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中国各地的乡土民居类型多样,其空间定型对应于所处地区的自然环境、其布局对应于生活方式与宗法观念、其建构方式对应于地区可便捷获取的建筑材料、其形态特征对应于气候条件并体现出地区民族的宗教信仰和建造技术。以乡土民居的地区类型为基础,形变后的民居汇集成聚落,在强化乡土民居类型的地区属性的同时,更突显出人文信仰在聚落构成上的规则。在当前新型城镇化发展的推动下,各地都开展了乡土民居和聚落的更新改造工作,在这其中村民自主更新方式对于乡土聚落保有地区性特征具有重要价值。  相似文献   

传统民居从来就是活的,对它的"活化"也并非始自今日。历史上传统民居除了居住及精神功能(家族团聚、祭祀活动等)外,还经常根据户主的发展需要而不断被赋予新的功能或转换他用。在分析了近十多年我国城镇中传统民居的"活化"三种不同的方式及其利弊的基础上,总结出当前传统村落活化的四种类型,结合元阳阿者科村的实践进行探索,旨在对传统民居"活化"问题作出较全面的回顾与探讨。  相似文献   

重庆中山镇龙塘村受当地自然环境和巴蜀文化的影响,现存大量的价值较高的山地传统民居,其民居形态具有典型的艺术特征,对其进行研究可更好地服务于保护与开发工作。在分析龙塘村区位特点的基础上,对民居的平面和剖面类型进行了划分,并从构架、墙体、小木作等建筑特色进行分析,据此归结了其民居的三种审美情趣。  相似文献   

从民居的本原出发来探讨传统民居的核心价值,提出可将"适应、合理、变通、兼融"作为其核心价值,并以此来讨论传统民居的保护与发展问题,指出民居的发展是绝对的,对待传统民居的保护只能区分层次、不同对待,新民居的探索应体现传统民居的核心价值,努力探索具有地方特色的现代新民居。  相似文献   

赵家石河村拥有较为完整的村落形态,其传统民居具有较强的地域典型性和较高的人文研究价值。通过分析民居的价值特色,以传统村落民居为主体探索保护模式,基于数字化保护原则,建立数字化博物馆,搭建数字化旅游平台,平衡传统村落发展与保护的关系,目的在于提高民居文化传承与保护的效率,让村落文化能在利用中得到保护,在发展中得到传承。  相似文献   

在国际化程度越来越高的今天,建筑的地域性特征被逐渐淡化,民族传统文化和地方特色建筑的收集整理、保护传承、展示利用显得日趋重要。黄淮交汇文化区乡土石砌民居作为一种极具地方特色的民居形式,自身营造技艺和其风俗特征,都是当地的宝贵历史财富。对于文化区乡土石砌民居的研究,以历史资料和实地走访为基础,系统梳理该区域乡土石砌民居的建构特征和营造技艺。在此基础上,提出保护传承与展示利用的措施,在严格控制乡土石砌民居风貌的前提下,提出科学合理的保护和发展策略。  相似文献   

借助于文化学的研究方法,分析了徽州民居生成的哲学原点和文化表象。中国传统哲学中的方根精神和中道意识以及天人合一的自然观是影响了徽州民居的深层文化心理和哲学原点,使之与其它地区民居具有同一性;而盛行于徽州的理学思想、宗法制度和风水学说,则是徽州民居生成的社会背景和文化表象,使徽州民居的物质空间形态具有了特异性,形成了鲜明的地域特征。  相似文献   

安顺屯堡是明代朝廷"调北征南"军事政策下的产物,其民居不仅拥有独特的防御性空间体系,而且具有防卫侦察等功能的特殊装饰构件,装饰艺术内涵特征与创作手法特色鲜明.通过实地调研与收集资料,对屯堡民居装饰进行系统地调查与研究,发现安顺屯堡民居装饰主要蕴含了居住文化、军事文化、宗教文化等地域内涵,其装饰构件造型生动,材料质朴.装...  相似文献   

