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工业机器人robotstudio仿真环境在工程领域的应用是工业规划应用的重要的技能,由此可见机器人的仿真功能在工业上的运用的重要性,主要起到环境仿真功能。在工业的各方面工作操作中实际运用到机器人的模拟环境这种功能有其必要性。我国的工业正处于一种以机器人逐渐代替人工的过度阶段,在工业中显得尤为突出,一方面,工业中流水线上工作任务占大部分比例,如果利用机器人工作会更好的提高效率和工作进程,再者,将机器代替人力也减少了很多失误;另一方面,机器人拥有智能和高程序控制功能,能够更好的实施操作。本文主要探究工业机器人robotstudio模拟仿真环境这一操作功能在工程领域的应用。机器人仿真环境在工程领域占据很重要的位置,也是在未来工程事业中需要大力开发和运用的。  相似文献   

<正>机器人是"制造业皇冠顶端的明珠",其研发、制造、应用是衡量一个国家科技创新和高端制造业水平的重要标志。我国政府提出《中国制造2025》规划纲要,并将机器人作为智能制造的核心部分。中国作为全球最大的机器人市场,需求旺盛。政策支持和"机器换人"产业发展趋势共同推动着中国机器人产业快速发展。目前,工业机器人已经广泛应用于汽车及零  相似文献   

早在2000年,任福继就敏锐地意识到随着工业机器人在医疗、生物制造等多领域的广泛应用,未来工业机器人势必会由工业制造向智能服务迈进,而服务机器人也并非只是机械地帮助人们洗衣、擦地,而是能与人类进行"情感"交流,甚至是无障碍"对话"。  相似文献   

正随着机器人相关技术的发展和机器人应用场景的不断拓展,时至今日,机器人已广泛应用于生产和生活领域,在人类社会各个领域扮演着越来越重要的角色。值得注意的是,虽然中国在机器人领域起步较晚,但目前中国已成为全球第三个具备工业机器人完整产业链的国家。为了在机器人2.0时代为中国机器人赢得追赶甚至超越的机会,汕头大学工学院电子信息工程系主任范衠埋首人工智能、群体智能、计算智能、设计自动化、机器学习、机器视觉等机器人相关的多领域研究,积极开展技术创新与产学研合作,为推动中国机器人从"制造"到"智造"不断贡献自己的力量。  相似文献   

章文 《今日科苑》2012,(8):42-43
纳米机器人是根据分子水平的生物学原理为设计原型,设计制造可对纳米空间进行操作的"功能分子器件",也称分子机器人;而纳米机器人的研发已成为当今科技的前沿热点。目前,不少国家纷纷制定相关战略或者计划,投入巨资抢占纳米机器人这种新科技的战略高地。《机器人时代》月刊日前指出:纳米机器人潜在用途十分广泛,其中特别重要的就是应用于医疗和军事领域。  相似文献   

本文以高职工业机器人专业课《工业机器人编程与操作》为例,在企业人才需求、课程特点以及教学现状分析的基础上,对传统的机器人专业课程教学模式进行革新研究,将"理虚实一体化"教学方式应用于《工业机器人编程与操作》课程,建立以ABB工业机器人的实际应用为主线的课程教学体系,突出了实践能力与创新能力的培养思路,为培养工业机器人技能应用型人才提供教学参考。  相似文献   

<正>第19届中国国际工业博览会11月7日在上海开幕。在机器人展区,国内外知名机器人企业纷纷展出前沿技术、创新产品、全面综合的解决方案,共同演绎"让世界了解中国智造"的主题。在业内人士表示看来,在竞争日趋激烈的工业机器人领域,国产机器人有望强势崛起。随着人工成本的升高和对产品品质追求的提高,中国作为制造大国,未来将成为工业机器人的主战场。根据国家统计局的最新数据,9月工业机器人产量为13085台/套,同比增长  相似文献   

<正>全球工业已进入智能制造时代,"机器人"有望成为"第三次工业革命"的一个切入点和重要增长点,将影响全球制造业格局。中国工业机器人销售正以平均25%以上的速度增长,市场前景十分广阔,未来10年将是中国机器人产业发展和中国制造模式变革的10年。目前,中国高端制造业仍处于全球较低水平,要想在国际高端制造业占有一席之地,需要克服核心技术攻关、搭建公共研发平台和培养领域内创新人才等三个方面的困难。  相似文献   

