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我们在《呐喊》《彷徨》中,不但可以看到吃人的“大哥”,出卖亲侄儿的夏三爷,把阿Q剥夺到只剩一条裤子的赵太爷,用理学软刀子杀人的鲁四老爷,不要脸的四铭,装腔作势的七大人等等;也可以看到将被人吃的狂人,象畜牲一样死去的孔乙己,被人砍了头又吃了血的夏瑜,亡夫丧子生活绝望的单四嫂子,困苦麻木的闰土,求生不得而得死的阿Q,终生落魄的陈士成,在尘芥堆和地狱之间挣扎的祥林嫂,封建势  相似文献   

对一个人的称谓往往多少能反映这个人的身份。中国旧时的女子或随父姓被称为小姐、姑娘,或随夫姓被称为某夫人、某(夫姓)某(父姓)氏、某某(夫名)媳妇、某某(夫名)嫂子等。西方的传统则是从一位女子的父亲挽着她走进教堂、把她交给另一个男人的时刻起她就得改父姓从夫姓。这看似天经地义的习俗其实正揭示了女性在社会中扮演的传统角色——女儿、妻子和母亲的角色。从鲁迅发表于1924年的《祝福》和赛珍珠发表于1934年的《母亲》这两部作品可以看出,这两位在文学创作上很难相提并论的作家对于旧中国农村妇女的传统角色颇有共识。无论是鲁迅笔下的祥林嫂还是赛珍珠笔下的“母亲”,她们都没有自己的姓名。她们只是妻子、母亲。她们的存在价值只是作为妻子和母亲的价值;她们的不幸正衍生于作妻子和母亲的权利和能力的丧失。  相似文献   

<正>花妮子老妈正在厨房忙着做饭,一边要看着汤一边又要管着锅里的菜, 两只眼睛只得分开来一只看一边。王小瞧猴子一样钻进来,大喊一声:“花妮子老妈——”花妮子老妈给吓了一跳,手中拿着的一把青菜散落了几根,她赶紧捡  相似文献   

小时候,我是家人公认的好孩子,可随着岁月的增长,我却学会了“叛逆”。这还要从“洗脚风波”说起。下了晚自习,一出学校大门,就见爸爸妈妈一边一个,夹门迎接。老爸亲昵地摸我头,老妈慈爱地牵我手。回到家我刚坐到沙发上,老妈迅捷地端来洗脚水,老爸适时地递过擦脚布。然后,两人护卫似的站在两边,满含笑意地看着我。老妈人站住了,嘴巴却没闲着:“儿子,赶快烫脚,上床做个好梦。臭袜子由老妈来洗。”我歪头看看老爸——慈爱温和;再歪头看看老妈——笑靥如花。哎!可怜天下父母心,老爸老妈平时工作都忙,这不,皱纹不约而同地爬上两人的眼角。可他们…  相似文献   

一说到“花”,大家都会想到种子植物的重要部分,或想到那万紫千红的春天,而在语言中,“花”除了表示种子植物的器官意义、名称外,还有丰富的修辞表达色彩。1郾比喻义:如“文艺之花盛开”———比喻事业的精华。2郾借代义:用具体代抽象,如“眼花、昏花”———“花”是具体形象的事物,容易被人认识,用它代替“模糊迷乱”这有视觉形象结果,容易让别人理解。3郾比拟义:把人当作花来写,如“姊穴zǐ雪妹花、寻花问柳”——专把女子拟作花来表达。4郾摹穴mó雪形义:根据事物显现出来的形态用“花”来摹拟表达,如“雪花儿、浪花…  相似文献   

我老妈也不知跟谁学的,最喜欢用三十六计中的“无中生有”.那天老妈回家发现冰箱里的一瓶可乐“神秘失踪”,马上就断定一定是我喝的,于是把正沉迷在书海中的我从房间里揪出来。还没等我提出抗议,老妈就用法官审问犯人的口气问道:“可口可乐是不是你喝的?实话实说!”  相似文献   

