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新编高中语文教材增加了随笔写作要求 本文试认随笔形式与中学生朋友谈谈随笔的写作  相似文献   

陈雁雁 《成才之路》2013,(33):45-45
“生活随笔”以其写作时间的切近性、写作情感的切实性、写作内容的切身,以其对积累写作素材、体验写作过程、提高写作技法的价值性,受到青睐。然而“随意为之’:内容要求的“随便性”和写作要求的“随意性”削弱了“生活随笔”价值的开发和利用,甚至造成了写作文体更混乱和内容是非观念更不清的情况出现。本文从人才培养角度出发,拟以《开学时分》生活随笔为例,谈谈生活随笔写作的两个基本要求。  相似文献   

随笔写作有利于提高学生的写作水平,深受广大师生的青睐。提高随笔教学的有效性,教师要将随笔教学与学生思想结合,与自然环境结合,与课外读物结合,与探究学习结合,与重大事件结合,与时代发展结合,以更好训练学生的写作思维,促使学生写出言之有物、个性纷呈的好文章来。  相似文献   

河北省承德县第一中学自1953年建校以来,便有文学社团,虽然其社名由于各种原因在不断更改,但其文学精神一直在延续并不断完善和发展。随笔文学社是我校近年应着时代的节拍,一扫精英教育的理念,高喊大众教育的口号而创办的一个最最朴实的文学社。文学社自创办以来开展了一系列的探索活动,广泛培养社员的写作兴趣,整合社员的生活素材,发挥其创新写作、自由写作的特长,丰富了社员的业余生活,并培养了一批写作新人。文学社创办有社刊《随笔》,每三周出版一次,是社员进行写作的主阵地。其中有100多名社员计300余篇作品被《语文教学与研究·读写天…  相似文献   

时下高中语文随笔写作仍然停留在"随意""随便"的状态,存在训练目标缺失、写作指导失当、写作内容零散、评价形同虚设等等弊端。构建高中语文随笔的写作序列,再辅以特色化的随笔写作评价方式,有助于解决上述弊端。  相似文献   

关于随笔,清朝陆以活在《冷庐杂识》说:“暇惟观书以悦志,偶有得即书之,兼及平昔所闻见,随笔漫录,不沿体例。”这段话说的是,随笔内容是观书、阅世之所得,随笔的文字是随着思路率性而作,随笔的文体是不受传统规矩约束的。钱理群先生也非常明确地提出:“随笔是从心底里涌出来的。它所要述说的,是刻骨铭心的个体生存体验,是只属于自己的‘个人的话语’。”正因为随笔在写作时间、写作地点、题材选择、篇幅长短等多方面不受约束,[第一段]  相似文献   

同钢 《考试周刊》2013,(52):49-49
优化随笔写作,以心情日志式、片段式随笔为主,命题式、篇章式随笔为辅;自由写作与课堂讲评相结合;建立随笔发表机制,激发写作愿望的随笔训练体系,有效激发学生的写作兴趣。  相似文献   

在写作教学的过程中,教师普遍遇到的问题是学生在写作时无话可说,甚至是为了凑字数随意写作,为了完成作业而进行写作,因此不仅写作质量低,而且也不利于学生写作水平的提高。随笔化作文教学方法的使用,主要是为了帮助学生逐渐对写作产生兴趣,从随笔写作开始,逐渐地提高学生的写作能力。本文是对随笔化作文教学进行探讨。  相似文献   

随笔,意为随手笔录,不拘一格。它是一种篇幅短小、表现形式灵活自由的文体。它心意所向,笔触所至,贴近生活,远离假作;无被动之困惑,有随意之乐趣。我国古代不乏随笔精品,诸如《容斋笔记》、《梦溪笔谈》等等,至今不仅脍炙人口,而且有很高的学术价值。进行随笔写作训练,可以让学生摆脱厌倦写作的困境,开拓一条新路,为作文教学开辟了一方崭新的天地。  相似文献   

<正>写作是学生在发现美的基础上进行审美再创造的过程,如果学生没有写作激情,就谈不上审美的创造。为了促进学生的审美创造能力,笔者以为不妨尝试让学生写写随笔。随笔是随意而谈,有话则长、无话则短的文学样式,题材广泛,写法随性,结构自由,学生往往乐于接受。一、巧借随笔,让学生发现生活之美随笔具有很强的开放性,学生可以把生活中的各  相似文献   

Rebekah Willett 《Literacy》2005,39(3):142-148
When teachers allow students to write stories that include elements of popular media, we must ask what to do with these media elements once they have entered the classroom. This article relates findings from a classroom study focusing on children's media‐based story writing. The study looks at children as producers of new media texts and describes their activities as a form of ‘media education’. The data show that through their production of media‐based stories, the children are reflecting on their consumption of media. Furthermore, the children's media‐based stories make explicit some of their implicit knowledge of new media forms. Lastly, the children's stories provide ample opportunities for teachers to engage in important discussions about media within the framework of existing writing programmes.  相似文献   

