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It is becoming more and more apparent that globalization processes represent, theoretically as well as practically, a challenge for educational sciences and therefore, it must be addressed within the sphere of education. Accordingly, educational conceptions have to adapt to globafization phenomena and focus more on alternative and innovative educational concepts. The observable phenomena that appear as part of globalization then lead to the following question: Is there still space for educational concepts like emancipation, self-determination, equal opportunities and fairness in distribution, democracy and common sense? The most indispensable tools for the development of equitable and peaceful contemporary education perspectives are a differentiated reflection on globalization phenomena and consequences, an intensive analysis and disclosure to address (global) conflict lines, the questioning of well-established concepts, the formation and embodiment of visions of the global future and the articulation of innovative education concepts. Modern social and political structures and practices have to be reoriented to combat the negative effects of globalization processes through the incorporation of more humane, socially fair and ecological principles. Educational science is sure to make an important contribution in making this a reality.  相似文献   

This paper reveals a new evaluation model, which enables educational program and project managers to evaluate their programs with a simple and easy to understand approach. The "index of success model" is comprised of five parameters that enable to focus on and evaluate both the implementation and results of an educational program. The integration of these parameters forms a complete and comprehensive picture, which in turn provides the most information on the success or failure of the program. The parameters are: (1) the relevance index, referring to an evaluation of predefined objectives; (2) the efficiency index, referring to the fiscal efficiency of the program; (3) the effectiveness index evaluating the attainment of the program's objectives; (4) the impact index gauging the effect on the consumers, for whom the program is undertaken; and (5) the final parameter is the program's sustainability index. Since Israel's education strategy currently leans towards site-based monitoring and evaluation, such a model can potentially be of great help to school management and staff.  相似文献   

Three professors of education reflected on education in their countries of origin, and compare their education with learning, teaching and the education in the United States. The three countries represented are China prior to the political and economical reforms starting from 1979, Iran prior to the Islamic Republic of 1979, and the Russian Federation of the Former Soviet Union prior to the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Certain aspects of education such as the curriculum, pedagogy, length of schooling, methods of teaching, the textbooks, and priorities and goals of schooling in each country are discussed. This article is a comparison of the educational system of each country with the American educational system as well as among the three countries. The article concludes with each author offering some ideas on how the American educational system might benefit from the experience of the other countries.  相似文献   

Danish upper-secondary school is currently undergoing remarkable changes. Comprehensive reforms and restructuring have transformed teacher roles and school organization. However, not all upper-secondary teachers welcome reform: on the one hand, they have to adopt norms, standards and values determined by colleagues, if they want to "fit in"; on the other hand, they are confronted by governmental and educational claims, but also their own interest in doing things differently. This paper analyzes generational differences and similarities in the post-reform school in regard to leaming values and the competence discourse, which are an important part of the reform discourse. In addition, it explores the dilemmas which arise for young teachers their understanding of practical and theoretical teacher training. This paper combines theoretical approaches with data analysis being both quantitative and qualitative. Finally, this paper discusses team work as an important means to make dialogue between teacher generations possible and to enhance reflection on the relationship between practice and theory.  相似文献   

This work describes the genesis, articulation and consolidation from 2007 of a social network of b-learning (blended learning) in the UA (University of Alicante) (Spain), with the institutional backing of the Office of the Vice President for Education Technology and Innovation, and the momentum and advice of professor Angel Fidalgo (UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) chair for University of Management and Policy). The social network currently has more than 25 teachers, working on different work linkages with the university, implementing or intending to apply the teaching methodologyb-learning during the course 2007-2008 in a variety of courses and degrees. To do so, several resource centers (blogs, wikis, Wimba Create (before CourseGenie), etc.), and digital platforms (Virtual Campus of the UA, Moodle, etc.) are used.  相似文献   

Education reforms in transitionalized world arose first against neo-classical education or "humanistic education" which resembled classical education in many respects, with the most concern being in both majority and minority of students. Besides, they resembled in that their effects force the instructors teach for the tests, to make the curriculums change to standard, to push the students to become the academic entrepreneurs, etc. Necessarily, the academic of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning in Thammasat University has been adjusted. Then, this quantitative in research approach focuses on educational management guidelines. The open-ended questionnaire and structural interview are main instruments. Percentage, mean, mode, standard deviation, F-test and Pearson-correlation were used for analyzing the data. The research finding reveals that the mainstream and the alternative aspects in the educational management guidelines concern with external factors such as the entrepreneurs' satisfaction, the standardization and the students' voices. The entrepreneurs' satisfaction relates to the general qualifications, identifications and abilities of the graduates under the trend of selecting between government universities and private universities in rate of 3:1. The standardization means new curriculum structure: 25% of general basic courses, 10%-I 5% of elective courses and 60%-65% of architectural program courses. The students' voice indicates the reduction on central control and standardized testing.  相似文献   

