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美国大学生职业生涯规划服务质量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国作为世界上大学生就业指导工作开展历史最为悠久的国家,形成了良好的大学生就业指导工作环境。政府、社会和高校的具体工作部门都认真把大学生就业落到实处。康奈尔大学的就业指导部门,努力构建全员覆盖、全程指导的工作理念。美国的经验对我国大学生就业指导工作有一定的启示。  相似文献   

美国政府、高校、用人单位在大学生就业过程中各自发挥着重要的作用,并形成就业服务网络,其做法值得借鉴。我国在大学生就业市场不健全的情况下,政府应加强就业工作的宏观协调、学校应加强课程体系的改革、学校与社会应共同建立互动的就业服务平台、学生在各方面的指导之下积极提高就业能力,从而形成积极的、全方位的大学生就业服务体系。  相似文献   

目前,美国每三名高中毕业生中就有一名在高中阶段便已选修了大学水平的AP课程。AP课程自1955-1956学年设立至今已有50多年的历史。美国高中有60%已经开设AP课程。尤其是近年来,AP课程的发展迅猛,选修的学生数量显著增长(许多科目近五年来增长两三倍),成绩合格者所占比例也大幅上升,令联邦政府和全美上下大为振奋。AP课程的开设反映了美国教育重视个性与兴趣、充分发挥学生潜能的鲜明特征,凸显了美国教育"追求卓越"的基本精神和加快优秀人才培养的努力方向。  相似文献   

美国和中美洲地区的帮派开始了改革。马拉18和马拉·撒尔瓦图查(美国和中美洲最出名的2支帮派)的帮会新成员被告知不要在公众中过于招摇,而之前该帮派的传统是要刺青并穿着帮派服。另外,这些帮派中无所事事,没受过教育的成员开始不断招募那些受过良好教育的新成员,尤其是高中生和大学生。马拉18和马拉·撒尔瓦图查是美国和中美洲地区最庞大的2支帮派,由萨尔瓦多移民于20世纪80年代在洛杉矶建立,  相似文献   

Using national data, this study examined out-migration behavior of college graduates who attended in-state institutions in the United States. Unlike previous studies on the issue of student migration, in which researchers used a single equation approach, the present study employed a multi-level technique to assess the effects of factors from individual, institutional, and state levels on post-graduation migration. The study findings suggest that grant recipients, students who applied to multiple institutions, and college graduates from highly selective institutions are more likely to leave their native states, while Hispanics, college graduates from doctoral institutions, and students who reside in states with higher gross domestic product are more likely to remain in their native states.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the proportion of college-educated workers in the United States entering professional occupations has declined. While the rising incomes of college graduates signals the growing value of skills and education, it seems that these skills are increasingly put to use outside of the professions. This paper examines the occupations of American college graduates since 1950 and the implications of these trends for the position of professional occupations. The results show that while the economic rewards of professions remain high, a falling proportion of college students aspire to enter the professions. Some college graduates have shifted to managerial positions, but a substantial number also aspire to and enter positions outside of professional and managerial work.  相似文献   

The current mixed-methods study investigated the development of mathematics efficacy trajectories for novice teachers over the course of their teacher preparation and into their first two years of teaching. Participants (N = 245) were graduates of an elementary STEM-focused program from a major university in the United States. Overall, quantitative results showed that participants’ efficacy trajectory increased during their teacher preparation program and decreased during their first years of teaching. Additionally, efficacy trajectories were identified for particular groups that displayed patterns of either increased or decreased efficacy over time. Qualitative data helped explain when and why changes in teaching efficacy take place.  相似文献   

研究型大学在美国科技研发中的地位与作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
科技研发活动(R&D)在本质上促进了美国的知识创新和经济增长。研究型大学是美国科技研发,特别是基础研究的重要执行部门。美国研究型大学在数量上占全部高校的6%左右,却从联邦政府获得大部分科技研发经费,发表大量的科技论文,培养了超过60%的科学工程博士毕业生,获取超过90%的高校专利。这表明美国研究型大学的科技研发是知识生产与人才培养的良好结合,是研究型大学履行职责、服务社会的有效方式。  相似文献   

Educators and potential students have questioned the employability of gerontology graduates from the increasing number of educational programs in this field in the United States. This study sought to determine the employment of bachelor's degree gerontology graduates, as well as their reaction to their curricula. A national sample of 303 graduates from 17 of the 20 colleges and universities offering bachelor's degrees in gerontology responded to a questionnaire on employment and curriculum needs. Results indicated the majority are employed. Graduates believe they acquired their jobs because they had a degree in gerontology and that a bachelor's degree in gerontology, in contrast to some other degrees, was valuable to their career. There is evidence of needed curriculum additions, especially in the area of business management and related skills. Salary levels representing different areas of employment are summarized. It was concluded that these graduates evidenced a wide variety of career opportunities and if choosing again would repeat their degree choice in gerontology.  相似文献   

