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基于问题的学习不仅引起了教学观、学习观的深刻变革,也引起了教师观的革命性转变,并且这种转变也是与我国新课程改革中所倡导的教学观、学习观、教师观一脉相承的。它倡导的教师角色行为包括营造学习共同体、倒设问题情境、澈活已有知识、发挥支架作用、引导同题后的反思,提出的合格教师的能力涉及学科能力和学习指导技能。  相似文献   

浅谈教师教学观念的更新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师的教学观念是教师对教学对象、目标、内容、过程、教学质量和评价等诸方面的理解和认识。教师的教学观念有无超前性和时代性 ,不仅体现了一个教师的教学水平和能力 ,而且也反映了这个教师有无探索精神和创新意识。因此 ,树立正确的教学观念是现代社会对教师的基本要求 ,也是教师素质的重要组成部分。现代教学观要求教师必须走出传统的教学模式 ,从课程改革入手 ,建立全新的课程观、教学观、学习观和教研观 ,在新的教育观指引下 ,培养适应未来社会人才 ,为他们学习终身化奠定良好的基础。下面就教师教学观念的更新问题谈几点看法。一、树…  相似文献   

探析建构主义教学观视阈下的教师角色   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建构主义教学观是一种新的教学理论,它强调以学生为中心,注重发挥学生的首创精神,重视教学中教师与学生以及学生与学生之间的相互作用,倡导协作学习和交互式教学。本文在分析建构主义教学观的内涵的基础上,对建构主义教学观视阈下的教师角色以及建构主义教学观对教师的要求进行了探讨。  相似文献   

对话教育是在反思传统教育的基础上逐步发展起来的一种新的教育理念,对话教育倡导民主的师生关系,对学生生命的尊重和教学的生成性,这种理念对传统的教师权威形成了一定的挑战。在分析以上三个方面对传统教师权威提出挑战的基础上,本文还提出教师在新形势下主要通过三方面来构建新型的教师权威,要树立正确的学生观、终身学习的学习观,特别是要有崇高的职业使命感,以便把形式权威转变为实质权威。  相似文献   

2005年9月,江苏省开始实施高中阶段的新一轮课程改革。这次新课改倡导学生自主学习、探究学习和合作学习,特别强调在形式多样的活动中完成学习方式的转变。据此,各种不同版本的历史教材也都以不同的形式安排了“学习与探究”、“探究活动课”等探究性学习内容,旨在培养学生运用历史知识解决历史问题和现实问题的能力,增强他们的创新意识和实践能力。新课标背景下探究性学习其实对教师的业务素质提出了更高的要求,中学历史教师应该不断加强自身教学能力。  相似文献   

刘学宗 《文教资料》2008,(3):164-165
课程标准积极倡导案例教学,要求教师要进行角色的转变,要成为学生学习兴趣的激发者,学习的组织者和引导者,探究的协调者,学习能力提高的促进者,要当好评价者和欣赏者.  相似文献   

教育教学观念的更新,不仅意味着学生学习方式的转变,同时也意味着教师角色的变化。新课程倡导教师角色成为教师成为学生学习的引导者、合作者与促进者。本文结合生物教学主要探讨"教师成为学生学习的引导者"的十种引导策略。  相似文献   

龙群兵 《考试周刊》2007,(40):13-14
文章从建构主义知识观出发,阐述了由知识观所引发的学习观、教学观以及教师角色等转变,提倡积极以建构主义知识观来定位新的教师角色。  相似文献   

罗小梅 《考试周刊》2012,(57):167-168
新课改已经实施一段时间,在实行中有成功也有困难。本文从"自主、合作、探究"的学习方式出发探讨了新课程倡导的学习方式对教师的要求:教育观念的更新、新的课程目标观的建立、新的教学观念的形成。  相似文献   

刘宇 《幼儿教育》2012,(12):16-19
作为教师专业发展的重要途径之一,教师学习共同体的构建问题需要引起更多关注。教师学习共同体构建在本质上意味着教学文化的转变。教师学习共同体的构建有助于为幼儿园教师发展自身的实践性知识提供有效环境,有助于幼儿园教师个人智识与团体智识的良性互动及提升,有助于通过建立教学技术核心规范推进幼儿园教育变革。教师学习共同体的构建需要幼儿园教师认同自己作为共同体成员的身份、发展自己作为共同体成员的能力,同时领导者和促进者要在幼儿园教师学习共同体的构建中发挥作用。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the influence of teacher conceptualisations of communicative language teaching on their actual classroom practice and student cognitive and affective change. The qualitative paradigm underpinned this research at the levels of ontology (multiple teacher realities), epistemology (interaction with, rather than detachment from, the respondents), and methodology through using an idiographic strategy (qualitative case study), instruments (qualitative interviews, participant observation and questionnaires), and data analysis technique (explanation-building). The results indicated that teachers who understood CLT and managed to materialise its principles into action significantly improved student language learning (cognitive change) and motivation (affective change). Moreover, traditional, structural and didactic teaching as well as communicative knowledge that was not translated into practice had almost a typical negative impact on student learning and motivation. Recommendations for curriculum development, teacher development, teacher training and future research are made.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the impact of a specific formative assessment procedure, negotiated assessment, on teacher professional learning. Negotiations between the assessor and the teacher as assessee seem to be especially promising for this teacher learning. However, there is no empirical evidence yet that has confirmed this. We explored teachers’ opinions about the usefulness of the different elements in a negotiated assessment procedure for their professional learning and the learning benefits they reported as a result of being engaged in this procedure. Our findings show that teachers found the negotiated assessment procedure useful for their learning and reported different types of learning benefits in terms of change: change in their knowledge, beliefs and attitudes, change in their teaching practice and change in their students’ learning outcomes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the change in Singaporean pre-service teachers' epistemological beliefs and beliefs about learning and teaching over the course of a teacher preparation program. An online survey was administered during the first week of a nine-month program and the same survey was administered after the 413 participants had completed all their course work and teaching practice. Participants exhibited significant changes in epistemological beliefs and beliefs about learning and teaching – participants indicated more relativistic epistemological outlooks and less constructivism in beliefs about teaching. At the end of the teacher preparation program, they seemed to less value effort in learning and believed more in innate ability.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study aimed to examine the role of a professional learning community (PLC) in changing teachers’ beliefs and practices. Teachers of a Chinese department in a Hong Kong secondary school were interviewed and observed. The findings indicate that the features of a PLC-facilitating teacher change are development of a coherent structure, a collaborative culture, and effective learning activities. These help teachers to overcome initial difficulties and induce their motivation for transformation. Teacher change in five dimensions (curriculum, teaching, learning, roles of teachers, and learning to teach) and three patterns (change in practice but not in belief, change in belief but not in practice, change in practice and belief) were detected. It is argued that cultivating an effective PLC is significant to teacher development.  相似文献   

