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Many older adults will seek additional education during their lifetimes. Since these persons differ widely in their physical, social, intellectual, and psychological characteristics, it is important that educational programs for older people recognize the uniqueness of the learner, that these programs be humanistic in design and implementation. The perceptual‐humanistic frame of reference is used as the basis for the discussion of learning and a consideration of the qualities that determine teacher effectiveness. The desirable characteristics of educational programs for older persons are then derived in terms of the perceptual‐humanistic point of view. The need in such programs for emphasis on the fundamental and individual worthiness and capabilities of the older learner is noted.  相似文献   

This study examined the link between learning style and Jungian psychological type. A large sample of ninth-grade students was administered the Dunn and Dunn Learning Style Inventory, the Renzulli-Smith Learning Style Inventory, and the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC). Canonical correlation procedures indicated the presence of two bipolar learning preferences characterized by a reflective learner-active learner (introversion-extraversion) dimension and a structured/motivated-unstructured/casual (judging-perception) dimension. It is suggested that the MMTIC’s Extraversion-Introversion and Judging-Perception scales may be alternatively conceptualized as useful measures of learning style. Educational implications and recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   



A concept is understood here as a logic core, which is surrounded by an associative framework, to which also the name of the concept belongs. The logic core is a pattern of properties of a class of things, which is invariant to individual objects of the class as well as to the observer. The pattern is determined by logic relations, which are constituents of the epistemic structure of the learner.

In this article an analysis of the situation concerning the concept ‘growth’ is carried out. The logic core of the concept is theoretically investigated by means of systems theory and is empirically tested by means of free definitions. The associative framework, however, is determined by means of free association tests.

It is shown that in the course of school education a marked shift takes place in the logic core as well as in the associative framework from a ‘growth in terms of geometric dimension’ towards a ‘growth in terms of particle numbers’.  相似文献   

Employing humanities religious studies resources, a special curriculum was designed to complement established social science offerings in advocating better understanding and acceptance of persons suffering from long‐term mental disorders. A private denominational university formed the background, and the professor's family consumer viewpoint further shaped the syllabus.

The educational vision sought first to expose misinformation and describe recent brain research indicating a biological cause for serious mental illness; next, cultural stigma was studied in reference to selected literary and sacred texts.

Titles of other appropriate readings—as well as audio‐visual resources—are provided. Positive and negative student response to the course as a whole suggest the value of an envisioned advocacy, as did post‐classroom learner activities in both the 1991 class and its 1992 repeat.

The instructor lists recommendations for those who may wish to venture similar efforts in the subject.  相似文献   

蒋晓峰 《海外英语》2012,(2):144-145
Teaching English as a foreign language is not tantamount to elaborating on syntactic structures or learning new vocabulary and expressions, but should incorporate some cultural elements which are intertwined with the language itself. The main premise of the paper is that effective communication is more than a matter of linguistic proficiency and the learner’s pragmatic competence is more or less arrested by the negative cultural transfer from the mother tongue, and based on that premise, the paper analyses the reasons behind negative cultural transfer from the lexical dimension, the speech act dimension, and the psychological dimension, and concludes with a tripartite toolkit of alleviating principles respectively corresponding to the classroom instruction, the teachers, and the students.  相似文献   

This article considers ethnographic data collected during undergraduate students’ transition to higher education. Drawing on communities of practice theory, the research focuses on the psychological process of identity as a trajectory, considering how reconciliation and negotiation of identities across and between communities influence transition. We aimed to explore the ways in which incoming identity influences participation and higher education learner identity, consider the academic practices which construct the transition experience and analyse those practices in terms of learner identity and participation. The data sources included observations, informal social interactions, one-to-one interviews and document analysis. Data collection took place over the first term of an undergraduate course. A theoretical thematic analysis was undertaken investigating the ways in which identity shaped participation, the practices that influenced participation and how participation subsequently influenced learner identity. We argue that the reconciliation of past, present and future identities is psychologically challenging for students during educational transition and this influences individual trajectories. Some practices assumed an already autonomous learner rather than enabling development of autonomy. Inability to participate in valued (and often implicit) academic practice was seen to negatively influence learner identities, delaying full participation. The focus for transition research could therefore consider enabling systems and practices which acknowledge differences and fully support successful changes in learner identity.  相似文献   

