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本文采用问卷调查法,探讨初中生考试焦虑的特点及其与学业成绩的关系。研究结果显示:大多数初中生的考试焦虑水平在正常范围内,但有23.4%的初中生考试焦虑水平过高;被调查初中生的考试焦虑状况表现出了显著的性别差异,但他们的年级差异不显著;取样学生的考试焦虑得分与其英语、地理、生物、化学、物理成绩及总成绩之间呈现出显著的负相关;考试焦虑对数学、英语、地理、生物、物理成绩及总成绩有较强的预测作用。针对调查发现,文章提出了相应的教育建议。  相似文献   

吴双江 《教书育人》2001,(23):22-22
在传统教育中,教学与考试就好像一个句子的文字与最后的句号,泾渭分明,自成体系。而教与考本是促进学生发展的一个共同体。这种把教考截然分开的做法不仅会导致对学习与考试的误解,而且可能导致学生对学习的怠慢和对考试的焦虑。作为一名心理学专业的毕业生,我一直在思索着如何把学与考有机地结合起来。使学生在学习中感受竞争与考试,在考试中学习与提高。从而有效地提高学习积极性与效率,在淡化考试的同时充分发挥考的作用。今年以来,我在教学中尝试采用一种新的形式———考试过程化,即把课堂的成绩与表现作为期末成绩的主要依据…  相似文献   

结合问卷法与实验法,本文考查考试焦虑水平和暗示方式对初中生英语听力成绩的影响。结果显示,暗示与考试焦虑的主效应均不显著,暗示方式和考试焦虑水平交互作用边缘显著,对于中、高等考试焦虑水平的学生,施加负暗示,可以提高成绩。  相似文献   

新的四、六级网络考试是大学英语改革进一步深化的必然产物。作为一种高效、安全、全方位测试形式,网络考试将为大学英语教学提供信度与效度更高的反馈信息。新的网考形式必将对学生的考试心理产生一定的影响,教师应紧跟形势的变化,采取有效的手段来使学生的考试焦虑维持在适度的水平,帮助学生在考试中取得理想成绩。  相似文献   

以条件性情绪反应理论,情绪和认知的关系理论,以及考试焦虑和考试成绩的关系理论为基础,提出了考试焦虑产生的机制以及影响考试成绩的模式,根据这个模式,抽取心理治疗各个分支中的有效技术进行整合,制定一套适合中学生考试焦虑特征的团体辅导方案,以降低考试焦虑水平和提高考试成绩为目的,对10名高考试焦虑的中学生进行为期两个月的干预。结果:团体辅导能有效降低高焦虑者的焦虑水平;结合数学学习方法和考试技能训练的团体辅导显著提高了学生的数学成绩。  相似文献   

应试心理技巧是学生在升学、就业、升职、人才选拔等过程中离不开的一项技能.而这些技能的展示都离不开考试这一手段的应用,许多学生在考试前后,可能对考试产生焦虑情绪,以致影响成绩,为使学生克服考试焦虑情绪,提高应试能力,教师在平时的教学中采用肌肉放松法、脱敏技术来训练学生.学生经过该教学法的训练,很快就能摆脱考试焦虑的困扰,从而以高度的自信,充沛的精力投入到各项考试中去.  相似文献   

考试是检验教学效果的重要手段,也是监控和评定教学质量的重要方法.高职学院考试改革的主旨是变知识考试为能力考试.要确定高职院校学生成绩的认定标准,明确考试改革的思路与方向,进行有高职教育特色的考试改革.要采用全新的考试方法,建立新的考核制度与实施细则,使学分制的实施建立在深厚的基础上.  相似文献   

考试是检验教学效果的重要手段,也是监控和评定教学质量的重要方法.高职学院考试改革的主旨是变知识考试为能力考试.要确定高职院校学生成绩的认定标准,明确考试改革的思路与方向,进行有高职教育特色的考试改革.要采用全新的考试方法,建立新的考核制度与实施细则,使学分制的实施建立在深厚的基础上.  相似文献   

本研究以小学5-6年级小学生为研究对象,通过心理学实验方法,研究评分制度、考试成绩反馈方式等成绩评价方式因素对小学生考试焦虑的影响。研究结果表明:考试成绩的百分制引起的考试焦虑程度,显著高于等级制所引起的考试焦虑,尤其是在公开宣布每位同学成绩的情况下,这种差异更加明显。在实验基础上分析原因,并尝试探讨该实验结果对教育工作的思考。  相似文献   

