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观测了胎儿、儿童和成人组各21具防腐尸体的髋关节骨膜皱襞.在髋的唇外缘较低的部分,在股骨头韧带基部和沿着股骨颈滑膜反折线外,呈现扁平和绒毛两种类型的滑膜皱襞.我们分别称之为唇皱襞,韧带皱襞和颈皱襞.韧带皱襞是完全垫在了髋关节表面,在关节活动时它们均不可能受伤.然而唇皱襞体形较大,在胎儿组5月龄时就已观测到,其出现率为78.81%.在儿童和成人组中,有九例唇皱襞伸进了股骨头和髋的窝关节面之间,在大腿内旋外施时,9例中的6例可滑进滑出,其余皱襞则在不能滑出.很可能唇皱襞就是在讨论中的髋关节疾患的主要根源.  相似文献   

目的:探讨髋关节后脱位合并髋臼后壁骨折片及臼唇损伤治疗与康复的方法、效果。方法:回顾总结2002.3-2004.12月我院收治的21例髋关节后脱位合并髋臼后壁薄片骨折片及臼唇损伤患者,均为机动车交通事故,闭合性损伤。采用急诊先闭合复位脱位关节,后行髋关节正位、髋臼闭孔位、髂骨斜位X线片及CT检查确定髋臼后壁骨折片的大小、对位情况及关节面的平整度,3~7d择期行切开复位、骨盆重建钛合金板内固定及臼唇修复术或撕脱臼唇切除术,术后早期进行关节功能锻炼,按预定康复方案进行康复治疗,比较其对治疗结果的影响。结果:术后21例患者均得到随访1~3年,X线片随访1~1.5年.骨折均骨性愈合,无骨不连、切口感染、静脉栓塞等并发症。疗效评价按髋关节创伤后的功能评分(Sanders)标准:14例髋臼唇修复良好者为优,4例髋臼唇软骨切除者为良,1例髋臼唇软骨撕脱只做断裂处缝合、未做软骨与骨性髋臼缘固定者为差。优良率为95.24%。结论:髋臼后壁骨折片一般均合并臼唇(软骨)损伤,若骨折稳妥固定,撕裂臼唇(软骨)修复后,经合理康复锻炼可以愈合;臼唇(软骨)长段撕脱损伤在无良好办法修复情况下应行切除术。  相似文献   

儿童肥胖除遗传基因起作用外,环境因素也非常重要,尤其家庭是引起儿童肥胖的一个重要因素。肥胖的发生发展有三个关键期,即胎儿期、脂肪重聚期和青春期。若脂肪重聚期提前(5. 5岁之前),不论脂肪重聚的BMI高低或者父母是否肥胖,均与该儿童成年发生肥胖密切相关。肥胖不仅为成人的身体健康埋下隐患,同样也危害儿童的身心发育,我们可以综合运用饮食干预、运动干预、家庭文化干预、坚持"儿童为本"等策略对儿童肥胖进行防控。  相似文献   

3~5岁儿童自主性发展特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用验证性因素分析和二因素重复测量实验设计两种方法,测查了3~5岁儿童自主性发展的特点.结果表明:(1)本研究编制的3~5岁儿童自主性问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为家长和教师评定儿童自主性的依据;(2)3~5岁儿童自主性由自我依靠、自我控制和自我主张三个方面构成;(3)在3~5岁期间,作为个体特征的自主性逐渐稳定;(4)儿童在不同情境中的自主性存在可变性.  相似文献   

通过阅读能力测试、算术速度测试在300名三年级儿童中选取单独计算困难(n=22)、计算和阅读都困难(n=18)两个实验组和年龄控制组(n=23),使用计算机呈现以数字、图形、汉字三种材料组成的六个快速命名任务,以考察计算困难儿童的抑制控制及转换能力.结果表明(1)计算困难儿童的抑制控制及转换能力显著低于控制组儿童;(2)单独计算困难儿童只在数字材料任务中的反应成绩显著低于控制组儿童;(3)计算与阅读都困难儿童三种任务材料的反应成绩显著低于控制组儿童.  相似文献   

使用自编创造性想象测验从流畅性、变通性、独创性三个维度对三组共90名不同媒介接触偏好儿童(电视组、书刊组、对照组)的创造性想象水平进行测评并比较,结果发现:(1)电视组在创造性想象各维度上的平均得分均为最低;图书组除在独创性维度上得分不及对照组外,其余各项得分均为最高.(2)电视组与图书组在变通性、独创性两维度上差异非常显著,提示图书组儿童在这两方面较电视组具有明显优势.(3)看电视时间与独创性呈非常显著的负相关;看书时间则与变通性相关非常显著,与创造性想象总分的相关亦达到显著水平,提示长时间看电视可能有损独创性的发展,而较长时间的阅读则有利于儿童创造性想象尤其是变通性的提高.  相似文献   

