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 We have described a new genus Taihangia, collected from, the south part of Taihang Mountain in northern China. At the same time, comparative studies on Taihangia with its related genera have been made in various fields including external morphology, anatomy of carpels, chromosome and pollen morphology by light, scanning and transmission electron microscope. In addition, isoperoxidases of two varietier were analysed by means of polya-crylamide gel slab electrophoresis. The preliminary results are as follows:       Morphology: The genus Taihangia is perennial and has simple leaves, occasionally with 1—2 very small reduced lobes on the upper part of petiole; flowers white, andromo- noecious and androdioecious, terminal, single or rarely 2 on a leafless scape; calyx and cpicalyx with 5 segments; petals 5; stamens numerous; pistils numerous, with pubescent styles, spirally inserted on the receptacle in bisexual flowers, but with less number of abortive and glabrous pistils in male flowers.       In comparison with the related genera such as Dryas, Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia, the new genus has unisexual flowers and always herbaceous habit indicating its advanced feature but the genus has a primitive style with thin and short hairs as compared with the genus Dryas which has long, pinnately haired styles, a character greatly facilitamg anemo-choric dissemination. The styles of Taihangia are slender and differ from those of the ge-nus Geum which are articulate, with a persistent hooked rostrum, thus adapting to epizo-ochoric dissemination to a higher degree.       The anatomy of carpels shows the baral position of ovules in the genus Taihangia like those in other related genera such as Dryas, Geum, Acomastylis, Coluria and Waldsteinia. This suggests that the new genus and its related ones are in a common evolutionary line as compared with the other tribes which have a pendulous ovule and represent a separate evolutionary line in Rosaceae. Dorsal and ventral bundles in carpels through sections are free at the base. Neither fusion, nor reduction of dorsals and vertrals. are observed. This shows that the genus Taihangia is rather primitive.       Somatic chromosome: All the living plants, collected from both Honan and Hopei Provinces were examined. The results show that in these plants the chromosome number is 2n= 14, and thus the basic number of chromosome is x=7. Such a diploid genus is first found in both anemochoric and epizoochoric genera. Therefore, in this respect Taihangia is primitive as compared with herbaceous polyploid genus Geum and related ones.      Pollen: The stereostructure shown by scanning electron microscope reveals  that  the pollen grains of the genus Taihangia are ellipsoid and 3-colporate. There are two types of exine sculpture. One is rather shortly striate and it seems rugulate over the pollen surface; the other is long-striate. The genus Dryas differs in having only short and thick striae over the surface. The genus is similar to the genera Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia in colpustype, but differs from them in that they all have long, parallel striae which are distributed along the meridional line.       In addition, under transmission electron microscope, the exine in the Taihangia and related genera Acomastylis, Geum, Coluria, Waldsteinia and Dryas has been shown to be typically differentiated into two distinct layers, nexine and sexine. The nexine, weakly statined, appears to consist of endoxine with no foot-layer, in which the columellae are fused, and which is thicker beneath the apertures. The sexine is 2-layered, consisting of columellae and tectum. Three patterns of tectum can be distinguished in the tribe Dryadeae: the first, in the genera Taihangia, Acomastylis, Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia, is tectate-imperforate, with the sculpturing elements both acute and obtuse at the top and broad at the base; the second, in the genus Dryas, is semitectate, with the sculpturing elements shown in ultrathin sections rod-like and broader at the top than at the base or as broad at the top as at the base, and the third, tectate-perforate, with the sculpturing elements different in size. From the above results, the herbaceous groups and woody ones  have palynologically evolved in two distinct directions, and the genus Taihangia is related to other herbaceous genera such as Acomastylis, Geum, Coluria and Waldsteinia, as shown in the electron microphotographs of ultrathin sections. The genus Taihangia, however, is different from related herbaceous genera in that the pollen of Taihangia is dimorphic, i.e. in addition to the above pattern of pollen another one of the exine in Taihangia is rugulate, with the sculpturing elements shown in the ultrathin sections being obtuse or emarginate and nearly as broad at the top as at the base.      The interesting results obtained from the comparative analysis of morphology, ana- tomy of carpels, chromosome countings, microscopic and submicrosocopic structures of pollen may enable us to evaluate the systematic position of Taihangia and to throw a new light on evolution of the tribe Dryadeae. It is well known that the modes of dissemination of rosaceous fruits play an important role in the expansion and evolution of the family. The follicle is the most primitive and the plants with follicles, like the Spiraeoideae, are mostly woody and mesic, while the achene, drupe and pyrenarium are derived. In Rosoideae  having a achene is a common feature. Particularly in the tribe Dryadeae, which is distinguished from the other related tribes by having orthotropous ovules, the methods of dissemination of fruits have developed in three distinct specialized directions: anemochory with long, plumose styles (e.g. Dryas), formicochory or dispersed by ants or other insects, with the deciduous styles (e.g. Waldsteinia and Collria),and epizoochory with the upper deciduous stigmatic part and the lower persistent hooked rostrum, an  adhesive organ favouring  epizoochory dissemination (e. g. Geum and related taxa). Taihangia is a genus endemic to mesophytic forest area of northern China. Due to its narrow range and specific habit as well as pubescent styles, neither perfectly adapted to anemochory nor to epizoochory, the genus  Taihangia might be a direct progeny of the ancestry of anemochory. Maintaining the diploidy and having an ntermediate sculptural type of pollen, the new genus might probably represent a linkage between anemochory and zoochory (including epizoochory and dispersed by ants).       Experimental evidence from isoperoxidases shows the stable zymograms of root and roostoks. The anodal isozyme of T. rupestris var. rupestris may be divided into 6 bands: A, B, C, D, E, F, and T. rupestris var. ciliata into 4 bands: A, B, C, G. The two varietiesof the species share 3 bands: A, B, C. However, D, E and F bands are characteristic of var. rupestris and G band is limited to var. ciliata. As far as the available materials are concerned, the analysis of isoperoxidases supports the subdivision of the species into two varieties.  相似文献   

