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证据推理是根据探究的问题收集事实证据、分析论证、得出结论的心理过程,是科学探究要素中的重要内容,是核心素养中的关键能力。教师要积极地探索培养学生基于证据推理核心素养的实践教学路径,落实学生科学核心素养。在初中科学教学中,培养学生基于“证据推理”核心素养关键能力,旨在通过证据推理过程,转变学生学习方式,发展学生高阶思维,提升科学推理能力,落实学生核心素养。  相似文献   

随着教育改革的不断深入,项目式学习逐步受到关注。我国关于项目式学习的研究在近十年内逐步受到广泛的关注,逐渐成为教育领域的研究热点。但当前项目式学习中主要存在以下问题:项目设计主要依靠教师经验,易走入项目式学习的误区;项目式学习内容与学科知识体系缺少结构性关联;项目评价缺乏教育大数据来表征学生能力发展的效果。将基于证据的学习理念引入项目式学习,基于网络环境的特点,可以从项目式学习的设计、实施与评价三个方面构建网络环境下证据导向的项目式学习。  相似文献   

基于UbD理论的初中化学项目化教学要求教师设计以大概念为基点的项目化学习过程,引导学生在完成项目的过程中体验具身学习和深度思考,培养学生化学学科核心素养,实现“教—学—评”一体化。基于UbD理论的初中化学项目化教学设计模式:在进行初中化学项目化教学设计时,依次确定实践目标、确定评估证据、进行活动设计;初中化学项目化教学模式实施时,师生需合作实施项目活动,并共同进行项目评价与反思。基于UbD理论的初中化学项目化教学的实践路径:遵循学习逻辑,科学设计初中化学项目化教学活动;重视证据获取,明确初中化学项目化教学评估内容;拓展学习宽度,构建初中化学项目化教学的进阶模型。  相似文献   

定期开展数字素养发展监测与评估是提升全民数字素养的基础和前提。当前,学生数字素养评价主要沿用“依据规则给潜在特质赋值”的经典测量观,以标准化测试及自陈式量表为主要测评工具,存在评价内容有限、评价方法片面等问题。计算心理测量理论为破解学生数字素养评价难题提供了新的理论和方法支持。它主张综合运用心理测量学、计算机科学等多学科的研究方法,将评价嵌入真实情境任务中,激发并追踪主体与情境之间的交互,通过多源异构数据采集与分析,实现过程性评价。计算心理测量视域下的学生数字素养测评框架基于自上而下理论驱动和自下而上技术驱动相结合的推理链,在以证据为中心的设计思想指导下,构建复杂的任务情境获取细粒度数据,并利用数据挖掘技术从海量细粒度数据中提取证据,进而实现精准评价。以此框架开展的面向小学高年级学段的数字素养测评实践表明,该测评范式有助于形成从数字素养“能力模型”到“测量模型”的闭环推理链,在经过多轮次迭代优化后,可形成高质量的学生数字素养测评任务、可靠的学生数字素养证据和稳定的学生数字素养测量模型。  相似文献   

“证据推理与模型认知”是化学学科核心素养之一。其中,对原电池模型的认知是培养学生模型认知素养的重要载体,而金属的电化学腐蚀原理同时承载着原电池模型的抽提和应用过程,对培养学生的高阶思维具有重要意义。以“军舰的腐蚀原理”为项目,围绕模型的建构与应用过程展开学习活动。学生自主建立金属腐蚀与原电池模型的关联,建构模型,通过实验验证模型合理性,并主动应用模型解释真实情境下的问题,发展高阶思维能力。  相似文献   

基于“三导向”教学原则,开放性教学设计成为提升学生高阶思维、培养“三会”核心素养的重要途径。本文基于对现阶段思维培养难以落实的原因分析,结合平时的实际数学教学实践,从教学内容巧设、教学方法焕新、教学过程恰构和多元评价紧跟等四方面进行开放性教学设计,有效促进学生初中数学高阶思维的形成,培养学生的数学核心素养。  相似文献   

“证据推理与模型认知”是化学核心素养的重要组成部分,是五大化学学科核心素养的核心思想。本文以“证据推理”的内涵及理论基础为切入点,结合高中生化学学科“证据推理”核心素养的发展现状,深入剖析高中化学培养学生“证据推理”核心素养的有效策略,旨在全面提升高中生化学学科的证据推理能力,为提升高中生化学学科核心素养找寻可行性的发展方向。  相似文献   

“证据推理与模型认知”是化学学科核心素养维度之一,基于主题大概念教学的理念,以“氨和铵盐”为例,通过板块任务驱动式教学设计,以化学前沿知识为教学情境,以最近发展区使学生知识进阶学习,引导学生树立证据意识和能基于证据对物质的结构和性质提出假设,进而通过实验分析推理和证实,建立起证据与推理及结论的逻辑关系模型,实现学生高阶思维的培养。为中学化学主题大概念教学设计和学生高阶思维培养提供参考。  相似文献   

