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In 1989 and 1990 the University of Sydney announced awards for excellence in teaching to 12 members of its academic staff. This paper reports the results of an attempt to analyse two aspects of the award‐winners’ self‐efficacy regarding teaching: their perceived influence over their students’ learning, and their self‐rated competence on a set of teaching tasks. The award‐winners were found to score higher on both of these than comparison groups of less experienced university teachers, though the latter rated themselves higher on a research related teaching task.  相似文献   

Do teaching awards affect the growth in income of teachers recognized for excellence? Our study is one of the firsts to use income as the primary indicator of success when evaluating the impact of an award. Taking the case of Metrobank Foundation Award for Outstanding Teachers in the Philippines, our analysis reveals that the award had a higher impact on the income of winners who were in the middle of their career when they received the award. This implies that timing as to when an award is received matters. Relatively younger winners, in their mid-career, have more years in their professional career to capitalize on the award.  相似文献   

近几年,我校对原有的评奖体系进行了充实、调整,在实践中逐步形成了较为完善的教学奖励体系,包括优秀教学成果奖、优秀课程奖、优秀教学成果奖、青年教师讲课比赛奖和教学模范奖。该奖励体系的建立和实施对我校的教学工作起到了积极作用,有效地推动了教学改革工作的不断深化,带动着学校整体教学水平和人才培养质量的不断提高。  相似文献   

Award Winning University Teachers' Beliefs About Teaching Versus Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The restructuring of higher education in Australia has meant the redefinition of the roles of former Colleges of Advanced Education staff regarding research, thus re‐opening for debate the question of the relative importance of teaching and research in universities and the relationship between the two. This article explores these issues through the perceptions of the first 12 winners of awards for excellence in teaching at the University of Sydney. As might be expected, the award winners tended to give higher priority to teaching than to research but in doing so made many significant comments about the two. Comments about the relationship between teaching and research ranged from supporting the idea that the two are independent to the belief that they were interdependent. More complex views were taken by those who saw teaching and research in constant interaction. The article concludes with questions as to the likely beliefs of those whose eminence is as researchers rather than as teachers.  相似文献   

This paper critically considers the attempt by a research-intensive university in Asia to draw on and make public the practices of teaching award winners in different disciplines through the use of narrative vignettes. More specifically, this paper examines what the vignettes suggest about the connection between award-winning teachers’ conceptions of teaching (CT) on the one hand, and scholarly investigations of practice on the other, and to what extent the vignettes meet the aim of using the scholarship of teaching and learning as an instrument of effective academic development. Content analysis of the vignettes revealed that award-winning teachers’ CT tend to focus predominantly on enhancing learning, followed by encouraging collective knowledge creation and transmission of knowledge. A two-dimensional framework was also used to analyse the vignettes along a tacit-integrated continuum and within an intuitive-reflective frame of inquiry. The findings are discussed in relation to teachers’ perception of their impact on students’ learning and ways to enhance their own practice, with implications for teaching awards, documentation, and dissemination of high-level teaching achievement.  相似文献   

Although there is lack of agreement as to what constitutes teaching excellence, there remains a steady effort to make an intangible, ambiguous, multifaceted concept incarnate in the form of ‘student-led’ teaching awards schemes within higher education institutions. What teaching staff say about such schemes have largely been ignored. This article attempts to address this gap in knowledge by accounting for the extent that academic teaching staff at one higher education institution in the UK value and perceive their teaching awards scheme. At the same time, this article presents some challenges in implementing a student-led teaching awards scheme for higher education institutions.  相似文献   

Teachers in China are regarded as vulnerable to sociopolitical changes. This paper, however, focuses on the resilience and innovativeness of state‐selected expert teachers – the recipients of the Special Rank Teacher (SRT) award. This award was the product of a transitional period in the aftermath of the Cultural Revolution, and was an act of rehabilitation for the teaching profession. Using a biographical approach, this paper analyses how the intentions of the award were reflected in the choice of recipients. It contributes to a deeper understanding of teachers in China and the notion of teaching excellence that the state‐recognised teachers exemplify.  相似文献   

After a discussion of the importance and the status of knowledge about teaching in higher education, the author describes a research program at the University of Sydney involving the study of concepts of teaching effectiveness, self‐efficacy regarding teaching, and the criteria for self‐evaluation as teachers of two groups of novice lecturers, and compares them with a group of award‐winning, expert lecturers. Differences were found in the extent of the repertoire of concepts of teaching effectiveness, in self‐efficacy regarding teaching and in the criteria used in self‐evaluating teaching. The findings are discussed as evidence of lessons to be learnt in achieving excellence in teaching.  相似文献   


