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利用所罗门学习风格量表显式获取用户学习风格,并运用K-means聚类算法挖掘不同风格学习者的线上学习行为特征,依据精确度计算结果不断调整Felder-Silverman学习风格模型对应的线上学习行为属性分类,并最终构建学习风格挖掘模型。结果表明,利用该模型来预测学习者的学习风格具有一定有效性。对不同类别学习风格者的学习特点以及倾向进行差异分析,有利于教师与学生有的放矢地调整教学与学习策略。  相似文献   

Open learning represents a new form of online learning where courses are provided freely online for large numbers of learners. MOOCs are examples of this form of learning. The authors see an opportunity for personalising open learning environments by adapting to learners’ learning styles and providing adaptive support to meet individual learner needs and preferences. Identifying learning styles of learners in open learning environments is crucial to providing adaptive support. Learning styles refer to the manner in which learners receive and perceive information. In the literature, a number of learning style models have been proposed. The Felder and Silverman Learning Styles Model (FSLSM) has been selected as the most appropriate model for open learning. In previous studies two approaches have been used to automatically identify learning styles based on the FSLSM. These approaches are known as the data-driven method and the literature-based method. In the literature, the literature-based method has been shown to be more accurate in identifying learning styles. This method relies on tracking learners’ interactions with the provided learning objects based on a set of pre-determined patterns that help in inferring learning styles. The patterns are monitored based on pre-identified threshold values. This paper aims to apply the literature-based method to open learning environments and introduce the optimal patterns and threshold values for identifying learning styles based on the FSLSM. To achieve this aim, a study was conducted whereby a prototype that simulates the open learning environment was developed and piloted on an undergraduate IT course so that learner behaviour could be tracked and data could be collected. Next, different sets of threshold values from the literature were considered along with some updated threshold values considering the context of open learning environments, and the precision of identifying learning styles was calculated. Eighty-three students participated in the study and used the developed prototype. Precision results from different threshold values presented in the literature along with customised threshold values for this study are reported and analysed in this paper. It is shown that threshold values derived from literature and customised to suit open learning environments provide a high level of accuracy in identifying learning styles. The paper presents the first study of its kind in evaluating threshold values and precision in identifying learning styles based on the FSLSM in open learning environments. The results are promising and indicate that the proposed methodology is efficient in detecting learning styles in open learning environments and useful for developing an adaptive framework.  相似文献   

刘璐 《海外英语》2012,(18):25-26
学习风格显示了在学习过程中学习者的个体独特性和学习方式的差异性。在教育实践中学习者之间存在着明显的个体差异,学习风格是学习者个体差异中的一个重要因素,学习风格对教学方法的选择和教学质量的改善起着至关重要的作用。研究学习风格以学习风格的要素、类型为基础,从而转变教学方法,根据学生的学习风格采取针对性教学,使学习者更有效地学习。  相似文献   

学习动机在很大程度上影响学习者的学习成效、主动程度以及克服困难的信心,因此对二语学习者学习动机的研究一直是外语教学研究的重点课题之一。本文将在Dornyei的外语学习动机模式理论及GardnerLambert提出的社会心理学模式的基础上,对广西地区高校泰语专业学生进行多维度的学习动机调研。通过对调研结果的实证分析,试图寻找到真正影响广西区内学生泰语学习动机的因素,期望能为现有的泰语教学模式和人才培养模式提供一些参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors support problem-based learning (PBL) based on its high level of alignment in addition to providing learners in engineering with an additional opportunity in learning process competencies, as contained within the South African National Critical Cross-field and Developmental Outcomes (COs). Constructive alignment describes a process in which the learning outcomes (LOs) become the objective for designing a curriculum that enables LOs to be achieved through appropriate activities and an assessment process that enables these LOs to be demonstrated. PBL applies problem-solving as a vehicle in achieving LOs. The degree to which a learner manages to achieve a given LO still serves as the authentic criteria for assessment. In addition, PBL provides learners an opportunity in acquiring non-subject-related skills, also referred to as process competencies, soft-skills, transferable skills, or graduate attributes. These skills are required especially for the management of human capital and are considered as crucial for successful practice in the engineering profession. It is therefore questioned why a PBL approach is not implemented by engineering faculties at South African Higher Education Institutions. The successful implementation of PBL, however, depends on a number of non-didactic issues that are highlighted in this paper. It is concluded that very few didactic methods can achieve the quality of learning we provide to engineering learners when using PBL, and therefore, it is proposed that South African Higher Education Institutions should also provide their academic staff with training opportunities in this regard.  相似文献   

