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对媒介产品的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从经济学角度分析 ,媒介产品应归依为公共产品的范畴。具体到各种媒体 ,广播电视是纯公共产品 ,而报纸、杂志、卫星电视、有线电视是准公共产品。作为公共产品的媒介由于自身的特性 ,具有极强的外部效应 ,这就是政府对媒介产品严格管制的经济学依据。  相似文献   

张冰冰 《新闻前哨》2006,(8):99-100
“媒介事件”是近年来作为解释和概括新闻传播界的某些现象而频繁亮相的一个概念。从新闻传播角度对媒介事件的阐述已经汗牛充栋,本文试图从营销传播的角度分析媒介事件的价值。  相似文献   

在资源共享程度日益提高的媒体时代.众多媒体在新闻领域的竞争已经从素材抢拼转移到解读方式的精细加工,“独家题材”越来越成为一种稀缺品.而共享资源中的“独家视点”正上升为媒介产品的核心竞争力。2004年伊始.上海文广新闻传媒集团新闻综合频道推出大型电视新闻周刊《1/7》.亮出了地方新闻节目的一面品牌旗帜。  相似文献   

李颖异 《青年记者》2016,(36):91-92
从工业社会到共享社会,从亚当·斯密到哈耶克,传媒环境在改变,传播技术也在革新,但唯有受众一直是所有传播活动的终点.互联网语境下,得益于媒介技术的发展,曾经作为“靶子”的受众已然变迁为用户,“人人为我,我为人人”的用户力量开始凸显,传统的传播逻辑在互联网技术发展、人性思维回归等因素的冲击下已经与当下的媒介环境格格不入,用户体验成为互联网时代新闻客户端成功与否的重要衡量标准.笔者认为,当下新闻客户端对用户体验优化与重构的有效路径是拥抱互联网,即运用互联网思维洞察传播环境和用户属性的变迁,以大数据和人工智能作为基础,通过打造超越用户预期的产品、构建用户社群和跨界传播来提高用户体验.  相似文献   

近年来,新媒体是人们生活中不可或缺的存在,其出现对报纸新闻传播产生了巨大的影响,比如:新闻制作、媒介体验等。对此,文章重点从三个方面探讨新媒体所带来的影响,比如:新闻制作的形式更多、受众的媒介体验更好等,希望能够为相关研究提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

媒介变迁重塑新闻实践,带来全新产品化思维。在技术驱动下,新闻业界在媒介融合和转型方面进行了有益探索和锐意创新,而产品化是新闻创新的一个重要领域,其本质是“以用户为中心”的新闻传播观念的变革。平台社会的到来促进了信息服务的聚合与价值生产市场的拓展,带来了新闻生产流程与消费市场的实践转向;新媒介技术和用户需求两者的叠加影响催生了形态多维的新闻产品;作为下一代互联网,元宇宙的迅猛发展指向了关注用户具身体验、关系连接和场景创新的新闻产品未来图景。因此,提升产品化思维,专业新闻机构从单一的新闻内容生产者转变为“新闻产品设计师”是新闻创新的重要方向。  相似文献   

尽管统一老坛酸菜在西南有不错的基础,但要将这个地方口味推向全国市场,变成真正的大口味,与竞争品牌面对面较量时,需要部署缜密的战略推广方案有序拓展。口味为王!方便面广告从某种程度来说是"色情广告",当媒体资源从空中地面各个角度向你袭来时,征服你的仍旧是那碗诱人的方便面,更何况老坛酸菜具有如此与众不同的酸爽口味!没错,那时起,统一老坛酸菜的广告语就从之前的"这味道,不敢相信"改变为"这酸爽,不敢相信!","酸爽"成了老坛酸菜初期传播的重点。所以,首先就是要来个"完美酸爽体验"!统一老坛酸菜体验站,就是要让消费者第一时间最大范围的接触到产品,带给他们味觉、视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉的5大感受,是一种全方位的完美酸爽体验,当然,不得不否认,这也是由于推广初期没有更多空中资源,需要集中更多的优势资源争取终端的露出度的一种战略考量。  相似文献   

