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仔细观察下面的图画,并根据图片的内容和下列各句的意思,把各句的序号填在图片下边的括号内。A.M iss G rey is typing a letter.B.She is em ptying a basket.C.M r R ichards is opening the window.D.M y m other is m aking the bed.E.Sally is shutting the door.F.The dog is eating a bone.G.M y sister is looking ata picture.H.Jack is reading a m agazine.I.H e is brushing his teeth.J.She is dusting the dressing-table.K.M rs Ford is cooking m eal.L.The catis drinking its m ilk.M.Bessie is sw eeping th…  相似文献   

《Cultura y Educación》2013,25(1-2):127-134

En este debate se abordan en un formato coloquial algunos de los temas teórica y socialmente polémicos en la cultura contemporánea occidental, al menos, desde la denominada posmodernidad. A través de la visión y experiencia del arte de Marcelo Lima, se trata del doble papel que juega el arte: como reflejo y termómetro social y cultural, y como modelo ético de la sociedad. A lo largo de la discusión, se revela la imposibilidad de hablar sobre arte sin hacerlo también de política, de ética, de historia, de psicología, de literatura o de educación. Los interlocutores de este coloquio se centran en los ámbitos de la ciencia y la educación para resaltar la responsabilidad de cada cultura en la asunción y el diseño de su propio futuro.  相似文献   

江苏省南通师范第二附小陈建林老师来稿说 ,在填写分母是5的真分数时 ,学生写出了 ,有些教师认为符合真分数中“分子比分母小”这一要求 ,从而认可了学生的答案。果真是真分数吗 ?陈老师认为———由中科院院士、著名数学家谷超豪教授主编的《数学词典》一书中 ,对真分数是这样定义的 :“若分数 (m、n为非零整数 )的分子的绝对值小于分母的绝对值 ,即|m|<|n| ,则称其为真分数。”从这个定义中可以看出 ,真分数的分子、分母必须都是非零整数 ,因而不是真分数。那么 ,是分数吗 ?《数学词典》中关于分数是这样定义的 :“把一个单位分…  相似文献   

小学五年制老版教材第八册80页上对最简分数的定义是:“分子分母是互质数的分数叫作最简分数”。从这个定义来说3/4、4/7是最简分数这是毫无疑义的。3与4互质,4与7互质,那么像7/5是不是最简分数呢?单从教材的定义来看也可以叫最简分数,因为7与5互质。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationships of domain-general cognitive abilities and domain-specific verbal and mathematical abilities to students' educational characteristics when two theoretically grounded, but competing structural models are applied. In the standard model, a single latent ability causes interindividual differences in the corresponding measures. In the nested-factor model, interindividual differences are caused by two independent cognitive abilities: general cognitive ability and domain-specific ability. The two models were examined using data from 29,386 ninth graders. The results show that findings on the relations between domain-specific abilities and students' socio-economic status, general school satisfaction, educational aspirations, domain-specific interests, and subject-specific grades may differ substantially depending on the structural model applied. Implications for educational research and measurement as well as for students' motivational and cognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   

读了《小学教学设计》2005年第二期发表的《“12+31=25”和“21+31=65”具有同等价值》(以下简称“程文”)一文后,忍不住想问:21+31真能等于25吗?在认真进行思考后,我认为这个命题是不能成立的。1.从分数运算的本质来看,21+13所要探究的目标应该是确定的,即要探究异分母分数加法的计算规律。“程文”以美国的一位教师觉得“21+13=52”是由于学生喜欢、能激发学生探究知识的兴趣而这样教学为例加以说明,并举了南通师范学院钟志华老师讲述的此例进行印证。然而,美国教师后来怎样教学异分母分数加法的计算规律却无从知晓。美国教师会任由学生向…  相似文献   

The introduction of all-day schooling was one of the political consequences arising from Germany’s poor performance in the PISA study. One of the key ideas here was to boost cooperation between all-day schools and partners offering extra-curricular activities. To this end, the concept of the Culture School was developed. These are schools devoted not only to academic subjects, but also to cultural and artistic pursuits. Special tools and methods have been devised to help schools develop in the direction of a “culture school”, a process known as “cultural school development”. Such development processes are currently under way in many individual schools and above all within the scope of the large-scale project “Cultural agents for creative schools” (with around 150 schools in 5 German states participating).  相似文献   

对有理式x2/x是不是分式,一般有两种截然不同的结论.1.x2/x不是分式.其理由是x2/x=x,由于x是整式,所以x2/x也是整式.2.x2/x是分式.其理由是把它与分式的定义对照,在A/B中,A=x2是整式,B=x是整式,且含有字母x,故x2/x是分式.以上两种结论似乎都有道理、但一个有理式,它要么是整式,要么是分式,不可能既是分式,又是整式.因此,这两种说法必有一种是错误的.那么,它到底是不是分式?根据定义判定是最有说服力的.显然,对照分式的定义,第二种结论正确无疑.这样,第一种结论就是错…  相似文献   

一位老师遵照敦科节上的例题,讲解了分数化成小数的规律:一个分数,如果分母中除了2和5以外,不含有其他的质因数,这个分数就能化成有限小数;如果分母中含有2和5以外的质因数,这个分数就不能化成有限小数。如果就例  相似文献   

一个班级里,当然是既有男同学也有女同学了!那么,男女同学之间该如何相处呢?这是个问题。有的男同学不喜欢和女同学玩,而有的女同学又不喜欢和男同学玩,那么该怎么办?让我们来看看大家的讨论吧!  相似文献   

案例: 有这样一道题目:一个分数,它的分子加上2就是3/5,如它的分子减去1就是1/5,原来的分数是多少? 学生按以下思路进行解答:它的分子加上2,相当于增加了2个分数单位, 它的分子减去1,相当于减少了1个分数单位,这样3/5与1/5的差就相当于3个分  相似文献   

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