提起我亲爱的老妈,我只能无可奈何地说“臭美”两个字,为何要送老妈这两个字呢?还是听我细细告诉你老妈的几个光荣历史片段吧。美丽分镜头——洗唰唰A小调老妈的“面部清洁工作”程序非常复杂:首先,用洗面奶将脸上的灰尘洗去,再用热毛巾反反复复地敷脸;然后用毛巾把脸轻轻擦干;再然后,“啪啪啪”涂上柔肤水;最后再一点一点地将保湿霜涂抹均匀。嘿,你还真别说,此时的老妈一扭头一转脸,风情无限,每个角度都散发着耀眼的光芒,真可谓“光”彩照人呀。接下来的“锦上添花行动”中,老妈先是麻利地往脸上涂了一层厚厚的粉,接下来,又是描眉又是画眼…  相似文献   

小妹很小,这是说她的个头,比我矮上一个头。用她的话说就是“小巧玲珑”。我于是调侃地唤她“小矮妹”。小妹很贪玩,为此,时常受到老爸老妈的训诫。可她对此却置之不理,依然我行我素,还美其名曰:劳逸结合。小妹很好学。每学期总能捧回几张奖状让老爸老妈欣赏一番,还不时地朝我嘟嘟嘴,气得我直想跑过去把她的奖状撕个粉碎。无奈,有老爸老妈为她“护驾”,我怎敢“轻举妄动”。  相似文献   

镜头一湖南长沙市育我拿着我的战果神气十足地向妈妈报告:“本人仅用20分钟完成了一篇佳作。”老妈抬起头,戴上眼镜,拿上放大镜,仔细盯着一个字盯了半天。原来开头这个字是“有”。我的脸成了苦瓜。老爸抢过,把眼睛凑到纸上“嗯!不错!”  相似文献   

四丧事与宗教(1)阴阳直/阴阳宣(先)念经毕,揭起千秋幡。[说明]武当道教正一派在民间的支系.属半职业性质,专为民间念经.看阴阳宅,看黄道日。阴阳宣在今日偏僻农村仍有市场。(2)长命钉/装人棺材内.两下用长命钉钉了。[说明]钉棺材盖的大铁钉.是铁匠特意打造的,也叫棺材钉。(3)丢了/哪消3岁.出症疹丢了。[说明]伍家沟人今日仍称小孩死了叫“丢了”。称老人去世叫“老了”。(4)停。把官哥儿抬出停在西厢房内。[说明]人死后,把尸体放在那里叫“停”。伍家沟人停尸是有讲究的。停尸时间不能太长,尸上要放烨铁,以防“惊…  相似文献   

巴金在 17年散文创作中 ,歌颂人民的胜利和欢乐 ,礼赞志愿军战士的革命英雄主义精神 ,反对侵略战争呼唤世界和平 ,忆写友朋往事寄托深切哀思 ,以真挚充沛的激情、自然平实的结构、流畅素朴的语言 ,构成了其散文真率激越的风格。巴金用“这枝写惯黑暗和痛苦的笔改写新人新事” ,小说家巴金的隐退、散文家巴金的出现 ,对于中国文学是一种遗憾  相似文献   

再现鲁迅笔下祥林嫂、单四嫂子、爱姑、子君四位旧中国女性的悲剧命运,以此为基础,对造成她们悲剧命运的根源进行解读和分析,从而揭露封建礼教制度对旧中国女性的残酷迫害;进而揭示鲁迅对旧中国女性问题进行深刻思考的意义。  相似文献   

劳马的小说以哲学的、超越的、喜剧式眼光远距离审视世界,在叙事中寄托着徘徊于离乡-回乡路上的生命之思和家园之恋,其风格特征表现为集幽默、讽刺与机智为一体。其小说以政治、经济的变革为背景叙写时代精神和人的生存状态,展示了广阔的历史图景和独特的生命之思。  相似文献   

根据SO42-与Ba2+反应生成BaSO4沉淀,用原子吸收法测定溶液中剩余的Ba2+,进而间接求出水中的SO42-含量.在5ml水样中加入1.75mlBa2+(1mg/ml),经一定时间的陈化后,用原子吸收法测定水样中的Ba2+,利用先作好的标准曲线,得到水样中的SO42-的量.用于不同类型的水样分析,对于河水中的硫酸根的测定标准偏差为0.0012,相对标准偏差为2.87%.  相似文献   

