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欧美数据库产业的发展现状   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文从数据库的数量、载体和介质、主题、容量,数据库生产者以及数据库服务提供商、数据库产业的产值等几方面描述了优势明显的美国数据库企业,奋起直追的西欧数据库产业和充满希望的东欧数据库产业的概况,指出了当今世界数据库产业的热点以及发展趋势。  相似文献   

蛋白质组学数据库是蛋白质组学的主要内容之一,本文分别从生物信息学的蛋白质一级结构序列数据库,蛋白质三维空间结构数据库,以数据库和文献资料为基础构建的二次数据库包括蛋白质序列二次数据库、蛋白质结构二次数据库、蛋白质组数据库等几个方面,概述了发展中的蛋白质数据库的最近动态和有关信息,同时对主要的热门蛋白质数据库站点和资源进行了评价。此外,就国内生物信息学数据库开发与利用的问题与前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

韩国数据库产业现状与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以韩国数据库振兴中心的统计数据为基础,分析韩国数据库产业的发展状况、数据库质量、数据库企业的经营管理、数据库的利用情况,介绍韩国的数据库政策,最后探讨韩国数据库产业的发展机会与面临的挑战。  相似文献   

论文通过对“211工程”高校图书馆数据库列表的调查,发现高校图书馆的数据库列表存在数据库名称不统一、列表排序无规律、数据库链接层次太深、数据库介绍页面较为随意、数据库导航较简单等问题,给出了建立多角度的数据库导航、保持数据库列表的统一性、数据库子库和平台或总库全部列出、完善数据库介绍页面以及设置数据库快速访问入口等建议。  相似文献   

卢山 《图书馆界》2010,(5):19-21,94
根据对北部湾经济区30所高校图书馆数据库建设情况的调查,发现该地区高校图书馆数据库的类型比较全面,全文数据库所占比例较高且中文数据库数量多于外文数据库。但同时也存在不少问题:数据库建设不平衡,重复建设严重,建设缺乏统一标准,自建的数据库及特色数据库少。要建设好经济区高校图书馆数据库,应充分发挥区域自治制度和经济区发展规划的政策优势,统一规划,合理布局,加大引进数据库的力度,加强自建特色数据库的建设,创建高校图书馆联盟,最终实现资源共建共享。  相似文献   

文章认为,想要利用好数据库,必须先掌握数据库。掌握数据库一要掌握好数据库的文献收录情况,二要掌握好数据库的检索技术。  相似文献   

分析联机计算机图书馆中心(OCLC)的数据库规模、核心检索技术、光盘数据库、收费、数据库类分、全文数据库,探讨OCLC数据库核心检索技术以及数据库信息检索服务,为进一步研究国外数据库检索技术和信息检索服务方式提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

采用网络调查法对我国公共图书馆古籍数据库建设的问题进行调研和分析。调研结果表明,样本馆古籍数据库总体质量不高,古籍数据库内容不健全且古籍数据库功能不完善。为改善公共图书馆古籍数据库服务质量,公共图书馆应采用全方位合作手段提升古籍数据库服务供给能力,重构古籍数据库内容体系,借助数字人文技术丰富古籍数据库功能。  相似文献   

近年来国内高校图书馆对数据库的投资快速增长,占文献采购总投入的比例也越来越大。以深圳大学图书馆为例,2006-2008年图书馆对数据库的经费投入增长了2.3倍,但是某些数据库存在利用率偏低等问题。因此,建议高校图书馆通过降低数据库的订购价格、投资适当向利用率较高的数据库倾斜、调整数据库资源的学科分布、加大数据库的宣传和培训力度等方式,降低数据库的投资,切实提高数据库的利用率。  相似文献   

在分析当前高校学位论文数据库服务现状基础上,以"中国人民大学博硕士学位论文库"为例,阐明高校学位论文数据库存在的功能定位不准确、资源建设水平不高、利用服务功能单一化等一系列问题。立足于我国高校学位论文数据库建设的实际问题,吸收国外学位论文数据库的建设经验,尝试构建新型学位论文数据库增值服务模式,主要包括三大部分:数据库资源建设、数据库服务功能拓展和数据库开放利用保障机制。学位论文数据库资源建设是基础,数据库服务功能的拓展是学位论文增值服务模式的核心,数据库开放利用保障机制为学位论文数据库论文增值服务的全过程提供安全的环境。  相似文献   

Evaluators of library programs have different perspectives on why to conduct an evaluation and also how to do so. The author suggests that a minimal approach to conducting a library program evaluation is to prove that the program exists. But this perspective has expanded to include different degrees of interest in the client and operations, culminating in a combined focus that leads evaluators to conduct outcome assessments. The chapter includes speculation on what motivates managers to undertake an evaluation, a review of some ways that library evaluations are conducted, and a discussion of several examples of program evaluations. Though there are not single directives for undertaking a library program evaluation, there are a variety of tools and advice to entice librarians to do more of them as a way to improve understanding the value of a library to its clientele and in society.  相似文献   

Planning a conference at the best of times is intense. Add in a lingering pandemic and the first attempt at a hybrid conference then planning a conference can become extremely stressful. Selecting sessions for a conference can fall under the responsibilities of librarians contributing to the profession and completing service requirements. This paper maps the research, creation, and implementation of a rubric to guide the evaluation of session proposals for a technical services library conference and the creation of a webpage to inform those thinking of submitting a proposal. The deliverables were a page added to the organization website and a rubric.  相似文献   

