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This paper attempts to address connections between the Chinese model for development or the “Beijing Consensus” and Chinese universities. Chinese universities seem to be caught between serving governmental agendas and pursuing their own goals as an academic community. Up until recently, they had become used to following the lead of the government, which often comes with rationales and approaches featuring pragmatism and utilitarianism. Drawing on the perspectives of social embeddedness and external control of organizations in higher education, we argue that the lack of dynamism and innovation that is hindering Chinese higher education’s development is largely owing to the political, social, and cultural factors prevailing in the environment in which the universities operate. Put in another way, Chinese universities are confronting a crisis, owing to the inbuilt constraints of China’s development model.  相似文献   

评估——无论采用何种形式——不得不建立在对不同水平和质量的理论思考基础之上。其中至关重要的是测验内容领域要依据教与学的过程来构建。其次,任务是评估相关内容结构的核心工具。因此,在设计对数学的教育评估时,按照合理的标识和特征对任务进行分类就成为一个息息相关的问题,也是一个巨大的挑战。本文重点研究PISA(国际学生评估项目的缩写,是以数学素养为目标的国际比较研究,包括在国家层面德国所做的许多调整)和COACTIV(德国教师数学知识和数学教学知识的一个代表性研究)。两者都旨在实现区分性评估(differentiated assessment),都考虑了评价内容和任务分析的不同方面。区分性评估结果使得我们能够获取有用的信息,进一步推动课堂教与学的发展。这些信息主要表现为两个方面:评估学生不同类型的知识,这些知识类型直接指向课堂教学与学习中存在的各种问题;探索教师知识对学生学习进展的影响,表明哪种教学行为是有效的。  相似文献   

The ideas of teacher educators and teachers on in‐service training courses do not necessarily concur. This, in the eye of the author, is one of the reasons for the rather general disappointment with in‐service training among teachers in Italy. A small survey among secondary school teachers was made in Ivrea, Italy, by one of their colleagues, who took part in the 1977 ATEE conference in Trieste. The teachers were asked for their preferences as to the time of the courses, subjects and method. The presentation of the results is not only a quantitative one; the material offered enough possibilities to illustrate the statistics of this small scale survey.  相似文献   

What the Afternoon School Does Best   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Interstitial fluid (ISF) flow through vascular adventitia has been discovered recently. However, its kinetic pattern was unclear. We used histological and topographical identification to observe ISF flow along venous vessels in rabbits. By magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in live subjects, the inherent pathways of ISF flow from the ankle dermis through the legs, abdomen, and thorax were enhanced by paramagnetic contrast. By fluorescence stereomicroscopy and layer-by-layer dissection after the rabbits were sacrificed, the perivascular and adventitial connective tissues (PACTs) along the saphenous veins and inferior vena cava were found to be stained by sodium fluorescein from the ankle dermis, which coincided with the findings by MRI. The direction of ISF transport in a venous PACT pathway was the same as that of venous blood flow. By confocal microscopy and histological analysis, the stained PACT pathways were verified to be the fibrous connective tissues, consisting of longitudinally assembled fibers. Real-time observations by fluorescence stereomicroscopy revealed at least two types of spaces for ISF flow: one along adventitial fibers and another one between the vascular adventitia and its covering fascia. Using nanoparticles and surfactants, a PACT pathway was found to be accessible by a nanoparticle of <100 nm and contained two parts: a transport channel and an absorptive part. The calculated velocity of continuous ISF flow along fibers of the PACT pathway was 3.6‒15.6 mm/s. These data revealed that a PACT pathway was a “slit-shaped” porous biomaterial, comprising a longitudinal transport channel and an absorptive part for imbibition. The use of surfactants suggested that interfacial tension might play an essential role in layers of continuous ISF flow along vascular vessels. A hypothetical “gel pump” is proposed based on interfacial tension and interactions to regulate ISF flow. These experimental findings may inspire future studies to explore the physiological and pathophysiological functions of vascular ISF or interfacial fluid flow among interstitial connective tissues throughout the body.  相似文献   

Why don't more students use the career center? Shane J. Lopez argues that the traditional career center has not kept up with students’ needs. He suggests that they reimagine themselves as places where students identify and nurture their strengths in order to find fulfilling work and create fulfilling lives.  相似文献   

Research has shown that mentor teachers play varied roles. Using a conceptual framework grounded in these roles, the researchers explored what seven student teachers said during multiple interviews about the roles they wanted for their mentor teachers. Findings showed that while some participants preferred emotional support and others wanted instructional support, none wanted socialization. The researchers identified a new category–mentor as gatekeeper–to capture the preferences of one participant and concerns of others. This category reflected a focus on the credentialing aspect of student teaching as something that students must complete before licensure. Implications for teacher education included additional support for mentor teacher–preservice teacher pairs such as conversations about desired, expected, possible, and emerging roles during the mentoring process.  相似文献   

学校以教学工作为中心!尽管现在社会赋予学校许多职能,教育改革要求学校重新思考在新的历史变革中的定位,但学校教学中心的地位不能变。校长以管理为主!市场经济曾经让个别校长热衷于创收,杂乱的事务也确实使校长烦恼,但精明的校长都知道,管理不能丢,管理出质量、出效益。  相似文献   

当前,在基础教育新课程实施过程中,为了提高教师素质以适应新课程的需要,不少学校都重视开展校本教师培训。但据了解,在培训内容的设计上,培训的组织者们不免有些茫然,或者随意性较大,与本校教师的实际工作需要相距较远,致使培训达不到理想的效果。那么,校本教师培训究竟该培训  相似文献   

21世纪的社会呼唤富有个性和创造性的人才,教育应该重视以全面发展学生个性为目的的个性化教学。教师在个性化教学要求下,存在"应为却难为"的状况。基于此,从教学理念的形成、教学目标的定位、教学过程的实施和教师的自我发展四个方面分析教师在个性化教学要求下的"难为"与"应为"。  相似文献   

语文新课程标准倡导学生对文本进行个性化解读,自主建构文本意义,但教师在实践操作过程中应正确把握自己的角色,不能消解教师指导者的作用,因为过分强调文本解读的个性化,易使学生的语文学习走向盲目化、浅薄化,从而造成语文阅读教学的低效。正确处理文本解读虚与实的关系,主流与非主流的关系,个别解读与合作阅读的关系,是教师发挥主导作用的主要体现。  相似文献   

“学生评教”信奉什么教育哲学?   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
管理走向简单化、庸俗化,学生评教的积极意义受到了极度的重视。物极必反,倘若教师工作业绩如何,由学生的评判一锤定音,教师的无奈选择就可能是顺从、迎合学生的趣味,而不是也无法去教育、引导学生。评教的导向功能异化,师生关系的扭曲,必须引起教育研究者的警惕:不能把育人哲学等同于市场哲学,也不能用经济规律取代教育规律。  相似文献   

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