作为一种新型的新闻传播方式,网络互动新闻同样也是以计算机网络为媒介,通过网络传播平台来进行新闻的传递,而网络互动新闻的特点就在于其注重互动,以互动所得的信息作为主要信息,除此之外还有许多与传统新闻不同之处.为了给思想政治教育提供更多可参考信息,以网络互动新闻作为思想政治教育载体化的作用值得探讨.  相似文献   

电视栏目品牌化建设的现状 余阳明在其著作<品牌传播学>中将品牌定义为"公众对于组织及其产品认识的总和".品牌观念的引入和我们对于新闻传播的事业产业双重性质的认识是分不开的.我们开始认识到新闻传播也是产业,媒介组织也是可以赢利的企业.对于媒介产业而言,品牌的主体首先是媒介企业本身,而在更大程度上,媒介品牌需要由它所生产的产品来体现.  相似文献   

陈阳 《编辑之友》2015,(7):61-66
新闻敲诈是对媒介话语权的异化,对异化过程的探究有利于揭示新闻敲诈的深层原因.从媒介生态的角度,新闻敲诈是新闻腐败的表现形式,它折射出媒介话语权具有权力与权利叠加的特性,这一特性助长了记者对媒介话语权的滥用.从新闻生产的角度,新闻敲诈侵蚀了传媒话语权的公共性和公开性.从社会结构和功能的角度,新闻媒体位于政府与民众之间,这一中间人的身份为新闻敲诈提供了前提,这也正是新闻敲诈在世界新闻史上屡禁不绝的根本原因.  相似文献   

新媒体的崛起与媒体融合的推进改变了传媒业态,也促使新闻编辑面对新的工作环境和工作任务。新闻实践表明,从单媒体内容生产向多种媒体内容生产转移使新闻编辑面对更加细分的用户,大众媒体与社会化媒体的相互嵌入要求编辑重视传播活动中的用户体验。在新形势下,编辑的专业素质和技术能力需要进一步提高。  相似文献   

This article contends that not only journalism but also journalism studies can benefit from a stronger commitment to the public. While the bodies of literature on “popular journalism”, “public journalism” and “citizen/participatory journalism” have, in different contexts and from different angles, made a strong case in favour of a public-oriented approach to journalism, it is remarkable how few of the empirical studies on journalism are based on user research. As the control of media institutions over the news process is in decline, we should take the “news audience” more seriously and try to improve our understanding of (changing) news use patterns. Besides this rather obvious theoretical point, there are also societal and methodological arguments for a more user-oriented take on the study of journalism. Starting from a reflection on the key trends in news use in the digital age—participation, cross-mediality and mobility—this article attempts to show the theoretical and societal relevance of a radical user perspective on journalism and journalism research alike. Furthermore, we look at new methodological opportunities for news user research and elaborate on our arguments by way of an empirical study on changing news practices. The study uses Q-sort methodology to expose the impact a medium's affordances can have on the way we experience news in a converged and mobile media environment. The article concludes by discussing what the benefits of a radical user perspective can be both for journalism studies as for journalism.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to explore whether the US media overemphasized recalled Chinese products in 2007 and, if so, how news coverage in the US media differed from that of the Chinese media. By using a framing analysis of the coverage in two US media and two Chinese media, this study pursues answers to these questions. After comparing the news coverage of the recalled Chinese products and a real world indictor, this study found that neither US nor Chinese media mirrored the real world phenomenon as it was. By comparing news coverage of the issue in The New York Times and The Associated Press with China Daily, and The Xinhua News Agency, the study found that news coverage of the recalled issues differed significantly in terms of the sources used, the nationality of the source, the dominant frames employed, and the attribution of responsibility for the problems. In particular, Chinese media more frequently employed government officials as their main sources, which inherently increased the use of thematic frames. By contrast, US media often used episodic frames. Likewise, American media approached the issues using ‘Customers' Worries’ and ‘Broken System’ frames, whereas Chinese media often attempted to defend the quality of Chinese products and criticized Western media for exaggerating the issues. Owing to the news framing process, US audiences might have acquired more negative images of Chinese products and China in general. By contrast, their Chinese counterparts might have experienced increased antipathy and distrust concerning the American media.  相似文献   

