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为提高我国青年道德教育的实效性,充分了解青年学生的道德认知能力,我们借用科尔伯格关于道德认知发展阶段的两难法,分别对职业中专学生和低年级大学生的道德认知水平进行了调查。研究表明:这一阶段的青年学生的道德认知水平呈现出滞后而且正处于波动期。  相似文献   

低年级大学生和职业中专学生道德认知水平比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高我国青年道德教育的实效性,充分了解青年学生的道德认知能力,我们借用科尔伯格关于道德认知发展阶段的两难法,分别对职业中专学生和低年级大学生的道德认知水平进行了调查.研究表明:这一阶段的青年学生的道德认知水平呈现出滞后而且正处于波动期.  相似文献   

美国心理学家、教育家科尔伯格研究认为:"道德教育的关键是促进学生道德判断能力的逐步提高。儿童通过对假设性的道德两难问题的讨论,能够理解和同化高于自己一个阶段的同伴的道德推理,拒斥低于自己道德阶段的同伴的道德推理。"本文将从道德两难问题情境的创设、课堂讨论的层层深入以及教师在其中扮演的"隐"与"现"的角色,来促进学生道德判断力发展。  相似文献   

本文以693名海南省青少年为研究对象,通过对他们道德推理能力和智商的测量,考察不同群体青少年道德推理能力的发展规律。研究发现:处于不同年龄阶段的青少年,其道德推理能力存在显著差异,其中初中、高中阶段不存在显著差异,初高中与大学阶段存在显著差异;青少年的道德推理能力在不同智商被试之间存在显著差异;不同性别青少年、独生子女与非独生子女之间的道德推理能力不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

王琰 《运城学院学报》2010,28(1):106-109
皮亚杰、科尔伯格等人关于儿童道德认知发展的研究,不仅可以使我们更好地理解儿童在道德领域内复杂的心理活动,而且他们所揭示的儿童道德发展在一定时期道德发展阶段性特征的规律,为我们了解青年学生道德思维的方式与特点提供许多颇有见识的观点,也为我们研究青年学生道德思维心理学提供了许多可用的方法、手段以及分析框架。  相似文献   

高中生道德推理、移情反应及相互关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对173名高中生的问卷调查,发现高中不同年级学生所处的道德推理阶段无显著差异,但不同性别学生所处的道德推理阶段有显著差异;被试对身体受损的情境移情反应更加强烈;同样,被试对不同故事主人公的移情反应的程度也各不相同,总的来看,对成年人的移情反应更强烈些;研究发现道德推理分数、移情反应分数、被试的卷入程度以及提供帮助的意愿等各项指标之间的相关程度较高,都具有显著或非常显著的意义;对被试是否愿意帮助的原因分析显示,个体对自已能力的评估,是影响其是否做出助人行为的重要环节。  相似文献   

从认识论角度而言,道德推理属于认知阶段的高级形式。传统的认知理论认为情绪是道德思考的阻碍物,近年来研究表明情绪对道德推理有重要的推动作用。本文从自我意识情绪、移情以及情绪和认知三个方面探讨情绪和道德推理的关系,及其对道德教育的启示。  相似文献   

柏格森认为,人类走向开放道德是必然趋势。开放道德在形成过程中,大体经历三个发展阶段:服从规范履行义务阶段;内化规范诉诸良心阶段;超越规范追求完善阶段。三个阶段的发展,使个体的道德追求,由外在的功利,转化为内在的自我完善;由机械的服从或被动的执行,转化为个体主动参与并积极创造。学校道德教育要激发开放道德在学生品德发展中的动力作用,促进学生道德素质不断提升。  相似文献   

柯尔伯格的道德发展阶段论是皮亚杰的道德认知发展理论的集大成者。他提出的著名的"三水平六阶段"道德发展阶段理论,对高师学生的道德水平定位提供了理论基础。不仅如此,其立足于教育实践,提出的"公正团体"教育法,给高师学生通过创建"道德团体"进行道德教育实践提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

哈佛道德推理课程对我国高校道德教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈佛道德推理课程是哈佛大学本科核心课程七大部分之一,道德推理课程帮助学生接受较高的道德标准,以经典阅读和探究性学习为主,注重对学生思辨能力的培养和西方伦理道德观念的建构,使学生具备作出合理的道德和政治选择能力.哈佛道德推理课程在教育理念、教学方式和课程建构方面的科学性,对我国高校道德教育的改革和创新有很好的启示.  相似文献   

This article reasserts the centrality of reasoning as the focus for moral education. Attention to moral cognition must be extended to incorporate sociogenetic processes in moral growth. Moral education is not simply growth within the moral domain, but addresses capacities of students to engage in cross-domain coordination. Development beyond adolescence in moral thinking is in two forms: (1) the gradual application of morality in broader adult contexts, and (2) the result of social discourse and progressive readjustments at the individual and societal level of views of the morality of societal practices. Postconventional moral reasoning is not a rarified stage of moral cognition, but an orientation and set of discourse skills potentially available to all normally developing adult moral reasoners.  相似文献   

The importance of education in developing morally sensitive individuals who use principled moral reasoning when facing dilemmas has been widely acknowledged. In the context of the criticism levelled at the Irish higher education system for failing to fulfil the role of intellectual leader and moral critic within the public domain, this paper examines the impact of education level (both undergraduate and post-graduate) and type (arts or technical/profession-based) on moral reasoning using 311 Irish participants from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. An enhanced understanding of the impact of education on moral reasoning will facilitate the development of educational initiatives aimed at augmenting moral reasoning in higher-level students.  相似文献   