自主学习是当代教育的目标。自主学习的理念,信息技术与语言的整合引发了语言教学的革命,但是技术手段永远也取代不了人的作用。文章阐述了课堂教学环境下自主学习研究的意义及自主学习的现状;提出了教师是学生自主学习由可能性向现实性转变的关键因素;论述了教师必须确立学习先进的外语教学理论、掌握现代教育技术的理念,高层次的理念促使课程创新成为自觉行动;教师的教学内容应注重情感因素和策略教学,保证自主学习理念的有效实施。  相似文献   

In this study a teacher educator worked with two elementary teachers to facilitate a self-study of their learning during a professional development programme. The programme extended for 6 months and was underpinned by four learning processes—reflection, sharing, action and feedback. The two teachers documented their learning experiences and were interviewed several times during and after the study. At the end of the 6-month period, the teachers sketched and shared models of their learning and then collaborated to produce a joint model. Sue learned that she needed to start with a small change in her teaching and that her learning involved multiple factors that interacted to create change. Loraine learned that focusing on the teaching of science reminded her of childhood experiences and that it was important for her to analyse why she taught the way she did. Self-study helped the teachers to develop insights about how they learned and enabled them to better understand and manage their own professional development.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of the practices of a cohort of traditionally appointed teacher educators with the responsibility for facilitating teacher learning and learning teaching. The approach used in this investigation involved a practice-to-theory field experience (PTE), a reflective paper analyzing the PTE, and a shared set of readings on pedagogy for facilitating teacher learning and learning teaching with the PTE as context. The participants in this study were 21 students enrolled in an education doctorate program at a Research I university in the Western United States. The findings from the study revealed that the number of years of experience as a teacher educator was not related to competence or effectiveness. Further, it was found that the combined processes of documenting practice, writing a reflective paper, and engaging in focused dialog with peers based on a shared set of readings, and incorporating the PTE as context enabled participants to think critically and co-construct deep knowledge and understanding of the role of the teacher educator and practices for facilitating teacher learning and learning teaching.  相似文献   

Teacher learning is essential to the teaching profession, because it has been strongly linked to improved teaching practices and teacher quality. The source for teacher learning is initial teacher education, a crucial phase in the learning-to-teach continuum. To gain insight into this influential period for student teachers’ long-term professional lives, this exploratory study investigates student teachers’ participation in learning activities and explores whether it is connected to their own effective teaching behaviours in a school-based teacher education setting for secondary education in the Netherlands. The results indicate that student teachers vary in their self-reported learning and that this learning relates positively to observations of their effective teaching behaviour. These findings have several implications for teacher education programmes that aim to enhance the likelihood that their student teachers will become career-long learning professionals.  相似文献   

王军 《教师发展研究》2021,5(1):109-117
教师学习是教师专业发展的核心路径.对教师学习的本质、影响因素与路径特征等三个根本性问题的探究,是实现高质量教师专业发展与教师队伍建设的逻辑起点.采用文献分析法,对最近十年的93篇相关文献进行编码分析后发现,教师学习是"系统中的"和"交互下的",其本质是个体与系统多重互动中教师整体变化的过程,它受到教师所在整个系统的复杂影响,呈现出"三个面向"与"三重取向"的路径特征:面向复杂教育教学实践,实践取向的教师学习成为趋势;面向差异化教师,个性化教师学习正在发育;面向多变环境,线上线下混合式学习或将成为教师学习新常态.复杂性、整体性、系统性、交互性、实践性、差异性等是当前理解教师学习的关键词,日常化、校本化、团队化、高科技化等成为教师学习实践的发展趋势.  相似文献   

To promote technology integration, it is essential to address pre-service teacher (PST) concerns about facilitating technology-enhanced learning environments. This study adopted the Concerns-Based Adoption Model to investigate PST concern on Web 2.0 integration. Four hundred and eighty-nine PSTs in a teacher education university in north Taiwan participated in this study, achieving a response rate of almost 50%. Participants completed online surveys at their convenience over a two-week period. Significant relationships between the concern and a few personal characteristics were found. The PST concern was most intense in the self-concern stage and then fluctuated from task-concern to impact-concern within a small range. Findings of the study provide valuable insights for personalising teacher education as to how levels of concern, self-efficacy for teaching, teacher knowledge and demographics influence the change process required for Web 2.0 integration in instruction.  相似文献   

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