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刘庆春 《传媒》2012,(3):68-69
广播电视的主持人专访节目,因其亲和的人际交流特点为受众所喜爱。主持人对专访对象的访问所发生的言语环境即专访语境,既包括语言因素,如口语交流中的前言后语;也包括非语言因素,如交流的时间、地点、现场氛围、主持人服饰化妆、交流对象的社会文化背景和心理状态等。如果希望在一定的语境下引导对  相似文献   

据统计,目前全国各级电视台谈话类节目将近200个。在这些节目中,主持人的作用主要体现在对节目的整体把握,以及对现场观众情绪的调动。优秀的人物专访节目和优秀的品牌节目主持人二者是相辅相成的。好的人物专访节目打造了优秀的节目主持人,优秀的节目主持人又为人物专访节目带来了高收视率和品牌效应,二  相似文献   

亚 妮是浙江电视台培养起来的主持人。在亚妮从事主持人工作的十几年里 ,她刻苦勤奋 ,努力进取。1993年 ,亚妮从综艺节目主持人转型为文化专题节目主持人 ,担任了《文化时空》节目主持人兼制片人 ,2000年开始担任《亚妮专访》节目主持人及制片人。亚妮曾经6次获浙江省优秀广播电视节目一等奖 ,两次蝉联浙江省电视艺术特殊贡献奖及浙江“十佳”广播电视主持人 ,以及中国广播电视主持人“金话筒”金奖和全国十佳电视节目主持人等荣誉。她的电视专访是颇有特色的。一、亚妮专访是新闻性专访近年来 ,浙江电视台力求体现一个省级台的大…  相似文献   

节目主持人语用学──论节目主持人言语行为与语言环境的关系吴小娟,张传奇节目主持人与作为言语传播中介的播音员不同,是言语行为的卞体。播音仅把书向文字转为口头语音,是编辑意向及于受众行为的媒介。主持人则不同,她(他)是直接的言语操纵者。她(他)是把自己的...  相似文献   

90年代兴起的访谈、专访类节目犹如雨后春笋般地出现在全国各地电视台.访谈节目里主持人的言语表达给观众留下难忘印象,而他们成功地运用好非语言信息,以此打开被访者的心灵之门,挖掘出人的思想亮点,更使我们受益匪浅.  相似文献   

近些年来,我国的文化产业得到了飞速的发展,人们对广播电视节目的要求也随之提高。播音员主持人作为节目中的主角,受到了极大的关注,但是我国的播音员主持人在许多节目中还存在着一些问题,本文将从对播音员主持人在节目中的言语交际及其情感表达进行分析,提出若干可以提高播音员主持人言语交际以及情感表达能力的措施。  相似文献   

电视人物专访节目按照入手点的不同可大致划分为三类——以人物为入手点,以事件为入手点和人事结合的人物专访。无论哪一种具体类别,人物专访节目的落脚点都是人。通过合理有效的节目架构,辅以主持人的提问技巧,层层剖析和挖掘新闻人物,为观众最终呈现出立体、丰满、真实的人物形象是所有人物专访节目的目标。本文从节目的先期准备、节目现场的构建手法、话语策略、节目架构等方面研究电视人物专访节目的策划框架。  相似文献   

李睿 《新闻传播》2010,(1):48-49
本文针对目前电视购物节目主持人存在的普遍问题,提出几点电视购物节目主持人言语策略方面的建议,以供参考。  相似文献   

周毅  陈晓红 《新闻实践》2009,(12):76-77
主持人是电视谈话节目的灵魂。谈话节目中,主持人和嘉宾间的言语互动决定了节目的可视度。本文以《鲁豫有约》为研究语料,从语言情态角度解构主持人的话语,探求情态在主持人话语中的表现和作用。  相似文献   

王树兴 《东南传播》2012,(9):199-200
电视综艺节目中主持人言语控制能力是决定节目传播效果的重要因素。本文对综艺节目的特点及综艺节目主持人的特点进行了论述,对制约综艺节目主持人言语控制能力的综合素质、话题把握、心理调节等三方面因素进行了分析,对提高综艺节目主持人言语控制能力的方法进行了总结和归纳。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study evaluating a program to help museum docents improve accessibility for visitors with communication challenges (such as hearing, language and/or speech disorders). This was done by adapting docent presentations. The docents' speech patterns were evaluated before and after a training program, and showed significant improvements in the rate, duration, and use of pauses in their speech. There also was significant improvement in ensuring that view of their faces remained unobstructed—important for people with communication disorders—in order to facilitate the consistent visibility of their facial expressions and visual cues. The training was found to be effective in adjusting the docents' presentations so that the museum experience would be improved for visitors with communication challenges.  相似文献   