At this critical point in its development as a burgeoning market economy ensconced within a socialist political system, China faces a dilemma in becoming a fully‐fledged player in the copyright arena. Over the past two decades, China has made great strides in creating a legal and governmental framework for the administration and enforcement of copyright. But its implementation has left much to be desired, owing partly to inadequate resources of money and personnel, partly to insufficiently harsh penalties for infringement, partly to cumbersome procedures required to bring action against infringers, and partly to a general cultural tolerance for practices that run contrary to cultivating a broad‐based respect for copyright. This article proposes that a balance of pressure and encouragement is likely to have the best chances of success in overcoming these problems and ensuring that China will become fully welcomed into the international publishing community.  相似文献   

Engagement on social networks is a complex concept, in which many interconnected, difficult-to-assess components interact. It is precisely this complexity which motivated this work, which proposes a composite index as a tool to measure engagement. Using TOPSIS, a multicriteria method that bases its ranking on minimizing the distance to the ideal point and maximizing the distance to the anti-ideal, a mix of indicators based on two approaches is used: the tweet approach and the follower approach. The former reflects engagement based on user production, and the latter measures engagement by popularity. This index was applied to a group of Social Media Influencers and a general ranking was obtained, as well as a ranking by each approach to measuring engagement. A comparison of the rankings generated by the different approaches shows the suitability and pertinence of both, as it is confirmed that they measure different aspects, and that both are needed to offer a holistic view of the engagement generated by a user on Twitter; this is a new finding compared to prior studies, which only focused on one approach or the other.  相似文献   

Since 1962 the members of the loosely organized Detroit Medical Library Group have carried on a slow but steady self-examination program. They found a need to increase resources and developed a periodical exchange, then a need to identify these resources and did so by means of a serials list. More recently, a similar program for texts and monograph resources was begun. Data, more particularly that of the interlibrary loan process, is being gathered to show the flow within the area and the flow from outside to further identify the existing resources. They have made contact with the administrators of the biomedical institutions and gained their backing (a) to further study the makeup of the community and (b) to formulate an administrative structure through which these institutions can act. These activities are evidence of the beginning of a strong medical library network for the Metropolitan Detroit Area.  相似文献   

王景周 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):26-29
融洽的编者和作者关系促进双方的心理平衡、尊重、理解和认同,彼此间起激励作用;心理契约遭到破坏,编者和作者间产生失望、挫折和欺凌感,影响编者工作积极性和作者信任,甚至产生懈怠、报复或不端行为。本文基于心理契约,从微观视角,探讨编者和作者信任关系的构建与承诺履行机制,分析彼此间心理期望的内容、心理契约违背的感知、违背的危害及基于心理契约的编者和作者关系优化策略。  相似文献   

刘鹏飞  陆周莉 《图书馆论坛》2007,27(1):78-80,98
建立网站是图书馆数字化、建设数字图书馆门户的重要工作,将涉及知识产权、合同等方面的法律问题;文章就数字图书网站开发过程中涉及的法律问题进行了探讨,提出了预防或解决办法,对建设网站的法律问题作了较为全面的论述。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(24):113-121
Washington State University received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant to offer a pilot two-semester World Civilization course as part of the general education core curriculum. Two reference librarians were selected as members of the interdisciplinary faculty group to design the course, to relate it to the required Freshman Composition (English 101) course and to ensure the integration of basic library use skills. The two librarians were asked to develop library/classroom integrated assignments to meet course objectives and to serve as models for those teaching the course. The focus of the assignment is on selection and evaluation of information sources that approach a topic from a particular viewpoint (i.e., liberal, conservative, or middle-of-the-road), provide a popular or a scholarly treatment of the topic, and reflect a targeted audience approach (e.g., layperson or professional).  相似文献   

This phenomenological study examines the unique perceptions of immigrant women concerning the public library as a meeting place, a support to integration into American culture, and a provider of programs for acquisition of the English language. The library offers a place for observing the culture of the new country from a distance to active participation; it is an arena for comfort and consolation in a difficult life situation as well as an arena for activity and participation. It provides support in developing friendships, acclimating to a new culture, learning a new language, and providing avenues to employment. Three mothers, who fulfilled the criteria for the study, were selected from an initial focus group. Women from Kurdistan, Mexico, and Indonesia were interviewed individually to gain an understanding on the issues brought forth in the focus group. They participated in interviews over the course of 6 months. These programs became a fortuitous blending of an established community with a group of families looking for a support community in a new country. This study has implications for institutions serving immigrants as they look to find a community of support, to learn English, and to acclimate to American culture as they create a comfortable identity that blends their home country with the new country.  相似文献   

Editor’s Note: A JRAM email symposium is structured in the same way of a convention symposium. A group is empaneled to discuss an issue, a moderator asks the panel to address a series of questions while one or more discussants are tasked with responding to the panelists and acting as a surrogate for the audience in the understanding and the interrogation of the ideas presented. In this symposium, panelists were emailed a list of identical questions by the moderator. Panelists and discussants were selected for their knowledge, experience, and the diversity of ideas they bring to the symposium. The answers were then collated, lightly edited for spelling or syntax, arranged in a readable order, and then emailed to the discussants for their feedback. Follow-up questions were only asked for the purpose of clarity with regard to a definition or a convoluted sentence. Both panelists and discussants were encouraged to respond conversationally to the issues.  相似文献   

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