Teaching Excellence Awards have raised the profile of teaching as a scholarly project. There are however a number of questions about what constitutes teaching excellence and how ‘excellence’ is understood in current higher education. In a post-colonial South Africa, where significant injustices permeate our society, we question whether excellence can be understood in a generic manner. Furthermore, we argue that as universities are a public good, teaching excellence needs to explicitly attend to the ways in which universities contribute to broad goals of transformation and inclusivity. We analysed data from the national Teaching Excellence Awards and 13 South African universities’ awards to interrogate the discourses that underpin ‘excellence’ in this context of social inequality. We found that while the awards have gone some way to enhancing the position of teaching in institutions, ‘excellence’ was largely articulated in fairly generic ways which failed to take into account the enablements and constraints of the discipline and the institution. Furthermore, the guidelines and criteria privilege a decontextualised notion of excellence that seeks a ‘gold standard’ and validates performativity, rather than a contextualised response to the needs of the students.  相似文献   

Teaching awards are now common practice in higher education. However, few award applicants and their writing guides have investigated their experience of writing a teaching award application, a writing process recognised as different from that required in research publication. To systematically research and analyse their personal experiences two successful Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation applicants (Robyn and Thea) and their guide (Coralie) undertook a process of self-inquiry from an autoethnographic perspective. This paper presents a narrative constructed by Coralie, Robyn and Thea to bring into one story their individual autoethnographies. This collective narrative takes the reader beyond the scholarly discussions of benefits and concerns about teaching award schemes prominent in the literature to date, to uncover a previously hidden view of award application writing. From this new viewpoint writing a teaching award application is seen as a process which moves the applicant from a position of certainty and comfort (‘homeliness’), through a period where ‘things fall apart’ as the applicant's sense of ‘unhomeliness’ (disorientation and confusion) increases, to a time where ‘things fall together’ as a newfound sense of ‘homeliness’ that represents growth in the individual as a teacher and a writer. Applicants develop a clearer understanding of their strengths and weaknesses as educators and the confidence to challenge their previous pedagogical practices. As writers they develop attitudes and skills to recognise and to set aside familiar, but limiting, writing strategies.  相似文献   

This research explores student voice and student perceptions of teaching excellence in higher education, and authors suggest implications for student engagement and student/staff partnerships in teaching and learning. Edinburgh University Students’ Association facilitates the longest-running student-led teaching awards in the UK, receiving 2000–3000 open-ended student nominations annually which raise the profile of teaching and reward strong teachers. These extensive qualitative data were analysed using aspects of a grounded theory approach to investigate student perceptions of teaching excellence. This research identified four key themes of teaching excellence: (1) concerted, visible effort; (2) commitment to engaging students; (3) breaking down student-teacher barriers; (4) stability of support. This paper explores these themes with respect to theoretical work on teaching excellence and suggests that students’ perceptions of excellence in teaching and student support advance notions of ‘critical excellence’ and ‘moral excellence’.  相似文献   

Gender implications of nationally competitive teaching awards were examined to determine whether women receive sufficient accolades, given their dominant position in university teaching. Quantitative methods and secondary data provided objective analysis of teaching awards for Australian universities, for an 18-year data set with 2046 units of analysis. Results indicate that women were over-represented in lower-level citations and under-represented in higher-level awards. Women did not dominate, particularly the highly prestigious Prime Minister’s award, where men constituted 65%. Policy and management implications include that universities could review the gender balance in their teaching award processes and set goals as internal support is a springboard to national awards. Groups of the same gender could be encouraged to work together at the highest levels to overcome individualistic, competitive barriers. National teaching award applications could be gender blind, at least for the higher levels. There are no clear trends towards a better gender balance, possibly because there has been a very limited gender spotlight on the awards at any level of policy and management.  相似文献   

教师在教学自读课文时应凸显学生的课堂主体地位,让学生自读、自测,检验学生阅读能力与自学能力。文章从语文自读课文教学现状出发,分析语文自读课文教学中存在的问题,并结合教学实践,从结合助学系统教学、注重读写结合、注重个性阅读等方面阐述自读课文的教学策略。  相似文献   

We examined web‐based ratings and open‐ended comments of teaching‐award winners (n = 120) and research‐award winners (n = 119) to determine if teaching‐award winners received more favourable ratings and comments on RateMyProfessors.com. As predicted, students rated teaching‐award winners higher than research‐award winners on measures of teaching quality (i.e. helpfulness and clarity). A higher percentage of teaching‐award recipients relative to research‐award recipients received positive open‐ended comments about competence, use of humour, clarity, appearance and personality as well as both positive and negative open‐ended comments about level of course difficulty. We discuss implications of these findings for lending credibility to the RateMyProfessors.com indices and for promoting published faculty evaluations at post‐secondary institutions more generally.  相似文献   