Learning can be seen as a consequence of problem solving in particular cases. It occurs when one achieves a solution which is able to be used later. Anchoring with variation is a common and important process, providing a framework through which one can discuss coping with something imperfectly understood in terms of what is already well known. Our purpose in the following discussion is to explore some possible implications of this process for reading education as a worked example of how educational technology presents us with an opportunity for reconceptualizing instruction.English has the phonological potential for more than 60 thousand monosyllables. Our analysis asks how many monosyllabic words exist in fact and what organization can be imposed on them to make the phonological code more accessible. We've chosen to represent these monosyllables as an initial phonemic cluster plus residue. The most common 550 residues cover 73 percent of the existing 7000 monosyllables. If children can learn 550 different correspondences between sounds and spelling patterns, their knowledge of these words, coupled with the ability to modify interpretations of letter strings by anchoring with variation, will cover a major portion of the phonetic-orthographic correspondences of the English language. We believe this extensive, concrete foundation of word and sound knowledge will permit children to read well enough that instruction will become primarily a refining and perfection of such knowledge.The primary design conclusion is that, if we create computer-based microworlds using words with the most common residues as the names for their entities and their actions, we will be providing a set of systematically generated monosyllabic anchors which promises to be highly effective for children's interpretation of many words they will encounter in reading English. The potential revolutionary impact of such a prereading curriculum is worth exploring.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the linguistic basis for the distinction between two kinds of word: open-system words and closed-system words. Specifically, it looks at a class of traditionally open-system words — lexical items like nouns, verbs and adjectives — and suggests that they can function as exponents of a clause relation, and as such can have a predictive effect on the organisation of written discourse. This class of words is contrasted with two other, established, means of text organisation, the subordinators and the sentence connectors. Four criteria are presented to support the delimitation of this class. Finally, the implications of this class of words are considered for a linguistic theory of reference.  相似文献   

汉语"马"词群是汉语词汇系统中非常丰富的一个词群,对其进行造词理据的分析可以更深入地剖析"马"词群的造词法。在这些造词理据中,单纯词使用的是同源性造词理据和模拟性造词理据;合成词表现出来的是直接性理据、相似性理据和相关性理据;熟语中,成语的造词理据是典故性,惯用语的造词理据是相似性,歇后语的造词理据是相似性,谚语的造词理据是相似性和相关性。  相似文献   

《汉书·艺文志》"八体六技"刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《汉书·艺文志》小学类"《史籀》十五篇"后,"《苍颉》一篇"前,"八体六技"四字疑为衍文,非班固《汉志》之原有,而是后世传本所增衍。小序"又以六体试之"本没有错。  相似文献   

Leong CK  Loh KY  Ki WW  Tse SK 《Annals of dyslexia》2011,61(1):136-160
We investigated the effects of enhancing orthographic knowledge on the spelling of Chinese characters and words in 131 eight-year-old Chinese children at risk for dyslexia. The traditional approach (37 children) emphasizing memory and repeated writing was the control condition. The analytic and synthetic approach (ASA, 33 children) stressed insight into character structure. The integrated analytic and synthetic approach added to ASA self-correction and metacognitive activities (INA, 61 children). The children were first asked to write down as many words as possible associated with pictures of home, school, and community; the correctly written words formed the baseline information. The children were then instructed by their classroom teachers in six especially designed short texts and assessed in eight measurable bujian or radical tasks subserving three constructs: morpheme completion, bujian analysis and synthesis and bujian compounding. Multivariate analyses of variance showed that the children in the INA condition outperformed those in the other conditions in three of the measurable bujian tasks. A confirmatory factor analysis verified the stability of the eight tasks and their clustering into three constructs. From these results, we tentatively propose a “bujian sensitivity hypothesis” as a means of helping young Chinese children at risk for spelling disorders.  相似文献   

朱圣钟 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(1):73-76,88
关于秦代巴郡设置时间目前学术界还存在争议,笔者通过对相关观点进行分析后,认为巴郡政区形成是一个历史过程,秦巴郡政区最早出现在公元前314年,后伴随着秦对楚巴地的蚕食,到公元前277年秦巴郡政区才最终形成。单纯地认定巴郡设置于某一时间的观点均忽略了巴郡政区形成是一历史过程这一史实。  相似文献   

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