一、从儿童生理发育看其美术活动的特征 儿童绘画发展可划分三个阶段:1.涂鸦期(2~3岁左右);2.象征期(3~4岁左右);3.略图期(4~6岁左右)。 上述三个阶段儿童的神经系统发育还不完善,大脑皮质抑制能力还比较差,小肌肉运动的暂时联系正日趋协调,因此儿童手的运动还不能服从他们自己的意志,所以儿童的美术作品表现出明显的稚拙性、粗糙性特点。随着年龄的增长和不断的练习,这些特点会逐渐减弱的。  相似文献   

我来到加利福尼亚州两年后的一天,一个体弱的年轻女子走进了我的办公室,很快她就将初为人母了。离预产期还有一个月的时候,我们在对她进行例行检查时发现,胎儿呈臀位。我说的是“完全臀先露”——胎儿的双髋关节和双膝关节屈曲,好像盘膝而坐那样;这不同于“但臀先露”——胎儿的  相似文献   

近年来,外出务工人员逐年增多,留守儿童人数逐渐增加.这给留守儿童的教育问题带来了很大的挑战.我们丁所小学是一所村级小学,调查发现,全校将近三分之二的学生都是留守儿童.  相似文献   

一、研究背景 本届小学共同体“校长论坛”,聚焦儿童课程校本化设计与实践,主题的确立主要基于三大背景. 一是当前学校教育改革的走向与热点是:发现和回归儿童.人类文明进化经历了三个阶段:一是发现了人,将人从神的笼罩下解放出来,世界焕然一新;二是发现了女性,将女性从男性统治下解放出来,世界的半边天从此撑了起来;三是发现了儿童,将儿童从对成人的依附中独立出来,现正处于发现儿童的阶段.这就要求学校必须与发现儿童这一背景相适应,建立起“以儿童为中心”的学校课程体系,走向“学校课程儿童化”.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Maternal antenatal emotional attachment (MAEA) to the fetus has been proposed as an important factor for the emergence of harm to the unborn child. The present study investigated whether MAEA was associated with self-reported intent to harm the fetus. METHOD: Forty pregnant women, referred for psychological evaluation, completed a self-report measure of MAEA, the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-2 (MCMI-2) and confidential self-report questions on irritation with the fetus, urge to harm the fetus and predicted future loss of control with the child. Interview data was used to determine the mothers' adult attachment styles. RESULTS: (1) Negative preoccupied MAEA was associated with increased likelihood of reported irritation with the fetus, preoccupied adult attachment, borderline, histrionic, paranoid personality dimensions and symptoms of anxiety, mood disturbances and depression. (2) Negative disinterested MAEA was associated with a dismissing adult attachment, narcissistic, antisocial, aggressive-sadistic and passive-aggressive personality dimensions, alcohol dependence, but not self-report intention to harm the fetus. CONCLUSION: The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for understanding difficulties which may emerge in mother-fetus bonding and the identification of and interventions for mothers who report an intention to harm the fetus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this research was to determine whether adolescent mothers of newborns are at higher risk for child abuse than adult mothers of newborns and to examine whether adolescent mothers with memories of child maltreatment have a higher risk for child abuse. METHOD: Two groups (adolescents and adults) of pregnant mothers were followed for 20 months beginning between the 5th and the 7th month of pregnancy until the child was 18 months old. Adolescent (N = 24) and adult (N = 24) mothers were matched on sociodemographic variables. During pregnancy, memories of child maltreatment were evaluated. When child was 1, 6, 12, and 18 months old, risk for child abuse was evaluated. RESULTS: Adolescent and adult mothers showed no differences in memories of childhood physical or emotional abuse. Nevertheless, adolescent mothers showed higher child abuse potential and depression scores than adult mothers. Mothers with memories of severe physical punishment showed higher child abuse potential scores and mothers with memories of physical punishment producing physical damage showed higher child abuse potential and depression scores. A statistically significant age of the mother by physical punishment producing physical damage interaction was found for depression. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this longitudinal study indicated that the potential for abuse was significantly greater in adolescent mothers than in adult mothers, and in mothers who had been victims of physical abuse than in those who had not. It also appeared that, among adolescent mothers, those who had been victims of childhood physical abuse constitute a higher risk group for child physical abuse.  相似文献   

Teachers generally assume that children's language expertise develops with the age of the child, and that any teacher/adult coversation with the child provides modelling on the part of the adult in the use of grammar, syntax and in vocabulary. The teachers in this study start out as a group to prove that language facility is age related and that adultlchild conversation is led and developed in the linguistic context by the adult. This article is based on the findings of a group of twelve teachers, although direct evidence is cited from only three teacher texts. After the teachers' investigations and analyses of audio tapes based on conversations with individual children, the teachers involved were surprised and in some cases shocked by their inevitable conclusions.  相似文献   