基于核心素养设计教学是推进新一轮课程改革的主要途径,而大单元教学是实现学生核心素养发展的重要方式。通过对基于核心素养的大单元逆向教学的价值探索、原则建立和体系建构,实现学生核心素养发展。结合大单元教学和逆向设计挖掘出促进核心素养的生成、强化知识理解与迁移、落实教学评一致性的三方面价值。为更好把握教学设计路径,建立以目标为导向、评价设计先行、培养高阶思维三大基本原则。依据逆向设计原理阐明设计逻辑,确定学习目标要基于学生核心素养,设计学习评价要关注学生学习过程,创建学习活动要促进学生深度学习,以此满足大单元逆向教学培育核心素养的根本目的。  相似文献   

以知行合一的项目式学习为教学理念,以古法酿酒为切入点,设计了四个项目式学习活动,在项目式学习活动中,设计真实的问题情境、进阶式的问题链、由定性到定量的认知逻辑路径,培养学生基于证据进行推理的综合探究能力、批判质疑精神和精益求精的匠心精神,提高化学教学的时代性,从而发展学生证据推理、科学探究与创新意识、科学态度与社会责任等学科核心素养及关键能力。  相似文献   

Although many educators now recognize the value of problem‐based learning and experiential learning, undergraduate‐level food science courses that reflect these pedagogical approaches are still relatively novel, especially in East and Southeast Asia. Leveraging existing partnerships with farmers in Vietnam, a food science course for students at Nong Lam Univ. was designed and taught. The aim was to give students the opportunity to work in small groups and conduct evidence‐based research with farmers, apply food science principles, and develop Success Skills, including the ability to think critically and communicate clearly. Drawing on the experience of 2 student groups, this exploratory study describes what students learned from the process of conducting research. In one group, students learned to work through and resolve the challenge of initial disagreement and misunderstanding with farmers and ultimately carried out a project that aligned with the students’ research interests and farmers’ needs. Another group of students learned to consider the financial limitations of farmers when attempting to develop solutions for problems and ultimately worked with farmers to address a different problem that was less financially taxing. It is important to note the challenges of planning and teaching a course in which instructors are not able to predict exactly what students will learn or experience. This is largely dependent on each student's prior knowledge, experiences, and interests; yet this study demonstrates the transformative potential of teaching a research‐based food science course that gives students authentic opportunities to identify and address real‐world challenges.  相似文献   

An undergraduate social work program developed a service‐learning experience in partnership with a local United Way organization to complete a community needs assessment project. The experience integrated the curricula of a social work research methods course and a generalist‐macro practice course with the principles and actions of experiential and service‐ learning, evidence based practice, and civic responsibility. This integrated curricula project yielded practical, “real world” outcomes for the local community and learning outcomes for the students. Needs assessments conducted by social students resulted in particular groups of community citizens receiving targeted services from agencies receiving funding from United Way. Evidence obtained from the students who participated in this experience indicates that two important learning outcomes were achieved; a heightened awareness of the local community's resource system and a sense of connection to the local community, along with the enhancement of students ‘self‐esteem and increased self‐confidence in their abilities.  相似文献   

Children managing chronic health conditions face many obstacles which can impede their learning during periods of hospitalisation. In one particular hospital, a team of educators deemed it necessary to take a personalised learning approach in order to maintain students’ educational progress, namely making use of individual learning plans (ILPs). This team adopted an evidence‐informed practice (EIP) approach to the issue in order to persuade administrators of the need for change. The successful implementation of the EIP approach led to the inclusion of the ILP form in patients’ medical records, which is thought to be a first for Australia. Although EIP is regarded highly by practitioners and policy makers, there can be difficulties when implementing this approach. This study aims to identify the enabling features that permit EIP to be successfully implemented and to examine the ways in which EIP can lead to improved practice.  相似文献   

This article reports on a trace-based assessment of approaches to learning used by middle school aged children who interacted with NASA Mars Mission science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) games in Whyville, an online game environment with 8 million registered young learners. The learning objectives of two games included awareness and knowledge of NASA missions, developing knowledge and skills of measurement and scaling, applying measurement for planetary comparisons in the solar system. Trace data from 1361 interactions were analysed with nonparametric multidimensional scaling methods, which permitted visual examination and statistical validation, and provided an example and proof of concept for the multidimensional scaling approach to analysis of time-based behavioural data from a game or simulation. Differences in approach to learning were found illustrating the potential value of the methodology to curriculum and game-based learning designers as well as other creators of online STEM content for pre-college youth. The theoretical framework of the method and analysis makes use of the Epistemic Network Analysis toolkit as a post hoc data exploration platform, and the discussion centres on issues of semantic interpretation of interaction end-states and the application of evidence centred design in post hoc analysis.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Educational game play has been demonstrated to positively affect learning performance and learning persistence.
  • Trace-based assessment from digital learning environments can focus on learning outcomes and processes drawn from user behaviour and contextual data.
  • Existing approaches used in learning analytics do not (fully) meet criteria commonly used in psychometrics or for different forms of validity in assessment, even though some consider learning analytics a form of assessment in the broadest sense.
  • Frameworks of knowledge representation in trace-based research often include concepts from cognitive psychology, education and cognitive science.
What this paper adds
  • To assess skills-in-action, stronger connections of learning analytics with educational measurement can include parametric and nonparametric statistics integrated with theory-driven modelling and semantic network analysis approaches widening the basis for inferences, validity, meaning and understanding from digital traces.
  • An expanded methodological foundation is offered for analysis in which nonparametric multidimensional scaling, multimodal analysis, epistemic network analysis and evidence-centred design are combined.
Implications for practice and policy
  • The new foundations are suggested as a principled, theory-driven, embedded data collection and analysis framework that provides structure for reverse engineering of semantics as well as pre-planning frameworks that support creative freedom in the processes of creation of digital learning environments.

