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银雀山汉简《守法守令等十三篇》词语杂札   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对银雀山一号汉墓出土的简文《守法守令等十三篇》中的词语进行整理、搜集,同时,参照《汉语大字典》、《汉语大词典》,从提前始见书和增补词语义项等方面,补其不足。  相似文献   

要清晰了解《孔子诗论》在楚地的传播和发展状况,必须清楚《诗经》和儒家学说在楚国的传播和发展历史,唯有两者同时在楚地得到传播和发展后,带有儒家思想倾向的《孔子诗论》才有在楚地得到接受并被传播的可能.文章认为,若《孔子诗论》成书于春秋时代,当为七十予后学所作,并经由任不齐或澹台灭明传入楚地,则其成书当为乳子卒后即前479年以后,传入楚地应为前465年之后;若成书于前376年以后,传入楚地应为荀子任兰陵令的前257年—前238年之间或之后.但《上博简》为战国晚期贵族墓陪葬,战国于前221年结束,故《孔子诗论》入楚当限定在前257年—前221年的范围内.综合《上博简》的整体情况来说,后一种推断更具有说服力.  相似文献   

本通过分析当前学术界对郭店楚简儒家篇章的归属论争,提出学术界对《礼记》与《子思子》的篇章进行分隔式的划分,造成了归属问题上不必要的争执。郭店楚简中属于儒家的篇章一部分是子思及其学派的作品,可归入《子思子》;另一部分属于《子思子》释义背景的思想资源,不能归入《子思子》,但系解释子思思想来源的重要篇章。目前可以明确归入《子思子》的作品有《缁衣》、《五行》、《中庸》和《鲁穆公问子思》。  相似文献   

王丛慧 《学语文》2015,(3):56-58
出土文献中《老子》出土的版本最多,主要有马王堆汉墓甲乙本《老子》,郭店简《老子》和北大汉简《老子》共四种,本文利用出土的这四种版本的《老子》和通行本的《老子》相互对校,发现通行本《老子》的三则错误:通行本第一章的"无名天地之始",应依简帛本作"无名,万物之始";通行本第五章的"多言数穷,不若守于中",应依简帛本作"多闻言数穷,不若守于中";通行本第八十章的"使民重死而不远徙",应依简帛本作"使民重死而远徙"。  相似文献   

昔日与我共事的一位老职下,据说他在少年时只读过几年私塾,当时已是接近花甲之年,居然还能背诵《岳阳楼记》全文。每天早晨起来,面对晨曦,吸口清新空气,便情不自禁的背诵起来。前辈人习惯于唱诵:“庆历四年春——藤子京谪守巴陵郡——越明年——政通人和——百废俱新——”那自得的神情,那愉悦的感情,那抑扬顿挫的声调,简直令校园陶醉!  相似文献   

在先秦诸子中,《鹖冠子》一书的命运可谓最为乖舛。自从被柳宗元斥为伪作以后,这部书就很少受到关注,直到马王堆帛书《黄帝四经》的发现,《鹖冠子》才得到公正的评价。但是,这部书在先秦诸子中的归属仍颇有争议。从目录著作和《老子》、《黄帝四经》、《鹖冠子》中“道”的一脉相承的联系两方面,可以看出其属于道家。  相似文献   

《聊斋志异》中《凤阳士人》一篇与唐代白行简《三梦记》、薛渔思《独孤遐叔》以及李玫《张生》有着不可否认的渊源。与《三梦记》、《独孤遐叔》、《张生》的比较中,可以清楚地看到《凤阳士人》在人物塑造和内涵揭示中都有自己突出的特征,而这正体现了蒲松龄《聊斋志异》的创作风格和文化内涵。  相似文献   

辛慧 《现代语文》2009,(11):7-8
上博简《孔子诗论》与《韩诗外传》中都有关于情志、性情的论说,本文将《孔子诗论》中有关性情论的部分与《韩诗外传》中对《诗》的讨论加以对照,发现其在学术、思想上有相关之处。二者都将"情"置于重要的位置,抒发诗情、人情,大力宣扬情的合理性,重视情的地位、价值。  相似文献   