Leonurus japonicus Houtt. [L. heterophyllus Sweet, L. artemisia  (Lour.) S.  Y. Hu]  is one of the most important traditional Chinese medicines used as a remedy for gynaeco- logical disease since ancient times.  A cytological investigation on the species was carried out and the materials for chromosomal examination were collected from 26 localities in 20 provi- noes and autonomous regions of this country.  The number of chromosomes in root tip cell of the species was found to be 20 on the whole (Tab. 1:1), agreeing with those reported by Ma and al.[2] and probably by Chuang and al.[3] as well.      The genus Leonurus L. is variable in its  chromosomes with an aneuploidy of x=9, 10 and 12.  The present authors would propose that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 9, and thus both 10 and 12 are derived, for: (1) among the 9 species (including 1 sub- species) heretofore cytologically examined, x=9 occurring in 66.7%, x=10 occurring in 22.2%, while x=12 occurring only in 11.1%; (2) in generaclosely related to the genus under considera- tion, such as Panzeria, Galeobdolon and Lamium x=9 being the sole basic number.      But L. japonicus exhibits a mixoploidy of 2n=20 (occurring at the rate of 53.30% of the total amount of cells examined), 2n=18 (30.70%), and 2n=16 (15.99%) in our work. (Table 1).  Since the original basic number of  chromosome of the genus is 9 as proposed above, 2n= 20 would be considered as a derived one and the occurrence of 2n=18 probably suggests an early evolutionary trend of 2n=18→20 of the pecies in question.  相似文献   