<正>中科大自主研发机器人柔性手爪国际获奖近日,在第21届Robo Cup机器人世界杯及学术大会上,中国科学技术大学自主研发的一款机器人柔性手爪获得"最佳操作奖"。传统机器人是刚性机器人,刚性手爪存在原理性局限,只能操作少数刚性规则形状物体,而且成本高、控制难度大、环境要求苛刻,远远不能满足智能制造、物流、家政服务、农业作业、救援、安防和国防等市场空间巨大的新产业需求,已成为当前机器人产业发展  相似文献   

本文以广东工贸职业技术学院(简称:工贸学院)工业机器人专业建设小组,对广州市34家机器人制造企业的进行了走访调查,并重点对已经投入机器人应用的20家企业进行了详细调研。通过本次调研,基本了解了广州市工业机器人专业人才需求情况,同时明确了工贸学院开设工业机器人专业的培养目标定位;最后,依据应用型人才和岗位实践特征,提出了"校企结合,课岗对接"的人才培养模式,从而对工贸学院更好的开展工业机器人专业教学提供了客观的参考依据。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104607
This paper examines how automation and digitalisation influence the way everyday scientific work practices are organised and conducted. Drawing on a practice-based study of the field of synthetic biology, the paper uses ethnographic, interview and survey data to offer a sociomaterial and relational perspective of technological change. As automation and digitalisation are deployed in research settings, our results show the emergence and persistence of what we call ‘mundane knowledge work’, including practices of checking, sharing and standardising data; and preparing, repairing and supervising laboratory robots. While these are subsidiary practices that are often invisible in comparison to scientific outputs used to measure performance, we find that mundane knowledge work constitutes a fundamental part of automated and digitalised biosciences, shaping scientists' working time and responsibilities. Contrary to expectations of the removal of such work by automation and digitalisation, we show that mundane work around data and robots persists through ‘amplification’ and ‘diversification’ processes. We argue that the persistence of mundane knowledge work suggests a digitalisation paradox in the context of everyday labour: while robotics and advanced data analytics aim at simplifying work processes, they also contribute to increasing their complexity in terms of number and diversity of tasks in creative, knowledge-intensive professions.  相似文献   

After 50 years, the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics capture the imagination of the general public while, at the same time, engendering a great deal of fear and skepticism. Isaac Asimov recognized this deep-seated misconception of technology and created the Three Laws of Robotics. The first part of this paper examines the underlying fear of intelligent robots, revisits Asimov’s response, and reports on some current opinions on the use of the Three Laws by practitioners. Finally, an argument against robotic rebellion is made along with a call for personal responsibility and suggestions for implementing safety constraints in intelligent robots.  相似文献   

文章分析了当前机器人研究遇到的瓶颈,机器人与神经科学交叉作为一种可能的解决方案,为机器人理论与应用的研究带来新的发展思路,可以作为现有方法和理论框架的一种补充。文章对"类脑"智能机器人的潜在优势和发展现状进行了分析,并通过中科院自动化所机器人团队的工作对"类脑"智能机器人研究初步进展进行了简要介绍。文章提出,从功能和性能出发的机器人和与神经科学交叉的机器人可以平衡发展,相互补充。  相似文献   

医疗康复机器人研究进展及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着人们对医疗健康手段和过程提出的精准、微创、高效及低成本等方面的更高需求,医疗康复机器人技术也获得了各国的极大关注,并得到了日新月异的发展。目前医疗康复机器人主要用于外科手术、功能康复及辅助护理等方面,但随着重要技术的突破和进展,未来机器人技术有可能会应用到医疗健康的各个领域。医疗康复领域越来越倾向于人与机器自然、精准的交互,近年来,以人的智能和机器智能结合及人机交互为代表的技术突破使得人与机器之间的结合越来越紧密,借助人机交互技术和方法,将人的智能和机器智能结合起来,使二者优势互补、协同工作,并将在医疗康复方面孕育出重大的理论创新和技术方法突破。社会需求、技术革新和人机智能融合极大的促进了医疗康复机器人的发展。医疗康复机器人涉及人类生命健康的特殊领域,存在潜在的经济市场,已被多个国家列为战略性新兴产业,我国也需进一步大力开展医疗康复机器人的研发,推动该战略新兴产业的发展,以应对我国国民对健康服务的需求(医疗、康复及老龄化)。  相似文献   

Industrial and domestic robotics provide fascinating and relevant perspective insights into current and possible trajectories for the development of contemporary societies. While industrial robotics has found its place since the 1960s, domestic robotics wherein humans interact with social robots is still an unsettled area. After reviewing data on the diffusion of social robots and on their use, the historical tradition from which social robots come is discussed. This discussion is followed by an analysis of the penetration of social robots in everyday life and the importance of interdisciplinary research is highlighted.  相似文献   