This study aims at reflecting upon the Brazilian higher education situation in a context ot deep change regarding the contemporary way of life. This study stems from evidence generated from field research. The expansion of the higher education system in Brazil, for historical, political and economic reasons, has taken place mainly by means of private institutions following logic close to a market one, according to some theoretieians. The general objectives of this paper are to reflect upon the situation of the Brazilian higher education at the end of the first decade of the 21st century and to investigate the advances of the "research is learning itself' (Lucchesi, 2002) paradigm from its conceptual set through an analysis of the official discourse from higher education institutions. This paper aims at verifying whether such discourse has been translating the intention of rendering such paradigm concrete. By means of the analysis of the discourse manifested at advertising messages from the private higher education institutions, this study aims at understanding what they now believe to be the model for teaching and learning capable of meeting the Brazilian youth's needs. The authors have observed that the relationship between teaching and learning is promised by the private higher education institutions. Therefore, the scope of this study is the persuasive content of the message from the private higher education institutions to conquer new students.  相似文献   

If Taiwan's indigenous people are not able to save their own languages, they will lose their ways of thinking, cultural heritage, and the relation to the rest of the universe that distinguishes them as indigenous peoples. Taiwan is a multi-ethnic country. Although the majority of the population is comprised of Han speakers, there is also a significant indigenous Austronesian-speaking population. The multiple cultural manifestations of the indigenous people of Taiwan enrich the overall culture of Taiwan's society. Under the influences of globalization and colonial governance, indigenous peoples are facing the disappearance of their traditional languages and cultures. Therefore, Taiwan needs to carefully handle the topic of the development of its people's cultures; otherwise, it is not difficult to see the outcome of cultural assimilation due to encroachment by mainstream cultural dominance. Education is the best method of helping protect and revitalize non-dominant cultures and their languages; by the same token, it is also the most effective means of cultural assimilation. What course should indigenous education take? From the development of local culture subject to current stage of dialects subject, indigenous languages are still highly subject to the nightmare of extinction. Thus, in this paper, the author analyzes the development status of Maori education in New Zealand, with the aim of providing Taiwan's education authorities with different viewpoints for consideration so that appropriate educational methods may be applied for the development of indigenous people, and also appeal to Taiwan's indigenous people to take on the challenge of ridding themselves of the rigid modes of thought caused by colonial education, and, from the bottom-up, contribute their efforts for the sake of revitalizing the languages and cultures of their people.  相似文献   

For the past few decades, many countries have been giving increasing stress on expanding their higher education system, in the belief that greater access to higher education will bring abundant rewards in the era of globalization and knowledge-based economies. Taiwan is no exception. Between 1986 and 2006, the government of Taiwan dramatically expanded the number of higher educational institutions from 28 to 147, expecting that this action would enhance educational equity and lead to greater economic prosperity. Popularization, however, does not necessarily result in equity. To be sure, the increase in the number of institutes of higher education in Taiwan has made it possible to accommodate almost all interested students. Yet, because the government has failed to make commensurate increases in public funding for higher education, the quality of university education in Taiwan has seriously deteriorated. Moreover, since many students from poor families still cannot afford the increasingly expensive cost of higher education, neither equity nor equality of opportunity has been achieved. In light of this phenomenon, this article focuses on: (1) describing the changes which Taiwan's higher education system has undergone over the past two decades; (2) examining the equity issues relating to higher education in Taiwan; and (3) putting forth some suggestions which Taiwan's policy makers can use to address the problems which have arisen as a result of the expansion of higher education.  相似文献   

Ten teachers, from preschool to secondary school have tried out puppets as a stimulus in science lessons. Data were gathered by teachers answering a questionnaire and by interviewing the teachers. We report what teachers have experienced by using puppets in science classrooms and in science activities in preschools. Data indicate that the puppet can be used to stimulate science both in preschool, primary school and secondary school. Probably the puppet must be used in different ways in preschool and primary school than in secondary school to get the pupils to accept them. This pilot study has given us courage and ideas to start a following-up study in using puppets in science.  相似文献   

