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我自1952年师从当时从美国回国的黄鸣龙教授先从事倍半萜山道年及一类物立体化学研究,后从事甾体化学的研究.1958—1960年协助黄教授建立起我国甾体激素药物工业.甾体合成和甾体反应的研究获1982年国家自然科学二等奖.1960—1961年,我在捷克科学院有机和生化研究所师从已故的Sorm教授从事倍半萜化学的研究.1961年起我和我的同事继续从事甾体和萜类化学的研究,在甾体化学方面主要从事甾体口服避孕药的全合成和甾体植物生长调节剂油莱甾醇内酯及一类物的合成.  相似文献   

<正>丽江映华集团创建于1992年,是以生产甾体激素类药物原料为主的现代化生产企业。甾体激素药物具有很强的抗感染、抗过敏、抗病毒和抗休克的药理作用,是治疗风湿、心血管、淋巴白血病、细胞性脑炎、皮肤病、抗肿瘤和抢救危重病人的重要用药。甾体激素类药物是仅次于  相似文献   

伴随着微生物转化技术的发展,甾体药物已经成为世界上销售额第二大的药物,仅次于抗生素类药物。本文从甾体激素、甾醇、强心苷、甾体皂苷、甾体生物碱等类别,对近年来甾体药物的研究现状与进展进行综述。  相似文献   

湖北葛店人福药业有限责任公司成立于2000年,是武汉人福高科技产业股份有限公司投资的全资子公司。公司位于湖北省葛店经济技术开发区,是一家专业从事甾体激素类原料药、计划生育类药物及抗肿瘤药物的研发、生产和销售的现代化医药企业。截至2007年底公司共取得20余种产品的生产批件。  相似文献   

妊娠后母体的甾体激素发生一系列变化,尤其是雌激素及孕激素变化更为明显。胎盘是激素产生的重要器官,当然它对激素的调节也有着重要的作用。甾体激素进入细胞内必须通过其相应的受体而发挥作用,无疑激素受体对激素能否发生生物学效应是极其重要的。所以对于胎盘激素受体的研究将对揭示某些生理机制及指导临床实践有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

甾体类激素原料药地塞米松生产工艺与市场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地塞米松是目前临床应用较广,相对比较安全的甾体激素药物。在地塞米松原料药不断拓展的同时,片剂、注射剂、软膏剂等多种剂型得到了开发,在临床上发挥了其影响糖代谢,抗炎、抗过敏、抗毒等多种作用机制。在当前国内医院中,用药普及率已近100%。文章通过检索美国化学文摘数据库和中国万方数据知识服务平台的文献、专利及成果等信息,对地塞米松原料药的国内外生产工艺和市场现状进行分析,总结了地塞米松国内研究及生产存在的问题,对国内地塞米松原料药的开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

张强 《黑龙江科技信息》2013,(30):48-48,256
本文主要运用了多种综合研究方法,通过高山滑雪运动员损伤的调查,了解损伤现状,探究损伤特点,进而分析主要致因,提出预防措施及建议,旨在提高和加强滑雪运动员自我预防意识,尽量减少和避免运动损伤的发生,促进滑雪运动的发展。  相似文献   

虾青素是一种具有非常强的抗氧化能力的类胡萝卜素,有报道称其抗氧化能力可以达到维生素E的100倍。此外,虾青素不仅抗氧化能力出众而且对于运动能力也具有较好的改善作用。虾青素对于体能方面的影响主要体现在,改善脂质代谢,减少氧化损伤,改善线粒体供能,降低血乳酸堆积,提高耐力水平并且减少肌肉质量的降低。  相似文献   

A:外骨骼虽然有很多优点——比如能有效减少身体水分蒸发、保护身体不受伤害等,但它也有一个致命的缺点——不能随着身体的长大而长大,所以所有外骨骼动物都需要蜕皮。蜕皮后,新的外骨骼还没有完全硬化,这时是蜕皮的动物最脆弱的时候,很容易遭到自然因素、掠食者甚至是疾病的伤害。新的外骨骼的硬化时间是由动物的体形决定的,体形越大,需要的时间就越长。  相似文献   

