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This article characterizes the changes that occurred and are occurring in the didactics of primary school as an effect of L.S. Vygotsky’s psychological ideas. It underscores the characteristic features of the step-by-step convergence of psychology and pedagogy and discloses the reasons psychological knowledge is not used sufficiently to organize the educational process in primary schools.  相似文献   

With a starting point in the tradition of geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik, this article presents a challenge to inclusive education research to engage a Continental perspective on educational research. The motivation is to entice inclusive education researchers to begin to ask educational questions of inclusion, as opposed to inclusive questions of education. Recent years has seen a call to re-think inclusive education research and this paper attempts to answer this call by turning to a Continental perspective and the emphasis on an at least relative autonomy for the theory and practice of education. The article explores the relationship between Continental and Anglo-American educational theory, and why they seem to have developed in such distinct directions. Beginning with the Anglo-American perspective, it is outlined how pedagogy and the so-called educational interest became replaced by the scientific standards dominant in other academic disciplines. This is countered by a look at the continued endeavours in the Continental spheres to formulate specifically educational criteria for educational processes. This leads to a negative aim in the form of arguing against neo-liberal policy and the politicisation of inclusive education, and a positive aim in the form of an argument for a move towards constructing a pedagogical ideal of inclusion.  相似文献   

叶浩生  杨文登 《教育研究》2012,(6):103-111,149
桑代克在尝试教育心理学科学化的同时,背离了詹姆斯、杜威等教育心理学的祖父辈人物与教育亲和的思想传统,从对学校教育问题有真实兴趣转向了蔑视学校教育实践,造成了心理学家对教育的一种傲慢态度。同时,也在教育心理学内部形成了两种对抗的观点:一是视教育心理学为普通心理学研究的一个应用领域,是实验心理学在教育领域的延伸;二是视教育心理学为教育情境中人类行为的科学研究,是一门独立的应用性学科。教育心理学领域中这两种观点的分歧,究其本质,是两种科学观的对立,反映了心理学中科学主义和人文主义两种文化的对立。新近在心理学、教育学中兴起的循证实践,在方法论层面为超越两种教育心理学的分歧提供了可供选择的途径。  相似文献   

There is nowadays consensus in the community of didactics of science (i.e. science education understood as an academic discipline) regarding the need to include the philosophy of science in didactical research, science teacher education, curriculum design, and the practice of science education in all educational levels. Some authors have identified an ever-increasing use of the concept of ‘theoretical model’, stemming from the so-called semantic view of scientific theories. However, it can be recognised that, in didactics of science, there are over-simplified transpositions of the idea of model (and of other meta-theoretical ideas). In this sense, contemporary philosophy of science is often blurred or distorted in the science education literature. In this paper, we address the discussion around some meta-theoretical concepts that are introduced into didactics of science due to their perceived educational value. We argue for the existence of a ‘semantic family’, and we characterise four different versions of semantic views existing within the family. In particular, we seek to contribute to establishing a model-based didactics of science mainly supported in this semantic family.  相似文献   

Acknowledging the complex relationships which the field of didactics of mathematics has with other research fields (e.g. mathematics, educational sciences, epistemology, history,psychology, semiotics, sociology, cognitive science), the authors analyze in this paper some cases of fruitful and some of failed dialogue between experts of the different fields. They discuss the results of these dialogues, drawing on research studies carried out by the authors, within the paradigm of the Italian research in Mathematics Education.  相似文献   

Learning motivation has a special explanatory status in educational psychology and educational practice. Motivation and learning often are studied separately. In the achievement motivation tradition, achievement situation is the connecting link between learning process and achievement need. The explanatory power of this link has limitations. The activity concept is proposed as a unit which is able to offer a broader basis for a unified concept of learning motivation.  相似文献   