鳞毛蕨属的生物系统学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At the outset the paper begins with a brief discussion of the geographical origin of the genus Dryopteris. With the cytological data so far available the author presumed that the No- rthern Hemisphere and possibly Eurasia is the geographical origin of the genus and that the Eastern Himalayas, China and Japan is the centre of speciation of the genus, and thence has spread to other continents along several routes. He is also of the opinion that the genus  tends to evolve the highest grade of polyploidy where it has existed longest. On the other hand, he pointed out that the production of polyploids may occur most frequently in response to pressures which a group meets in the course of its migration in space and time, with  the  majority  of diploids persisting as relics close to the original centre of diversification.       He then described the progress of the biosystematics of the European and North American Dryopteris, which has been undertaken through a close cooperation among botanists, cytologists and phytochemists of different nations. This team is also looking forward to a cooperation with the Chinese botanists in the study of East Asian species of Dryopteris, so that the relationships of Chinese species and those of other floras can be understood.       The term biosystematics had been invented to mean experimental studies of breeding sy- stems of the species concerned in order to ellucidate their evolutionary relationships.  It stems from the early researches of Professor Irene Manton whose classical book “Problems of Cytology and Evolution in the Pteridophyta” (1950) laid the foundation of Biosystematics. Manton was also the first to introduce the acetocarmine squash  method for staining  chromosomes  in  the spore-mother-cells at meiosis.       The lecture was illustrated with diagrams showing in detail the pairing behaviour of the chromosomes at the metaphase in meiosis and the formation of the polyploidies of different levels.       Besides cytological approach two other techniques have been also applied to the systematic studies of Dryopteris. The first is the comparison of sporoderms  using the scaning  electron microscope, revealing different ornamentations on the pericine. The second is the study of plant chemistry, in particular, that of the phloroglucinoles by thinlayer chromatography.       The remaining far greater part of the paper is devoted to analysing cytologically the Eu- ropean and North American species of Dryopteris in three groups, showing the lines of experi-mental work that has resulted in the understanding of their evolutional relationships.  相似文献   

  A karyotypical analysis of Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bung. of the monotypic genus Anemarrhena Bung. (Liliaceae) was carried out for the first time. The number of chromo- somes in root-tip cell of the species was found to be 22, agreeing with that reported by Sato[12], although inconsistent in some other respects, such as position of  centromeres, length of chromosomes, and nucleoli, etc. (Table 1 ). According to the terminology defined by Levan et al.[8], the karyotype formula is therefore 2n=22=2sm (SAT)+2sm+18m. Photomicrographs of the chromosome complements and idiogram of the karyotype are given   Fig. 1 and 2).       The karyotype of Anemarrhena asphodeloides shows explicitly to be asymmetrical, with three pairs of long chromosomes and eight pairs of short chromosomes. This specialized feature, when considered together with the rare occurrence of the basic chromosome number of 11 of the genus within the Tribe Asphodeleae of Liliaceae (see Table 1), suggests that the genus Anemarrhena is probably a rather specialized one, which has scarcely any intimate relationship with the other genera of the above tribe. The fact that this specialized karyotype is associated with certain trends of morphological specialization, such as flowers possessing three stamens only, gives support to the above suggestion. But, it is impossible to draw a more precise conclusion without a more thorough and comprehensive investigation of the species in question.  相似文献   

中国特有的露蕊乌头亚属及铁破锣的染色体研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper reports chromosomal number and chromosomal morphologies of annual Aconitum gymnandrum endemic to China and Beesia calthifolia for the first time.  Of the two spcies, chromosome number is same (X=8, 2n=16) and chromosome average lengths are 6.17μ , 10.73μ respectively.  The longest chromosome 1, the short chromosomes 3-5, 7 and the shortest chromosome 8 are metacentrical (m), the chro- mosomes 2, 6 are submetacentrical (sm), and the pairs 4, 5, 8 have satellites in the karyotype of A. gymnandrum.  In B. calthifolia, all of the chromosome 1-5 are the long m, the chromosomes 6, 8 are the short sm and the 7 is telocentrical (t). The pairs 3, 4, 6 have satellites.      According to the comparison of karyotypes of three subgenera—subgen. Para- conitum, subgen. Aconitum and subgen. Gymnaconitum in Aconitum, the evolution trend of chromosomes is further discussed.      Finally, the relationship between Aconitum and Beesia is also discussed in thispaper.  相似文献   