美国社区学院职业道德教育特色吸引着越来越多的社会关注,职业道德教育与专业课程设置能够有机结合。通过校企合作提升职业道德素质,通过学生社团各种服务和活动提高职业道德修养,借助校园文化进行职业道德教育渗透,通过网络课程拓展职业道德教育。美国社区学院成功的职业道德教育为美国培养了大量德才兼备的技术人才,提升了大学生在就业市场中的竞争优势以及社区学院的社会声誉。探究借鉴美国社区学院职业道德教育特色,构建我国高职院校职业道德教育新范式,不失为职业德育教育的新思考。  相似文献   

This paper outlines some of the early work of the Australian Business/Higher Education Round Table modelled partly on the British Council for Industry and Higher Education and the Business-Higher Education Forum in the United States. The main results of two surveys of employer and university opinions are summarized and they show considerable consensus about the objectives of secondary and higher education, desirable characteristics of university graduates and their current standards.  相似文献   

人力资源管理教育:对美国大学实践的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于美国26所最具竞争力的大学人力资源管理专业本科课程设置现状,分析了美国大学人力资源管理教育发展的现状与趋势。尽管目前美国各大学提供的教学内容差异较大,但在教育目标共识的指引下,将逐渐形成一个公认的最低标准;为进一步增强学生解决实际商业问题的能力,在注重其商业能力和人际能力培养的同时,模块化的课程设置将逐渐被采用;最后,课程设置与内容将会随着商业实践的发展而不断调整。  相似文献   

职业指导于19世纪末20世纪初在美国兴起,随着职业指导理论模式从静态到动态的变迁,大学内的职业指导方式也发生着相应的变化。针对当前我国毕业生就业难的现实,各高等院校的就业指导部门应根据职业指导的基本理论,借鉴美国大学职业指导的经验,形成适合于我国高等院校的职业指导模式。  相似文献   

In this paper, some recent results relating to the stability o f scores on the Raven Progressive Matrices Test for different subgroups within and between the United Kingdom, the United States, and other Western societies are summarised. Subsequent sections deal with variation over time. A possible explanation for the variation in norms over time and between ethnic groups within the United States is offered.  相似文献   

For nearly three decades, researchers have been concerned that the educational measurement field is not producing enough graduate‐level specialists to meet the growing demand driven by the increased use of educational assessments in the United States. This study examined the supply‐side aspect of the proposed labor shortage by relying on data from the National Science Foundation's Survey of Earned Doctorates collected between 1997 and 2016. Over the 20 years examined, measurement programs produced 3,124 doctoral graduates, and across this time span, the annual production of graduates nearly doubled. This supply expansion can largely be attributed to the increase in the number of international graduates, which outpaced the annual growth rate of domestic PhD recipients by 156%. Moreover, 85% of graduates were found to either self‐identify as White or Asian. Less than 10 Hispanic and no more than 20 Black graduates were produced in any of the years examined. Of the 76% of graduates that reported having a job offer or accepted a position upon graduation, most entered the academy despite the overall average starting salary ($59,484) being considerably lower than the starting salary for their counterparts entering industry ($84,918), government ($69,970), or other educational institutions ($81,428).  相似文献   

美国的营利性大学近年来发展很快,逐渐成为高等教育的重要部分。它们以其与众不同的办学特色,吸引诸多学者关注的目光。本文从美国营利性大学的历史发展进程、办学特色等方面进行探讨,得出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

Prediction of the enrollment effects of institutional closure   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The expected decline in the number of high school graduates in the United States through the rest of this decade will almost certainly lead to closure of some higher education institutions. An important part of the analysis of the expected effects of institutional closure is estimation of redistribution of students attending the closed school. This paper shows how coefficient estimates from models of enrollment demand can be used to predict the alternative attendance choices of students enrolled at the closed school. The results indicate that predictions differ depending on the estimation method used and that the predictions using some methods are sensitive to subjective assumptions.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):166-172
In April 1929, the American President Hoover in his inaugural address brashly stated: "The United States has already achieved the highest degree of comfort in history. The success of no other country is as secure as that of the United States." However, half a year later an economic crisis of unparalleled severity erupted in the United States. Beginning in the United States, the crisis rapidly spread throughout the capitalist world. The extreme destructiveness of this crisis caused over a one-third decline in the industrial output of the capitalist world, and foreign trade declined by two-thirds. This crisis was also very prolonged, lasting from 1929 through 1933.  相似文献   

中学数学教学论是我国高师数学教育类课程的一门主要课程,对这门课程的中美教材进行比较分析,对中学数学教师的职前专业发展具有重要意义。文章通过比较分析发现,中美高师中学数学教学论教材在知识内容、体系结构、能力培养、非智力因素培养、适应水平等方面都存在着较大的差异,对这些差异的对比研究可以为解决我国当前中学数学教学论课程的教材中存在的问题提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

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