Increasing accountability and efficiency in the use of public and out-of-pocket financing in education are critical to realizing the maximum impact of the meager allocations to education in most developing countries. While broad estimates and numbers are routinely collected by most national ministries and state departments of education, the lack of accuracy and reliability as well as the obtuse nature of recording and presentation of the data does not facilitate any serious policy use. A major advance in this area has been brought about by the development of NEA (National Education Accounts), which is a new tool for measuring education expenditures in a systematic policy-~endly manner. In essence, NEAs measure the "financial pulse" of an education system, answering 4 key questions: Who is financing education? How much do they spend? How are funds distributed across different education providers, levels and activities? Who benefits from or receives the services? NEAs gather information on all spending from public, private and donor sources, and provide a snap-shot of all expenditures on education in the state or country. While not an auditing tool, it provides real time information on the flow of funds that can be used for evidence-based decision-making. It provides information to policy-makers, enabling them to discern systcm-wide inequities and identify areas that require changes in policy. In addition, the use of a standard classification of expenditures allows for data from NEAs to be comparable between and within countries. This paper provides an assessment of accountability and efficiency in the use of public and private resources in the education sector in 2 states of Nigeria. Using comparative data from implementation of education accounts in 2 states of Nigeria, it presents a breakdown of education spending by public and private sources as well as donor agencies, by types of providers, by geographical regions and by category of expenditures. It analyzes educational expenditures for the 2 states in the context of state government priorities for education, and proposes a novel way of tracking trends in education spending as a means for policy-makers to organize a strategic vision supported by resources and to evaluate the outcome of policies.  相似文献   

The study aimed to assess and compare the values prevalent among the students and teachers of Universities in Bangladesh, Japan, USA and Germany. The sample consisted of 480 students and 236 teachers. The sample included 120 undergraduate students Japan; 120 undergraduate students from Bangladesh; 120 undergraduate students from USA, and 120 undergraduate students from Germany. The faculty sample included 60 teachers from Japan, 60 teachers from Bangladesh; 60 teachers from USA, and 56 teachers from Germany. To identify the value preferences of the individuals a list of 10 values, pro-social, achievement, power over others, security, self direction, otherworldliness, fatalism, narcissism, inner directed, and conservative, based on previous values studies by Singh and Parek were prepared. The first five values were identified in previous studies as functional (Singh, 1975) and other five were identified as dysfunctional (Parek, 1988) in the context of national development of Asian cultures. The results revealed that Bangladeshi students held stronger preferences for values identified as functional values than for those identified as dysfunctional. Japanese students indicated stronger preferences for the values identified as functional values except narcissism. The American students indicated a preference for three of the five values identified as functional but also ranked narcissism and other worldliness as third and fifth preferred values respectively. German student showed a preference for functional values, except narcissism which they also ranked as third. Bangladeshi teachers' preferences for functional values were higher than dysfunctional values. Japanese teachers indicated a preference for functional values except narcissism. American teachers preferred functional values except other worldliness. German teachers' value preferences were also functional, except for narcissism which they ranked as fifth. Students and teachers in the four countries sampled indicate preferences for values identified as functional with few exceptions. This research suggests that value preferences among university students and teachers are more similar than different, suggesting a homogenizing effect (Boli, 2005) on human values.  相似文献   

Over the last 2 decades, Irish schooling and society have gone through a period of significant structural and policy-driven change. To meet the emerging needs of the knowledge/learning society, schools and teachers are challenged to develop their capacities as "active learning communities". This places greater demands on teachers and schools to reflect on their classroom practices, to utilise a wider repertoire of pedagogic styles more suited to the needs of the 21st century learners and so that meaningfully collaborate with their fellow professionals. Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century (TL21) was a 4-year (2003-2007) multi-pronged research and development project involving the Education Department at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM) and 15 post-primary schools. The project sought to address a number of key aims in terms of developing schools as professional learning communities, including addressing the isolation and insulation which teachers can, and do experience in their day-to-day professional lives and prioritize quality in teaching and learning as a key challenge for school development planning. This paper attempts to succinctly frame the key developments and findings which emerged over the duration of this process.  相似文献   

This article discusses the teaching of life skills to urban American youths who are highly fascinated with the hip-hop culture--songs, raps, miming, lyrics, dressing and musical rhythms, especially individuals with emotional disabilities in the public schools. This is an instructional curriculum strategy to encourage positive and active participation of these students, promote perfect school attendance, encourage good behaviors, deal with anger management and motivate committed learning in the classroom. The instructors' understanding of students' culture, learning needs and styles, and using such background knowledge to educate them become imperative in this setting. These urge for innovative and leadership projects in the author's special education classroom necessitated the application of hip-hop music to teach life skills, reading and other functional skills in the classroom. The outcome was positive and rewarding to both the teachers and students. There are recommendations for interested teachers to devise creative teaching methods, differentiated instruction and appropriate classroom management practices to attain student achievement.  相似文献   