文章通过查阅国内外文献,从生药学特征、化学成分和药理作用等方面对白花丹的研究进展进行归纳与整理,白花丹主要含有萘醌类、香豆素类、有机酸类、甾体类、酚类等化学成分,具有抗炎、抗氧化应激、抗肝纤维化、抗肿瘤、调脂、抗血小板活性、调节血糖、抗菌等药理作用,但多种药理活性的机制尚不明确,需要进一步深入开展相关研究。该综述为今后中药白花丹的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Laboratory infarction diagnostics are based on the detection of elevated serum activities of total Creatine Kinase (CK), Creatine Kinase isoensyme MB, (CKMB), Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), isoenzyme forms of LDH and transaminases. Determination of these cardiac marker enzymes permits a highly sensitive diagnosis of transmural myocardial infarction. In such patients the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction can be confirmed by the clinical, symptoms, and changes in the ECG in addition to the enzyme assays. The 50 AMI patients selected in the present study were those admitted to the ICCU of Shri Krishna Hospital, Karamsad. The blood samples were taken at the time of admission (ie. within four hours of the start of chest pain). The samples were analyzed for CK, CKMB, SGOT, (Serum glutamate oxaloactate transaminase) αHBDH α-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and troponin T. The serum CKMB activity in AMI showed an increase only 5–6 hours after the commencement of chest pain. The elevation in SGOT and αHBDH was still delayed. At the same time we could observe that the cardiac Troponin T (cTnT) was elevated at the time of admission of the patient itself. This increase of cTnT in AMI patients was 20 times higher than the normal blood donors. The controls included 25 normal blood donors and 25 patients with polytraumatic injuries with no chest contusion. The study shows that cTnT estimation could serve in the early diagnosis of AMI. The increase of cardiac troponin T in AMI patients was 20 times higher than the normal blood donors in AMI patients at the time of admission. Cardiac troponin T in serum appears to be a more sensitive indicator of myocardial cell injury than CKMB activity and its detection in the circulation may be a useful prognostic indicator in patients with unstable angina as well. When the blood of normal blood donors or that of patients with polytraumatic injury was analysed the troponin T values were well within the normal range in both the above categories showing that cardiac troponin T is highly specific for heart tissue. Although CKMB and cardiac troponin T are released soon after the myocardial injury, the release of cardiac troponin T is much earlier than CKMB thereby invalidating the important role of cardiac troponin T in diagnosing AMI. Cardiac troponin T has been shown to be highly sensitive for cardiac injury and not elevated in any other trauma, heavy exercise or skeletal muscle injury. Cardiac troponin T is ordinarily undetectable in healthy individuals, and so its measurement can serve as a powerful tool in the diagnosis of AMI.  相似文献   

摘要:专利权质押是一种缓解中小企业融资难的风险比较大的金融产品。中国专利权质押涉及主体有国有五大商业银行、股份制银行、 城市商业银行以及融资担保公司等金融机构和出质企业。如何帮助这些金融机构地控制专利权质押风险,建立专利权质押出质企业指标非常重要,文章初步构建专利权质押出质企业指标体系为这些金融机构开展业务时作为参考。  相似文献   

P-selectin, a cell adhesion molecule is elevated in many inflammatory conditions including preeclampsia which is characterized by generalized endothelial dysfunction and vasoconstriction presumably due to free radicals or mediators released by defective placentation. Vitamin E has been documented to protect cell membranes from oxidative damage and also decrease platelet aggregation. The role of vitamin E in pre-eclampsia is contradictory and hence the study was undertaken. Soluble P-selectin was measured by ELISA and Vitamin-E levels in plasma was estimated spectrofluorometrically. In our study the effect of supplementation of 400 IU/day of Vitamin E (a-tocopheryl acetate) to patients of pre-eclampsia showed significant decreased levels of soluble P-selectin by 2nd week as compared to patients given placebo (P = 0.005). In this short period of study no direct correlations were observed between Vitamin E or P-selectin levels with blood pressure as well as with proteinuria. Future studies may focus on the effect of a-tocopheryl acetate or the phosphate form of Vitamin-E, recently proposed to be the more active form on other inflammatory markers like IL-6, an important stimuli of P-selectin release in pre-eclampsia.  相似文献   

Over 25 million people suffered from cerebral strokes in a span of 23 years. Many systems are being developed to monitor and improve the life of patients that suffer from different diseases. However, solutions for cerebral strokes are hard to find. Moreover, due to their widespread utilization, smartphones have presented themselves as the most appropriate devices for many e-health systems. In this paper, we propose a cerebral stroke detection solution that employs the cloud to store and analyze data in order to provide statistics to public institutions. Moreover, the prototype of the application is presented. The three most important symptoms of cerebral strokes were considered to develop the tasks that are conducted. Thus, the first task detects smiles, the second task employs voice recognition to determine if a sentence is repeated correctly and, the third task determines if the arms can be raised. Several tests were performed in order to verify the application. Results show its ability to determine whether users have the symptoms of cerebral stroke or not.  相似文献   