During the last 20 years, we have witnessed a growing interest in research in teaching, learning and educational development in higher education (HE). The result is that ‘Higher Education Didactics’ has established itself as a research field in its own right. This article explores Higher Education Didactics as a framework for academics’ professional reflection on teaching and learning, by mapping the didactic topics in all contributions in four journals in the period 2008–2015. Two of the journals are based in Scandinavia, where the European tradition of didactics (Didaktik) has been highly influential, while the others stem from the Anglo-Saxon curriculum tradition. The mapping shows that all journals are strongly occupied with teaching methods, especially methods grounded in theories of active and social learning. In contrast, didactic categories such as goal, content and assessment are rare topics. Students as participants and learners are a frequent topic in especially one journal, but receive little attention in the other journals. Also, educational technologies receive a varying degree of attention across the journals. Based on the mapping, this article discusses Higher Education Didactics as a framework for professional reflection in HE. It concludes that a broader range of research topics would be desirable and asks for future collaboration on the currently uncharted topics.  相似文献   

The author describes the situation of didactics in Russia from a historical perspective. He develops his argumentation with respect to three comparative studies, relates the comparison to the history of Russian didactics since the 19th century, and includes an analysis of international influences on Russian didactics. The comparison focuses on the dichotomy of teacher-centred instruction and self-regulated learning. In the light of this dichotomy, Russian didacticians have stressed the importance of the ??leading role?? of the teacher and of the ??teacher??s personality??.The Russian didactic tradition may become interesting for future research from an international and even global perspective since teacher-centred instruction seems to be receiving a new, positive evaluation based on empirical studies.  相似文献   

The term ‘transformation’ and its cognates can be found appended to almost every key term in the contemporary educational lexicon. In educational psychology, teachers are urged to adopt the methods of ‘transformational teaching’. In adult education, the theory of ‘transformative learning’ defines the current research paradigm. Social justice educators regularly couch their consciousness-raising efforts in terms of ‘transformative pedagogy’. And in philosophy of education, pragmatists, phenomenologists, neo-Aristotelians and postmodernists alike point to the special transformative quality of education, both in the Anglo-American as well as the German-language discourses. In this essay, we argue that these various conceptions of transformative education can be organised under two theoretical categories, each with its own distinctive understanding of and approach to creating transformative educational experiences: formalism and moralism. In the first two sections, we discuss the characteristic qualities of these two approaches and point to several problems that arise within them. Drawing on recent developments in the philosophy of language and moral psychology, we then advance a ‘substantivist’ alternative to the formalistic and moralistic approaches, which characterises the transformative experience as a process of renarrativation with two experiential moments: articulation and aspiration. Substantivism is an attractive approach to transformative education, we argue in the final section, because it avoids the problems that arise in the formalistic and moralistic conceptions while providing resources for capturing what is essential to transformative experience in the educational process.  相似文献   

In the research in the field of inclusiveness it is often neglected how inclusiveness is constructed differently within the so-called Anglo-American and continental educational contexts. In Slovenia, the field of educational studies has historically developed within the continental, particularly German tradition, as a discipline called Pedagogy at the Faculty of Arts. Since Pedagogy is fundamentally theorising the processes of becoming a free human being and does not take a particular interest in the issues of vulnerable social groups, a complementary area of tertiary study emerged in today's Faculty of Education (e.g. Special needs Pedagogy). However, recently we can identify a trend of emerging new study programmes, the so-called inclusive education. Because of this separation between scientific fields, this paper is dealing with a question of which of the disciplines is offering a more convincing answers to the question of how to conceptualise and implement the inclusiveness. Using qualitative analyses of the concept of inclusiveness and content analyses of Slovenian study programmes and courses related to inclusive education, we attempt to show that discipline of Pedagogy provides a conceptualising of inclusiveness that is more complex through successfully interweaving the humanistic and social paradigm.  相似文献   

Understanding human behavior situated in a classroom context has traditionally been the domain of educational psychology. This rich tradition continues today, but in a fragmented manner. This fragmentation is undoubtedly the result of a number of factors, but two contributing factors that come readily to mind are (a) the demise of grand theories and (b) the increase in multidisciplinary research efforts. In some respects, the former may be a function of the latter. Regardless, multidisciplinary efforts will continue to increase simply due to the complexity of the problems we are addressing. However, the major significance of the Dempster and Corkill paper is the call for unifying themes couched within a biological system that focuses on personal knowledge construction through the process of learning. In many respects this is a clarion call for a reconsideration of the theoretical roots of functionalism from which educational psychology sprang.  相似文献   

