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王苗苗 《考试周刊》2010,(40):31-32
南非作家J.M.库切因获得2003年诺贝尔文学而一举成名。其作品也揭开了人类多种文明间相互冲突的疮疤。本文通过分析库切小说《耻》中代表人物——白人和黑人的举止言行,说明在殖民者失去种族歧视权、失去统治权的社会里,白人对生活的失望和迷茫。殖民主义者在给被殖民主义者造成损害的同时.也害了自己.致使其后代来为其过去的罪恶而赎罪。而黑人被殖民者本身所表现的行为是受白人殖民统治者种族压迫多年的本能的反映.最后得出结论:种族隔离时代的巨大伤痛.无论是白人还是黑人都不会淡忘.更不会忘却,给南非留下了难以抹去的历史疮疤。  相似文献   

南非作家J.M.库切因获得2003年诺贝尔文学而一举成名.其作品也揭开了人类多种文明间相互冲突的疮疤.本文通过分析库切小说<耻>中代表人物--白人和黑人的举止言行,说明在殖民者失去种族歧视权、失去统治权的社会里,白人对生活的失望和迷茫.殖民主义者在给被殖民主义者造成损害的同时,也害了自己,致使其后代来为其过去的罪恶而赎罪.而黑人被殖民者本身所表现的行为是受白人殖民统治者种族压迫多年的本能的反映.最后得出结论:种族隔离时代的巨大伤痛,无论是白人还是黑人都不会淡忘,更不会忘却,给南非留下了难以抹去的历史疮疤.  相似文献   

小说以非洲农庄中黑人男仆杀死白人主妇的案件为发端,讲述了女主人公玛丽的悲剧人生,真实地展现了种族隔离制度下的南非现状,揭示了女性个体体验、反种族歧视以及反殖民主义等多个主题。莱辛既展现了殖民者后裔在异国他乡成长、恋爱、奋斗和失落的独特人生体验,又以白人殖民者身份对殖民主义和种族歧视进行了深刻的自我解剖。  相似文献   

2003年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者是约翰.马克斯韦尔.库切,他也是布克奖的两度获得者。他获奖的力作是出版于1999年的《耻》。小说描绘了在种族隔离结束的新南非发生在白人和黑人之间的一系列可耻的事情。曾经的白人统治者失去了他们的优越地位,不得不接受来自黑人的报复行为。而曾经的被统治者黑人则通过模仿前殖民者的各种行为而逐步成为了新南非真正的主人。笔者运用后殖民主义大家霍米.芭芭的理论模仿来解读这部小说的主题。通过模仿,曾经的被殖民者学会了生存,曾经的殖民者也学会放下身份与曾经的被殖民者和谐生存。  相似文献   

张五钢 《语文知识》2001,(11):73-77
南非的夜很长。17世纪以来,西方殖民者及其后裔为了“合法”占有这块美丽富饶的土地,大肆推行种族隔离制度。尤其是本世纪四五十年代之后,白人政权以峻法严刑把这种罪恶的制度推向顶峰。白人独裁者的倒行逆施遭到了广大黑人的反抗,也被国际社会唾弃和长期制裁。被凌辱被  相似文献   

本文通过分析南非的社会背景,展示了南非社会黑人与白人的身份地位的重大改变,发现在后种族隔离时期,南非白人被边缘化,而黑人成为社会的主人是历史发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

达蒙·加尔古特的《悦耳的猪叫声》再现了南非种族隔离时期白人女性的个体命运,同时又以个人历史书写的方式映射了南非波澜壮阔的时代变迁。从囿于“女性奥秘”的家庭主妇,到打破“美貌神话”的独立女性,再到屈从父权体系的白人妇女,埃伦在父权制社会的妥协—抗争—妥协揭示了南非白人女性的生存困境。文章运用女性主义批评理论,探讨埃伦在种族隔离时期由遵从女性性别角色、重构女性身份认同到追寻自我归属的嬗变。  相似文献   

《野草在歌唱》是多丽丝·莱辛的代表作之一,作品真实地反映了种族隔离制度下的南部非洲的社会现状,揭示了在种族隔离制度下的南非,白人与白人、白人与黑人、以及不同种族、不同阶层的人们之间错综复杂的本质关系,揭示了造成小说女主人公玛丽悲剧性命运的社会原因。本文也就此文本谈谈玛丽的悲剧命运。  相似文献   

