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《十竹斋书画谱》是我国古代刻书史上的一部重要作品,同时也是晚明时期徽派刻书的代表作之一。《十竹斋书画谱》的刊刻成功,正是晚明徽派刻书进步的体现。本文以《十竹斋书画谱》为例,从刊刻题材、表现形式、刊刻技艺以及创作团队四个方面,对晚明时期徽派刻书的进步性加以总结和分析。  相似文献   

权威 《出版广角》2015,(10):123-124
若论晚明徽派刻书艺术成就最高者,非《十竹斋书画谱》莫属.它代表了晚明时期书刻水平的巅峰,观同时期之书画刻书,莫有与之能较者.而从《十竹斋书画谱》雕刻所花费时间几乎横跨整个晚明徽派刻书进步时期来看,我们也能借此书一窥晚明时期徽派刻书的自我反思和进步过程.  相似文献   

周祎 《兰台世界》2012,(36):142-143
十竹斋是中国明代末年书画家、出版家胡正言制笺、印画、刻章、出版图籍的工作场所。本文在梳理胡正言生平的基础上,阐述了十竹斋的饾版、拱花技艺及其《十竹斋书画谱》、《十竹斋笺谱》对日本的浮士绘版画创作产生的影响。  相似文献   

明末清初间,胡正言刻印的图书以纸墨精良闻名于世,除《十竹斋书画谱》、《十竹斋笺谱》和《印存初集》等书外,就知见所及,他还校刻了不少书籍,下边介绍的是其中传本较稀的二种。《精选古今诗余醉》十五卷此书为明末潘游龙选,范文光参,胡正言校,每卷分别由陈珽、顾梦游、郭雍园等十五人各订正一卷,选录唐李白以下至明崇祯间陈继儒诸家长短句,间有选家的评语。卷  相似文献   

以蝴蝶装《十竹斋书画谱》的修复为研究个案,从文献价值、损坏现状、修复材料、修复过程等方面介绍了该书的保存现状、破损特征和修复过程。重点论述修复技法、修复材料的选择以及修复流程。总结和思考蝴蝶装这种装帧形式古籍的修复原则、修复理念、修复方案及修复的技术风险。  相似文献   

北京师范大学图书馆所藏《六书故检字》一书,其撰者本名为归曾祁,而非杏书氏,故该馆馆目及相关的古籍总目应该进行重新著录。此书所依之底本应该是翻刻明本,故可能为《六书故》一书提供一个新的版本;同时,通过此书前所附的缪荃孙跋,又可以为《书目答问》一书的撰者提供一个新的佐证。  相似文献   

明代万历年间郭子章编纂的《豫章书》,是江西历史上第一部超过百卷的省志,也是其“江西系列”志书的集大成之作。虽然已经亡佚,但清代江西所修通志和各府县志都曾大量引用此书,并考订其讹误;郭子章的文集《黔草》中更是完整保存了此书的目录、凡例和小序,从中可以了解其成书过程和体例特点。《豫章书》采用纪传体,人物部分占一半以上,并增设编年《大事记》,资料详赡。同时,郭子章重视历史地理沿革和文献编目,书中的《艺文志》是第一部专门记载江西地区著述的总目。  相似文献   

《隋书·经籍志》录有"《婆罗门书》一卷",不明为何书。后人均推断此书为东汉时由西域传入,清人顾櫰三《补后汉书艺文志》归入佛书类,姚振宗《后汉书艺文志》归入小学类。音韵家据《隋志》称此书有"十四字能贯一切音",遂以为反切的开始运用与音义一类书的发生不先不后和梵文字母的传入同在东汉时代,《婆罗门书》成了中国反切起源于西来梵文的铁证。  相似文献   

扬州徽商藏书刻书与文化传承   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清代前期,扬州藏书刻书业空前繁荣,从官方到民间,人们都积极参与,取得了巨大的成就。旅扬徽商在其中更是扮演了重要的角色,他们不仅资助官方雕刻收藏诸如《全唐诗》、《御定历代赋汇》、《御选历代诗余》、《佩文斋书画谱》、《佩文韵府》等鸿篇巨制,而且倾心私家藏书刻书,程晋  相似文献   

一《冥报记》是一部唐代初期宣扬佛教因果报应思想的宣教小说集。《旧唐书》卷八五《唐临传》中云:"…所撰《冥报记》二卷,大行于世。"此书成书不久,便有郎余令的续作《冥报拾遗》出现,顾况的《戴氏广异记》中亦举其篇名,大型类书《法苑珠林》、《太平广记》等均有引载。宋以后随着佛教的衰颓,此书失传,只有其引载篇则偶有转引,且讹谬层生。然而此书正如《游仙窟》等在中国久成佚书的作品一样,长期以来被保存在东邻日本。清末杨守敬于日本访书,得此书的一个抄本,杨氏《日本访书志》卷八云相传是三缘山寺写本。日人  相似文献   