Among ethicists and engineers within robotics there is an ongoing discussion as to whether ethical robots are possible or even desirable. We answer both of these questions in the positive, based on an extensive literature study of existing arguments. Our contribution consists in bringing together and reinterpreting pieces of information from a variety of sources. One of the conclusions drawn is that artifactual morality must come in degrees and depend on the level of agency, autonomy and intelligence of the machine. Moral concerns for agents such as intelligent search machines are relatively simple, while highly intelligent and autonomous artifacts with significant impact and complex modes of agency must be equipped with more advanced ethical capabilities. Systems like cognitive robots are being developed that are expected to become part of our everyday lives in future decades. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that their behaviour is adequate. In an analogy with artificial intelligence, which is the ability of a machine to perform activities that would require intelligence in humans, artificial morality is considered to be the ability of a machine to perform activities that would require morality in humans. The capacity for artificial (artifactual) morality, such as artifactual agency, artifactual responsibility, artificial intentions, artificial (synthetic) emotions, etc., come in varying degrees and depend on the type of agent. As an illustration, we address the assurance of safety in modern High Reliability Organizations through responsibility distribution. In the same way that the concept of agency is generalized in the case of artificial agents, the concept of moral agency, including responsibility, is generalized too. We propose to look at artificial moral agents as having functional responsibilities within a network of distributed responsibilities in a socio-technological system. This does not take away the responsibilities of the other stakeholders in the system, but facilitates an understanding and regulation of such networks. It should be pointed out that the process of development must assume an evolutionary form with a number of iterations because the emergent properties of artifacts must be tested in real world situations with agents of increasing intelligence and moral competence. We see this paper as a contribution to the macro-level Requirement Engineering through discussion and analysis of general requirements for design of ethical robots.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a usability and user experience evaluations conducted in the last 2 years of a 4-year assistive robotics research project using the Kompai robot. It focuses on the evaluations that were conducted with older adults in an assisted living studio in the United Kingdom (which was arranged as an open plan studio apartment), a UK residential care home, and an older couple's own home in the Netherlands over 2 days. It examines emergent adaptive human behaviour in human-robot interaction (HRI) to consider whether we are approaching the embodiment and functionality of service robots correctly. It discusses possible improvements that could be made at the systems level that better exploit people's natural ability to adapt and find workarounds to technologies and their limitations.  相似文献   

Droplet microfluidics enables powerful analytic capabilities but often requires workflows involving macro- and microfluidic processing steps that are cumbersome to perform manually. Here, we demonstrate the automation of droplet microfluidics with commercial fluid-handling robotics. The workflows incorporate common microfluidic devices including droplet generators, mergers, and sorters and utilize the robot''s native capabilities for thermal control, incubation, and plate scanning. The ability to automate microfluidic devices using commercial fluid handling will speed up the integration of these methods into biological workflows.  相似文献   

张幸  华薇娜 《现代情报》2015,35(3):129-135,146
利用Web of Science数据库,对国际极地机器人相关文献进行收集,并将收集到的文献按照各年文献量、文献类型、研究机构、研究地域分布等方面进行文献计量分析,同时介绍一些被引次数较高的高影响力文献。通过分析得到结论:极地机器人研究已经得到科学家学者的关注;美国研究机构是国际极地机器人研究的主要机构;南极是机器人应用与进行科学探测活动的重要领域。  相似文献   

工业机器人运用技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
工业机器人运用技术是指在现有工业机器人的基础上所研发的应用技术,其主要目的是增强工业机器人的感知适应能力、降低用户使用难度、缩短示教与编程时间、提高工业机器人的运动精度以及拓宽其应用范围。然而,工业机器人运用技术一直以来没有得到足够的重视,造成工业机器人的设计制造与应用需求脱节,不仅限制了工业机器人的应用和普及,也制约了工业机器人产业自身的大规模发展。文章针对现有工业机器人在制造自动化应用中所存在的问题,系统地归纳和分析了工业机器人运用技术的重点研发方向,主要包括:提高易用性的直觉示教与快捷编程、提高绝对定位精度的运动标定与误差补偿以及拓宽应用范围的力-运动混合控制等关键共性技术。部署和实施相关技术的研发对于提高我国工业机器人的运用水平、加快制造业向智能化升级的步伐具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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