This paper deals with 2 focal points of inclusive education, which is the integral segment of the current education reform in the Bosnia and Herzegovina: its position in various proclamations and in primary school teachers' reality, i.e., legislative aspects vs. everyday situation in primary schools. The survey research was carried out through the 5-level Liken scale, on the sample of 105 primary school teachers working in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (specific for its education reform implementation). The aim was to examine the attitudes of the direct implementators of the education reform and the inclusive education (2003-2009)--primary school teachers, with particular reference to: teachers' acquaintance with inclusive education requirements; their involvement in its designing, planning and organization; relevant professional education; school preparedness for inclusive education; level of partnership with relevant subjects; and evaluation of the inclusive education implementation. The results obtained have indicated exactly the lack of the mentioned as the main issues of the implementation of inclusive education within compulsory primary schools in Herzegovina-Neretva Canton. Therefore, this paper gives a kind of guidelines for the improvement of the inclusive education, derived directly from the teachers' everyday experiences, problems, proposals, notes and suggestions.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to explore the operation of magnet and professional development school (PDS) programs in a real life situation using an ethnographic study of Downtown Elementary School (DES-a pseudonym) that simultaneously operates as a PDS and a magnet school. The author spent almost three years at DES, located in the Southern United States, collecting data through participant observation, interviewing, and document collection. The purpose is to provide answers to compelling questions such as: What does it mean to have both magnet and PDS programs operating simultaneously in the same school as in the case of DES? What can be learned from the experiences of the unique school-DES? The paper provides an outline of both magnet and PDS programs and their operations at DES and analyzes how these programs are interrelated and intertwined. Some of the outcomes indicate that DES is about the only school in its locality that juxtaposes two innovative school reform programs. These programs impede each other's progress sometimes and in some cases feed off each other. There is a lot to be learned from the unique experiences of DES. Coupled with other conclusions, the author concludes that, PDSs, as school restructuring projects are intertwined with magnet schools' reform activity which is motivated by the drive to provide equity of opportunity to learn, particularly for poor, minority and black students in mostly urban areas who are at a disadvantage for various reasons. The final section of the paper takes a critical look at the issues at stake through the lens of critical multiculturalism.  相似文献   

This empirical study uses auto-ethnography to describe a higher education pedagogical process that facilitated largely doctoral students in preparing their candidacy proposals through the use of specific adult learning principles. Students' experiences and points of view of such a learning environment were explored, including: (1) how they contributed to their peers' learning; (2) how their peers contributed to their own individual learning; and (3) how the learning environment impacted the process. Key factors identified as pivotal to learning to learn, include creating a learning sanctuary and trusting relationships, engaging in mutual inquiry and the co-construction of meaning, and bridging research theory and practice. These factors enabled students to expand their identities to include a researcher identity and to negotiate deep knowledge at the personal level. Throughout this article, the students' points of view are used to elucidate shared and diverse experiences, in addition to supporting conclusions and recommendations for practice and further study.  相似文献   

Language, language policy and curriculum issues occupy very important and strategic places in educational planning in any society. In a multilingual Nigerian society as well as in similar countries like Australia, India or even in seemingly homogenous linguistic societies like Britain, language planning, development and policies are sin qua non. In this paper, the author has tried to look from the perspectives of the provisions of the National Policy on Education (1981) and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1979), and examine the curriculum issues arising from the language and policy aspects in achieving the national educational aims, goals, objectives and development. This paper takes a cursory look at the constitutional and policy documents as well as the realities on ground in the secondary schools. It is discovered that, this sub-sector of education is characterized with language implementation crisis. The disturbing issue is that, since the language of instruction is bedeviled with crisis, the whole educational system itself becomes a failure. The paper recommends that, Nigeria should carry out a language policy reforms that will be acceptable and effective bearing in mind the role of language and language policy in education.  相似文献   

天人合一作为一种文化的终极理想和核心精神,对中国传统艺术有着广泛而深刻的影响。书法艺术作为汉民族对人类的伟大贡献,具有鲜明的民族特性。因而,它受文化终极理想和核心精神的影响和渗透就更加深入和典型,甚至呈现出具体意义上的种种对应关系。书法取法汉字的生命,又创造了汉字的新生命,使之成为真正有意味的生命的形式,而在这种生命形式深处所蕴藏的,则是中国文化的天人合一理念。  相似文献   

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