This article outlines the context in which General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQs) have been developed with particular reference to the independent learning dimension of their principles and practice. It provides an overview of the problems associated with the GNVQ approach from the literature and from a study by the authors of twelve post-16 institutions in the process of implementing Advanced GNVQ programmes. It analyses the dimensions of independent learning and argues that GNVQs provide a hybrid learner experience in which autonomy in the organisation of the individual learning process is mediated by a heavily prescribed GNVQ framework. The article concludes by locating this paradox in four central dilemmas characterising post-16 curricular policy in the UK.  相似文献   

构建和谐社会的消费者保护对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建和谐社会,必须构建和谐的消费关系。构建和谐消费关系的消费者保护对策应包括:制定正确的消费者政策;完善消费者保护法律体系;严格执行消费者权益保护法,保护消费者权益,加强经营者的义务和责任;降低消费者的维权成本;发挥消费者组织的积极作用,发挥舆论的监督作用;完善消费者权益保护的救济途径。  相似文献   

Models of behavior and achievement in small group and individual settings are presented. These models arc based on intensive analyses of observations of groups and individuals at work. For each setting the varieties of behavior observed, social‐psychological mechanisms hypothesized to influence observed behavior, and factors hypothesized to relate behavior to learning are described. A synthesis of the models suggests that neither the group nor the individual setting is best for all persons; the benefits of a particular setting depend upon the experiences of the learner within that setting.  相似文献   

Motivating learners to continue to study and enjoy learning is one of the critical factors in distance education. Flow theory is a useful framework for studying the individual experience of learning through using computers. In this study, I examine students’ emotional and cognitive responses to distance learning systems by constructing two models to test the students’ flow states. The first model examines the cause and effect of the flow experience when students use distance learning systems. The second model considers the impact of three types of interaction on the flow experience. A questionnaire‐based field survey is used to test the two models. Data from 253 distance learning students are examined under each of the two models. The results from Model 1 indicate that flow theory works well in a distance learning environment. The results from Model 2 point out that learner–instructor and learner–interface have a positive relationship with flow experience, whereas learner–learner interaction has not shown a significant relationship with flow experience.  相似文献   

>For a variety of reasons, psychological services are largely unavailable for older people who want help in coping with their interpersonal problems. Group counseling, when it is used, proves to be an effective and efficient method for meeting their needs. It also addresses the reality of the limited numbers of gerontologically trained professionals currently available in the field. A readily attainable, and largely untapped, resource for working with this population is older people themselves. The Continuum Center of Oakland University selects, trains, and supervises older men and women, who serve as paraprofessional group leaders in a self‐exploration program offered in a variety of community centers in the Detroit metropolitan area. The service and training programs, and some of the outcomes for clients and group leaders, are briefly described.  相似文献   

The study presents a framework for investigating the powerful resources within learners’ educational biographies, which, from their own accounts, appear to influence their engagement with teaching and learning practices. The research framework stresses the material, social and cultural influences on a learner’s biography and the need for recognition as well as the redistribution of resources. It assumes that both socio‐cultural influences as well as individual, affective and agentic phenomena play a role in shaping a student’s career. This framework is discussed in relation to a study undertaken at a South African university, at which 164 students, lecturers and academic support staff participated in semi‐structured interviews. The main focus of the interview was the individual’s educational biography as narrated by the individual. The findings support the socio‐cultural perspective and show that the relationship between identity, identification and feeling ‘at home’ with engagement in deep teaching and learning, is both complex and uneven.  相似文献   

This article suggests that the older learner, in either formal or informal study programs, benefits by participation in small group guidance sessions that are based on the personal inventory procedure. Two programs of this type were used in credit and noncredit classes with success. Wider use of this guidance method is proposed as an orientation process for individual learners and retirement career seekers.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study exploring the learning styles and perceptions of a group of undergraduate and postgraduate learners in a university in the UK in relation to using the web for learning. In particular, we explore the sequential/global learning style dimension (which is concerned with the progress of understanding) in relation to three categories of web‐based interaction: learner‐tutor, learner‐learner, and learner‐information. An Index of Learning Styles is used as the tool to explore this dimension. The findings are presented with regard to the learning preferences of a group of learners towards these three categories of interaction. We conclude with a discussion of these findings in relation to Interactive Learning Systems (ILSs) design.  相似文献   