情感是影响学习者认知和行为的关键性非智力因素。准确分析、识别学习者的情感状态,对教育的个性化、智能化发展尤为重要,它是情感计算的重要内容,已经成为人工智能和教育领域的交叉研究热点。学习体验文本是学习者情感分析的主要数据来源。面向学习体验文本,是在完善基础词典和情感词典的基础上,提出一种融合情感词典和机器学习的学习者情感分析模型,能够实现对段落级/篇章级学习体验文本的多级情感分类,从而挖掘学习者内隐的情绪状态。为了检验模型的有效性,采用宏平均指标全面评估情感分析模型的整体分类性能。研究结果表明:选择情感词特征和句子构成特征、采用SVM分类器时,该模型能够准确识别学习体验文本中的学习者情感;模型不仅为学习者多级情感分析提供新的研究思路,而且也为深入挖掘学习行为、改善在线教育的学情分析等,提供了技术支撑。这一研究结果,有助于进一步把握模型的应用前景、面临的问题和挑战等,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

建设学习型社会与基础教育创新   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
学习型社会是全面建设小康社会的重要标志。建设学习型社会对学习者和学校教育特别是基础教育提出了新的更高的要求。培养具有高度的学习自觉性和学习能力的新一代学习者 ,是建成学习型社会最重要最关键的因素。在建设学习型社会的进程中 ,学校教育特别是基础教育不仅应该加强 ,而且从教育观念到教育内容、教育模式和方法、教学制度等等 ,都需要经历一场深刻的变革。  相似文献   

为了使不同学习风格的学生能够以最高效率学习英语,结合英语教学实践,我们研究开发了学习风格诊断系统及基于学习风格的英语学习多媒体课件软件包。基于学习风格的英语学习多媒体课件可以提高学习者的学习兴趣,使学习者可以根据视觉模式、听觉模式、触觉模式、运动模式等不同的学习风格取得理想的学习成绩。  相似文献   


This article reports qualitative research which sought to contribute to the understanding of the importance of individual learning preferences, which is important in the light of the current shift in emphasis from teacher centred to learner centred learning in further and higher education. Analysis was made of the preferred teaching and learning styles of two sub groups — engineering and humanities. The research seeks to ascertain whether there is a relationship between the preferred teaching styles of teachers and the preferred learning styles of their learners. Teachers and learners completed Teaching Style Questionnaires (TSQ) and Learning Style Questionnaires (LSQ) which were analysed using four preferences — Honey and Mumford's (1986) activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. The relationship between the teachers’ and learners’ preferred styles was shown to be variable. The engineering sub group demonstrate the same level of preference in the reflector and pragmatist categories, but differences in the other two. The humanities teachers and learners had minor differences in preference in all four categories.  相似文献   

Proliferating claims have been made for Learning Outcomes (LOs) potential to re-shape higher education: as forces for transparency and harmonisation, new forms for measurement or a format that fundamentally challenges traditional teaching and learning. Evidence of their actual influence remains sparse, however. This analysis of 45 interviews with university teachers, students and leaders from England and Norway investigates their experiences of LOs. The results suggest LOs are received as an ambiguous policy object, resulting in varied interpretations and uses. However, two persistent tendencies emerge. While LOs have been introduced in relatively flexible ‘process’ forms, which can support reflection and communication around teaching practices, respondents describe pressures to develop more high-level, standardised and measureable ‘product’ LOs. Tensions between the forms seem likely to reduce the scope for LOs to support teaching and learning practices.  相似文献   

高等院校学风建设载体探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学风建设与学生成功成材息息相关,是一所大学长期积累的隐形财富;一所大学的学风状况也反映出学校目前的办学情况和未来的发展方向。当前高等院校中存在着学风不良的问题。文化理念、道德教育、知识体系、制度建设是学风建设的有效载体,对加强高校学风建设起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

四款开源学习管理系统的对比与探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从学习者的个性化设置、基本支持功能、学习支持工具以及学习者必备条件四方面对Moodle、Sakai、ILIAS、Claroline进行比较,帮助教师及管理员选择与开发适应学习者的需要的学习管理系统。  相似文献   

阐述了远程教育的两大支柱:远程课程的设计开发和学习支持服务的功能,认为学习支持服务是保证网络教育质量和促成远程学习者学业成功的尤为重要的因素,根据功能可将其分为学术支持服务、管理支持服务和资源与技术支持服务三大类。从计算机网络技术支持服务人手,讨论了计算机网络技术支持对于网络教育的特殊意义.并通过了解美国网络高校对学习者提供学习资源和技术支持服务的现状,为我国高校网络教育的改革与发展提出对策性建议。  相似文献   

