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The least restrictive environment (LRE) requirement has been one of the major pillars of special education law in the USA since its enactment in 1975 and has proven to be one of the most contentious principles. Absent a decision by the US Supreme Court or further clarification in the wording of the law itself, it is likely that the debate will continue. This discussion is particularly important because misapplication of the LRE principle can result in a violation of civil rights and deprive children of a free appropriate public education. A review of the historical background of LRE, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and relevant court cases supports the contention that the general education setting is the LRE for every child but not necessarily the appropriate placement for all children.  相似文献   

Developing special education programs that confer a free appropriate public education (FAPE) for students with disabilities has been a challenge for local education agencies since the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) was first passed in 1975. Developing a FAPE has been particularly challenging when students require assistive technology (AT) services or devices to meet their unique educational needs. In this article, we consider how students' individualized education program (IEP) planning teams have met this challenge by examining administrative and judicial rulings on the use of AT services and devices by students' with disabilities. Specifically, we first examine rulings from 2005 to the first half of 2013 regarding the IDEA, FAPE, and AT. Second, we explore how courts have interpreted the AT obligations of educational agencies with a focus on cases in which parents were the prevailing party. Primary reasons for school district losses in these cases include failing to: (a) provide AT assessments (b) address AT needs, (c) provide the AT devices or services specified in a student's IEP, (d) properly implement AT services. We end by discussing the implications of these court decisions for school districts use of AT services and devices with students in special education.  相似文献   

《Education 3-13》2012,40(4):417-431
This paper presents the findings of an investigation of student teachers' changing perceptions of educational practice following a teaching placement in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. Up to 900 primary languages, student teachers annually have spent a 4-week teaching placement in a partner country as an integral part of their initial teacher education programme. The aims of the bilateral experience were to improve students' subject knowledge as well as to offer opportunities to enhance their professional understanding through comparing practice in two distinct cultural settings. This study draws from both qualitative and quantitative data gathered from 122 postgraduate certificate in education student teachers who were following the primary language route at Canterbury Christ Church University and Liverpool Hope University. The findings show that through reflection and analysis of the differences and commonalties in the diverse cultural contexts, students develop a greater understanding of their professional role and a deeper insight into their own values and beliefs about pedagogy. Their acceptance of taken-for-granted norms is challenged during the bilateral placement, as they encounter new approaches to differentiated learning, teaching and learning strategies and teacher/pupil relationships, thus enhancing their levels of critical engagement with educational practice.  相似文献   

In modern schooling, student activity and group work are emphasized as important vehicles for learning. Following the perspectives formulated by Piaget and other constructivist thinkers, self-discovery by students of scientific principles is seen as a means for avoiding the pitfalls ascribed to teacher centered lecturing. Teacher explanation in this pedagogical philosophy is often seen as counterproductive to real learning. In the study reported, it is illustrated by means of an example from student group work in a physics laboratory how the understanding of basic principles of optics do not follow from mere observation and physical manipulation of a particular type of educational instrument; the optical bench. It is argued that the optical bench itself is a product of a specific theory of optics and that it embodies principles of understanding the word which are discursive in nature and which are not accessible to learners unless they are provided guidance. In the instance analyzed, students already in some sense had an understanding of the principles illustrated (e.g., that light can only go straight forward, that it cannot go through solid objects, etc.), but they failed to realize the significance of these observations, since they fere not familiar with a theoretical position in which these observations called for an explanation. ‘Seeing’, also in the case of the optics laboratory, relies on the use of cultural tools that provide the observer with relevant contextualizations.  相似文献   

论高校学生工作中的人本理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生工作贯彻和实施以人为本的教育理念,要不断强化学生主体意识,努力建立一种以教育服务为中心,充分体现人关怀和法制原则的管理机制与制度;要注意尊重学生的自主意识,引导学生进行自主教育和自我管理,努力探索民主、平等、充满活力的教育和管理的方法。  相似文献   

