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An increased interest in health, diet, and physical activity exist among young people, in this study termed ‘fitness hype’. Viewing the body and health as commodities can be understood as part of a healthism discourse. In this study, we explored how Swedish high school students perceive and negotiate the trend regarding exercise, diet and body ideals. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten high school students, aged 16–18 years, from various educational programs and with varying levels of physical activity. Using qualitative content analysis, we developd one overarching theme navigating life satisfaction in the face of an ‘unhealthy fitness hype’. Four additional, interrelated categories showed how the young people negotiated this developing trend through: (1) the quest for social recognition and value, (2) social media sets the standards, (3) the paradox of strong and skinny as the new standard, and (4) the need for new safety nets. Our results highlight the young people’s perceptions of an excessive and influential focus on health and exercise in contemporary society. They described a fitness hype as exorbitant and unhealthy ideals of body and exercise, and understood this as problematic. Social media was seen as contributing to this hype as a powerful arena for ‘the quest for social recognition and value’. While not all the young people felt negatively affected by the fitness hype, they perceived its influence on their lives. Further, body and fitness ideals were gendered. Teenage girls faced the paradox of shaping themselves as ‘strong and skinny’. Social ties were recognized as an important safety net, particularly classmates, sports mates, and coaches. Knowledge of these problems from the perspective of young people is crucially needed among health professionals and educators. Further research should explore additional support strategies, and young people’s experiences of fitness hype among additional youth groups.  相似文献   

Girls’ identity constructions are influenced by the dominant sport, health and beauty discourses in their society. Recent research indicates that sport and health discourses embedded in physical education (PE) compete for influence. Some of these studies have illustrated how these discourses inform girls’ social construction of body ideals and femininities, as well as their choices among physical activities. Our purpose in posing the question, ‘How are girls’ identity construction in PE influenced by current fitness and sport discourses?’ is to explore their identity construction and how they negotiate within the PE discourse as embodied subjects, as well as how they use their body as an object of display. This study is based on fieldwork among 10th grade students (15-year-olds) in a school in Oslo, Norway. The methods used include participant observation, informal conversations with the students and two group interviews. We hope that our findings concerning how sport and fitness discourses influence the students’ concepts of both the ideal body and their choices among bodily activities in PE will contribute to the debate on the future of PE. In particular, the girls’ embrace of the fitness discourse in PE is relevant to a question of great current concern: How should schools and PE teachers meet and relate to the fitness discourse in contemporary society? We believe that if left unchallenged and permitted to deepen its influence on PE, this discourse may well ensure that body modification becomes the primary purpose of PE.  相似文献   


In this paper, the role of sport in the processes of creating the modern woman in the interwar Poland will be examined. The analysing of the women’s press shows how the publicists use the hygiene and the woman’s body in discourse of age and in building the new emancipated, strong woman. How they incorporated ideas young body, active lifestyle, and images of modern women – la Garçonne created in USA and West Europe and presented them to the Polish audience.  相似文献   

Drawing on semi-structured interviews with older adolescents, this article examines how healthism, ideal body discourses and performative body discourses influence their (non)participation in physical activity (PA) and their identity construction concerning exercise, sport and physical education. We illustrate that body transformation through PA, and related slim body desire and the fear of masculinised female bodies, affect adolescents’ decisions to engage in or drop out of sport. Also, a non-hegemonic body shape combined with a display of low physical competence triggers classmate and teachers’ rejection and marginalisation, affecting adolescents’ construction of embodied identities and preventing them from being active. Finally, adolescents who are competent in sport are less influenced by ideal body discourses than by performative body discourses. We highlight the health promotion effects of these hegemonic discourses and suggest strategies to challenge them.  相似文献   

Physical Education (PE) in school aims to help pupils experience the joy of movement through various forms of physical activity and to acquire a positive attitude to physical activity and exercise. The teacher's task is to mediate the joy of movement and instil a positive attitude to exercise in the pupils. Drawing on the methodology of van Manen [(2002). Writing in the dark: Phenomenological studies in interpretic inquiry. London: The Althouse Press], this article takes a closer look at mediating the joy of movement and conveying attitudes through legitimate, expert and referent power [French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in social power (pp. 150–167). Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan] as narrated by an experienced Norwegian PE teacher. The teacher's narrative is interpreted within a framework where these typologies of power refer to the teacher's formal position in PE classes and the teacher's athletic skills and teaching qualities. The teacher's narrative indicates that legitimate, expert and referent power influence pupils’ views on PE, attitudes and effort in class. Referent power provides the potential to instil attitudes in the pupils, even to the point of getting them to enjoy taking exercise to the limit. It even embraces teachers’ potential to influence pupils by displaying their own active lifestyle, which goes beyond teaching itself. However, some problematic and unresolved issues are pointed out within this approach. A didactic approach, where the teachers use their own lifestyle as a pedagogical tool, may prompt a negative rather than a positive reaction from pupils, because they may be (mis)construed as being too eager and physically active to the extreme. Referent power depends on establishing credibility with the pupils, and conveying attitudes through referent power implies a didactic instability. On the other hand, the approach may be a good strategy for achieving what teachers should be trying to achieve, which is to convey and instil the joy of movement and a positive attitude to physical exercise in the pupils.  相似文献   

