational psychologists (EPs) might elect to diversify their practice. However, EPs are disproportionately under-represented in the development of this emerging field. This article charts the birth and evolution of contemporary coaching psychology, and presents a case study illustrating the application of this methodology in a school context. Suggestions are given regarding professional development activities that might be undertaken by EPs seeking to develop coaching psychology as a strand of their practice.  相似文献   

There are manifold benefits of parental involvement in a child’s education, but there is evidence of gender imbalances in parental involvement. This article describes research into fathers’ involvement with educational psychologists (EPs) working with children undergoing statutory assessment. A content analysis of children’s files from one educational psychology service was conducted to assess the level of paternal involvement in EPs’ work, and semi‐structured interviews with eight fathers were used to identify factors that affected their involvement with EPs’ work. Fathers were less involved than mothers, and a number of factors affecting fathers’ involvement was identified. The discussion of findings is informed by Community Psychology, Ecosystemic Theory and the Theory of Planned Behaviour, and strategies to promote paternal involvement are identified.  相似文献   

In this article, the author reflects on findings from research on the role and impact of teaching assistants and experience of working as a special educational needs (SEN) officer. Research evidence suggests the reliance on teaching assistants to include pupils with Statements of SEN in mainstream settings masks a collective, though unintentional, failure of educationalists to articulate and provide schools and families of children with SEN with appropriate and pedagogically sound models of inclusive provision. In light of the forthcoming reforms to the SEN system in England, key implications for educational psychologists (EPs) are drawn out, with particular reference to their role in parent liaison during the statutory assessment process.  相似文献   

Dynamic Assessment would appear to be an appropriate tool for educational psychologists (EPs) as it is concerned with how children learn and has a wider social remit of promoting inclusion. Yet the literature consistently shows this approach has been one of the least utilised methods in educational psychology practice. This paper addresses the role of Dynamic Assessment within professional practice and critiques what this model of service delivery can contribute to the four stages of assessment according to the Division of Educational and Child Psychology guidelines: what is happening; who is concerned; why there is a problem, and what can be done to make a difference to the situation. Both theoretical and practical aspects will be analysed, supported by practical examples. The implications for EPs are discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamic between theoretical underpinnings and practical demands of the educational psychologists’ (EPs’) profession is explored with regard to the contrasting explanation of problems along the ‘within child’ to ‘context of child’ dimension. Reference is made to earlier work which provided a paradigm shift away from individual diagnostic and therapeutic work towards EPs’ involvement in research, projects and working with schools as systems. This change has not been closely reflected in the content of educational psychology reports submitted for Statutory Assessments. The opportunity has arisen for a profound review of the content of statutory educational psychology reports via the relevant sections of the Children and Families Act 2014 (Part 3) and the associated Education, Care and Health Plans which replaced Statements of Special Educational Needs. A case is made for the use of references within statutory educational psychology reports to psychological theory including the basis of more holistic conceptualisations.  相似文献   

The Children and Families Act (2014) has seen the extension of the role of educational psychologists (EPs) to cover the age range from birth to 25 years. EPs have had to develop and extend their practice to meet the needs of post-16 young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Research on transition from compulsory education to further education, employment or training has highlighted significant variability in practice. A systematic review of contemporary literature was undertaken to explore the potential role and contributions of EPs in supporting post-school transition to further education, employment or training. Seven studies met inclusion criteria and data were reported using PRISMA guidelines. Although predominantly speculative, the data highlight a number of roles for EPs in supporting post-16 transition, encompassing work at individual, group and systemic levels and incorporating core functions of educational psychology practice.  相似文献   

Dynamic Assessment (DA) is an interactive form of cognitive assessment used by some educational psychologists (EPs) to assess the learning potential of children and young people, through a focus on cognitive and affective aspects of learning. In terms of UK EP practice, this approach has the potential to complement the focus on ‘person-centred planning’ set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice. However, there is little guidance or consensus on what constitutes good DA practice. This research employed a Delphi methodology to identify competencies required to carry out quality DA. A panel of five international experts in DA and 17 EPs, using DA in practice, participated in three rounds of a Delphi study that identified 13 knowledge and 12 skills competencies considered essential for quality DA practice. The resulting framework could inform training and professional development programmes for EPs wishing to develop their skills and competence in practice.  相似文献   