The morphological characters in the genus Orobanche were evaluated from the taxonomic point of view.  The author finds that the plants of this genus are relatively similar to each other in respect to characters of vegetative organs, fruits and seeds.  But the differences in the floral structures can be served as a basis for delimitating infrageneric taxa.   The seed coat of 18 species and pollen grains of  6 species were also examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). They seem to have little significance for distinguishing species.       The result supports G. Beck’s (1930) division of the genus Orobanche into 4 sections, of which 2 occur in China, based on the characters of the inflorescence, bracteoles and calyx. The author considers that some characters, such as anther hairy or not, upper lip of corolla entire or not, lower lip longer or shorter than the upper one, the state of corolla-tube inflec-  tion and the hair type of filaments and plants, are important in distinguishing Chinese species.  A key to the species of Orobanche in China is given.       This genus consists of about 100 species, and is mostly confined to Eurasia, with over 60  species found in Caucasus and Middle Asia of USSR, where may be the mordern  distribu-  tional  centre.        Orobanche L. in China is represented by 23 species, 3 varieties and l forma. As shown in  Table 1, most species (12 species) are found in Xinjiang, which clearly shows a close floristic  relationship between this region and Middle Asia of USSR.  6 species are endemic to China,  of which 4 are confined to the Hengduan Mountains  (Yangtze-Mekong-Salwin divide).        The relationships between this genus and related ones of Orobanchaceae are also discussed.  The author holds the following opinions: the genus Phelypaea Desf. should be considered as a   member of Orobanche L. Sect. Gymnocaulis G. Beck,  the monotypic genus,   Necranthus A.   Gilli endemic to Turkey, is allied with Orobanche L. Sect.  Orobanche, the monotypic genus,   Platypholis Maxim, endemic to Bonin Is. of Japan, is far from Orobanche L. in relation and   should be regarded as a separate genus.        The 11 OTU’s, including all the sections of Orobanche L. and 7 genera of Orobanchaceae,   and 15 morphological characters were used in the  numerical  taxonomic treatment  to  test  the   above-mentioned  suggestions.   After standardization of characters, the correlation matrices were   computerized.  The correlation matrices were made to test the various clustering methods.   At    last the UPGMA clustering method was chosen and its result is shown in a phenogram.  The   result of numerical analysis is basically in accordance with the suggestions.  相似文献   

  A fossil plant, Yanliaoia sinensis gen. et sp. nov. of late Jurassic is described from western Liaoning.  It is an arborescent conifer, deciduous, with branchlets and leaves resemble closely those of Sequoia sempervirens.. The form and structure of female cones and cone scales are similar to those of extinct genus Elatides and living genera Cunninghamia, Taiwania and Athrotaxis,  The female cone, however, is smaller.  Cone scales are spirally arranged, woody, thin and ellipticzl, having a short spine at their apex.  Seeds, globuloidal, without wings, about ten on each scale, and longitudinally arranged in three to four ranks, which occupy nearly the whole area of the ventral surface of ovuliferous scales.      The author believes that Yanliaoa and Elatides are two closely allied genera, evolved roughly in parallel with each other in the late Mesozoic.  Yanliaoa may be one of the ancestors of the living genera of Taxodiaceae. remarkablly the lineal or sublineal ascendant of Sequoia sempervirens.   The  so-called  “Sequoid jeholensis”(Endos. 1951) may be a branchlet of Yanliaoa sinensis.  相似文献   