If elementary physical education existed just to achieve "present" goals, especially regular exercise, the nature of the program would be clearer and the need for trained teachers less. It is the "future" goal that complicates the debate over the elementary program. It is the "future" goal that requires a broader range of experiences and a developmental approach. Because we are preparing students to implement an active lifestyle in adulthood, the development of sport and dance skills through age/ability-appropriate and sequential lessons is an important as the "present" opportunity for physical activity. Teachers must be knowledgeable in the subdisciplines of physical education and well versed in those teaching methods that promote vigorous activity and maximum participation. The lifetime public health goal dictates we help students develop a knowledge base about exercise and health. This goal requires us to learn more than we presently know about promoting positive attitudes toward and fostering appreciations for healthful living. The hope for improved adult health also requires a K-12 curricular model in which every year continues previous experiences and moves students closer to the goal as those students are changing physically, mentally, and socially. The next debate should focus on the role of secondary school physical education in linking health-related elementary programs to healthy adult lifestyles. Even though we do not fully understand the relationship between school physical education and active adult lifestyles, our best bet is developing a continuous, developmental K-12 curriculum.  相似文献   

An international evidence-base demonstrates that healthy lifestyle digital technologies, like exergames, health-related mobile applications (‘apps’) and wearable health devices are being used more and more within educational settings. Despite this, there is a lack of in-depth empirical evidence on young people’s experiences and uses of healthy lifestyle technologies. In this article we focus on young people’s uses of a wearable health device – Fitbit – and the associated health app. Informed by the work of Foucault, the purpose is to investigate the surveillance, self-surveillance and resistance that occur by young people. One hundred 13–14 years olds (53 females, 47 males), from five physical education classes in two UK schools participated. Data were generated through 8 focus group interviews, and the nominal interview group technique was applied. Data were analyzed using key concepts from Foucault’s theoretical framework. The results demonstrated that, the daily 10,000 step and calorie burning targets set by the Fitbit device encouraged the young people to do more physical activity. Increases in physical activity occurred because of the self-surveillant practices promoted by the Fitbit through; (i) the monitoring and recording of steps and calories burned, and (ii) peer comparison (or monitoring). Surveillance and self-surveillance practices, however, were clearly connected to health equating to fitness and being ‘fit’ or not being ‘fat’. These narrow interpretations of health, equally, underpinned resistance. Daily step and calorie burning targets, (i) did not sustain young people’s engagement with the device beyond a few weeks, (ii) promoted negative feelings, and (iii) the device was resisted because it did not record physical activity accurately as part of young people’s daily lives. In turn, the young people resisted the educational value of the Fitbit and demonstrated a sceptical stance toward introducing health devices in school and physical education settings.  相似文献   

More than 1 million Canadian adults play recreational ice hockey. Compared to elite players, very little is known about the physical and health characteristics of people who play the game for fun. Analyzing data from Statistics Canada’s 2011/12 Canadian Community Health Survey, the paper found that there is an association between physically active males age 35 or over who play ice hockey regularly (at least once a week) and enhanced health more so than other physically active males. While these players are larger in body size, they have significantly lower rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease and report significantly higher rates of self-assessed health. Given the potential health benefits associated with this high intensity sport, the paper discusses ways in which participation can be promoted among less physically active adults and people who are new to the game or who have historically lower levels of participation including women and recent immigrants. Finally, the paper argues that compared to the very high costs associated with child and youth hockey, participation in adult recreational ice hockey is quite affordable.  相似文献   

Background: Population health concerns related to physical inactivity and obesity appear in policy documents, government campaigns and popular media across western societies. Children and young people have been targeted for physical activity promotion and schools have been positioned as sites for intervention. In particular, Physical Education and school sport (PESS) has been framed as a key part of the solution. While some interventionist programmes in schools have reported positive outcomes, they have also been criticised for stigmatising fatness, contributing to a culture of surveillance and fuelling body image anxieties. Despite ongoing work to ameliorate these critical issues by addressing physical activity promotion discourses, curricula and teaching practices many of the same challenges persist. In seeking alternative explanations (and solutions) this paper shifts attention to exploring the role of pupils and their peers.