“Transfer” from research into practical applications is mostly seen as an autonomous domain between research and practice. For educational research, the author develops a conception in which transfer is a part of research, especially of applied educational research with a focus on teaching activities and teaching-learning materials. The criticism of traditional teaching research is examined and a research and development approach to didactics is proposed as a chance to combine theory and practice. The article comprises considerations on the scientific nature of research and development in didactics borrowing concepts from Bunge and Stokes and R & D in the economic sciences. The last section shows two research examples and closes with considerations for process and product evaluation in didactic research and development.  相似文献   

In our target article (Dempster & Corkill, 1999a) we presented an overview of recent work on interference and inhibition in cognition and behavior. The commentators provided highly informative feedback about a range of implications of this new body of work for educational psychology, including learning disabilities. In our response to the commentators, we reply to two relatively broad topics they touch on: consciousness and the functionalist tradition of American psychology. We also remark on two relatively narrow issues raised by the commentators: what constitutes irrelevant information and perseveration in the missing addend task.  相似文献   

孝具有文化、伦理、教育、政治等多重内涵,是中国文化传统的核心结构。其基本意义在于孝顺父母尊敬亲长,这构成以孝为本的理法规范要求。对父母“孝”的情感的扩充和延展,形成儒家传统中的祭祀祖先的“家-国”集体无意识形式。在中国文化中,孝文化是儒家仁爱伦理的底线;孝伦理是东方人伦所止的身份规范;孝心理是由家及国的人伦扩展;孝政治是君子齐家治国的基本前提。反思现代文化的西式建构模式,我们应对中国“孝文化”结构的发生、发展与中国先秦社会家庭组织的类型结构、地位形态加以认真审理,重建现代人类社会的精神支撑,才能对孝文化对中国文化心理结构的意义有正确的诠释。  相似文献   

教育传统与教育制度创新   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教育传统是教育制度创新的重要手段和途径。教育制度创新并不是一味地否定教育传统,恰恰是教育传统的继续。教育制度创新的目的并不仅仅是为了摆脱教育传统的制约,而是为了改造教育传统,发展教育传统,实现教育传统的创造性转换,使其适应今天教育变革、教育制度创新的需要,帮助解决今天教育发展所面临的问题。树立教育制度创新的“民族特色”,是教育制度创新的精髓和我们所应持的立场和态度。  相似文献   

人本主义思潮发轫于古希腊的理性人本主义传统,经由欧洲文艺复兴时期世俗人本主义和费尔巴哈生物学人本主义的补充,发展成为现代西方非理性人本主义。现代人本主义教育思想是人本主义思潮与心理学、教育学相结合的产物,是对“科学本位论”和“社会本位论”教育观的批判与抗争。人本主义以独特的视角审视教育,提出了富有时代特色的教育理念、教育目的、教育原则、教育内容、教育过程、教育方法等,对西方乃至世界多国的教育观念、教育理论和教育实践产生了积极影响。然而,人本主义也不可避免地存在一些认识缺陷,引发了诸多教育负面效应。  相似文献   

文化传统的择取,看似一个无关紧要的问题,然而却关涉到本土心理学的生命力,是关涉到中国本土心理学如何发展的一个元理论问题.以往中国的本土心理学,一方面过于注重文化大传统的研究定向,忽视了本土心理学与现实民众的心理契合问题;另一方面,虽然也曾关注文化小传统层面,但是却对文化小传统与中国本土心理学的关系缺乏明确的理论自觉.然而问题是,惟有自觉地进行文化小传统的研究定向,进行细致的、多样化的心理资源挖掘才有望实现中国本土心理学的新生.  相似文献   

语文学科教学意识的匮乏,在当前语文学科教学的理论与实践中都有许多表现。它表明当前语文学科教学并未完成从传统到现代的历史转型。提升语文学科的教学意识不仅是语文学科教学论学科建设的需要,也是摆脱语文学科教学危机以取得必要合法性的需要。为此,语文学科应构建其现代教学观,聚焦于学生发展这一核心研究域,提升理论研究者和语文教师的教学论素养。  相似文献   

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