传统民居建筑具有丰富的历史文化内涵,也有重要的实用和艺术价值,是建筑文化的重要组成部分。云南大理白族自治州是多民族聚居地,久居其地的白族,在不同文化的影响下形成了具有地域与民族特色的民居。该文以白族民居建筑为研究对象,基于前人研究成果和调查访谈,梳理白族民居类型、价值、保护现状与面临困境,探讨白族民居数字化保护的有效路径,为大理白族民居的保护传承及建筑文化数字化数据库的构建提供有益参考。结果表明,加强政府的组织作用,强化数字技术人才的培养,规范建筑文化数字化的数字资源标准,助力白族民居的网络传播与营造数字文化的良好传播氛围,将有助于优秀传统文化的保护、传承与传播。  相似文献   

笔者实地走访调查江苏南通历史文化街区,以拍摄、绘图、查阅文献等方式搜集整理相关资料,分析南通传统民居的建筑样式。该文以流传至今的明清时期南通老城区偏西部和平桥附近小巷内的典型大宅为范例,细致阐述南通传统的民居格局,并就屋脊、瓦当等装饰细节追寻当地民众的传统等级观念,以及风水思想。通过研究区域建筑风格,探讨其反映的城市文化形象,并指明保护历史建筑、文化街区的重要价值。  相似文献   

林青 《文化交流》2009,(3):69-72
甘南藏区是中国众多藏区中的一块独特的地方。那里有大草原,有美丽的雪山,有黄河第一湾,还有藏传佛教格鲁派最高学府拉卜楞寺,以及存在于各地的独特民俗风隋。流行于甘南各地的插箭节,就是一种非常独特的人文地理风俗,已经有上千年历史。  相似文献   

皖南传统村落作为我国最具地域代表性的传统聚落之一,以其保存面积之广、完好程度之高、类型之众,以及社会历史文化底蕴之深厚而闻名于世,具有重要的学术研究价值。以深受徽文化影响的核心地带黄山市为例,通过实地调研、文献梳理、资料整理,结合地域文化对其传统村落的空间网络特征进行研究,揭示了皖南传统村落具有山环水抱、发展演进、树状分布的物质空间网络特征和兼收并蓄、宗族教化的非物质空间网络特征,并通过案例实证,总结了空间网络特征的形成主要与自然环境、人口迁徙、社会经济和人文历史四种影响因素相关,通过以上研究提出一种基于宏观整体性的传统村落保护思路,以促进皖南地区传统村落的和谐与可持续发展。  相似文献   

在文化自信与乡村振兴的时代背景下,传统村落的快速发展中涌现出地毯式开发和碎片化利用等一系列问题.如何既保留村落独有的空间格局、山水景观,又能延续传统文脉,扩大民俗文化影响力,催生传统村落在发展中强大的内生动力,这一问题的解决对村落的可持续发展尤为重要.基于共生理论,以浙江省丽水市鸬鹚村为例,采用景观基因分析法,以物质形...  相似文献   

城市色彩景观是城市整体风貌的重要组成要素,对于保护城市建成文化遗产,传承城市文化基因以及协调城市传统风貌区与周边建成环境有着重要的作用。借助视知觉理论,结合重庆市人民大礼堂历史文化传统风貌区的核心保护范围和建设控制地带的管控要求,划定风貌区周边片区色彩景观研究范围。从色彩景观评价和认知维度,采用MATLAB平台自拟程序量化方式和公众参与社会调查方法,分析研究片区范围内,城市色彩景观结构及建筑色彩。研究发现片区色彩整体统一,但局部色彩不协调、单栋建筑色彩突出,进而提出风貌区周边色彩景观整体控制、点状更新及分类实施的提升策略。  相似文献   