Purpose: While the critical literature on health and physical education has been illuminating, few studies explore the role of pupils and their peers. Further research is necessary to understand how school peers contribute to pupils’ engagement with PESS. This paper, therefore, draws on Bourdieu’s notion of physical capital and seeks to understand how pupils’ physical activity is influenced by lived-body experiences in school spaces.

The study: Data were produced from a 6-month bricolage-based study with pupils (N?=?29, aged 13–14) across four diverse school settings in England. Multiple qualitative methods were deployed to enhance methodological rigour with what is often a challenging age group for research. Data were interpreted and theorised using the concept of physical capital.

Findings: Pupils themselves play a significant part in establishing the physical body as a symbol of power and status in school settings. Participants understood the health risks of being both underweight and obese, but they regarded obesity as being more problematic because of the immediate social risks of ‘standing out as the bigger one’. Following this rationale, participants sought to accumulate physical capital through engaging in exercise as a purposeful calorie-burning activity intended to avoid the pity, abnormality and derision which is expected to be directed towards overweight pupils. Furthermore, during PESS in clear view of peers, distinctions between pupils’ physical capital could be made by recognising differences in sporting skill. In this context, physical capital mediated engagement in PESS in various ways.

Conclusion: This study has revealed that peers play a significant part in constructing the lived-body experiences of young people. In order to address the criticisms raised about some school-based health promotion interventions, it is crucial to attend to pupils’ relationships with peers as well as addressing policies, curricula and teaching practices. Being sensitive to peer relationships and their understanding of health may help teachers and health promoters decide how to manage the spaces where PESS takes place.  相似文献   

应用心理卫生症状自评量表(SCL-90)及自编<中学生体育生活方式情况调查表>,对皖西北10县市农村中学随机抽取1825人进行问卷调查,分析了解农村中学生体育生活方式对身心健康的影响关系.结果表明:体育活动兴趣、每周活动频率、每次活动时间和运动强度对SCL-90量表诸多因子有显著影响,具备良好体育生活方式特征的学生中度及以上阳性因子检出率明显低于无良好体育生活方式的学生.身体形态、机能、素质和运动能力两组学生也有显著差异.结论:良好的体育生活方式对农村高中生的身心健康有很好的改善和促进作用.  相似文献   


Effective and sustainable strategies for physical activity promotion during childhood are of considerable importance to physical education, sport, and health organisations. Multi-component physical activity intervention approaches for children and young people are firmly rooted within the literature; however, there is a dearth of research evidence pertaining to healthy lifestyle promotion within and beyond the school environment. ‘Promoting active lifestyles in schools’ represents a valuable resource for teachers seeking to integrate health-related learning and encourage physically active students. The essential ingredients within this book are the active pedagogies and the health-related learning strategies for children from the ages of 5 to 16 years. Through a consistent formula, this book positions the longitudinal process of health-related learning at the centre of its practice, by providing age-appropriate learning outcomes, activities and assessment strategies within and beyond the school environment. This review seeks to examine the focus of the book and consider its contribution to the existing empirical evidence base within the fields of physical education, health education and physical activity promotion.  相似文献   

选取与心理健康关系最紧密的身体自尊作为测量工具,采用文献资料、心理测量、实验等方法,以苗鼓和舞龙为锻炼方式,对湖南湘西矮寨镇妇女进行16周系统的实验研究。结果显示:16周系统的苗鼓锻炼和舞龙锻炼对湘西矮寨镇妇女身体自尊水平及各维度都具有显著性改善作用;其中,苗鼓在身体自我价值感、身体吸引力两项指标上比舞龙产生的效益更为明显,而舞龙在身体素质和身体状况两方面比苗鼓效果好,说明不同民族传统体育项目锻炼方式对湘西农村妇女的身体自尊产生不同的心理效益,民族传统体育项目有利于促进农村妇女身体自尊不同方面的发展。  相似文献   