袁剑雄  黄新 《大众科技》2013,(5):144-146
颅内进展性出血性损伤(PHI)是导致颅脑损伤患者高病死率和高致残率的重要原因,目前临床上对于PHI患者CT复查时机尚无一权威的科学界定。PHI出现时机体病理生理变化复杂,部分的凝血指标一定程度上可反映出继发性出血后机体的病理生理变化,因此,早期诊断PHI对于减少致残率和死亡率尤为重要,并可为临床上寻找积极有效的治疗措施和预测转归提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Skin is the largest body organ that serves as an important environmental interface providing a protective envelope that is crucial for homeostasis. On the other hand, it is a major target for toxic insult by a broad spectrum of physical and chemical agents that are capable of altering its structure and function. There are a large number of dietary contaminants and drugs can manifest their toxicity in skin. These environmental toxicants or their metabolites are inherent oxidants and/or directly or indirectly drive the production of a variety of reactive oxidants also known as reactive oxygen species. These are short-lived entities that are continuously generated at low levels during the course of normal aerobic metabolism. These are believed to activate proliferative and cell survival signaling that can alter apoptotic pathways that may be involved in the pathogenesis of a number of skin disorders. The skin possesses an array of antioxidant defense mechanisms that interact with toxicants to obviate their deleterious effect. The “antioxidant power” of a food is an expression of its capability both to defend the human organism from the action of the free radicals and to prevent degenerative disorders. Plants like olive trees have their own built-in protection against the oxidative damage of the sun, and these built-in protectors function as cell protectors in our own body. Although many antioxidants have shown substantive efficacy in cell culture systems and in animal models of oxidant injury, unequivocal confirmation of their beneficial effects in human populations has proven elusive.  相似文献   

Primary screening for thalassemia carriers usually involves an accurate blood count using an automated blood cell analyzer. We analyzed the red cell and reticulocyte parameters from 200 samples of various types of thalassemias and identified the discrimination criteria for differential diagnosis. These were separated into four groups based on genotypes. These groups included α-thalassemia, β-thalassemia, β-thalassemia with Hb E and Hb E trait, which are the important target of thalassemia screening. To compare the effectiveness of the screening strategies, seven selected screening tools were compared, including MCV alone (cutoff <80 fL); MRV alone (cutoff <100 fL); SD-C-NR alone (cutoff >28.5); a combined MCV and MRV; a combined MCV and SD-C-NR; a combined MRV and SD-C-NR; and a combined MCV, MRV and SD-C-NR. The combination of MCV, MRV and SD-C-NR has highest sensitivity for discrimination in all thalassemia, β-thalassemia, α-thalassemia, Homozygous Hb E and Hb E trait groups as 99.5, 100, 98, 100 and 100 %, respectively. The effectiveness of the combination of MCV, MRV and SD-C-NR parameters in the present study was determined as the faster and higher sensitivity screening tool than the other methods, including simple, reliable, cost-effective, and using only one automated hematology analyzer, saving labor costs.  相似文献   

面向低收入群体市场的创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
邢小强  周江华  仝允桓 《科学学研究》2010,28(10):1564-1570
金字塔底层(BOP)战略认为占世界人口2/3的低收入群体内蕴含着巨大的商业潜力,企业以该群体为目标市场进行探索与开发不仅可以获得足够的经济回报,同时还能以提高低收入群体的生活质量或生产能力等方式达到缓解甚至消除贫困的效果,创造出经济与社会的双重价值。本文首先分析了低收入群体市场的参与者角色、基础设施与制度环境特质,进而从市场、价值链、制度、文化与组织五个方面详细阐述面向低收入群体市场的创新类型与影响因素,力图改变对低收入群体的传统观点,为企业在低收入群体市场的创新提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

赵乔 《科教文汇》2014,(5):205-206
教育国际化已经成为国际趋势,成为了各国之间进行交流的主要形式之一,加强对高校留学生管理工作的重要性越来越凸显。探索出一套高效的既能符合中国实际国情又能与国际模式接轨的留学生管理模式,将对高校和留学生发展有着深远的现实意义。本文着重分析了我国高校留学生管理工作中存在的问题,并提出了一系列相应的缓解措施。  相似文献   

Serum glycoproteins were evaluated in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy and also the effect of vitamin E was studied. Cell surface glycoconjugates are important parameters in the detection of malignancy. Thus, the objective of the present study is to evaluate the efficacy of vitamin E on glycoproteins in oral cavity cancer patients treated with radiotherapy. The study includes 26 age and sex matched normal healthy individuals and 26 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity. These patients were divided into two groups, one for radiotherapy alone (at a dosage of 6000 cGy in five fractions per week for a period of six weeks) and the other for radiotherapy plus vitamin E supplementation (at a dosage of 400 IU / day of vitamin E) for the entire period of radiotherapy. Levels of hexose, hexosamine, fucose and sialic acid were increased in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients and a significant decrease was observed in radiation treated patients when compared to control. The levels of glycoconjugates were significantly decreased in radiation treated patients supplemented with vitamin E. This measurement may be useful in assessing disease progression and identifying patients resistant to therapy and a possible role of vitamin E on reduction in glycoconjugate levels of radiation treated oral squamous cell carcinoma patients.  相似文献   

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