范世清 《新闻界》2009,(2):55-56
本文着重对新闻信息资源价值形态进行分析和研究,认为新闻信息资源的价值形态主要表现为新闻价值和研究价值、凭证价值和情报价值,知识价值和经济价值等三种形态.  相似文献   

Intermedia agenda setting predicts a high degree of convergence between news media agendas. However, the rise of social media forces a re-examination of this expectation. Using the 8.8-earthquake of February 27, 2010 in Chile as a case study, this article compares which topics were covered by professional journalists on broadcast news and Twitter, analyzing both cross-sectional and longitudinal trends. A positive, reinforcing influence was found among the journalistic agendas of TV and Twitter. However, counter to the idea that social media are echo chambers of traditional media, it was found that Twitter influences TV news more so than the other way around. Thus, the study provides an early lens into the agenda setting function of social media among television news professionals, and its findings are consistent with Twitter succeeding among journalists due to its provision of valuable information.  相似文献   

This study approaches media use among international students from a uses-and-gratifications perspective to explore the relationship between need for acculturation, acculturative motives, and media use among Chinese students in the United States. Eighty-four Chinese students participated in a survey at a large research university in the Midwestern United States. Results indicate that need for acculturation is, in fact, correlated with media use motives and patterns. An acculturative motive, for example, is correlated with watching US-based TV news programs and using US-based news websites and BBS. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


Digital platforms such as search engines and social media have become major gateways to news. Algorithms are used to deliver news that is consistent with consumers’ preferences and individuals share news through their online social networks. This networked environment has resulted in growing uncertainty about online information which has had an impact on news industries globally. While it is well established that perceptions of trust in news found on social media or via search engines are lower than traditional news media, there has been less discussion about the impact of social media use on perceptions of trust in the news media more broadly. This study fills that gap by examining the influence of social media as news sources and pathways to news on perceptions of the level of news trust at a country level. A secondary data analysis of a 26-country survey in 2016 and 2019 was conducted. The analysis revealed an increase in social media use for accessing news resulted in a decline in trust in news media generally across the globe. Higher levels of general mistrust in news were related to an increased use of sharing of news. This paper argues the use of social media for news is closely linked to the increase in news mistrust, which is likely to continue to rise as the number of people using social media to access news continues to grow.  相似文献   

信息商品的多重定价策略——以263邮件为实例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍信息商品的价格理论和定价策略;以263电子邮件服务为例,探讨信息商品定价中的多重定价问题,包括差别化 产品的形成、不同版本的划分。由此,进一步讨论多重定价策略在增加厂商利润、改进帕累托效率和锁定用户群等方面所发 挥的作用。  相似文献   

With a plethora of news outlets today, audiences have more choices than ever. Yet, academic and professional understanding of news audiences from a uses and gratifications perspective remains limited. Using a national survey (N = 1143), this study uncovers distinct news consumption patterns across 4 types of motivations, and predicts media uses across 30 sources with noticeably higher explanatory power as compared to previous uses and gratifications studies, answering the question: Who is using what type of news, and why?  相似文献   

通过分析北京市大学生抽样调查数据,发现大学生对传统媒介和数字媒介公信力的评价无显著差异,但在具体评价维度上,大学生认为数字媒介信息量更大、反映群众意见更加充分、揭露坏人坏事更加有力;在新闻类型方面,大学生更倾向于相信传统媒介上的经济、文教和科技新闻;对于政治、社会、娱乐新闻等,则更倾向于相信数字媒介上的报道。同时,从受众角度分析媒介公信力的影响因素,发现人口统计学变量对媒介公信力评价没有显著影响,但媒介使用情况对传统媒介公信力评价有显著影响;大学生对不同媒介公信力的评价与其对中国经济社会发展前景的态度显著相关。  相似文献   

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