How prospective teachers conceive of teaching excellence and assessment purposes probably influences how teaching and assessment practices are implemented in the future. This study evaluated, in four ‘normal universities’ in the People’s Republic of China, 765 prospective teachers’ responses to two self-report instruments regarding the nature of excellent teaching and the purpose of assessment. Both questionnaires had previously been developed in Mandarin Chinese and validated with large samples of practicing teachers in China. The original models could not be recovered and with exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis alternative models were found. Excellent teaching was conceived as four inter-correlated factors (i.e. Professional, Model, Examination and Life-long), as also were the purposes of assessment (i.e. Diagnose and Formative, Irrelevant, Control and Life Character). Structural equation modelling showed that the strongest relationship between teaching excellence and assessment began with the examination factor which positively predicted assessment as Irrelevant and for Life Character development and negatively the Diagnose and Formative purpose. Results are consistent with the high-stakes examination system of China and the status of prospective teachers who have only recently stopped being students.  相似文献   

National Teaching Fellows (NTFs) in the UK are celebrated individuals who have made a successful claim for teaching excellence to the Higher Education Academy. This paper reports the results of an empirical study of NTFs with expertise in online learning, which measured their pedagogical beliefs and online teaching practices, using a ‘teaching conceptions’ model. Given the growth of online teaching within higher education, this paper seeks to establish whether excellent teachers ‘practise what they preach’ in online environments and can support other less able colleagues in developing their online practices.  相似文献   

Although the power to award degrees lies at the heart of the concept of a university, neither it nor degrees themselves have attracted much scholarly attention.
The paper contends that award-conferment provides an interface of major importance between higher education and its environment; and that the awards themselves can serve as rich and informative (yet often coded) indicators of the relationship between the two.
For awards to be seen in this way, the paper argues, two conditions are required: the conceptual independence of awards in their own right has to be recognised as entities distinct from courses of study; and instrumentalist views have to be sufficiently prevalent to make it meaningful to treat an award as specifying a set of purposes and intended outcomes (that is to say, as an 'end'potentially achievable by various 'means'). These conditions, it is suggested, only tend to arise in particular social circumstances, specifically those of mass higher education.
Having illustrated these points by considering certain changes of usage in the terms used for higher education awards (degree, qualification, etc), the paper concludes with a tentative sketch of a framework by which to analyse the various ways in which awards might contribute to the workings of HE as a system.  相似文献   

This article is concerned first with identifying teacher characteristics connected with excellence. It then analyses the results of a survey conducted among primary school teachers in one local authority area in Scotland. Teachers responded to a questionnaire which asked them to rate in importance 44 characteristics of excellence. The findings suggest that teachers have a clear view of excellence. They consistently described excellence in terms of personal qualities and interpersonal skills. Teachers gave high ratings to qualities which demonstrated their expectations of positive classroom ethos and positive relationships with students. Practitioners consistently rated characteristics related to classroom ‘relationships in action’ as essential characteristics for excellent teachers. These findings suggest a new emphasis on interpersonal skills in continuing professional development for teachers who are increasingly expected to develop students’ dispositions relating to openness to new thinking; self‐respect and a commitment to responsible participation in social, cultural, economic and political life.  相似文献   

“卓越教师培养计划”是崭新的教学改革项目。“计划”所涉及到的对“卓越教师”概念和“卓越教师培养”内涵的理解以及课程建设等问题,都将直接关系到此“计划”实施的质量是否能够得到保证。“卓越教师培养计划”对原有的汉语言文学专业课程设置、课程内容、课程教材等都提出了新的要求。实施“卓越教师培养计划”,目前面临一些亟待解决的问题,解决了这些问题,才能在各个环节、各个方面真正凸显“师范性”,实现培养“卓越教师”的目的。  相似文献   

Self-evaluation in inspection policy has become a global phenomenon. The idea is that it increases levels of teacher and school autonomy, wherein both schools and teachers have more ownership and responsibility over their work. In turn, such a process has allowed for greater accountability, which is then said to provide high quality education and, therefore, greater competitive advantage amongst knowledge-based economies. In both England and Ireland, self-evaluation has become a demanding procedure that is meant to complement external inspections of schools and teachers. In this article, I will argue that self-evaluation, whilst having the potential to become a worthwhile endeavour, does not live up to its name. In the first instance, the criteria used for self-evaluation are not internally generated but externally imposed. Thus, I would like to discuss the extent to which visions of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ education developed by inspecting bodies influence the way in which teachers and schools assess themselves. Furthermore, I will raise questions as to what appropriate criteria for teaching might look like. In doing so, I shall try to show that what is now current is a debased form of self-evaluation that is not only detrimental to the self-perception of teachers, but inadequate to what any coherent notion of the ‘self’ might be. In light of work by the philosopher Charles Taylor in particular, I will argue that the self is not something that can be examined in the way that is imagined in these inspection systems but is rather something dynamic and unfixed, constituted within a wider community of practice and, therefore, not amenable to evaluation in quite the way that is supposed.  相似文献   

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