Constructing explanations of complex phenomena is an important part of doing science and it is also an important component of learning science. Students need opportunities to make claims based on available evidence and then use science concepts to justify why evidence supports the claim. But what happens when new evidence emerges for the same phenomenon? The “claim” portion of the claim, evidence, and reasoning explanation framework is viewed as the most accessible to students. When new evidence suggests that students adjust their current thinking however, do students incorporate this new information and modify their claims? This research utilized a time series research design to explore how students modify their claim over four iterations of one explanation, termed an evolving explanation. As new data were collected and analyzed to provide additional evidence, students needed to evaluate their current claim to see if it took into account all available evidence. This research explores that process including the supports that the teacher provided and the challenges that students faced in developing one claim, over time. The findings indicate that many students face challenges adjusting their claims when new, conflicting evidence emerges, even with class discussion, teacher feedback, and written scaffolds. Several possible reasons exist to account for this challenge. Students may (1) ignore new evidence, (2) find “undoing” their initial idea too cognitively demanding, or (3) simply not have any similar experience from which to build. Providing students with experiences of writing evolving explanations reflects what scientists do, while simultaneously preparing students to become more scientifically proficient.  相似文献   

The present study seeks to understand the evidence base of coping‐related content (pins) shared by followers of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) on Pinterest. NASP's Pinterest followers are pinning professionally, but the efficacy of the content being shared is largely unknown. Using a component analysis approach, the present study links pins to common components of evidence‐based coping skills interventions. The results suggest followers of NASP on Pinterest are pinning common coping intervention components. In general, more pins are limited in evidence base, but this varies by component. Certain components are more likely to be evidence‐based, while others are more likely to have limited efficacy. The results of the present study are consistent with previous Pinterest research; however, more information is needed to best understand efficacy and implementation patterns. By looking into pin use, future researchers will determine how followers of NASP on Pinterest choose and implement pins, thus providing a means to leverage Pinterest for dissemination of evidence‐based content.  相似文献   

Although clinical supervision is widely viewed as an educational process, counseling doctoral students may lack relevant background in pedagogy. In response to calls to incorporate learning theories and principles into supervision instruction, 7 evidence‐based science of learning principles as well as examples from 1 doctoral supervision course are described.  相似文献   

This article reports on the collaboration of six states to study how simulation‐based science assessments can become transformative components of multi‐level, balanced state science assessment systems. The project studied the psychometric quality, feasibility, and utility of simulation‐based science assessments designed to serve formative purposes during a unit and to provide summative evidence of end‐of‐unit proficiencies. The frameworks of evidence‐centered assessment design and model‐based learning shaped the specifications for the assessments. The simulations provided the three most common forms of accommodations in state testing programs: audio recording of text, screen magnification, and support for extended time. The SimScientists program at WestEd developed simulation‐based, curriculum‐embedded, and unit benchmark assessments for two middle school topics, Ecosystems and Force & Motion. These were field‐tested in three states. Data included student characteristics, responses to the assessments, cognitive labs, classroom observations, and teacher surveys and interviews. UCLA CRESST conducted an evaluation of the implementation. Feasibility and utility were examined in classroom observations, teacher surveys and interviews, and by the six‐state Design Panel. Technical quality data included AAAS reviews of the items' alignment with standards and quality of the science, cognitive labs, and assessment data. Student data were analyzed using multidimensional Item Response Theory (IRT) methods. IRT analyses demonstrated the high psychometric quality (reliability and validity) of the assessments and their discrimination between content knowledge and inquiry practices. Students performed better on the interactive, simulation‐based assessments than on the static, conventional items in the posttest. Importantly, gaps between performance of the general population and English language learners and students with disabilities were considerably smaller on the simulation‐based assessments than on the posttests. The Design Panel participated in development of two models for integrating science simulations into a balanced state science assessment system. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 363–393, 2012  相似文献   

国外及我国开展研究性学习的综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究性学习是近年来世界教育界研究的热点问题。美国研究性学习主要以基于问题的学习和基于项目的学习为主;法国已经在初中、大学预备班和高中全面开展研究性学习;日本以综合活动课程的形式开展研究性学习;韩国的研究性学习将学生的学习内容分为知识和研究活动两个层次;德国开展课题学习;而我国把研究性学习作为课改的主要内容。  相似文献   

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