钱存训的《书于竹帛》的经典地位基本得到确立,其经典形成的过程有赖于广泛的文本传播、读者的接受与阐释以及学者自我的苦心孤诣,而其经典化过程可以带给我们一些启示。  相似文献   

Ten myths surrounding evaluation of library collections are debunked and the realities explored, especially those that can subvert the success of strategic planning for the collections. To make collections work pay off for a library and its users, librarians need to gain profound knowledge of their collections and know how they are used. Fundamental to success in these endeavors is evaluating the collections on a regular basis and using the results to build better collections for the future. Establishing what “good” is in objective terms and ways of measuring them is discussed. Using the results to gain friends and influence people toward the library is described. Readers are urged to do all they can to turn this potential into reality.  相似文献   

应用CDWA标准描述数字宋画作品的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖婷 《图书情报工作》2011,55(9):101-146
在艺术类元数据标准CDWA的基础上,根据宋代绘画作品数字化过程中既要保证内容全面性、又要控制编目成本的要求,结合《宋画全集》丛书提供的宋画作品图像及说明文字,提出宋画元数据应用规范。从作品类目、相关文献类目、规范档类目三个方面予以定义,并列举实例,期望达到将所有数字绘画作品系统组织起来,为艺术研究服务的目的。  相似文献   


The Mystery Room is an educational escape room based on information literacy and applied to multiple audiences, including first-year students and library student employees. In this article, we explain how we developed the game, its theoretical underpinnings, and why it’s a flexible workshop for a variety of audiences.  相似文献   

Construction of the Boyd MacNaughton Pacific Resources Room in the Library at Hawaii Loa College was completed in December, 1985. Unlike archives and many special collections facilities, the Pacific Resources Room was designed to serve the needs of undergraduate teaching in the liberal arts. The book collection of approximately 3,500 volumes and a small periodicals collection were gathered over a period of twenty years through library purchases and donations from private collectors of Hawaiiana and Pacificiana.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study that explored the information behavior of environmental planners in Botswana, with a view to determine how it (information behavior) can be supported by an information policy. Ten environmental planners were purposively selected and interviewed to collect the data. The study found that an information policy for environmental planners should focus on the development of information skills, standards for the organization and storage, transfer and distribution of information, and the evaluation of the information to determine its quality. The lack of a relevant environmental information policy was found to be a barrier to its use. Furthermore, the study also found that the environmental planners make use of people that they know to get easy access to information. The information is found in various organizations. With regards to the environmental experts, it is their trustworthiness and willingness to share information that facilitates the use of information. For the local communities, the experience that the people have about the environment forms an essential part of the information input in environmental planning.  相似文献   


A sixteenth-century Spanish wooden ceiling was installed in the Morning Room of Hearst Castle in the early 1920s. Since that time, the adhesion between the ground/paint layer and its wooden support has weakened considerably. As a first step in designing an effective conservation program, it was necessary to assess the role of the environment in this deterioration process. Air movement patterns, humidity and temperature parameters, air pollutants, and the impact of approximately one million visitors per year on the microclimate were studied over a one-year period. Correlations between the various components of the study were mapped, including CO2 concentrations vis-à-vis the number of visitors, and humidity and temperature changes in relation to tourists, air circulation patterns and variations in the external climate. As a result of this study, temporary measures were taken to improve the conditions of the immediate environment and proposals were made for more permanent solutions.  相似文献   

In July, 1988, the Library of Congress established a one-year pilot Machine-Readable Collections Reading Room as part of its overall effort to acquire, organize, provide bibliographic control and make available to researchers machine-readable materials, both current and archival. The reference assistance required in this reading room has been significantly different from that provided in other general reading rooms in the Library of Congress. This article gives an overview of the activities in the pilot reading room and the kinds of reference encounters that have taken place there.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 介绍能力成熟度模型原理,研究和分析成熟度模型在长期保存中的应用,为国内长期保存系统的建设和发展提供参考。[方法/过程] 通过对成熟度模型的概念、原理和应用介绍,详细介绍长期保存领域具有代表性的3个能力成熟度模型,从适用性、可行性和可持续性的角度分析模型的优劣势。[结果/结论] 通过对比分析给出相关模型的评述以及对成熟度模型的实践思考,总结当前数字资源长期保存成熟度模型的发展现状及趋势,提出构建符合我国长期保存发展需求的成熟度模型的必要性和重要意义。  相似文献   

The article is a memoir of the author's career, which she spent primarily at the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign. As Slavic Bibliographer there, she organized the Slavic Reading Room in the Slavic and East European Library and was the first head of the Slavic Reference Service. She reinvigorated the American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (ABSEES). She was a founding member and/or was very active in virtually all of the national and international Slavic librarians' organizations. In addition, she served as president of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). Beyond just Slavic librarianship she established the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs at the University of Illinois and served as its founding director. She was also a member of George Soros's Network Library Program Board, part of his Open Society initiative.  相似文献   

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