武元衡是唐代后期著名的政治家和诗人,唐宪宗元和(806—820)年间两次出任宰相,在第二次宰相任上为藩镇王承宗、李师道所遣的刺客刺杀。关于武元衡遇刺的时间,《旧唐书》记载有抵牾。以武元衡遇刺的历史背景、遇刺经过及史料记载为考察对象,考证出其遇刺时间为元和十年六月初三,即西历815年7月13日,从而纠正了《旧唐书》所载之误。  相似文献   

《简·爱》与《白衣女人》分别是英国作家夏洛蒂.勃朗特与威尔基.柯林斯的作品。这两部小说各塑造了两位女性形象,《简·爱》里的简爱与疯女人伯莎以及《白衣女人》中的劳娜与安妮,也正由于这几个女性人物形象的刻画使小说在一些叙事规律上具有某些相似性,比如两部小说在情节发展、意象等方面呈现出了一定的相似性。经过一系列的分析,得出两部小说中的两位女性人物其实是同一个人这一结论。  相似文献   

《治安管理处罚法》第98条明确赋予行政相对人对“二千元以上罚款和吊销许可证“的处罚以听证的权利,而排除了治安拘留的听证程序,笔者以为《治安管理处罚法》的这条规定颇为不妥.本文通过对治安拘留可以纳入听证程序的原因进行了多角度分析,提出一些针对治安拘留听证的建议,以期对治安管理工作有所裨益.  相似文献   

《物权法》是一部重要的对财产的归属和利用关系进行调整的法律规范,物权法因而是市场经济中界定、确认和保护产权的基础性法律,其核心在产权,根本任务在于界定产权、确认产权和保护产权。物权法的颁布是我国产权朴度发展的又一具有里程碑意义的大事,为建立“归属清晰、权责明确、保护严格、流转顺畅”的现代产权制度迈出了重要一步。  相似文献   

Most scholarly fields, at least in the humanities, have been asking the same questions about the politics of encounter for hundreds of years: Should we try to find a way to encounter an other without appropriating it, without imposing ourselves on it? Is encountering‐without‐appropriating even possible? These questions are profuse and taken up with intense interest in scholarship about the personal essay, specifically, which has often been credited as a philosophical form.

Within debates about the ethics of the personal essay, the most significant concern is about the traditionally accepted relationship of the writer‐represented‐on‐the‐page. For example, the notable rhetoric and composition scholar, David Bartholomae, argues that students of what he calls ‘“creative nonfiction” or “literary nonfiction”’ (1995, p. 68) write ‘... as though they [are] not the products of their time, politics and culture, as though they could be free, elegant, smart, independent, the owners of all that they saw’ (p. 70).

In other words, the personal essay, as a subgenre of creative or literary nonfiction, allows for the perpetuation of the fallacy that a writer can be ‘free’ of social influences, ‘independent’ of a society and of its politics, and ‘owners’ of their own perspectives and experiences—of those the writer expresses on the page, specifically. Consequently, if the writer is not conscious and critical of the social influences acting on him/her, if s/he believes the text to be the singular and uninfluenced production of his/her own self, then the topic taken up in the essay is tyrannized by the self‐centered (and dangerously un‐critically‐conscious) perspective of the writer.

However, the personal essay also has its strengths as a philosophical form: in its privileging of skepticism; in its attention to complexity and complication; and even in its existence‐as‐evidence of some quality of its writer. Too, very often essays pay homage to works of other essayists, as in the case of Gass's ‘Emerson and the Essay’, instead of mowing down other works in order to establish its own reign. Despite these ethically responsible characteristics, though, I show, using Gass's essay about Emerson's work, that the personal essay continues to be devalued because of its reliance on and celebration of its transparent relationship to its author.

