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A substantial proportion of university students report committing plagiarism and related forms of misconduct. An academic integrity-focused approach to addressing plagiarism emphasises the promotion of positive values alongside education of staff and students about good, and bad, practice in writing, studying and assessment design. The concept was developed many years ago and is seen as desirable, yet it is not clear whether academic integrity features prominently in the education of academics themselves. We analysed source texts for postgraduate certificates in higher education (or equivalent) at UK universities. Overall, academic integrity was poorly addressed in these texts, and the language used (‘cheating’, ‘plagiarism’) was not reflective of an academic integrity-based approach. Newer issues, such as the purchasing of custom written assignments (contract cheating), were barely addressed. We conclude that the concept of academic integrity needs to be integrated into mainstream discourse around teaching in UK higher education.  相似文献   

South Africa has undergone transformation since the end of apartheid governance in 1994. Legislatively enforced, this transformation has permeated most sectors of society, including higher education. Questions remain, however, about the extent to which transformation has occurred in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in general, and across the academic staff body in HEIs in particular. In this study, we examine the transformation of academic staff profiles at HEIs throughout the country. Initially, we graph the racial profile of academics across multiple positions (junior lecturer to professor) from 2005 to 2013. We then use correlational analysis to identify which characteristics of universities in South Africa can be used to explain the racial inequities evident in South African HEIs. Our results indicate that world university ranking; percentage black African staff; percentage black African student body; and whether the university is ‘historically disadvantaged’, all influence the racial profile of the academic staff body to varying degrees. The size of the overall staff and study body does not appear to influence the racial profile of universities’ staff component. We conclude that transformation of the academic staff body of HEIs in South Africa is indeed occurring, albeit slowly. Rather than seeing this as a negative, we argue that the pace of ‘academic’ transformation in the country needs to be interpreted within the framework of academic governance.  相似文献   

大学学术伦理规制:内涵、特性及实施框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years,universities have been witnessing the academic misconduct repeatedly occurred,by which academic ethics regulation is brought into the focus of the university management.University academic ethics regulation is such a kind of academic management activity that could make academic activities in a right way or maintain a good state by the ethical way.Compared with other methods,university academic ethics regulation is not only a value regulation that is matching the academic ethics anomie,but also has some other advantages,such as according with the operating law of university academic activities,conforming to the work characteristics of the faculty,owning more effective regulation than single academic norms and so on.The implementation of the regulation involved the internal ethical values management and the external restrictions.  相似文献   

青年教师的学术规范问题已成为高等学校师德建设的一个重要方面,究其原因,主要起源于学术规范教育缺失导致的学术规范意识薄弱,学术评价机制不科学和现实生活工作压力导致的功利化动机强烈以及学术越轨的风险较小、学术生态环境不理想、学术伦理衰微等导致的缺乏有效的内外监督和约束机制.治理青年教师的学术越轨行为,一方面必须改革现行学术评价和科研管理制度,完善学术监督机制,加强规范教育和伦理自律;另一方面要改善青年教师生活工作条件,优化学术生态环境,为青年教师潜心科研提供物质和环境保障.  相似文献   

高校生命教育涉及德性问题,关乎伦理范畴,具有浓厚的伦理意蕴。高校生命教育的内涵体现了生命伦理的实质,呵护教育中所有人的生命是生命伦理的表现。教育伦理本性是高校生命教育伦理特性的反映。教育伦理追求的是教育善的实现,这种教育善支撑了高校生命教育活动的开展,是高校生命教育最为贴近的伦理基础。  相似文献   

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) represent a potentially exciting opportunity to use technology to realise many of the long-promised benefits of universal higher education. While there are many positive aspects to the MOOCs on offer and in development, there are also significant ethical concerns arising from various initiatives. These include the academic duties of care and integrity, commercial exploitation of learners, as well as research ethics concerns arising from the analytical and other work being done by academics and institutions. These issues are explored and a set of heuristics for individuals and institutions provided as a starting point for ethical analysis of MOOCs and associated activities.  相似文献   


Dealing with ethical dilemmas is part of the real, everyday life of a university lecturer. However, the literature on ethics in higher education largely focuses on the broad social agenda, academic freedom and issues connected with research. Using an auto-ethnographic case study about a 'day in the life' of a new university lecturer as a basis for discussion, the paper reports the reactions of two focus groups, representing newly appointed and more experienced academic staff, respectively. Applying Forsyth's taxonomy of ethical ideology, it is suggested that there are marked differences in approach between staff in dealing with ethical dilemmas. Experienced staff, accustomed to higher levels of professional autonomy, were more inclined to argue for a 'situationist' position, while inexperienced staff, inculcated into a more rule-bound culture, tended to adopt an 'absolutist' or 'exceptionist' stance.  相似文献   

