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随着社会经济发展方式、人口年龄结构和人们生活方式的变化,美国高等教育在校学生构成也发生了新的变化,非传统学生问题日益凸显。如何满足这些年龄各异、来自不同行业、具有不同经济、文化、教育背景的非传统学生多元化的教育需求,增加其均等入学机会,消除其学习障碍,提高其学业持久性,对于美国高等教育来说仍然是一场挑战。  相似文献   

How can we excuse educators from the responsibility of meeting prevailing ethical standards for test preparation practice? How far apart are test makers and others on the appropriateness of different practices? Don't all parties to the testing process have important responsibilities?  相似文献   

What is it to regard the occupation of teaching as a profession – as distinct from a trade or vocation? The conventional modern conception of a profession is that of a normative enterprise in which standards of good practice are not just technically or contractually but also morally grounded: indeed, arguably the key difference between trades like plumbing or building and professions like medicine or law is that although the former are doubtless often subject to ethical regulation, ethical principles are actually constitutive of professions. It is also plausible to regard universal professional obligations as grounded in rights indexed to considerations of human need: insofar as humans cannot in general flourish without health, medical practitioners are bound to respond to any medical need without favour or prejudice. This paper argues, however, that powerful and persuasive contemporary critiques of notions of objective or value-neutral development and flourishing raise quite serious theoretical problems (expressed here as antinomies) for any analogous view of teaching as a profession.  相似文献   

The capacity of online education to produce learning environments that are supportive of hybrid identities, complex discourses, and multiple relations among learners raises questions about the ethical response of online educators. To investigate the ethics of online education, we discuss two questions: How are identity and communication constituted in online education? What are the features of an ethical pedagogy in online education? Such questions help us think in alternative ways about the ethical dimensions of online education. We argue that Emmanuel Levinas's views on ethics and otherness can overcome some of the ethical challenges inherent in online education by helping educators and learners become more aware of how they respond to the Other and consider their ethical responsibility to the Other's multiple and complex identities. An ethical pedagogy for online education that takes seriously the unknowable and irreducible Other has the potential to provide us with a different notion of what constitutes ethical pedagogies.  相似文献   

Educational research is dominated by a particular model: data is gathered and analysed. Much literature on methods concerns either ways of processing data, or ethical issues regarding its collection and handling. The present paper looks beyond these matters to the taken‐for‐granted idea of data itself. What can be meant by ‘data’? How does this connect with ideas of the given? What is the place of giving in education—in teaching and learning, in research itself? These issues are explored in the light of information technology’s impact on research, uncovering ethical dimensions that the seeming naturalness of data otherwise obscures.  相似文献   

美国高中课程的标准、设置、开发与管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要探究和回答以下问题 :美国高中课程的标准由谁制定 ?美国高中现开设哪些课程 ?美国高中如何开发校本课程 ?美国高中课程是如何进行管理的 ?  相似文献   

关于伦理守则对企业道德行为影响的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伦理守则的采用和实施可以从以下几方面对企业道德行为产生影响:首先,伦理守则的采用可以提高员工对道德问题的意识程度和重视程度;其次,伦理守则具体内容的制定有利于员工做出符合本企业道德要求的道德判断并且提供可能采用的行为方案;再次,伦理守则的具体实施有利于提高企业决策活动符合道德要求的机率。要使伦理守则真正发挥作用还需要以下一些条件:第一,企业伦理守则与企业价值观的契合度;第二,企业伦理守则意思表述的清晰度;第三,伦理守则沟通传达的效度;第四,伦理守则实施范围的广度;第五,伦理守则具体可操作度;第六,领导者和管理者对企业伦理守则实施的支持力度;第七,企业其他制度对企业伦理守则的保障力度。目前中国企业就伦理守则方面而言,存在以下突出的问题:第一,制定和实施伦理守则的企业凤毛麟角;第二,企业伦理守则和企业经营行为不符;第三,企业领导者在执行伦理守则中没有起到模范作用。  相似文献   