In general, essayists don't complain in their work about the belief in this transparent relationship; they advocate it. Thus, my purpose is not to suggest that there is no relationship between the essayist and the essay. Rather, I will, in the latter half of the article, turn to the work of philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, which describes and enacts an approach to an other (writer/text) that does not hinge on the assumption that writer and text are in a transparent relationship to each other. I hope that in presenting this possibility for re‐thinking the essay (and its relationship to its writer), writers, scholars, and teachers of the essay—and even its opposition—will give it new attention and explore further the possibilities that it may provide for engagement, for encounter.  相似文献   

“可持续发展” ,是 2 0世纪末叶国际社会在经济和环境全球化时空坐标下所确立的国际环境法一项基本原则。它包括代际公平、代内公平、可持续利用、环境和经济一体化四个基本理论要素。实现 2 1世纪中国的可持续发展 ,必须解决人口问题、建立可持续发展的国民经济体系、加强国家对资源利用的宏观调控和建立与经济发展相适应的环境保护体系。  相似文献   

科学立法、严格执法、公正执法是建设依法治国的保障。全民守法,坚持依法治国、依法执政、依法行政共同推进,坚持法治国家、法治政府、法治社会一体建设的内在要求。本文探讨了依法治国思想的基本涵义、总目标和战略的认识。  相似文献   

上博简《诗论》第21-22号简有孔子曰“‘[文]王在上,於卲于天’,吾美之”一句。沿着这条线索,考察《诗.大雅.文王》等古代典籍,可知,以“帝”为中心的“天国”建构是周人的创造。文王之所以受命称王,是因为在周人看来,他能够由人间而上达天庭,并在天上侍奉上帝,因此得天眷顾。孔子相信天的伟大与神威,相信文王有上天下地的神力。他对《文王》之诗的赞美,对文王的崇敬,实在是出于对天命、帝命的信仰和崇拜。长期以来,学术界流行这样的观点,以为孔子不太关心天命问题,现在看来,这种观点是不对的。  相似文献   

"导、学、议、访、研"新型校长培训模式的构建   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文在分析当前中小学校长培训目标和特点的基础上,结合自身实践,对“导、学、议、访、研”培训模式的含义,构建依据,实施过程和应遵循的原则进行了讨论。实践证明,这一模式能够有效的提高中小学校长培训的实效性。  相似文献   

在吕祖谦《古文关键》之后,南宋后期陆续出现了多种性质相近的古文选评本,其中,楼的《崇古文诀》、真德秀的《文章正宗》与谢枋得的《文章轨范》最具代表性。本文以为,《古文关键》和《崇古文诀》、《文章正宗》、《文章轨范》可谓中国散文评点的"一祖三宗"。三宗继一祖而起,各有继承和发展。《崇古文诀》以文法为中心,是文章家的评点;《文章正宗》以义理为中心,是理学家的评点;《文章轨范》则文法与义理并重,是传统文士的评点,它们三足鼎立,代表了古文评点的基本结构和发展方向。  相似文献   

唐代诗人李嘉祐是大历诗人之一,唐人高仲武的《中兴间气集》给予他很高的评价并选录了其八首诗歌,王夫之也称其为"中唐第一佳手"。可见,李嘉祐的诗作是很受推崇的。然而,这位诗人并不为大多数人所重视,当前学界对其诗歌的研究也不是很多,因此,李嘉祐的诗歌有待进一步的深入研究。高仲武认为李嘉祐诗歌"涉于齐梁,绮靡婉丽",但高仲武的评价,有以偏概全之嫌。其次,高仲武认为李嘉祐"盖吴均、何逊之敌也",因为吴、何二人是齐梁山水诗的杰出代表,对此,将李嘉祐诗歌与吴、何二人诗歌进行对比研究,来探究齐梁诗人在诗歌创作上对大历诗人的影响,以及李嘉祐诗歌之新变。  相似文献   

This article employs an autoethnographic, rhizotextual approach to analyse the compositional processes involved in the construction of two poems by the same author. What the analysis reveals is not only the internal thinking of the author in the process of composition but how the socio‐cultural standpoint of the author is implicated in the texts. It is posited that, in addition to the author's own lived experience informing composition, rhizotextual analysis enables us to extend beyond the self to interrogate the ‘secondary worlds’ of others and to form an empathic relationship to the ‘Other’. The findings of this article have implications for teachers’ knowledge of the socio‐cultural contexts of written composition. An authoethnographic, rhizotextual approach allows personal insights into the self, both as a writer and a person. This approach has implications for classroom practice, particularly for writing around issues of identity located in social class, gender, ‘race’, disability and sexual orientation, as well as the growing body of work on the teacher as a writer.  相似文献   

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