我国悬钩子属植物的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 The genus Rubus is one of the largest genera in the Rosaceae, consisting of more than 750 species in many parts of the world, of which 194 species have been recorded in China.      In the present paper the Rubus is understood in its broad sense, including all the blackberries, dewberries and raspberries, comprising the woody and herbaceous kinds. So it is botanically a polymorphic, variable and very complicated group of plants. The detailed analysis and investigation of the evolutionary trends of the main organs in this genus have indicated the passage from shrubs to herbs in an evolutionary line, although there is no obvious discontinuity of morphological characters in various taxa. From a phylogenetic point of view, the Sect. Idaeobatus Focke is the most primitive group, characterized by its shrub habit armed with sharp prickles, aciculae or setae, stipules attached to the petioles, flowers hermaphrodite and often in terminal or axill- ary inflorescences, very rarely solitary, druplets separated from receptacles. Whereas the herbaceous Sect.  Chamaemorus L. is the most advanced group, which is usually unarmed, rarely with aciculae or setae, stipules free, flowers dieocious, solitary, dru- plets adhering to the receptacles and with high  chromosome numbers  (2n = 56). Basing upon the evolutionary tendency of morphological  features,  chromosome nu- mbers of certain species recorded in literature and the distribution patterns of species, a new systematic arrangement of Chinese Rubus has been suggested by the present authors. Focke in his well-known monograph divided the species of Rubus into  12 subgenera, while in the Flora of China 8 sections of Focke were adapted, but some im- portant revisions have been made in some taxa and Sect. Dalibarda Focke has been reduced to Sect.  Cylactis Focke.  In addition, the arrangement of sections is presented in a reverse order to those of Focke’s system.  The species of Rubus in  China are classified into 8 sections with 24 subsections (tab. 3) as follows: 1. Sect. Idaeobatus, emend. Yü et Lu(11 subsect. 83 sp.); 2. Sect. Lampobatus Focke (1 sp.); 3. Sect. Rubus (1 sp.); 4. Sect. Malachobatus Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (13 subsect. 85 sp.); 5. Sect. Dalibardastrus (Focke)Yü et Lu (10 sp.); 6. Sect. Chaemaebatus Focke (5 sp.); 7. Sect. Cylactis Focke, emend. Yü et Lu (8 sp.); 8. Sect. Chamaemorus Focke (1 sp.).      In respect to the geographical distribution the genus Rubus occurs throughout the world as shown in tab. 2, particularly abundant in the Northern Hemisphere, while the greatest concentration of species appears in North America and E. Asia.  Of the more than 750 species in the world, 470 or more species (64%) distributed in North America.  It is clearly showm that the center of distribution lies in North America at present time.  There are about 200 species recorded in E. Asia, of which the species in China (194) amount to 97% of the total number. By analysis of the distribution of species in China the great majority of them inhabit the southern parts of the Yangtze River where exist the greatest number of species and endemics,  especially in south- western parts of China, namely Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou (tab. 3. 4.).  It is in- teresting to note that the centre of distribution of Rubus in China ranges From north- western Yunnan to south-western Sichuan (tab. 5), where the genus also reaches its highest morphological diversity.       In this region the characteristics of floristic elements of Rubus can be summarized as follows: it is very rich in composition, contaning 6 sections and 94 species, about 66% of the total number of Chinese species; there are also various complex groups, including primitive, intermediate and advanced taxa of phylogenetic importance; the proportion of endemic plants is rather high, reaching 61 species, up to 44% of the total endemics in China.  It is noteworthy to note that the most primitive Subsect. Thyrsidaei (Focke) Yü et Lu, consisting of 9 endemic species, distributed in southern slopes of the Mts. Qin Ling and Taihang Shan (Fig. 4). From the above facts we may concluded that the south-western part of China is now not only the center of distribu- tion and differentiation of Rubus in China, but it may also be the center of origin ofthis genus.  相似文献   