南非种族隔离制度的形成是一个较为复杂的历史问题,它不但是白人在人种、文化和宗教上优越感的产物,更是白人为了维护自己的政治地位,从而确保他们经济利益的结果。种族隔离制度的实质是白人打着维护种族特征、保护各种族利益的幌子,从事维护白人在政治、经济等方面享有特权。  相似文献   

南非的民族斗士曼德拉,因为领导反对白人种族隔离政策而入狱,白人统治者把他关在荒凉的大西洋小岛罗本岛上27年。当时尽管曼德拉已经高龄,但是白人统治者依然像对待年轻犯人  相似文献   

The effect of childhood trauma, psychiatric diagnoses, and mental health services on school dropout among U.S.-born and immigrant youth is examined using data from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiology Surveys, a nationally representative probability sample of African Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, Asians, Latinos, and non-Latino Whites, including 2,532 young adults, aged 21-29. The dropout prevalence rate was 16% overall, with variation by childhood trauma, childhood psychiatric diagnosis, race/ethnicity, and nativity. Childhood substance and conduct disorders mediated the relation between trauma and school dropout. Likelihood of dropout was decreased for Asians, and increased for African Americans and Latinos, compared to non-Latino Whites as a function of psychiatric disorders and trauma. Timing of U.S. immigration during adolescence increased risk of dropout.  相似文献   

We used national data to study the longitudinal effects of several variables on choice of Holland (1997) social type college majors versus other majors. We examined these effects for four of the five major U.S. racial/ethnic groups, Asian/Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites. Effects of mathematics scores and gender on choice of social majors were fairly consistent across racial/ethnic groups, whereas effects of reading scores and SES differed across racial/ethnic groups. Results for Whites were most consistent with Holland's theoretical formulations regarding the effects of variables on choice of social-type educational/occupational environments.  相似文献   

Research is reported that examines changes between 1960 and 1976 in the incidence of overeducation, defined as the discrepancy between the educational attainments of workers and the educational requirements of their jobs. Estimates are derived at the aggregate level and separately for race and sex groups. Results suggest that the overall incidence of overeducation has increased in recent times because the skill requirements of jobs have changed only slightly, while the educational attainments of workers have increased substantially. Whites continue to be less overeducated than blacks, but the gap has narrowed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have concluded that shaken baby syndrome occurs more often among Whites than among Blacks. The purpose of this study was to determine whether race is a predictive factor in Shaken Baby Syndrome when population and referral patterns are considered. METHODS: A retrospective medical record review of closed head injuries due to child abuse during the time period January 1992 to July 1997 was conducted at three pediatric tertiary care medical centers in North Carolina. Patients included children, ages 0-4 years, identified from medical record reviews and child abuse databases. Only North Carolina residents were included. The specific rates of shaken baby syndrome in Whites versus non-Whites in the referral area were computed. RESULTS: The difference in the rate of shaken baby syndrome from the referral area was not statistically significant among Whites versus non-Whites (26.7/100,000 versus 38.6/100,000, p = .089) Most of the perpetrators were male (68%), and most victims (76%), lived with their mothers and biologic father or mother's boyfriend. CONCLUSION: Race was not a significant factor in predicting shaken baby syndrome in the referral area studied, and therefore is not a useful factor in targeting groups for intervention.  相似文献   

Race shapes many aspects of students’ high school experiences that are relevant to the college admissions process. We examine the racially-specific effects of high school course of study on college selectivity. Using NELS 1988–1994, we test how race and track interactively predict the prestige of the first post-secondary institution attended. We find support for a “redemptive equity model” of college prestige for Latinos, who attend more selective colleges than White students, net of background and academic variables. Asian American students also attend more selective institutions than White students. Results for African-American students are more complicated, in that the colleges they attend are not significantly different from those of Whites, on average. When we exclude students who attend historically Black colleges and universities, however, African-American students attend significantly more prestigious universities than Whites, net of other factors. We also find racially-specific effects of high school course of study, with Latinos, Asian Americans, and African-Americans appearing to benefit more from taking more rigorous academic courses than Whites.  相似文献   