为了了解中考前初中生考试焦虑状况,随机抽取成都市两所初中,采用考试焦虑量表(TAS)对200名学生进行了调查。结果1、有高度考试焦虑的被试占总调查人数的34.5%,具有相当程度不适感的被试占59.3%;2、男生轻度焦虑的比例高于女生,中度和高度焦虑的比例均比女生低,考试焦虑不存在显著的性别差异;3、成绩优秀组与其余三组在考试焦虑水平上存在显著差异。结论:初中生面对中考都会产生不同程度的考试焦虑,不同成绩群体中考试焦虑水平的分布不同。  相似文献   

Although large-scale national tests have been used for many years in Swedish compulsory schools, very little is known about how pupils actually react to these tests. The question is relevant, however, as pupil reactions in the test situation may affect test performance as well as future attitudes towards assessment. The question is relevant also in light of the changing assessment culture in Sweden and other European countries. The main purpose of the present study was to explore how a sample of grade 9 pupils perceived their first encounter with national tests in science, mainly in terms of perceived importance of the test, reported invested effort, and feelings of test anxiety, and how these aspects were related to test performance. Results show that a majority of the pupils seemed to perceive the test as rather important and claimed that they spent effort on the test. There was, however, also a fair group of students who did not perceive the test as very important. Ratings of perceived importance and invested effort and motivation were positively related to performance, particularly for the boys. Many students also reported that they felt anxious before and during the test, but the relationship between test anxiety and test performance was rather weak. Findings illuminate how pupils may perceive and behave in the assessment situation, and point to the need of further studies investigating the psychology of test-taking.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, English was only officially taught at the secondary and tertiary levels before 2001. Since 2001, English courses have been formally incorporated into the curriculum in primary schools. Research on teaching and assessing English in primary school education is relatively new compared with research on other levels of education in Taiwan. The present study investigated the degree to which games, songs, and stories helped increase primary school pupils’ English vocabulary size and encouraged learning in an intensive English course. It also explored how different test techniques influenced pupils’ performance on a vocabulary test. Seventy-two primary school pupils participated in the study. The results showed that games, songs, and stories had a positive effect on learning and increasing the pupils’ English vocabulary. In the vocabulary test, the pupils in higher grades outperformed those in lower grades and performed differently in terms of test techniques.  相似文献   

This paper argues that school grades cannot be interpreted solely as a reward for a given school performance, since they also reflect teachers’ assessments of pupils. A teacher’s evaluation of a pupil’s performance, as reflected in the grade awarded, might influence the effort that the pupil invests in learning. Grades might therefore serve as sticky assessments, affecting pupils’ later school performance. Getting discounted grades in year 6 for a given level of maths performance assessed using a PISA-like test has a positive effect on maths test scores in year 8 of elementary education, and also influences later outcomes in secondary education. The empirical analysis tries to minimise the possible bias caused by measurement error in year 6 test scores (unmeasured ability) and employs classroom fixed-effect instrumental variable (IV) regression and difference-in-difference models. The empirical analysis is based on a unique Hungarian individual-level panel data-set containing two observations about the same individual – one in year 6 (12/13 years old) and the other two years later, in year 8 (14/15 years old) of elementary education. The data for three entire school cohorts is analysed – approximately 140,000 individuals.  相似文献   

Migration to Europe in recent years has made the issue of educational support for recently arrived immigrant pupils critically important, and, especially for pupils who are in need of special educational support. Schools in Sweden have special needs educators (SNEs) supporting pupils in need of special education, but little is known about the work of SNEs in regard to special educational support for recently arrived immigrants. This article reports the results of 483 SNEs answering a survey on their views of their role and work tasks in relation to recently arrived immigrant pupils in need of special educational support in Swedish compulsory schools. SNEs report that their actual tasks include compiling individual educational plans (IEPs), developing learning environments, and supervising staff. Less than 50% of the participants responded that they work directly with the pupils, and around 19% of the SNEs wanted to do more of such work. Class and subject teachers and mother tongue tutors are the occupational groups seen as providing the most support for recently arrived immigrant pupils. The empirical results are discussed from different theoretical perspectives on special education (Emanuelsson, 2001; Persson, 1998), Hughes’ (1958) concept of ‘dirty work’ and Abbott’s theory of profession (1988).  相似文献   