This article analyzes Nigeria’s Nollywood film Osuofia in London [Ogoro, K. (Producer & Director). (2003/2004). Kingsley Ogoro Productions] to understand how the film synthesizes African and Western cultural identities via the prisms of hybridity and postcolonial theory. The paper uses a critical approach within the contexts of three tenets (African, Western, and hybrid) to read the film. The analysis resulted in five themes: African/folk belief systems and Christianity; traditional Igbo attire and English garb; African/folk music and Western music; African and Western food and drinks; and African/traditional medicine and modern medicine. The analysis indicates that unequal power relations and the forces of globalization are inescapable. Even though the protagonist, Osuofia, challenges the Western ideology, he reproduces it as well.  相似文献   

For the last decades, many traditional farm buildings have lost their original function because of the great changes in the European agricultural sector. The respectful conversion of these derelict constructions to adopt new economic or social uses constitutes an interesting practise to protect the rural landscapes and to set in motion complementary gainful activities to the agricultural production. The starting of a regional or local scheme to protect the built heritage in a particular rural area requires an appropriate knowledge of construction techniques and typological characteristics of the traditional architecture. According to the practical experience of the author in Central Spain, this paper deals with the proposal of methodological bases for data collection and subsequent analysis of the vernacular constructions in a particular rural area. The systematic assessment of the suitability for reuse of old agricultural buildings by multicriteria decision-making techniques to ensure the preservation of the most valuable examples is also discussed.  相似文献   

Roads built by civil or military engineers from the 18th century onwards form an essential part of our heritage, but currently considered on a very infrequent basis. They represent one of the main turning points in the development of the transport system and serve to gain a better understanding of the historic construction of many landscapes and their current arrangement and operation. Their consideration as heritage has to be made on a territorial scale. This approach regards landscape as a cultural artifact, which is undergoing constant design, construction and transformation, where the road is considered as an axis that shapes the landscape and that contains individual elements such as associated structures or buildings. One of the most important characteristics of historic roads undoubtedly lies in the fact that they are a heritage that is still in use. Many of the roads built for carriages or the first automobiles have, in fact, served to trace the current network of roads and motorways. For this reason, many historic routes have undergone considerable modification and a large percentage of their heritage has disappeared. Likewise, their original or more intact sections, that is to say those that were replaced during their gradual adaptation to the automobile in the 20th century, are not always easy to identify. The distinction and undoubted documental value of historic roads, together with the neglect and vulnerability of these assets, makes it essential to define specific strategies with some degree of urgency in order to appraise this heritage. In this respect, the purpose of this article is to establish a methodology with which to identify sections of historic roads that were replaced by new alignments. The decision to focus the work on these sections is based on the fact that the infrastructure of these and particularly the older sections, have undergone a smaller degree of change and subsequently retain their original routing and geometry and a far higher number and variety of heritage elements more intact. This has made it possible to ascertain the diversity of elements composing the heritage of historic roads and enables the classification of the same. The identification methodology has been applied to a significant proportion of the Spanish main road network on selecting some 15 sections of historic roads of very different characteristics. Files have been prepared for each of these sections on the basis of cartographic analysis and detailed field work, these files including data related to location, characteristics and inventory of historic elements forming the road's heritage and will subsequently include references to road layout (both longitudinal and cross-sectional), structures (essentially drainage works), auxiliary elements (signalling) and associated buildings (inns, roadworkers’ houses…). Finally, and on the basis of the experience gained during the research, an initial proposal is laid out for the heritage assessment of these assets, considering aspects such as historic, technological and documental singularity which will depend on the degree of transformation and definition of the section in question.  相似文献   

随着消费社会的深化发展,现代消费已成为影响城市空间形态演化的重要因素。以此为出发点,以消费文化的视角来考察城市空间,揭示20世纪80年代以来澳门半岛滨水空间形态的演化特征。研究表明:消费时代,城市主要根据经济诉求组织空间的生产,借助资本的熔铸,澳门半岛滨水空间建设呈现出博彩旅游化、高层豪宅化和空间巨构化等特征,并最终实现空间形态的重塑。在此基础上进行批判性反思,如城市消费空间与传统城市意象的协调发展、城市空间的阶级化和滨水空间的公共性等问题。  相似文献   

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