The lack of clear language in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which is the federal law that governs the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities in the USA, has led to inconsistencies in school districts' decisions regarding the least restrictive environment (LRE). This uncertainty in determining an appropriate LRE has become a significant obstacle to educating students with disabilities. Therefore, this paper examines a number of court cases that have challenged school districts to provide the LRE for students with disabilities and have handed down decisions that define specific standards that are useful for school teams to implement the mandate of the LRE. Through the synthesis of these cases, the author provides criteria for determining the LRE for students with disabilities that could enhance inclusive education for these students. Finally, the author suggests that legislators should reconsider the language of LRE, make it more specific regarding the determination of LRE, and apply the standards defined in these cases and others to state a clear formula for developing LRE that could be utilised in school districts throughout the country.  相似文献   

This paper explores student teachers' understandings of child sexual abuse and strategies to deal with it that are appropriate for the primary school classroom. Evidence of surface and deep learning were obtained from a content analysis of student teachers' responses to an essay‐type exam question, using Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. The results show that participants were most likely to be rated as having achieved at intermediate levels, and less likely to be at either the lowest or highest levels. The data suggest that greater provision should be made for addressing child sexual abuse during the training of such professionals to enhance their deeper thinking about child sexual abuse and strategies to deal with it. Since pre‐service teacher education plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of future teachers, it is important that they are helped to achieve the highest levels associated with understanding universals, principles, generalizations and abstractions. The implications of these results for teaching in primary schools strongly suggest the importance of comprehensive, enhanced, longer, and on‐going programmes on child sexual abuse across pre‐service education.  相似文献   

授益性学生管理行为是高校学生事务管理的特定类别,具有公共性、给付性、教育性、特定性、自主性的法律特征。我国现行教育法律体系对高校授益性学生管理行为缺乏明确规定,导致法治实践存在诸多制度性障碍。遵循当代教育法制建设的价值原则,完善现行教育法律体系,依法规范授益性学生管理行为是我国高校学生管理法治化的重要趋向。  相似文献   

The single most important factor to improve the quality of education in a developing country appears to be increased general and professional education of teachers. Initially, it seems that this may be appropriately addressed in the teachers' colleges. However, the teacher educators themselves, often have received their own education either from the universities of developed countries or from “expert” expatriates at home. Often the result has been an adapted western curriculum being offered in the teachers' colleges, which is inappropriate to the student teachers. As a means of obtaining increased insight into a developing country's context, this study sought to gain some understanding of how Papua New Guinea teacher educators and inservice teachers negotiate their western higher education at the University of Papua New Guinea. This may provide assistance to expatriate educators to provide an educational experience that addresses student learning needs with appropriate process and content.  相似文献   

If education is a solution in working toward a sustainable future then initial teacher training (ITT) provides a strategic opportunity for ensuring that all teachers are able to teach for sustainability when they begin their teaching careers. This paper reports on a study of how four Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) student teachers planned and taught education for sustainable development (ESD) through geography during a school placement. It was carried out to provide exemplification of the nature of student teachers' planning and teaching about ESD in secondary schools in England and to identify ways of improving their PGCE course. The findings are based on interviews with student teachers after the school placement, as well documentary evidence. Policy‐driven changes in the provision of both ITT and school curricula and pedagogy in England are an important context for the study. The paper concludes by arguing that ITT faces considerable challenges if it is to be reoriented towards sustainability.  相似文献   

Despite its relatively short history, policies connected with Affirmative Action have endured a controversial social, political, and legal past. Higher education has witnessed much of this controversy firsthand. Because the venue of many Affirmative Action battles has been waged within educational settings, faculty in higher education are uniquely positioned because they are integrally involved in decisions regarding faculty hiring as well as student admissions, particularly at the graduate level. Therefore, this study examined the attitudes of faculty toward Affirmative Action principles and reverse discrimination as they might apply to students and faculty colleagues, with particular attention to which concepts were more supported. Results from 428 faculty indicated general support for diversity, although specific concerns were raised regarding reverse discrimination and the appropriateness of targeting persons of color or women. The most favorable attitudes supported students with demonstrated financial need. Potential future approaches to Affirmative Action in higher education are discussed.  相似文献   

How schoolsfulfill Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) requirements has evolved. Decades of general and special education reforms have led to dramatic increases in expectations for students in special education to be included in the general education classroom and curriculum and to achieve to the same high standards as their general education peers. Students with learning disabilities (LD) in particular are impacted by these reforms. The notion of their individually‐appropriate education has been slowly eroded as limitations in special education practices and the goals of education reform have been responded to. As special education intentions and practices advance, stakeholders have a responsibility to protect the FAPE of students with LD, to ensure meeting these students’ individualized learning needs.  相似文献   