The growing competitive environment in which Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are immersed has caused them to be constantly focused on implementing new strategies that allow them to consolidate student loyalty. Among the strategies are those related to the use of social media, virtual brand communities and Brand Fan Pages (BFPs). This research aims to show the HEIs some new ways to increase brand loyalty through their BFP. Both qualitative techniques, 2 focus group sessions with students from public and private universities, and quantitative techniques, 200 interviews with young university students aged 18–23, were used to develop this research. Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis was utilized to determine the relationship between variables. The main findings of the analysis indicate that it is possible for a higher education institution to increase student loyalty by generating positive experiences on their Brand Fan Page and generating greater platform use intensity.  相似文献   

In this work, we contribute to the debate on the transformation of higher education institutions (HEIs) in post-apartheid South Africa by examining the changing demography of academic staff bodies at 25 South African HEIs from 2005 to 2015. We use empirical data to provide initial insights into the changing racial profiles of academic staff bodies across age, gender and rank and then summarise our findings into a transformation ‘scorecard’ which provides an indication of how all racial groups in the country are performing in terms of their representation in higher education. Initial results indicate that most academics in South Africa are middle-aged (between 35 and 54) but an ageing trend is evident, particularly among white academics. In terms of gender, males marginally outnumber females, although we estimate an equitable distribution to be attained within the next 5 years. Significantly, the data indicate that there is an upwards trajectory of black African academics across all rankings from 2005 to 2015 and a concomitant downward trajectory of white academics across all rankings. Both Indian and coloured academics most closely represent their national population representation. Our transformation ‘scorecard’ indicates that the demography of academic staff at higher education institutions in South Africa is changing and will continue to change in the future, particularly within the next 20 years if current trends continue.  相似文献   

In this article we examine issues of academic identity through the lens of academics’ everyday workplace writing, offering a complementary perspective to those already evident in the higher education research literature. Motivated by an interest in the relationship between routine writing and aspects of professional practice, we draw on data from interviews with 30 academics across three different universities. Our discussion is illustrated with excerpts from interview data, and is organised around three emerging themes: ‘reconstructing academic identities in a shifting academic workplace’, ‘considering new articulations of disciplinarity’, and ‘moving on from the golden age’. We conclude that the reconstruction of academic identities, through engagement with established and emerging workplace documents, may well be enabling academics to build new identities within the changing university.  相似文献   

Sixty Ethiopian academic staff were surveyed to examine the state and gravity of academic misconduct in exam sessions in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Ethiopia. The questionnaire was administered using an electronic mail (email), and the significance and potential of using this method has been described. The findings are analyzed and the state of academic dishonesty in Ethiopian HEIs established; a broader and comparative overview of the problem is also presented. The repercussions of pervasive academic malpractice in a nation are discussed within the context of a family of the international academic and knowledge network.  相似文献   

In an attempt to raise China’s international competitiveness, the Chinese government has instituted a series of sweeping reforms in recent years, all with the aim of rapidly expanding the number of higher education places within tertiary institutions. However, this rapid rate of expansion has led to a new set of problems, most notably a scarcity of resources, a drop in educational quality, and a weak international academic standing. In recent years, the Ministry of Education has attempted to alleviate these problems by initiating a series of employment reforms. However, the new reforms have posed a new set of challenges for university academics. Based on the data reported in this study, we can see an increased implementation of managerial measures into the university employment system. The new employment system was viewed by university academics with a great deal of scepticism and disagreement. Ultimately, after serious consideration, the academics we interviewed chose to sacrifice their standards of living in order to maintain a focus on producing serious academic work. However, they also urged the state and university to offer a more agreeable environment in which professors could concentrate on authentic academic endeavors without having to sacrifice work stability.  相似文献   


Lecturers have significant de facto power and responsibility as arbiters of student justice. However, while the literature on ethics in higher education principally focuses on a self-regarding agenda connected with research codes and power relationships between academics, the more practical concerns of pedagogy tend to be overlooked. Moreover, while many new lecturer programmes stress competence in teaching techniques they tend to give restricted attention to many of the ethical dilemmas which confront university teachers in their daily lives. This paper addresses this imbalance by presenting a conceptual framework for debating the ethics of pedagogy based on four forms of justice. The concepts of procedural, retributive, remedial, and distributive justice are presented as a means of incorporating many of the key ethical challenges that confront lecturers new to higher education. The justice framework is also recommended as a means of encouraging practitioners to identify their own key ethical principles.  相似文献   

目前世界高等教育系统和高等学校所处的外部环境无时不在发生变化,市场机制和高等教育的国际化竞争形势也要求高等学校必须转变教育观念、树立战略意识。战略管理是高等学校协调与外部环境的关系和谋求更大发展的必然选择。文章以纽约州立大学布法罗分校为例,剖析高等学校战略管理这个处于开放系统中的闭路循环过程,并指出只有通过此循环的不断推进,高等学校的战略目标才能得到逐步实现。  相似文献   