赴湖南省调研竞争情报普及工程开展情况的若干发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在我国,由科技情报机构牵头组织实施、政府支持、企业参与的竞争情报工程是具有重大影响的群体性竞争情报活动,蕴含着竞争情报理论方法与实践活动跨越式发展的契机.2005年底开始实施的湖南省竞争情报普及工程是受到竞争情报界广泛关注的重大事件.通过资料研究、与湖南省科学技术信息研究所竞争情报中心同志座谈、将代表性企业集中起来召开座谈会、到重点企业实地考察并座谈相结合的方法,对湖南省竞争情报普及工程开展情况进行了调研,得到若干发现和结论.  相似文献   

The amount of improvement that takes place in stutterers’ speech as a result of a two semester therapeutic program was objectively evaluated by means of tape recordings. The results indicate that the stutterers did not show improvement either in the fluency of their speech nor in the overall severity of their stuttering. Whatever the reasons for this lack of improvement it seems reasonable to propose that it is by using such objective criteria as tape recordings that scientifically minded speech pathologists will be able to accurately estimate the worthwhileness of a particular stuttering therapy program.  相似文献   

Samples of spoken and written language obtained from professors of speech who had written extensively were analyzed for the frequency of the four major parts of speech and for two grammatical ratios which measure degree of qualification. Five of the six measures employed differentiated the two forms of discourse at statistically significant levels.  相似文献   


This study analyzed the tone of public campaign remarks of right- and left-wing populist (Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, respectively) and right and left-wing non-populist (Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton, respectively) U.S. presidential candidates using DICTION 7.0. Findings suggest that populists tended to use a linguistic tone that is high in pessimism, group abstractness, and exclusion. Pessimism and group abstractness were positively associated with immigration language in right-wing populist speech. Commonality and “we-ness” were positively associated with populist language in left-wing populist speech.  相似文献   

郭燕慧  钟义信 《情报学报》2003,22(4):472-475
目前统计语言模型在语音识别、机器翻译和自动文摘等领域得到了广泛的应用.准确判别通过语言模型所得到的句子是否连贯、通顺,对于语言模型的评测和改进是个很重要的问题.本文采用基于词频统计的一组特征项,利用决策树算法自动对生成句的语义连贯性进行评测,在需要生成或识别连贯句的各自然语言处理领域具有广泛的实用价值.  相似文献   

The research reported here describes aligning talk in simulated employment interviews. Alignment talk is used metacommunicatively by speakers to bracket, transform, or qualify other talk, hence it assumes great importance in how communicators define and evaluate situations. Four features of alignment talk appear both in the scholarly literature and in the speech of interview participants in our data: accounts, meta‐talk, formulations, and qualifiers. Each of these features are described in the present report, and their uses in job interviews are explored. It is concluded that these devices serve to accentuate role differences between interviewer and applicant, and to enforce rather stringent norms of how one talks in the job interview. Implications for interviewing practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Leadership language communicates more than words. Leaders are able to use the power of language to not only articulate an organizational vision but to create excitement and support around that vision. Library leaders can model organizational values through speech strengthening a written policy into practice. Organizational culture is difficult to change but leaders can counter negative and deceptive messages into productive statements that help employees move forward to understand and embrace library strategic goals. How a leader chooses to use language to articulate a vision, advance organizational values, and to change organizational culture is critical. Ignoring language opportunities will hinder not only leader success but organizational success as well.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present preliminary results of a language‐based coding system to analyze physician‐patient communication. This system is grounded in the framework of Cegala and Waldron's (1992) context‐based model of communication competence which reflects the sequential development of talk as primary to definitions of competence. Given a review of the model and identification of information exchange and relational development as the primary tasks in the medical interview, two research questions were advanced to test a coding scheme. Based on the notion that aligning one's utterances to meet self‐ and other‐goals relates to communication competence, the coding scheme was developed to include message content, function, and uptake. Frequency results showed that 32 physician‐patient dyads produced 10, 958 coded utterances. Physicians and patients contributed relatively equal numbers of units. The frequencies of each category and exploratory sequential patterns relating to competence are summarized along with a discussion of the limitations of the analytical system. Overall, the code system provided new information on content, uptake, and sequential patterns of information exchange previously unavailable from published coding scheme results. Yet, the present scheme needs to be refined to produce output that more readily identifies competent and less competent interactions. These results and issues are placed in the context of an ongoing, larger research program on communication competence in the primary care interview.  相似文献   

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