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传统"六书"汉字理论是古文字的造字类型的分析原则,也是古代汉字教学的重要参考,现代汉字虽然形体上多演变为记号字,传统"六书"汉字理论对汉语教学有一定影响。本文以HSK甲级字中的部分现代汉字为参考,还原古文字形体,利用"六书"理论建构汉字形体与意义之间的联系,进而帮助学习者在直观感知汉字形义关系,提高汉字学习效果。  相似文献   

“字形”、“字构”、“字用”是汉字研究的三个平面。由于汉字具有顽强表意性.因此.“字用”邵记录职能不仅是造字的重要依据,也是制约和影响汉字形体结构变化的重要因素。从记录职能未变、记录职能缩简、记录职能扩大和记录职能转移几个角度分析.可见记录职能对汉字形体结构变化的制约和影响。  相似文献   

六书与汉字构形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉字构形的分析研究,历来都将许慎的六书作为依据和准则。从汉字表意的特点入手来探讨六书与汉字构形的关系,可发现六书包含了汉字构形的两个方面:一是汉字形体构造的类别,二是造字的方法。象形、象声、形声是汉字形体构造的三种类型,转注、假借是造字的方法,二不在一个层面上。形声字是象形字与象声字的结合体,代表了汉字构形表意发展的方向。  相似文献   

隶楷汉字与古文字的结构原理不尽相同,传统的“六书”不适于作隶楷字形的分类标准与类别名称,汉字研究应该揭示隶楷汉字的构字方法,明确它的共时性分类原则,隶楷汉字出现的直观缘由是小篆那圆转的构字线条变成隶书的规则笔画,象形字不能“画成其物”,指事字不能“察而见意”,传统“六书”的基础-象形条例无法继续存在,汉字造字理论就必然会发生变革,隶楷汉字的构字方法有六种;笔画直接组合法,加笔画法,符号组合法,符号偏旁组合法,会意,形声,这是隶楷汉字的构字方法,简称“新六书”。研究隶楷汉字的构字理论是对传统造字理论的继承和发展。  相似文献   

本从现代汉字的字形特点出发,结合其所记录的语言的特点。把现代汉字解释为“在字的隶楷阶段中。记录现代汉语的楷书”。我们主张从现代汉字形体结构的实际出发来分析现代汉字的形体结构。既不回避、也不拘泥于六书理论。  相似文献   

六书是战国末年的文字学理论,是古人从已存汉字的形体结构中归纳出来的六种造字方法。转注是六种造字方法中,造字功能最强,能产性最大的一种造字方法。它是在已有转注母字的基础上,通过加注类首符号再造新字。认识转注造字法,对辨析汉字的形、音、义都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

对外汉字教学中的字理阐释   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汉字字理阐释是指通过一定的教学语言向学生讲解字理,帮助学生理解和记忆汉字的形、音、义。在对外汉字教学中进行字理阐释,应该以阐释汉字造字理据为主,辅助流俗文字学通俗幽默的讲解,通过一定的教学语言让学生区分六书字理和俗字理,使学生逐步理解汉字构形、构意的特点,同时又能在轻松幽默中记忆汉字。此外,还要遵循对外汉语教学的规律,根据学生的汉语水平和接受程度合理选择阐释内容和方式,注意阐释适度,内容可懂。  相似文献   

根据皮尔士的象似性理论,文字可分为象形字、引得字和记号字三种类型。汉字中的所谓记号字,其实大部分可以归入形体和所记录的语言单位的音义两方面之间有着一定现实性联系的宽式象形字、宽式形声字等。它们可以统称为引得字。与记号字相比,引得字概念强调汉字的理据性。包括记号字、引得字和古代"六书"在内的"全八书"是覆盖古今全部汉字的一种归类方法。  相似文献   

在《说文》学研究中,集汉学派文字学理论之大成的段玉裁的《说文解字注》,可谓是一座高峰。然他对六书造字理论的研究,不是从古人为语词谋求记录符号角度来理解造字,而是从静态的汉字形体结构类型来反推造字之法,因此,他的"六书"注在宏观与微观两方面都存在一些值得讨论的问题。  相似文献   

宋本((玉篇》的俗字和相应正字在形体上存在4种差异。俗字的造字者既有重视理据的一面,也有忽视理据的一面。一方面,造字者结合了俗字使用群体的认知水平、生活习俗等,对俗字的表音或表义理据重构,以求使用者能够最大程度地通过文字的构形联想到其代表的语音或(和)语义;另一方面,造字者为提高书写效率,对一些字进行了笔画重组,从而解构了这些字的理据。俗字的造字规则具有多样性,一部分俗字是造字者依据语音或(和)语义使用形声或会意方式构字,一些记号字、半记号字和少数形声字,依据类推,同化规则生成。  相似文献   

In this intervention study, teachers tried to implement four instructional principles derived from the literature on research-based, explicit reading comprehension instruction in their fifth-grade classrooms. The principles focused on relevant background knowledge, reading comprehension strategies, reading-group organization, and reading motivation. Results indicated that during a five-month intervention period, students in the intervention group increased their strategic competence and comprehension performance relative to controls. However, no effect was found on reading motivation. The overall pattern of results is explained in relation to the implementation quality of the four instructional principles, with implementation data indicating that the principles of reading-group organization and reading motivation were particularly difficult for the teachers to translate into classroom practice.  相似文献   