整顿市场经济秩序的重点是保护消费者的经济利益。《消法》中所规定的“消费者”,应当包括为“打假”而购买商品的人,因为“打假”有利于保护全体消费者的利益,有利于监管市场,符合《消法》的立法本意。对欺诈行为的确认,不能给经营者提供“无意售假”的借口,应当依据已经发生的客观事实,从各个方面去认定经营者的欺诈行为。对“增加赔偿”的规定,应当作整体和全面的理解:当消费者的受害损失超过购买商品和提供服务价款的一倍时,应当按实际损失甚至更高的标准进行赔偿;当经营者许诺“假一罚十”时,法律应当支持受害消费者获得10倍的赔偿;法律还应当从更深入的层次采取措施,使商品销售者和提供服务者的欺诈经济成本高于欺诈经济所得,力争在源头上杜绝对消费者实施欺诈行为的心理动机。  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the findings of a recently completed study exploring the potentially transformative impact upon learners of recognition of prior informal learning (RPL). The specific transformative dimension being reported is learner identity. In addition to providing a starting point for an evidence base within Scotland, the research findings have the potential to enhance future development within the recognition of prior informal learning area, in particular in higher education institutions (HEIs) and across the sector. A qualitative case study using a constructionist approach is utilised to develop contextual understandings of the learner experience of RPL. The study identifies connections between the RPL process and the development of learner identity. Semi-structured interviews with RPL learners provided rich data. This study asserts that learner identity fluctuates throughout learners’ experiences and therefore the development of learner identity is not linear but nonetheless that identity changes as part of the RPL process. A number of issues ultimately impact upon learner identities, including the role of RPL advisors and RPL mechanisms and processes. This research concludes that RPL has the potential to be transformative for some learners and identifies some areas worthy of further exploration.  相似文献   

感知价值是消费心理研究领域的核心变量,感知价值结构与测量是系统研究消费者感知价值的基础。感知价值结构研究历经从“平面单维”到“立体多维”的演变,感知价值测量研究也从“手段单一”发展到“方法多样”,但目前感知价值结构与测量研究还存在局限。未来研究应基于研究视角、研究观点、研究对象、研究方法及研究操作等层面,建构“多维”“立体”的消费者感知价值结构模型,开发出适合我国消费者的具有普适性且能够适用于不同阶层、群体及发展阶段的感知价值系列化测量工具。  相似文献   

The question of what is uniquely possible for the older adult learner is seldom asked by adult educators. Dealing with a population whose educational experiences are largely pedogogical, instructional programs have often attempted to continue this model of teacher‐selected content and methodology. This paper is a review of an experimental educational program designed to provide experiential activities related to learning needs and potentials of the older adult. The nature of the format allowed participants maximum opportunity to. identify and achieve personal learning goals. Evaluation procedures were designed to test the hypothesis that older adults respond meaningfully to programs designed to meet their needs rather than the educator's preconceptions. Results of the study indicate successful achievement of the goals of the project and an expanded level of psychosocial functioning of the older adults.  相似文献   

How learners can build their own knowledge, which is precisely tailored to their needs and background? This is precisely the question to which this paper attempts to answer by providing a framework for a flexible object-based e-learning environment. The paper recognizes that the general learner modeling alternative is an intractable problem. However, it suggests learning objects construct used as building blocks to root out individual learning deficiencies. The paper also provides an algorithm to construct individual learning routes that are adjusted to learners' profile as well as an open implementation to accommodate the integration of various learning sources.  相似文献   

刘伟 《鸡西大学学报》2014,(5):57-58,63
随着数字化媒体的发展,人们对餐饮行业有了更多的认知和选择,所以以往短期炒作的广告创意方案也越来越满足不了餐饮企业的需要。是消费者需求促进了广告的发展,因此消费需求和心理变化趋势就是广告策划中重要的问题。广告策划与创意诉求是对广告的整体战略的预先构想,决定了广告投放后效果的好与坏。试分析目前餐饮行业广告所存在的问题,探讨如何了解消费者心理需求,如何将信息顺利地融入消费者心中,怎样把用户的惰性或抵触心理转变为主动性的欲求。  相似文献   

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