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1.next week,表示下周;next month,表示下月,next year,表示明年。我们说July(七月),next month就是August(八月);我们说2013年,next year就是2014年。2.The next week,the next month...指"从说话时算起的接下来一个星期、月或年的时间",译为"从现在开始,接下来一个星期、月或年"。如我们说July 1st,2013(2013年7月1日),the next  相似文献   

笔者曾作为“上海教师提高项目”(Shanghai English Teaching Improvement Project,简称SETIP)的成员(教师培训者Teacher’sTrainer)被派往英国Marjon学院(The Collegeof St.Mark&St.John)参加了为期三个月的培训。三个月并不算长,但如果把国外培训与国内培训进行比较,我觉得国外培训最大的优势就是能够让人排除日常琐事的干扰,潜心学习、体验和反思。  相似文献   

The pure,the bright,the beautiful, 纯洁的,辉煌的,美丽的, Thatstirred our hearts in youth, 这些激动着我们年轻时的心灵, The im pulses to wordless prayer, 刺激着我们做无言的祷告的动力, The dream s of love and truth; 爱与真理的梦想; The longing after som ething s lost, 在失去之后所感到的渴望, The spirits yearning cry, 灵魂的思念的呼喊,The striving after better hopes—— 为了更美好的梦想的奋斗—— These things can never die. (所有)这些美好不会消逝。 The tim id hand stretched forth to aid,羞怯手伸…  相似文献   

Lawyer as a profession;The process of legal education;Educational institutes;The modern Ukrainian legal science and education;The most famous scholars.  相似文献   

俄罗斯(The Russian Federation,The Russia;Российская Федерация Россия),全称俄罗斯联邦共和国。  相似文献   

The elements of Sartre’s existentialism are shown in Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery: The world abounds with absurdities and bitterness; people can be the hell to each other; an individual has a free choice and act, but should be responsible for his or her behavior. Shirley discusses the problem of the existence of an individual in the complex web of society and environment in The Lottery, just as Sartre in his works of existentialism.  相似文献   

<正> The curfew tolls the knell of parting day, The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea. The ploughman homeward plods his weary way, And leaves the world to darkness, and to me. 这四句诗,语言和谐,节奏明快,韵脚刚健、低沉;它把读者的思维引进了薄暮溟溟之中。  相似文献   

The expression to raise Cain(闹事;引起麻烦;捣乱)means to make trouble by wild or vi-olent(凶暴的)action.The Christian holy book,“The Bible”,tells the story of Cain.He was oneof the sons of Adam(亚当) and Eve(夏娃).  相似文献   

1.______Japan is to______east of our country.A.The;a B.A;theC.The;the D./;the2.—What do you think of the president of yourcompany?—Oh,he is______president who is very strict,but it!s______pleasure to work with him.A.the;the B.a;a C.a;the D.the;a3.The ev…  相似文献   

The elements of Sartre’s existentialism are shown in Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery:The world abounds with absurdities and bitterness;people can be the hell to each other;an individual has a free choice...  相似文献   

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