Since 1999, concerns about Scotland's future health and economic performance have profoundly impacted on the new Scottish Executive. Research highlighting an obesity crisis facing young Scots has, together with the work of Scotland's Physical Activity Task Force and Physical Education Review Group, encouraged the education of all young Scots to be more physically active. One vehicle for this is the Active Schools programme that seeks to engage all school-aged children in an active lifestyle to improve current and future health. To do this, a network of 293 primary-school co-ordinators and 343 secondary-school co-ordinators seek to integrate sport and physical activities into young people's lives before, during and after school. However, using case study material from a Scottish local authority, policy as discourse theory and Foucault's writings on governmentality, I argue that official rhetoric championing increased activity sessions ignores how the programme's generalised inclusive discourse discouraged the targeting of inactive groups, and how the initial decision to fund people not young people's preferred activities encouraged an emphasis on delivery not co-ordination. Much stems from the Scottish Executive's use of sport for public relations purposes and (relatedly) sportscotland's limited evaluations, which discouraged the injection of expertise and attention to detail necessary to reach the inactive.  相似文献   

Recently parental involvement in youth sport has intensified, challenging the understanding of youth sports as an arena where adolescents can develop their identity and autonomy. On this background, our study explores how adolescents understand and negotiate their parents’ involvement in sport and how they define ideal and undesirable forms of parental involvement. Our empirical setting is Norway, and we draw on data from 16 focus group interviews among 13–14-year-olds (n?=?92) recruited from two lower secondary schools. The analysis shows that young people distinguish between different aspects of the sport activity when defining ideal and undesirable forms of parental involvement. When discussing sport as a healthy activity necessary for physical and social development, the young people interviewed approve of parents’ role in regulating and encouraging participation. When considering the athletic aspects and peer sociability, however, they see parental involvement as mostly undesirable. The analysis also shows that the adolescents generally describe their parents as attentive to the boundaries their children draw for them about levels and types of involvement. Therefore, young people should be seen not only as subjected to parental involvement but also as active co-constructors of valid parental roles in and beyond the sporting arena.  相似文献   

Statistics about the recreational physical activity (PA) of minority ethnic Muslim women reveal very low participation rates. Drawing on approaches to socialization and Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and taste, the aim of this study was to investigate the (lack of) PA participation of Muslim minority ethnic women in Denmark and to identify key influences which shape(d) their PA attitudes and practices. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 female migrant cleaners from various non-Western countries. The interviews revealed that a lack of previous experience of sport and recreational PA and life circumstances constrained participation in recreational PA. In contrast, religion did not provide an explanation for the women’s lack of engagement in recreational PA.  相似文献   


Regular exercise and lifestyle physical activity are often used interchangeably or combined in physical activity messaging based on evidence for their relatively equivalent health outcomes. However, differences between their motivational correlates are relatively unexplored. The purpose of this study was to compare the motives towards lifestyle physical activity and exercise and their relationship with behaviour using the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The participants were a sample of undergraduate students (n=150) who completed measures of the TPB framed in terms of exercise and lifestyle physical activity and self-reported physical activity measures with similar framing. Results identified marked differences between the instrumental attitudes towards the two activities showing instrumental attitudes towards exercise to be higher (P<0.01; d=0.68). Most importantly, exercise had larger TPB–behaviour correlations (P<0.01; q=0.15–0.20) compared with lifestyle physical activity, but follow-up analyses by intensity (strenuous, moderate, mild) showed that these differences were only present at strenuous intensity. Our results suggest that the correlates for the two types of physical activity may differ. Although more research is necessary, this may affect the efficacy of promotion campaigns that do not tailor content exclusively for either exercise or lifestyle physical activity.  相似文献   

This article emerges from a background of UK policy concerns about young people's participation in physical activity. It rehearses the arguments for lifestyle sports as a rich ground for enhancing students' engagement with physical education (PE). A review of the still limited literature suggests that lifestyle sports may have an under-exploited potential to develop skills, confidence and personal identity in learners that transfer to other areas of learning and life. To illustrate the argument, the article takes unicycling as an instructive case of lifestyle sport, and draws on survey data from a study of unicyclists carried out in several countries. A discussion of these data explores the beneficial characteristics of this unusual sport as participants in the study perceive them. A conclusion suggests a need for greater flexibility in PE curricula which might ‘mainstream’ lifestyle sports for both inherent achievement and exponential personal development of students.  相似文献   

With China’s economic and social development, people have changed their lifestyles and attitudes to health and now they have an increased awareness of the value of participating in physical activity. The imbalance between the strong demand for sports participation and the inadequate number of sports fields on a per capita basis severely restricts the level of fitness activity nationally. However, compared with developed countries, China is rich in open green-spaces and parks in residential areas, but the potential value for recreational exercise and sport has yet to be fully explored. The integration of garden greenbelts, residential green-space and sport fields will improve the number and quality of public sporting facilities which will prompt a better level of the utilization of established and future green land resources in China.  相似文献   

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