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Teacher: Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon? Pupil: The moon. Teacher: Why? Pupil: The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it.—M um,whatare you cooking?—It's bean soup!—I don'tcare whatithas been;Ijustwantto know whatitis now!“An abstract noun(抽象名词),”the teacher said,“is som ethingyou can think of,butyou can'ttouch it.Can you give m e an exam ple ofone?”“Sure,”a teenage boy replied,“M…  相似文献   

打开神秘的信封,跃入眼帘的,是一张张美丽的图画……Class 1, Grade 6 Changle Central Primary School Haimen 226124 Jiangsu ProvinceDear friend, How are you? I’m Shi Liuliu. I like drawing very much. Look, this is a picture of mine. It is a sunny day. The sun wears a pair of glasses. There’re some white clouds in the sky.  相似文献   

The earth moves round the sun,and the moonmoves round the earth.When our past of the earth  1  away from the sun,it is night.When our pastof the earth runs to the sun,it is day.The sun is much  2  than the moon. Butsometimes the moon   3  bigger than the sun,because it is much  4  to the  5  .The sun is very bright.It  6  very stronglight.The moon looks quite bright.  7  .But it 8  give any light at all.The light from the mooncomes  9  the sun.The moon looks  10  bigger …  相似文献   

Atong:Mum,look at the apple!Onehalf is red,another half is green.Why?Mother:Don't you know?The placethat the sun shines is red.The place thatthe sun doesn’t shine is green.  相似文献   

The first birds had just finished theirstudies at Song School.A flock(群)of themcircled their new home,earth,looking over thestrange creatures with which they’d be living.The day was cool and the sun shone brightly.Suddenly a loud cry broke into the quiet afternoon  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。(10分)A.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,完成句中所缺单词。1.We have an Art______(节日).2.The second month of a year is F______.3.The p______of the sweater is good.I willtake it.4.—W______to our school.—Thank you.5.The______(天气)in Guangdong is veryhot now.6.It’s one of the most______(可怕的)storiesI heard.7.I think the food is very______(美味的).8.I’m h______.Please give me something toeat.9.Be q______,please.It’s time for class.10.Look!A boy is sleeping in the______(角落).B.…  相似文献   

Going to the Sun Teacher:Today is the commemoration day( 纪念日 )of human going to the moon for the first time.Student:Why don't they go to the sun?Teacher:Because the sun is too hot.It can cremate( 烧成灰 )all the things.Student:They can go there at night. Circles Xiao Mao likes drawing circles in the exercise-books.When the Chinese teacher criticizes( 批评 )him,he says,"It is a period( 句号 )."When the maths teacher criticizes him,he says,"It is a zero.…  相似文献   

inin→在(某范围或某空间)内。例如:The telephone is in my study.电话在我书房里。Which hotel shall we stay in?我们住哪个旅馆?Don’t stand in the rain.别站在雨里。What were you doing in the South?你在南方干什么?He was standing in a queue.他在排队(买东西)。Let’s go up in the lift.咱们坐电梯上去吧!in→在(一段时间)内。例如:Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。(谚)Do you work in the day time or at night?你是白天工作还是夜间工作?I return to China in the middle of Octo-ber.我十月中旬回到中国。注意:介词in有时也可表示“……之后”。例如:I’ll come round in a day or two.我一两天就回来。We’ll be back in no time.我们一会儿就回来。in→进入;放入,意思接近into...  相似文献   

What a fine day! The sun is shining and everything looks bright. Can you feel the heat when youstand in the sun? The sun gives the heat from very far away. It is hard to believe that the sun is aboutone hundred and fifty million kilometers away. The sun looks small because it is so far from us, butit't really very huge.  相似文献   

The Useful Moon     
Two kids are talking about the sun and them oon.One asks,“Whichone do you think is more useful?”The other answers,“The moon,of course.The moon always comesout in the evenings and gives light to us. While the sun always stays inthe sky in the day when it is already bright enough.”The Useful Moon!河北@邢新…  相似文献   