Students’ imprudent use of social media might threaten their employability and undermine their emerging professional identities. Most professions acknowledge that any benefits of social media must be balanced against its potential to negatively affect workers’ professional lives and the public trust. Professional bodies have developed social media guidelines as a part of more general professional codes of conduct to try to mitigate the legal, ethical, and social risks that imprudent social media use can pose to patients, clients, colleagues, and social media users themselves. This discussion considers examples of students’ social media use from health care and other tertiary programs in Australia and Sweden and concludes that universities must confront social media challenges as part of students’ educational experience for the development of a responsible and professional digital citizenry.  相似文献   

Defining Minimal Competence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How do we explain the standard-setting process to judges? What context should we set for the standard-setting exercise? How can we help judges develop a common definition of minimal competence?  相似文献   

How can community college presidents and boards of trustees safely manage the ethical dilemmas they face as they lead their institutions into the future and important resources continue to diminish? And what happens when a board member violates the board's code of conduct or the president either fails to consult a professional ethics code or ignores it? This article considers such a scenario. Recognizing that ethical dilemmas are complex and involve emotional responses, this article presents a nonlinear, multidimensional ethical decision-making model that can help presidents and boards maneuver through difficult situations in an ethical manner. This decision-making model consists of six steps to guide presidents and boards as they consider the most ethical course of action for their college and the community. These steps include (a) identifying the ethical dilemma; (b) gathering facts, self-monitoring, and consulting; (c) asking important questions; (d) creating alternate courses of action; (e) evaluating alternatives by the ethics code, law, and moral motivation; and (f) implementing a course of action by moral follow-through and virtue ethics.  相似文献   

History has practically vanished from allied health professional education. We ask, what kind of problem does a ‘history of the professions’ pose for health sciences curriculum? What are the implications of graduates being unschooled in the history of their profession? Literature on knowledge in the curriculum, is used to interrogate how historical knowledge has come to be constituted in professional education fields. We develop a sketch of two particular health professions – occupational therapy and physiotherapy – and ask why it might be difficult to include a history of the profession in these curricula. Our view is that by helping students to cultivate an historical imagination, they can see how their experiences are framed by a fascinating collision of ideas, politics and practices. Furthermore, attention to history can help students better situate their own uncertainties about transitioning to practice enabling them to tackle professional quandaries with hindsight, foresight and insight.  相似文献   

The contemporary cultural context may be seen as presenting a moral void in vocational education, sanctioning the ascendency of instrumental epistemology and a proliferation of codes of conduct, to which workplace actions are expected to conform. Important among the purposes of such codes is that of encouraging ethical conduct, but, true to their informing instrumental epistemology, they tend to assume that ethical conduct is a formal matter: a priori, extrinsic, deductive, universal, determinate, unproblematic, incontestable, constraining and selfless. However, the context may, conversely, be seen as presenting grounds for a very different view of moral conduct as situated: immanent, intrinsic, cultural, contextualised, underdetermined, problematic, contestable, challenging and authentic. There is suggested, then, a need for vocational educators and trainers to develop the knowledge, capability, commitment and confidence to work as situated moral agents in workplaces of codified expectations to which they may be held accountable.  相似文献   

Jane Addams's Democracy and Social Ethics is more than a historical artifact describing the work of a prominent social reformer. It is also a significant contribution to philosophy, especially in the area of social ethics. Moreover, though less widely acknowledged, Addams's work is essential for anyone who seeks an ethical vision for education. Here, we examine these claims through three interrelated questions. First, Addams argues for a social ethics that goes beyond individual virtues, such as honesty. Yet, she situates and builds that ethics on concrete, situated personal relations. How can an all‐encompassing social ethics develop from localized individual relations? Second, Addams worked to address specific problems faced by immigrants. However, her social ethics explicitly denies that material conditions justify contentious struggle. How does a theory of social ethics relate to material conditions, especially in terms of inequities of race, class, or gender? Third, Addams always focuses on immediate problems, even engaging deeply with the situation of specific individuals. How can such local, interpersonal action be integrated with large‐scale political action? A close examination of these questions shows that Addams's work offers powerful insights into the mutually constitutive practice of engaging in pragmatist philosophy and reflective, ethically guided education, a practice that has never been more important than it is today.  相似文献   