中国种子植物特有属的数量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chinese flora with many endemic elements is highly important in the world’s flora. According to recent statistics there are about 196 genera of spermatophytes, be- ing 6.5% of total Chinese genera.  These endemic genera comprising 377 species belong to 68 families, among which the Gesneriaceae (28 genera), Umbelliferae (13), Compo- sitae (13), Orchidaceae (12) and Labiatae (10) are predominant.  The tropical type containing 24 families and 80 genera is dominant. After it follows the temperate type with 23 families and 50 genera.  There are also 4 families endemic to China, i.e. Gin- kgoaceae, Bretschneideraceae, Eucommiaceae and Davidiaceae.  It shows that genera endemic to China are obviously related to the tropical and temperate flora in essence.      The endemic monotypic genera (139) and endemic obligotypic genera (48) combin- ed make up more than 95% of the total number of genera endemic to China.  Phylo- genetically more than half of them are ancient or primitive.  The life forms of all ende- mic genera are also diverse.  Herbs, especially perennial herbs, prevail with the propor- tion of about 62%, and trees and shrubs are the next, with 33%, and the rest are lianas.       Based upon the calculated number of genera endemic to China in each province and the similarity coefficents between any two provinces, some conclusions may be drawn as follows:       Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces combined are the distribution centre of genera en- demic to China and may be their original or  differentiation area,  because  numerous endemic genera, including various groups, exist in these two provinces.  The second is Guizhou where there are 62 endemic genera.  Others form a declining order, south China, central China and east China. But towards the north China endemic genera de- crease gradually, and the Qinling Range is an important distributional limit.       The largest simitarity coefficient, over 50%, appears between Shaanxi and Gansu probably because of the Qinling Range linking these two provinces.  But between any other two provinces it is less than 30% and it is generaly larger between two south pro- vinces than between two north provinces.       These characteristics mentioned above are correlated with topography and climate, and they may be resulted from the diversification in geography and climatic influence for a long time.  相似文献   

对毛茛科金莲花族Trolliese和升麻族Cimicifugeae的细胞学进行了比较研究。发现驴蹄草Caltha palustris L.在云南西北部形成一个多倍体系列(2n=32,48,64),四倍体细胞型(2n=4x=32)较为常见,其核型有明显的居群间变异。驴蹄草属Caltha、鸡爪草属Calathodes、Megaleranthis以及金莲花属Trollius的染色体在大小上基本相似,都属于中等大小的R-型染色体。细胞学和花粉学证据都支持鸡爪草属与Megaleranthis和金莲花属有较近的亲缘关系。铁破锣属Beesia、Anemonopsis、黄三七属Souliea、升麻属Cimicifuga以及类叶升麻属Actaea的核型彼此基本相似,在染色体大小和形态上都与驴蹄草属、鸡瓜草属、Megaleranthis以及金莲花属的核型明显有别。细胞学证据表明铁破锣属应是升麻族中的成员。  相似文献   

独叶草花粉形态的研究及其在分类上的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 独叶草  (Kingdonia uniflora Balfour f.et W.W.Smith)  为我国特有植物,     由于它的开放的二叉分枝叶脉,引起了植物学家的很大兴趣和广泛注意,并从     各个方面对它进行了研究。关于它的花粉形态,除Forster(1961)曾有过简短     描述外,国内外都未研究过。本文对它的花粉形态进行了系统的研究,通过光学     显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了它的外部形态和外壁结构。  并讨论了有关    分类问题。  相似文献   

本文对人字果属Dichocarpum W.T.Wang et Hsiao.的形态、花粉和染色体等性     状,以及地理分布进行了系统研究。确认了该属在毛茛科Ranunculaceae中的地位,并认为可     能与星果草属Asteropyrum Drumm.et Hutch.关系较密切, 证实了该属内存在三沟和散沟两     种花粉类型。该属的染色体基数可能为x=6,产于东亚大陆的种为4倍体,日本的种为6倍     体,原始的2倍体种已灭绝。中国西部山地可能为该属的分布中心,日本的种可能是在第三纪由中国大陆迁移过去的。本文按该属内各种之间可能的亲缘关系,作出了系统排列。  相似文献   

本文为独叶草形态学研究的一部分,主要报道其根状茎结构的初步观察结果。根状茎的初 生结构的基本图案类似一般多年生草本植物的根状茎。但其维管束连接成简状,缺乏髓射线, 以后产生的次生维管组织中亦缺乏明显的射线。木质部的导管主要为梯纹加厚。梯纹导管的分 子的穿孔板呈水平的和不同程度的倾斜状的,水平的和一部分倾斜状的穿孔板上只具有单个 大穿孔,而另一些倾斜状的穿孔板上,呈一种复穿孔到单穿孔的过渡形式。参照Bailey(1956) 指出的管状分子的演化是不可逆的观点,联系到毛茛科植物一般具有单穿孔的导管,应属于一种原始的结构特征。独叶草的营养叶,鳞片叶和芽苞叶都具有单叶隙,前者具四个叶迹,后两 者都具有一个双重性的叶迹。参照前人的看法,联系独叶草的叶,花和导管分子中的一些原始性状推测,可能如Foster(1960,1961)曾指出的,在三叶隙和多叶隙占多数的毛莨科中,独叶草的单叶隙可能是一种原始的形态。    相似文献   