Lately, a deliberative conception of democracy has gained influence in policy debates throughout Europe. Individuals are here seen to be fostered into responsible, mature – democratic – citizens by being involved in dialogue. In the 1990s, calls for ‘democratic education’ intensified in Sweden. This article analyses two pedagogical models influenced by programmes developed in the USA that have recently had a great impact in Swedish schools and elsewhere, Social and Emotional Training and Aggression Replacement Training, both teaching pupils the ‘art of democratic deliberation’. By analysing manuals and interviews with school staff, we find that both models are based on the idea that through constant dialogue, pupils develop a ‘democratic mentality’. Referring to Foucault, this kind of dialogue can be seen as a technology of confession, where pupils are encouraged to reflect upon themselves and their behaviour, abilities and qualities as a way to change themselves and become democratic subjects.  相似文献   

This study investigates reading activities in Swedish primary school classrooms during the late 1960s. Sound and video recordings of 223 Swedish lessons held between 1967 and 1969 are used to analyse the activity of reading as taught and performed. The results indicate that the practice of informational reading, often based on finding predetermined, explicit ‘facts’ in textbooks through individual, silent reading, was common. The practice of experiential reading, based on fiction, imagination and the joy of reading, was not only less common, but also often compromised by instrumental concerns. In the national curriculum of the time, the practice of informational reading was related to study skills and was intended to prepare all pupils for higher-level education. While often appearing over-proportioned, superficial and fragmented, these reading practices were still intentional objects of learning and teaching, and were grounded in the democratic and egalitarian ideals of Swedish post-war educational policy.  相似文献   

Decentralisation policy in Sweden emphasises school capitation allowance, the local upper secondary schools’ decision‐making and pupils’ choices in contrast to previous bureaucratic governing. The aim of this article is to discuss how pupils’ educational choice paths are a part of the different kinds of integration and differentiation processes within upper secondary education. By doing so, the intention is to make a theoretical contribution to the ongoing discussion in this research field. In the light of Habermas’s theory of communicative action combined with Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, educational choice paths have been studied as a process within three educational practices in a local quasi‐market in Sweden: (1) choice of upper secondary school, (2) choice of upper secondary programme, and (3) choice of courses and subjects within a programme. Some of the results demonstrate that pupils’ choice paths can be vocation‐oriented, career‐oriented and consumption‐oriented. It is argued that these different types of choice paths are related to a market discourse. Other results demonstrate that pupils’ group‐oriented, interest‐oriented and tradition‐oriented choice paths are built upon an active citizenship discourse, which is about creating meaning in terms of seeking knowledge and establishing social relations in upper secondary education. The analysis of these two paramount discourses indicates that pupils’ integration and differentiation processes are ambiguous.  相似文献   

The aim of the article is to present and discuss a study in which Finnish, English and Swedish pupils’ understanding of citizenship education with regard to: (a) political literacy; and (b) attitudes and values was explored. The study was a cross‐national, multiple case study and data were collected through 18 focus group dialogues with 15‐year‐old pupils. Results showed that English pupils were much more well‐informed about rights and responsibilities than their Nordic counterparts and also more skilled rhetorically, but appeared less accustomed to open and confident relationships with adults than the Swedish pupils. Finnish pupils did not seem to be encouraged to talk; instead they kept their thoughts and feelings to themselves. One conclusion, among others, was that the study illuminates conditions for the development of a so‐called key competence – i.e., ‘interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competence’.  相似文献   

The development a standard-based curriculum in History can be related to the school reforms where ‘performance’ are crucial principles. The aim is to analyse pupils’ perspectives on the relation between their views on historical knowledge and the national test in History and grading. When the pupils in this study – directly after taking a national test in History – were asked to reason about what historical knowledge is, another subject emerged: a collective memory subject. History as ‘performance’ emerges clearly in connection with the pupils’ discourse on grades and History, which has an emphasis on ‘working’, ‘writing’, and ‘doing homework’ to get a better grade in History. The disciplinary knowledge content specified in the curricula does not correspond to pupils’ experiences of what the central historical knowledge is in national tests and grading. It is apparent that disciplinary knowledge content is ‘under pressure’ in the age of performance.  相似文献   

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