This article investigates the value of writing reflective journals for student teachers during practicum placement. The author invited 10 pre‐service education degree teachers to write a weekly reflective journal throughout their four weeks practicum teaching. Each student teacher was given the opportunity to revisit the issues in his journals through a subsequent reflective dialogue. At the end of the practicum, the student teachers were asked to complete one additional reflective journal to provide their views about how useful and challenging they found the task of writing reflective journals on their teaching experiences. The author also kept observation notes to reflect on his own experiences of involving student teachers in reflective journal writing. It was concluded that the student teachers benefited immensely from their experiences of writing reflective journals for the purpose of reflecting on their practical experiences. They reported that the activity helped them improve their teaching experiences and deepen their understanding of the complexities involved in learning to teach. The study has implications on the role of reflective journals as a means of engaging teacher candidates in reflective thinking, a recently emerging notion in the education of teachers in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

In Sweden the compulsory school curriculum prescribes that education should promote learning in different subjects while simultaneously assisting students to develop into citizens of good character. To achieve these goals students need to cultivate such character strengths as respect and responsibility, so that they can create positive relationships and live in a community. The development of these skills in a school setting could be called character education. Research shows that good character education promotes the moral development of students and also enhances their academic learning. Giving voice to students is the cornerstone of character education; if adults in schools listen carefully to students educational practice can be improved. This study was conducted in a secondary school in northern Sweden. The phenomenology of the life‐world and the principles of participatory and appreciative action research guided the research. The aim was to explore student voices as they described how they do and do not wish to be treated by others. The empirical data consisted of written responses to questions posed to students in Grades 7 and 8. The data analysis revealed four themes: striving for mutual understanding, being accepted for who you are, seeking honesty and truth and being acknowledged, recognized and encouraged. A comprehensive understanding of the themes suggests how practice may be improved in educational settings.  相似文献   

试论高等教育契约关系与教育消费选择权   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,高等学校与学生的法律关系发生了显著的变化,特别是高等教育成本补偿制度的实行,促使我国高等教育中的学校与学生的法律关系正逐步从特别权力关系向教育契约关系转变。教育契约关系的特点决定了必须尊重教育消费者的选择权,保障教育消费者的合法权益。  相似文献   

学生数据是教育数据的重要组成部分,在支撑教育决策、改进课堂管理、推送个性化路径等方面得到了广泛应用。然而,实践中出现了很多侵害学生数据隐私的问题,造成了不良社会影响,急需政府从立法层面加强保护。在此领域,欧美发达国家已经有数十年的经验,法律和制度都较为健全。针对美国和欧盟学生数据隐私保护立法和实践情况的分析发现,欧美已经建立了相对全面的学生数据隐私保护法律体系,形成了较为完善的隐私保护框架原则,其强调行业自律、全民参与的经验值得借鉴。但是也暴露出一些问题,例如,法律仍旧滞后于实践的需要,数据所有权不明确、处理过程不规范,学生、监护人及其他相关方的数据隐私保护意识薄弱,隐私保护和开放教育数据、学习分析之间存在矛盾等。我国尚处于数据隐私保护的起步阶段,应在汲取欧美国家的经验与教训基础上,提高认识,切实增强全民的法律意识;加快立法,尽快建立完善相关法律制度;加强行业自律,规范市场行为;营造隐私保护的社会大环境,构建多方参与的治理体系。  相似文献   

学生的法律地位是教育法学研究的基本理论问题,也是我国教育法治进程中的重大实践问题。学生的权利与义务是学生法律地位的体现。基于现行教育法律关于学生权利义务的规定,可将学生的法律地位归纳概括为民法上的特殊民事主体和行政法上的特殊行政相对人。但当前学生受教育权的可诉性、程序性、公正性不足,有必要将受教育权的救济纳入行政司法审查的范围,对学生权利进行全面救济,并兼顾实体权利与程序权利,依法保障学生受教育权的实现。  相似文献   

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