大学学术不端行为问责作为新时代加快推进学术治理能力现代化的关键举措,是一种内省、内生性保障学术自由向善发展的规制方式。大学学术不端行为问责不同于一般意义上的行政问责,其具有惩罚性、报应性、互动性与救济性等特征;伦理学依据、事实依据以及法律依据是其在实践层面的依据指向。文章在论证问责逻辑构架分析标准的基础上,基于问责主体、问责客体、问责依据、问责程序以及责任类型构建大学学术不端行为问责的内容构架,这符合学术治理所要解决现实问题的事实逻辑与价值逻辑。  相似文献   

For many UK higher education business schools, the continued recruitment of UK, EU and international students is crucial for financial stability, viability and independence. Due to increasingly competitive funding models across the sector, many institutional leaders and administrators are making decisions typical of highly marketised consumer environments. Thus, this paper explores academics’ perceptions of the impact of consumerisation in UK higher education business schools. To achieve this, 22 business school academics were interviewed within three UK higher education institutions (HEIs) in the North of England. Participants had a minimum of three years teaching experience. Data was analysed using template analysis taking an interpretive approach. The findings indicate that academics perceived the introduction of tuition fees to have been the catalyst for students increasing demonstration of customer-like behaviour: viewing the education process as transactional, with the HEI providing a ‘paid for’ service. It is argued that these changes in UK higher education have created tensions between university leaders and academics, creating genuine dilemmas for those with decision-making responsibilities who must balance academic integrity and long-term institutional financial viability.  相似文献   

大学科研道德问题突出,尤以教师为重。文章剖析了产生大学教师科研道德生态危机的主客观因素,阐述了大学教师科研道德生态危机对教师科研积极性、大学生思想道德、科研纯洁性、社会风气等方面造成的不良影响,提出净化和挽救科研道德生态要从教育规范、科研实践、法律惩戒、评价体系、学术刊物等五个方面入手。  相似文献   

With the increasing demand for doctoral education, co-supervision, understood as the formally agreed supervision of a research student by two or more academics in doctoral programmes, has become common practice in postgraduate circles in the UK. If supervision with one supervisor is complex due to personal, academic, ethical and sometimes cross-cultural issues, having two supervisors makes this process sufficiently challenging in practice to be specifically investigated in research, not least because of the additional communication issues. However, co-supervision is under-explored in the academic literature. In this article we look at the experience of co-supervision as reported by co-supervisors and those supervised by them in a UK university department within an arts and social sciences faculty, and aim to contribute to the literature on co-supervision by considering co-supervisors’ and their supervisees’ perspectives on co-supervision practices. Amid a general welcoming of the practice, with both parties seeing co-supervision entailing learning opportunities – for co-supervisors, learning from colleagues; for supervisees, learning from two experienced researchers – we report shared and specific concerns of these two groups. Time is a concern for both groups, but in different ways. Particularly interesting is the issue of harmony between the co-supervisors, including in feedback, the desirability of which will be perceived differently within any co-supervisor–supervisee relationship. The need for awareness-raising for co-supervisors as regards what their supervisees may feel but may not articulate may be greater for co-supervision than solo-supervision arrangements, given the additionally complex web of institutional and interpersonal relationships co-supervision entails.  相似文献   

Little is known about how researchers in higher education institutions (HEIs) experience and respond to support received from their departments. The present study investigated how support for researchers' autonomy (choice and self‐expression), relatedness (through connections with colleagues) and competence (feeling effective in one's work) influenced their attitudes towards an external assessment of research. To do so, we surveyed 598 academics from four HEIs in the UK about their attitudes towards one such external assessment: the Research Excellence Framework (REF), a nationwide assessment of research quality and the subject of debate about research evaluation. Our findings, drawing on self‐determination theory, show that departments can shape responses to the REF: individuals whose psychological needs were supported by their academic departments held more positive, and less negative, attitudes towards the REF. This occurred both directly and indirectly through researchers' recognition that the REF had a more positive influence on their research activities and outputs.  相似文献   

Results of a study to determine the extent to which teacher education students perceive their student peers to engage in various forms of academic misconduct are reported. A thirty-seven-item instrument was used to collect data from ninety-seven teacher education students at a southern comprehensive university. Items addressed the frequency of various cheating behaviors, the perceived maturity level of the persons most likely to cheat, and the degree to which respondents felt cheaters “neutralized” their cheating behaviors. Although cheating was not perceived as a major problem among teacher education students, a definite relationship between perceived neutralization and academic misconduct was noted.  相似文献   

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