The effects of computer and paper test media on EFL test-takers with different computer familiarity in writing scores and in the cognitive writing process have been comprehensively explored from the learners’ aspect as well as on the basis of related theories and practice. The results indicate significant differences in test scores among the test-takers who are less familiar with computers, showing that the computer test medium has greatly impacted this group of test-takers’ writing scores. From the perspective of the cognitive process, they are not significantly different in such stages as ‘goal-setting’, ‘generating ideas’ and ‘reviewing’, while their ‘organising ideas’ and ‘translating’ stages were greatly different, owing mainly to the nature of the test medium itself.  相似文献   

Youths’ learner-generated designs, instantiated in digital practices, spaces and artifacts, are underutilized in schools. Additionally, digital media tools are often taken up in reductive ways that serve to perpetuate deficit discourses for youth from nondominant communities, rather than reflect the creativity and innovation that youth practice within digital domains. To address these issues, this article shares a funds of knowledge approach to the use of new media in classrooms. Coupled with an emphasis on new literacies and multiliteracies, this approach was instantiated in partnership with Ms Smith and her high school writing classroom. The partnership engaged new media in order to appropriate and develop learner-generated designs in classroom spaces.  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the immersive and performative potential of new media for reading, writing and representing poetry to encourage an exploration of the relationship between text, image and sound and discuss how these are used to mediate meaning making. Based on the premise that poetry is meant to be lifted from the printed page and experienced in multimodal ways, the research explores the notion of poetry as digital performance.  相似文献   

This article reports on a UKLA‐funded project in which a group of 10 teachers in South Wales were involved. The televised science fiction drama Doctor Who was chosen as the theme as it was based on popular culture as well as being of local and national interest. The main character in this television drama is an alien who can fly through time and space in a machine called the Tardis. The aim of the project was to improve standards in literacy, with writing as a particular focus and make teachers more aware of the effective use of media resources. Teachers were provided with an information pack containing sample lessons but were actively encouraged to implement the project in whichever way they chose. Questionnaires given to teachers before and after the project reflected a more positive attitude towards using media resources at the end. Pupils, aged between 8 and 11 years old, were given writing journals as part of the project and focus groups interviewed. It proved difficult to ascertain if standards had improved although pupil enthusiasm was a recognisable feature. The value of learning across the curriculum was another element that emerged during the course of the project. Results indicated that more training is required to enable teachers to use media resources and cross‐curricular approaches more confidently in their teaching.  相似文献   

John Seely Brown suggested that learning environments should be spaces in which all work is public, is subject to iterative critique by instructors and peers, and in which social interaction is primary. In such spaces, students and teachers engage in a situated cognition approach to teaching and learning where “cognitive accomplishments rely in part on structures and processes outside the individual”. Here we describe a qualitative analysis of a socially situated learning setting that aimed to develop children who can design, analyze, critique, and transform media, subjecting existing social media, their designs, and their peers’ designs to public and iterative critique. In this setting, adult mentors supported children’s self-expression, self-reflection, and skillbuilding through authentic, socially situated reading, writing, and discussion, and media production. Creating and leveraging such spaces is essential for preparing all children for successful experiences in the new knowledge economy in formal and informal educational settings.  相似文献   

媒介素养教育是指以帮助学生了解熟悉大众传播资源的内容,理解大众传媒的本质,掌握运用传媒的基本技能,学会管理自己的传媒事务和传媒生活,建立与传媒合理互动的关系为特征的教育活动。当前,开展大学生媒介素养教育具有重要的现实意义。高校开展媒介素养教育应充分利用自身的资源,加大媒体与社会机构的参与力度,加强大学生的自我学习,提高媒介素养水平。  相似文献   

多媒体交互式教学课件的研制,首先是教学内容的组织策划,在这里要抓住知识的重点和难点及其表述方式,软件设计思路要明晰、具体;其次是选择一个功能强大、兼容性好的软件开发写作工具——Authorware来编制一个集教学与自学为一体的多媒体交互式教学软件。  相似文献   

新媒体的广泛应用使当代人的阅读和写作状态均呈现出明显的碎片化特征.这给大学生的传统写作带来了很多负面影响,这种影响主要表现在写作态度娱乐化、结构布局松散化和语句表达能力弱化等方面.教师应该指导学生加强传统文本的阅读,并且正视新媒体的特点,扬长避短,在改善传统写作指导的同时增加新媒体写作指导.  相似文献   

In this age of new media, children are exposed to media messages at an early age. What can we do when the mass media exert such a great influence on children? One proposal has been for the introduction of a new school subject: media education. Though media education has not been part of the official curriculum in Hong Kong, some schools, both primary and secondary, have tried it out. This paper argues for the desirability of introducing media education in primary schools in Hong Kong, with regard to social change, recent education reform and learning initiatives of primary pupils. It then draws on the findings of a study conducted in a local primary school to examine the views of pupils, parents, and teachers on the effects on pupils of the implementation of media education lessons and campus radio projects in this age of new media.  相似文献   

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