Learning objects (LOs), generally understood as digital learning resources shared and accessed through the Internet and reused in multiple learning contexts, have aroused enthusiasm in the field of educational technology. Although LOs offer many possibilities to change educational practices, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the effectiveness and usefulness of LOs. This paper reports results from three studies on effectiveness of LOs in various instructional settings. According to the results, there exists interaction between the effectiveness of LOs and various instructional arrangements. In order to be effective LOs require carefully designed learning environments and instructional arrangements. LOs themselves do not guarantee high‐quality learning performance and meaningful learning activities. It is the context of use together with instructional arrangements that defines the pedagogical value of LOs.  相似文献   

以教育的信息化带动教育的现代化已经成为教育领域的广泛共识。千禧年一代的学习者,是所谓"数字土著"的一代,伴随信息技术成长的经历,造就了他们特有的认知、态度及行为习惯;与此同时,发展学习者的创新与终身学习的能力,是时代的要求也是当前教育变革所面临的挑战。为了更有针对性地为千禧年的学习者提供基于数字技术的创新学习机会,有必要对千禧年学习者的数字土著特征进行调研,对其学习方式的特点、行为习惯以及数字技术在其学习活动中所扮演的角色进行分析,并据此找到适合千禧年学习者的、基于数字技术的创新学习方式需求,提出适合"他们"的学习技术。  相似文献   


English: This study aims to examine the learners’ mental models of television in actual media classroom activity by which knowledge was constructed. It aims to clarify the formation of the Thai learners’ mental models of television related to their learning achievements using the topic of Pythagoras’ theorem in nindi‐grade mathematics as a case study. A qualitative approach was used to investigate the effects of using instructional television, especially as they facilitate learners in the construction of mental models for understanding the learning content. The findings revealed the learners’ mental models, which they constructed while learning through watching television. Specifically, they revealed how media capabilities and the instructional designs that employ them interact with the learners and the task characteristics to influence the formation of the learners’ mental models and their learning achievement.  相似文献   

随着互联网手机的广泛应用,移动学习(M-LEARNING)已经越来越受到人们的关注,寻找一种更适合成人学习者特点的教学方式已经成为成人教育当前所必须应对的关键问题。  相似文献   

调查与分析远程学习者的学习需求,旨在更好地满足远程学习者的多种需要,提高远程教育的有效性。调查显示,学员希望实践性强的课程、短小的课件、多样的教学方式与学习方式、较多的网络传输和交流、更开放的学业评价方式以及接受学习技能的培训。远程教育机构要从满足学习者的这些学习需求入手,不断改进远程教育教学。  相似文献   

School context—institutional, community, national socio-cultural, economic and political—plays an important role in developing the characteristics of a learning organisation. In the last decade, the discussion on the school as a learning organisation (SLO) has emerged in Greece which is characterised by a centralised and highly bureaucratised educational system. However, there is a gap in studying SLOs nationwide in Greece and more importantly in using a valid and tested instrument related specifically to schools. The aim of this study was to examine the validity of the School as Learning Organisations Survey, based on Integrated Model of the School as Learning Organisation, used in a large scale nationwide SLO study in the Greek context and investigate whether two key antecedents, school size and school geographic location, are related to the level of schools' operating as learning organisations (LOs). A quantitative research was conducted in 418 primary schools throughout Greece. Findings showed that the Schools as Learning Organisations scale in the Greek context consisted of six dimensions and 65 items that loaded on these dimensions. Furthermore, “school size” is related to the transformation of schools into LOs. On the contrary, there seems to be no association between school geographic location and the operation of Greek schools as LOs.  相似文献   

Although a large body of research has been dedicated to examining emotional intelligence (EI) and learning styles in relation to different factors in academic setting, the relationship between these two variables still necessitates more exploration and deeper study, especially in the Iranian context. To this end, 60 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) learners were recruited to fill out the Farsi version of Emotional Intelligence Scale (FEIS-41) and Paragon Learning Styles Inventory (PLSI). The results revealed that the participants achieved the highest score in Optimism/Mood Regulation sub-scale of the FEIS-41. With respect to the four dimensions of PLSI, Sensing, Feeling, Judging and Extrovert were the participants’ preferred learning styles, respectively. Besides, analysis of data illustrated that gender did not affect their EI and learning styles preferences. Furthermore, the significance of 9 out of 12 computed correlations between three sub-skills of FEIS-41 and four dimensions of PLSI indicated the existence of correlation between EI and learning styles preferences of Iranian EAP learners.  相似文献   

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