Teacher–child relationships were examined as predictors of cortisol change in preschool children. Saliva for assays was collected from one hundred and ninety‐one 4‐year‐olds (101 boys) in the mornings and afternoons on 2 days at child care, and before and after a series of challenging tasks and a teacher–child interaction session outside the classroom. Parents reported on children’s temperament, teachers and children reported on teacher–child relationship quality, and observers rated group‐level teacher insensitivity. Teacher‐reported relationship conflict predicted cortisol increases during teacher–child interaction and teacher‐reported overdependence predicted cortisol increases from morning to afternoon, even after controlling for individual teacher, child, and classroom characteristics. The findings extend earlier work by suggesting that cortisol change across the child‐care day is influenced by teacher–child relationship characteristics.  相似文献   

This article proposes the reconsideration of education's theological significance, proceeding from educators' experiences in a postmodern era. Uncertainty and vulnerability are central issues, not only with regard to the theological plausibility of education, but also with regard to a concrete process of adult faith formation. The responses that are formulated by educators to the perplexities of contemporary education can be fitting to an idea of adult faith formation where adults are themselves discovering, adapting, and constructing new roads of religious commitment and community building. This article contains three parts. First, it redefines the aim of education beyond the "constructability" of the child, in consequence of the issue of child abuse in Belgium. Second, it refers to five competencies to which the educator is inviting the child and to which the educator becomes intrinsically challenged. In a third movement these experiences are reformulated in a theological perspective as five traces for transcendence.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Data from a national sample of Portuguese preschool centers were used to examine the relationship between age of start and number of hours in child care and levels of externalizing and prosocial behaviors with peers. Participants were both parents and teachers of 543 children (mean age = 4.5 years, 50.6% girls). Children started child care between 3 and 64 months and were attending child care 1–9 hr per day. The child care centers’ classrooms had adult–child ratios between 5 and 8.7 and group sizes between 15 and 26 children. Externalizing and prosocial behavior with peers was assessed with the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation Scale–Short Form completed by the 3 adult informants. Control variables included family sociodemographics and education level, maternal parenting style assessed with the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire, and maternal stress assessed with the Parenting Experiences questionnaire. Practice or Policy: Both the number of hours per week in child care and an earlier start of center-based child care had modest but significant associations with dimensional scores from teachers’ reports of externalizing behavior but not with mothers’ or fathers’ reports, suggesting that externalizing behavior with peers could be regarded as context specific to peer relationships in group child care. There was no evidence that the quantity of exposure to child care per se could be a substantial risk factor for severe levels of externalizing behavior. Prosocial behavior with peers was not significantly associated with the number of hours in child care or with the age of entry into group child care.  相似文献   

This study looks at the child care workplace from the viewpoints of occupational stress and social support as they relate to staff burnout. Subjects included 188 child care workers from licensed child care centers in predominantly rural areas of Pennsylvania. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to assess the contribution of work role conflict and work role ambiguity (two forms of occupational stress) to predictions of three facets of burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment). In addition, the buffering effect of social support on the relationship between these variables was assessed. The results show that both work role conflict and work role ambiguity predict a significant portion of the variance in all three facets of burnout. In addition, support is provided for the hypothesis that social support buffers the effect of work role conflict and work role ambiguity on perceived emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The results are discussed in terms of changes that could be made to improve child care as an adult work environment.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the design, methodology, and results of a study of quality in 326 classrooms in 239 Canadian child care centers. This study, the largest and most extensive ever undertaken in Canada, used the Caregiver Interaction Scale (CIS) to rate the adult–child interactions in the classrooms and the Infant–Toddler Environment Rating Scale (ITERS) and the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R) to measure the quality of classroom learning environments. The observed staff members completed questionnaires on wages, working conditions, and satisfaction levels, and the center directors also completed questionnaires on center operations and finances. Path analyses revealed that in the infant/toddler rooms the number of adults in the observed classroom and the education level of the observed staff member were direct predictors of quality. In addition, there were three indirect predictors: parent fees, adult:child ratio, and use of the center as a student teacher practicum site. There were five significant direct predictors in the preschool classrooms: wages, education level, number of staff in the observed room, staff satisfaction, and whether the center received free or subsidized rent or utilities. The three indirect predictors were auspice, adult:child ratio, and parent fees. The interaction of distal and proximal factors is interpreted and applied to the development and implementation of public policy initiatives that can provide much-needed improvement to the overall mediocre levels of child care quality in Canada.  相似文献   

This study looks at the child care workplace from the viewpoints of occupational stress and social support as they relate to staff burnout. Subjects included 188 child care workers from licensed child care centers in predominantly rural areas of Pennsylvania. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to assess the contribution of work role conflict and work role ambiguity (two forms of occupational stress) to predictions of three facets of burnout (i.e., emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment). In addition, the buffering effect of social support on the relationship between these variables was assessed. The results show that both work role conflict and work role ambiguity predict a significant portion of the variance in all three facets of burnout. In addition, support is provided for the hypothesis that social support buffers the effect of work role conflict and work role ambiguity on perceived emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The results are discussed in terms of changes that could be made to improve child care as an adult work environment.  相似文献   

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