本文研究了星叶草属的核形态。其间期核和前期染色体分别为简单染色中心型和中间型;中期染色体较小,长度介于3.00μm到1.20μm之间;核型公式为2n=30=22m+8sm。其明显很高的染色体基数以及其它退化和特化的形态学性状,表明该属是一个孑遗的古多倍体类群。该属与独叶草属在间期核形态、前期染色体形态以及中期染色体的大小和形态方面极为相似。结合其它方面的资料,本文认为星叶草属和独叶草属有较近的亲缘关系,支持将它们一起置于星叶草科的观点。  相似文献   

 A report of chromosome numbers for eight species endemic to China is made in the paper, including first counts for 4 genera and 4 species and first karyoty- pic analyses of two species. Sinojohnstonia chekiangensis (Migo) W. T. Wang (Boraginaceae) 2n=24*; Coptis chinenis Franch (Ranunculaceae) 2n=18**; Dichocarpum dalzielii (Drumm. et Hutch.) W. T. Wang et Hsiao (Ranunculaceae)      2n=24*;      Eomecon chionantha Hance (Papaveraceae) 2n=18;      Camptotheca acuminata Dcne.  (Nyssaceae) 2n=44;       Calycanthus chinensis Cheng et S. Y. Chang (Calycanthaceae) 2n=22**;      Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. (Eucommiaceae) n=17;      Pinellia pedatisecta Schott (Araceae) 2n=26;      The previous reports of chromosome numbers of the same groups are compared with our own (See Table 1). The vouchers for the present study are preserved in the Herba- rium of Futan University.  相似文献   

本文对国产葱属Allium 8个种的14个居群的染色体进行了研究。其染色体基数均为x=8,其中7个居群为二倍体(2n=2x=16),6个居群为四倍体(2n=4x=32),1个居群为多倍体复合体(2n=4x=32,2n=6x=48,2n=8x=64和2n=9x=72)。并发现随体染色体十分活跃,在多倍体中其数目并不都与其倍性相对应,并有“串状随体”现象出现;在有些类群中其形态变异较大,而随体染色体杂合形式的多态现象也较普遍。本文重点讨论了随体染色体的数目、形态变异及杂合现象在葱属进化中的作用,认为随体染色体形态变异及杂合现象的出现是葱属中遗传变异的重要源泉之一。并对葱属中的染色体基数及种内多倍性问题进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

万寿竹六个居群的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了在云南境内的万寿竹Disporum cantoniense (Lour.)Merr.从滇东南经滇中到滇西 北不同居群间的核型变异。该种的染色体数目较为稳定,2n=14,没有观察到不同数目的变异。六个 居群的不对称性均属于3B型,但各个居群的核型结构表现出一定的差异,核型间随体位置和数目的不 同以及同源染色体的杂合性是居群间变异的主要特征,这种种内不同居群间核型的变异或许与该种的地理分布及生境有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

研究了毛茛科鸭(足石)花属Oxygraphis Bunge 3种植物的核形态。其间期核均为复杂中央染色微粒型,前期染色体为中间型,染色体基数为x=8。脱萼鸭(足石)花O.delavayi的染色体明显大于鸭(足石)花O.glacialis和细叶鸭(足石)花O.tenuifolia的染色体。结果支持鸭(足石)花属是毛茛科毛茛亚族subtrib.Ranunculinae的一个自然成员以及脱萼鸭跖花可能是该属的原始种的观点。  相似文献   

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