在中学英语教学中,利用词汇理据对词汇进行直接的初步学习加工,在一定程度上可以提高词汇学习效率。鉴于此,在认知语言学有关词汇的语音、结构形态与意义三个方面理据的基础上,提出词汇初步学习时,在教学中利用该理据进行词汇教学的若干原则和策略。  相似文献   

象似性可以解释语言的共性,大学生英语写作中符合英语习惯的汉式表达可以从顺序象似性、距离象似性、数量象似性上得到解释。象似性也可以解释语言的个性,不符合英语习惯的汉式表达可以从认知策略差异、文化差异、思维模式差异方面找到原因。  相似文献   

章太炎的魏晋六朝学术思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为晚清时期著名的“有学问的革命家”,章太炎对于魏晋六朝的推崇,一方面固然有其民族革命的功利动机在内,另一方面,也是他在认真考察中国学术发展史后所得出的关于魏晋六朝“其言循虚,其艺控实,故可贵也”的学术结论使然。  相似文献   

In this study an attempt was made to construct a multi-factor model predicting the development of reading literacy in the upper grades of primary school in the Netherlands for subgroups of 729 first language (L1) learners and 93 second language (L2) learners. Following a longitudinal design, it was explored to what extent the variation in reading literacy development in L1 and L2 from grade 4 to grade 6 can be explained from children’s word decoding, language, mathematics and nonverbal reasoning skills, reading motivation and self confidence as well as their home reading resources. The results showed that L1 and L2 learners differed in reading literacy skills, language, mathematics, and reasoning skills. Structural equation modelling showed that the reading literacy development in both L1 and L2 learners could be explained from decoding, language, mathematics and reasoning skills, as well as their motivation and self-confidence. A striking difference was the fact that home reading resources had an impact on reading literacy in L1 learners but not in L2 learners.  相似文献   

英语词汇极其丰富,用柬表示事物、现象、观念等。然而,人们用词给事物命名时并非都有依据。只有一部分英语词汇的形式和意义在某种程度上具有逻辑上的解释性,即词的理据,它包括拟声理据、形态理据、语义理据、逻辑理据和词源理据。本文旨在讨论一部分词的理据与历史文化的关系,以期对英语词汇有更清晰的认识。  相似文献   

社会运动是人类发展过程,一受自然界制约,二取决于自身意识成果积累;与其他物质运动既趋同又趋异,其规律呈现结构内容、表现形式互补互动的形态学特征。社会规律形态可区分为价值法则内容和社会法则形式,前者体现与自然界关系,由人类整体生成的价值理念和部分生成的价值原则构成;后者体现自身关系,由人类整体发展的社会形式和部分发展的社会制度构成。中国社会主义的历史必然性可从社会规律形态得以解释。  相似文献   

This article reports an investigation of undergraduate motivation to learn. A Likert-type rating scale measure of motivation incorporated the general motivational dimensions identified by previous investigators, as well as a systematic theoretical framework that is more novel, and attempts to acknowledge the role of discipline-specific factors in motivation to learn. The motivation questionnaire was evaluated by measuring its success in explaining the academic achievement of biology, history, computing, planning, anthropology, geology, food science and nutrition, and education students (n = 380) in standard university assessments. The findings reveal that student performance is better explained by within- than across-discipline indexes of motivation, probably because some types of motivation lead to success in some disciplines but failure in others. Furthermore, items based on the theoretical framework developed to underpin the questionnaire (which distinguishes outcome from process incentives) were also found to explain more variation in student performance than general motivation items. Some practical implications of the findings are considered.  相似文献   

语言理据研究中的几个理论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理据性和任意性都是语言的重要属性,一起构成"和而不同"的对立统一关系;理据论是理据性的理论升华,是人们借用心理学中的"动因"概念并从认知、功能、文化等角度来解释语言符号发生和发展的一种理论;语言表述是捕捉理据的唯一方式,离开语言表述,理据研究将成为空谈;理据(理据义)是每一个具体的语言符号的能指和所指结合在一起的动因,而理据性是对这种结合关系在性质上的描写与判断,二者形成具体与抽象的关系。  相似文献   

Research on situated motivation and emotion in education has made substantial progress, as documented in the contributions to this special issue. We discuss how this field can make further headway. First, we address the ambiguous meaning of the term situation and propose a 2 × 2 model of situational variation across time and context. From this model, it follows that we should consider study designs that address not only variation over time and single settings, but also across broader socio-cultural contexts. We then explain the need to overcome the current fragmentation of theoretical models by integrating constructs and theoretical propositions. Next, we discuss strategies to improve methodology, including further development of empirical paradigms, analyzing the equivalence of effects across levels and persons, and use of dynamic modeling of data from different sources. Finally, we argue that we need to broaden research perspectives by developing formalized micro- and macro-theories; considering motivation and emotion beyond the achievement domain; including samples from non-WEIRD countries; and investigating the generalizability of principles and practices across persons, cultural contexts, and historical times.  相似文献   

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