A qualitative research project was carried out to explore the views of children with special educational needs, their parents and teachers about one aspect of educational psychology practice: the dynamic assessment of cognitive skills. The research was carried out in a highly diverse and inclusive borough in East London, by Nicola Lawrence from Hounslow Educational Psychology Service, and Sharon Cahill from the University of East London. The views of nine children were sought through semi‐structured interviews regarding the process of dynamic assessment, supported with tools and techniques to facilitate discussion. The views of eight parents and seven teachers were also sought, through semi‐structured interviews and focus groups, regarding the psychological reports produced from dynamic assessment. Of the original findings acquired through thematic analysis of the data, those pertaining to the perceived impact of dynamic assessment of cognitive skills are reported. Dynamic assessment was reported to impact positively upon the child's emotional well‐being, self‐perceptions, approach to learning and social relationships, both directly, and through the subsequent intervention of parents and educators. Dynamic assessment, as well as providing instructionally useful information for parents and teachers, encouraged them to move beyond locating the problem within the child, to reconceptualising their special educational needs in context. As a result, parents and teachers became more positive and optimistic about the child, the current situation and the child's future. Dynamic assessment impacted upon the child's holistic needs, parenting and the development of inclusive practice in the classroom. It is concluded that from the perspective of service users, dynamic assessment forms a worthwhile and valuable part of educational psychology practice.  相似文献   


In the context of the North Rhine-Westphalian school reform towards an inclusive education system, this article problematises the practice of categorisation. Our research aims to investigate the assessment of special educational needs (SEN) and thereby enrich the discussion of the relation between inclusion and diagnostics. For this study, we interviewed 14 SEN investigators and five decision-makers. We discuss the results on the basis of a qualitative content analysis and against the background of Fleck’s concept of thought styles. We mainly found inertia in special education traditions, expressed in the use of intelligence tests, the dominance of SEN teachers in the assessment process and the lack of participation of parents and pupils. We conclude that it is necessary to reform the SEN assessment rules. At the same time, we see major challenges in transforming existing thought styles into a more flexible and decategorising approach.  相似文献   


Many studies have focused on the importance of the participation of children and young people (CYP) in their education, although fewer papers discuss the practical aspects of seeking their views and fewer again on representing them. A mixed method approach was used to collect information regarding educational psychologists’ (EPs’) practice in obtaining and representing CYP’s views. A questionnaire (n = 73) was used to gather data from local authority educational psychology services (EPSs) across Wales and eight participants who completed the questionnaire took part in an interview to explore their views in more depth. Using thematic analysis, the major themes constructed included “accessing a true representation of CYP’s views”, “gaining CYP’s views empowers them” and “child-centred practice”. The implications of the present study for the role of educational psychologists are discussed, together with future directions for research and the limitations of the present study.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the broad question of whether or not the UK SEN system works from the perspective of the parent and the child, at the moment when a need first becomes apparent. The sparse literature on this topic suggests parental experiences may differ substantially, but there is growing evidence from small‐scale studies that parents are unhappy with the situation and children’s needs are not being met. The findings of a longitudinal participant observation study are presented. It is argued that current conceptualisations of the SEN system are located exclusively or primarily within the educational domain and fail to take into account the full complexity of the system. To access support via the SEN system, a child and his/her parents have to interact within three distinct domains: educational, legal and medical, and in each of which the child occupies a qualitatively different space as “pupil”, “case” and “patient”. There is scope for errors and failings to occur within each domain, at multiple levels, and in the interstices between domains. Furthermore, at all levels, the system has both formal and informal dimensions. We argue that this alternative “whole systems” perspective on the SEN system transcends current conceptualisations and that existing “solutions” proposed to improve the SEN system will not work unless they take into account these complex dynamics.  相似文献   