1.What a lovely day it is!The sun is shining beautifully.The sky is so blue.2.It’s fairly(相当)warm for this time of the year.3.Let’s hope it will keep fine for the weekend.4.The weather is changing.I’m afraid.5.I think it’ll turn out a wet day(要下雨).6.The air is close(沉闷).The clouds are very heavy(厚).7.The clouds are gathering.The sun has gone in(被遮).It’s getting quick  相似文献   

One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun. Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion's mane.The Lion awoke from his nap and shouted."What luck? I am hungry and a mouse is in font of me! I should eat you!"Please, Lion! Don!t eat me! If you just let me go, I would not forget this."What? You will repay me?"The Lion laughed at the mouse. But as he pitied at the little mouse, he set the mouse free."Go, go!"Thank you, thank you!"  相似文献   

1.Sunday is the first day of the week. 2. M onday is the second day ofthe week. 3. Tuesday is the third day ofthe week. 4. W ednesday is the fourth day ofthe week. 5. Thursday is the fifth day ofthe week. 6. Friday is the sixth day ofthe week. 7. Saturday is the (seventh) lastday ofthe week. Q uestions: 1. W hich day is sunny in the week? W hy ? 2.W hich day is the longest (最长)in the week? W hy? (答案在本期找)“英语西洋景”《脑筋急转弯》答案1.Sunday is sunny because(因为)there is“sun”i…  相似文献   

Right in the middle of the town are some long ponds(池子). They are only about half a foot deep. The men of Symi dug out the earth to make the ponds.Over each pond there is a low cover. It is made of glass that you can see through.At night, sea water is taken into the ponds. The next day, the hot sun shines through the covers. The sun light turns the water into vapour(蒸汽) and the vapour goes up from the ponds. The salt is left behind.A s itgoes, the vapour becom es m ist. O n the inside o…  相似文献   

Do you know Eskimoes(爱斯基摩人)?Let metell you something about their life.The Eskimoeslive near the North Pole(北极).There are only twoseasons there——winter and summer.There is nospring________1 autumn there.The winter nights arelong.You can’t see the_________2 for more than twomonths,even at noon.The summer days are longFor more than two months,the sun never______3 andthere is no night.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.写出26个字母大小写形式。____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Ⅱ.读下面的句子,把方框中的字母组合成一个单词填入句子中的空白处,使句子的意义完整。1.—Excuse me,where is the star______?—Straight ahead.Then turn right.You cansee it.—Thank you.Bye!hoscol2.—Where’s the______,please?—Go straight ahead.Then turn left.—Thank you very much.arkp3.—Excuseme,where’s Mr Wang’s______?—Turn le…  相似文献   

丁小兰 《中学生英语》2002,(21):28-31,32
Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.The t—— month of the year is December.2.The w—— in China is quite different fromthat in Australia.3.It rained the whole day yesterday.The radiosays it’s w—— today than yesterday.4.What kind of p——aye you going to givehim for his birthday?  相似文献   

Crime and Drugs     
Do you know how hot thesun is? There are no solidsor liquids on the sun. Why not? The temperature onoutside the sun is more than 10, 000℃, and that at the centre is about 20, 000, 000℃.The sun is so hot that all thesolids and all the liquids havebeen turned into gases.  相似文献   

Function(功能):Tell an accidents.Teaching points(重点):1.Past tense form of irregular verbs:go—wentbuy—bought fall—fell 2.Vocabulary:happen,thirsty,waterm elon,carry,bump 3.Use past tense to tell a story.Teaching steps:1.Warming up(热身):1)Greeting:T:Good morning!Ss:Good morning! T:How are you?Ss:I’m fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine.Thank you.T:What day is today?Ss:Today is Tuesday.T:W hat day was yesterday?Ss:Yesterday wasM onday.T:W hat’s the weather like?Ss:It’s sunny.T…  相似文献   

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