Evaluation is an inherent part of education for an increasingly diverse student population. Confidence in one’s test‐taking skills, and the associated testing environment, needs to be examined from a perspective that combines the concept of Bandurian self‐efficacy with the concept of stereotype threat reactions in a diverse student sample. Factors underlying testing reactions and performance on a cognitive ability test in four different testing conditions (high or low stereotype threat and high or low test face validity) were examined in this exploratory study. The stereotype threat manipulation seemed to lower African‐American and Hispanic participants’ test scores. However, the hypothesis that there would be an interaction with face validity was only partially supported. Participants’ highest scores resulted from low stereotype threat and high face validity, as predicted. However, the lowest scores were not in the high stereotype threat/ low face validity condition as expected. Instead, most groups tended to score lower when the test was perceived to be more face valid. Stereotype threat manipulation affected Whites as well as non‐Whites, although differently. Specifically, high stereotype threat increased Whites’ cognitive ability test scores in the low face validity condition, but decreased them in the high face validity condition. Implications for testing and classroom environment design are discussed.  相似文献   

Social work students created a community activism project to raise awareness about trauma prevalence and impact. Trauma theory describes silencing as the mechanism that hinders individual and community healing. Therefore, students sought to create an interactive opportunity to heighten trauma visibility on campus. They created a physical mailbox and invited community members respond to the prompt, “I am a survivor because …” and to read others’ responses. Through the project, students were able to document participants’ trauma experiences, increase community trauma awareness, and enhance their own learning. Moreover, the authors believe that this assignment successfully fostered student integration of micro and macro social work skills.  相似文献   

Upper extremity cumulative trauma disorders became a potentially significant occupational hazard among sign language interpreters at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in the 1988-89 academic year. The following case control study was conducted to identify factors that might play a role in developing, exacerbating, and maintaining upper extremity cumulative trauma disorders among interpreters. Investigations were conducted to determine whether medical status, physical capacities, interpreting styles, pain, fatigue, and job stress differed among NTID's sign language interpreters. This report provides a general summary of selected findings as well as a conceptual framework that should help clarify the factors associated with upper extremity cumulative trauma disorders in sign language interpreters. The results indicated that the upper extremity cumulative trauma disorder diagnosed most often is tendinitis rather than a nerve entrapment syndrome (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome). Analysis of the frequency of potential biomechanical risk factors indicated that those reporting pain demonstrated higher frequency of hand and wrist deviations from the neutral position, higher frequency of the upper extremities leaving a predefined work space, fewer rest breaks during interpreting sessions, and higher evaluator ratings of pace of finger and hand movements. Specific features of interpreting styles were associated with increased pain and fatigue.  相似文献   

Using the 159 counties of Georgia as statistical units Osborne has presented data indicating (a) a positive relationship between percentage of non‐Whites and per pupil expenditures; (b) a negative relationship between per pupil expenditures and mean achievement and intelligence scores; and (c) a negative relationship between percentage of non‐Whites and mean intelligence and achievement scores. Osborne has interpreted these findings as indicating that the attempt to raise the achievement levels of previously deprived groups has been a failure, and has used this interpretation as a basis for a more general negative conclusion concerning the effectiveness of compensatory efforts. The present analysis indicates, however, that neither of these conclusions follows from his data. The evidence suggests rather that Osborne's negative correlations reflect in large measure long‐range effects of earlier conditions.  相似文献   

Childhood neglect and poverty often co-occur and both have been linked to poor physical health outcomes. In addition, Blacks have higher rates of childhood poverty and tend to have worse health than Whites. This paper examines the unique and interacting effects of childhood neglect, race, and family and neighborhood poverty on adult physical health outcomes. This prospective cohort design study uses a sample (N = 675) of court-substantiated cases of childhood neglect and matched controls followed into adulthood (Mage = 41). Health indicators (C-Reactive Protein [CRP], hypertension, and pulmonary functioning) were assessed through blood collection and measurements by a registered nurse. Data were analyzed using hierarchical linear models to control for clustering of participants in childhood neighborhoods. Main effects showed that growing up Black predicted CRP and hypertension elevations, despite controlling for neglect and childhood family and neighborhood poverty and their interactions. Multivariate results showed that race and childhood adversities interacted to predict adult health outcomes. Childhood family poverty predicted increased risk for hypertension for Blacks, not Whites. In contrast, among Whites, childhood neglect predicted elevated CRP. Childhood neighborhood poverty interacted with childhood family poverty to predict pulmonary functioning in adulthood. Gender differences in health indicators were also observed. The effects of childhood neglect, childhood poverty, and growing up Black in the United States are manifest in physical health outcomes assessed 30 years later. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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