Consequential reasoning relevant to moral development has not been effectively practised in elementary schools in Taiwan. The present study designed a “To Do or Not To Do” website for students to explore moral dilemma situations and exercise consequence-based moral reasoning. Effective data from 160 fifth-grade students were collected for a confirmatory factor analysis and subjected to structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicated that with a higher perceived level of parental monitoring; the participants had a higher level of pro-social tendency and a lower level of impulsivity. In addition, a lower level of impulsivity was significantly associated with a greater interest in blended learning to practice moral consequential reasoning. The results suggest that teachers could use the To Do or Not To Do website as part of a flipped classroom for students to practice moral consequential reasoning to maximize the moral development of less impulsive students.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the development and implementation of an online educational intervention designed to enhance moral reasoning in higher level tax students. Before decisions are made about how to behave ethically, cognitive moral reasoning takes place. The importance of education in developing morally sensitive individuals who use principled moral reasoning has been widely acknowledged. The literature contends that moral reasoning might be enhanced through certain forms of intervention studies. An online educational intervention designed to enhance moral reasoning in tax was developed and empirically tested for effectiveness through the use of a pre- and post-test and focus group feedback gathered from students. Students' contributions to ethical discussions were analysed to determine their perceptions of salient issues concerning ethics in tax. This paper will inform future educators and researchers designing effective ethics interventions.  相似文献   

Eleven teachers and 254 urban middle-school students comprised the sample of this study examining the social and moral development outcomes of the integration of social cognitive domain theory within regular classroom instruction. Participating teachers were trained to construct and implement history lessons that stimulated students’ moral reasoning and conceptions of societal convention. In comparison with baselines and controls, teachers reduced didactic instruction and increased the proportion of class time devoted to small group discussions. Student engagement in transactive discourse significantly increased in participating classes with significantly greater post-test levels of moral reasoning, concepts of social convention, and cross-domain coordination. Student production of operational versus representational transacts through transactive discussion was associated with growth in moral and societal concepts. Teachers continued teaching lessons constructed in the project a year after the research ended.  相似文献   


Non-indoctrinational moral education involves teaching children to engage in ethical inquiry. This means that, since ethical inquiry has the status of a craft, the students will be apprentices in that craft. The classroom becomes, for this purpose, a community of ethical inquiry — an ethical atelier where students learn the tools, methods, practices and procedures which craftsmen associated with that tradition customarily utilize. It is only when one is adept at the generic procedures of reasoning that one can be adept at specifically moral reasoning, but to make the transition possible, the generic procedures should be taught within the humanistic and critical context of philosophy, and within the setting of a community of ethical inquiry.  相似文献   

大学生自我道德教育初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老子关于"道"和"德"的含义与关系的论述是大学生自我道德教育的重要资源。进行大学生自我道德教育应以实践为基础,用丰厚的道德内容培养学生具有睿智的道德思维以提高大学生自我道德教育的实效;要运用元认知理论,扩充道德知识以培养道德自律能力,强化道德体验以升华高尚道德情感,加强道德监控以铸就成熟的自我道德教育能力。  相似文献   

面对学生道德发展中知行脱离的问题,道德发展认知理论尤其是柯尔伯格的三水平六阶段以及在此基础提出的道德教育模式为解决此类问题起到了指导作用。柯尔伯格的道德发展三水平六阶段:前习俗水平,包括服从与惩罚道德定向阶段和工具定向阶段;习俗水平,好孩子道德定向阶段和维护权威与秩序的道德定向阶段;后习俗水平,包括社会契约的道德定向阶段和普遍原则道德定向阶段。两种道德教育模式:道德讨论模式和公正团体模式。  相似文献   

The moral role of the teacher has long been recognised and this has implications for the selection and education of student teachers. There is growing recognition of the importance of teachers’ capacity to make sound moral judgements and of the influence of teachers’ levels of moral reasoning on their professional practice. The paper presents the findings of a longitudinal study of 102 undergraduate student teachers who completed the DIT 2 measure of moral reasoning, at the beginning, mid-point and end of their four-year degree programme at an Irish university. While these students’ levels of moral reasoning were found to be higher than those of their international peers, more than half of graduating students were reasoning at the conventional level as defined by Kohlberg. These findings are located in the context of Irish education policy and practice. Some possible explanations for the students’ performance are suggested and discussed including their entry characteristics, the status of the teaching profession in Ireland, the nature of their teacher education programme and participation in the Transition Year option.  相似文献   

In recent years, psychologists and educators have shown increased interest in the moral development of college students. Kohlberg and Rest discuss a six-stage model of moral judgment development that has generated considerable research. The findings have raised several issues regarding the relevance of attitudes, traits, and experiences in understanding the moral judgment development of students. This study examines the differential impact of (1) college experiences, (2) attribution beliefs and attitudes about punitiveness, (3) educational and academic characteristics, and (4) freshmen level of moral judgment development on the level of moral development of upper-division students, who as freshmen were classified as having either low or high levels of moral reasoning. For freshmen with low moral reasoning scores, their upper-division level of moral judgment development was significantly related to their causal attribution beliefs regarding personal responsibility. For those freshmen with high moral reasoning scores, their initial level of moral reasoning was the most significant factor related to their upper-division level of moral judgment development. For these students, participation in extracurricular activities was negatively related to upper-division moral reasoning scores. The more they had participated in extracurricular activities, the lower their upper-division moral reasoning scores.  相似文献   

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