The role of the educational psychology service in crisis support is well established. This paper examines a key aspect of this role, the impact on psychologists themselves, and reviews literature on secondary stress, considering the term “stress” itself as part of the discussion. It examines recommendations for professional practice and self care in disasters and considers a model that could be used to inform supervision and professional practice.  相似文献   

Educational or school psychologists (EPs/SPs) can offer support with behaviour concerns at the levels of individual, group or organisation. Their practices, whilst being psychologically based, must be responsive to local contexts and needs. To explore behaviour practice in a real-world context, and to consider how development in this domain might occur during the adoption of a “part-traded” service delivery model, an empirical investigation was conducted within one English local authority (LA) educational psychology service (EPS). Using an action research model, data were gathered through a focus group with six EPs and an interview with the Principal EP (PEP). Current behaviour practices, psychological approaches and future development priorities were identified, as well as perceived facilitators and barriers to change and the EPs’ reflections on professional development through research participation. Implications for EP practice and future research are considered.  相似文献   

This article discusses some of the problems and possibilities facing educational psychologists (EPs) as they strive to take a proactive role in promoting inclusion in their daily work. It begins by commenting on recent evidence which suggests that, despite exhortations to the contrary, many EPs continue to promote non-inclusive ways of working. It then discusses the possibility that the discipline of psychology can, itself, promote an approach to EP practice which is often construed as actively supporting a segregated system of education. This is followed by a review of the evidence suggesting that EPs are abandoning their traditional routes in psychology and adopting school based consultation as a method or working that is more inclusive. The article concludes by referring in some detail to two examples of projects in which EPs have shown that it is possible for them to work in alternative ways with schools and local authorities to promote inclusion.  相似文献   

The relationship between psychology and education may be expressed in terms of two general models: the traditional hierarchical model, according to which psychology is the “parent” discipline; and a parallel model, in which the relationship between “pure” theory and its application is metaphoric rather than paradigmatic. The hierarchical model, however, does not hold even for such a “tight” area as behavior modification, let alone for educational practice in general.Educational practice, as a professional enterprise, should be guided by a consistent set of constructs taken from the practitioner's universe of discourse. The professionalization of education has been delayed because of attempts, mostly vain, to guide practice by applying constructs derived from other disciplines. Other disciplines, notably psychology, can be useful for education but in a metaphoric sense only. “Educology” is suggested as a convenient term for the set of constructs that should give coherence to educational decision-making.  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated an educational psychologist’s use of a strengths-based development tool with head teachers, in the context of influencing and supporting leaders in school organisations. Nine head teachers completed the “Realise2 Introductory Profile” online strengths assessment and then received a structured debrief by an educational psychologist, to facilitate discussion around their individual profile. Feedback was gathered from five head teachers, using semi-structured interview and a Likert-type rating scale. Interviews were analysed thematically. Head teachers reported raised self-awareness in terms of their realised strengths, learned behaviours, weaknesses and unrealised strengths. They noted an increased motivation and commitment to self reflection as a core practice and related this to subsequent changes in management practice, such as improving personal resilience, increased authenticity in their professional role and more effective delegation of management tasks. Organisational level outcomes reported by head teachers included increases in focus on strengths based practices, teacher well-being and resilience. Personal and professional development with individual head teachers is discussed as an effective use of educational psychology resources with potential benefits for the wider organisation.  相似文献   

Behavioural difficulties, whether externalising or internalising, concern educational policy makers, practitioners and educational psychologists (EPs). The present configurative systematic literature review (SLR) aims to explore EPs’ representations of their behaviour management practices and application of psychology within behaviour work, in peer-reviewed studies published between 2000 and 2017. Four research databases, Google Scholar and a University Online Library were systematically searched. A total of 29 papers were found, 12 of which met the study inclusion criteria and were deemed to be of at least medium methodological quality and relevance. A synthesis of the studies’ accounts and outcomes revealed a range of EP practices at individual, group and organisational levels, exemplifying the core functions of the role. EPs draw upon single or multiple integrated psychological paradigms and commonly adopt a social constructionist and relational approach to their work, which can be seen to empirically validate existing models of EP professional practice. Links to EP practice and implications for further research are considered.  相似文献   

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