Ethical problems encountered by mental health practitioners working with deaf clients are often complex and involve issues not fully addressed in professional codes of ethics. A principles-based ethical reasoning process can assist in resolving many of these ethical concerns. Principles such as beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, fairness, integrity, and respect are found in the ethical codes of many disciplines; these can also create a common language or reference point when professionals from different fields attempt to deal with shared problems. This article discusses some applications of these principles in working with deaf individuals and proposes an ethical decision-making process that can provide a framework for ethical reasoning in thinking through complex problems.  相似文献   

本文从四个方面分析探讨“教师应当掌握怎样的技术”这一问题:运用技术的实质是什么?教师应掌握哪些技术?教师应掌握多深的技术?如何培养教师的技术能力?并阐释其对我国教师教育和信息技术教育所具有的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

脑科学研究与学生素质培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脑科学研究成果如何应用于教育改革以提高学生素质?如研究脑科学中关于人语言中枢发展的关键期与可塑性如何用于儿童语言的早期教育;用脑科学的研究成果用于教育中如何改善学生们的记忆问题;研究脑科学中关于“敏感化”用于培养学生们创造性的“直觉”思维问题;研究大脑神经最重要的对多重记忆的整合功能,用于培养学生们德、智、体、美全面发展问题。  相似文献   

行业院校划转地方后,管理主体发生了根本的变化,在我国经济社会改革与发展大环境的影响下,学校的发展面临着许多新的挑战和机遇,学校自身如何制定发展战略,明确定位,办出特色;政府如何提供条件保障,给予支持,值得深入思考。  相似文献   

近三十多年,我国教育界热心于苏霍姆林斯基教育思想研究的同行们,常常关注如下问题:苏霍姆林斯基是如何成长为伟大的教育家的?苏霍姆林斯基教育思想中最为关键的要点是什么?乌克兰在当前是如何继承和发展苏霍姆林斯基教育思想的?笔者就这些问题采访了乌克兰帕夫雷什中学校长瓦·德尔卡契女士和基辅市苏霍姆林斯基实验中学校长瓦·哈依鲁莲娜(通讯)院士。  相似文献   

This article reviews two examples of ethical codes produced to provide a set of standards, principles, or guidelines for professional conduct relating to educational assessment. Both codes classify professional responsibilities under key functions of assessment described in the article. The commentary identifies as important uses of the Codes self‐regulation of ethical standards within the profession and facilitation of teaching about ethical conduct. Although institutions and bureaucracies are increasingly regulating professional and research practice through ethics committees, it is argued that ethical behaviour is likely to be more effective and more pervasive when developed through education, reflection and deliberate modelling. Similarly, such behaviour is more likely to be sustained through peer scrutiny and professional self‐regulation than through monitoring via bureaucratic control. Such a stance implies the need for ready access to ethics codes widely known and endorsed within the profession.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the following questions: (a) How do Cyprus universities that educate teachers respond to the challenge of inclusive education? Are the programmes of these institutions designed on the basis of the principles of inclusive education? What are the barriers that prevent student teachers to develop inclusive practices? How universities could help their student teachers to develop inclusive practices? These questions were investigated through qualitative data. In particular, the case study of a higher education institution in Cyprus was developed. The analysis of these data indicates certain factors that act as barriers in the development of inclusive practices by student teachers. These factors are related to the curricula, the notion of inclusion and to the different levels of culture. Developing these factors, we present at the same time particular suggestions for overcoming these barriers.  相似文献   

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