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Motivation questionnaires that are currently validated do not account for muscular development motives in exercise populations, and have rarely been used to examine resistance training populations. Resistance training is a popular and widely available exercise, so the lack of such motivational information is a cause for concern. The aim of this study was to assess the need for considering motives for muscular development. This was achieved by the development of a simple scale that matched the format and style of the Exercise Motivations Inventory. The muscular development scale was combined with the ‘weight management’ and ‘appearance’ items of the Exercise Motivations Inventory to form a 13-item test questionnaire. This was administered to four groups of experienced exercisers: resistance training males (n = 40), resistance training females (n = 36), males training in a variety of sports (n = 27) and aerobic training females (n = 40). Factor analysis with varimax rotation revealed a relatively distinct muscular development factor, but with cross-loading on weight management. Muscular development was shown to be the most effective discriminator for the four groups. A multivariate analysis of variance and additional discriminant analysis revealed a series of significant differences between groups, which suggests that motive-based differences are more powerful than sex factors in determining choice of exercise modality. Although the interrelated nature of muscular development and weight management needs to be recognized and accounted for, there is a clear need for considering muscular development motives in future investigations, especially those that intend to examine motives for ‘ideal’ physical appearance.  相似文献   


Models of positive youth development suggest that athletes may be influenced by parent education programmes; however, there is little research examining the impact of such programmes on athlete outcomes. This study examined the impact of the Respect in Sport Parent Program on athlete outcomes among minor hockey players over three years. This study consisted of cross-sectional and longitudinal online surveys measuring athletes’ positive and negative developmental experiences, prosocial and antisocial behaviours, parental support and pressure, and sport enjoyment and commitment. Athletes completed at least one online survey during the study period (N = 366; 84.2% males; 14–19 years of age; M = 15.4 years), and 83 athletes completed multiple surveys for longitudinal analyses. Cross-sectional results comparing athletes in leagues adopting the programme at different time points indicated significant differences in prosocial behaviours towards teammates. Multilevel longitudinal analyses revealed improvements in athletes’ antisocial behaviours towards opponents, initiative, goal setting, and cognitive skills over time, regardless of whether they were in a league that implemented the programme. However, athletes in leagues that implemented the programme during the study reported greater improvements in antisocial behaviours towards opponents, and there were trends with respect to improved personal and social skills. These findings provide suggestions to improve the delivery and impact of parent education programmes in youth sport.  相似文献   

There is an abundance of social issues, both health-related and otherwise, that health professionals and sport managers can address using sport as a mechanism. However, there is much debate regarding the impact sport is making in achieving development goals. In this study, the authors utilised a case study design to explore how stakeholders perceive the management of health-focused sport for development (SFD) programmes to contribute to the achievement of desired programmatic goals. The authors provided a side-by-side assessment of a sport-plus and sport-plus programme, through a qualitative case study design. Results indicate that while stakeholder perceptions of goal achievement are similar, the strengths of each type of programme vary. The authors discuss implications for these differences and the importance of stakeholder perspective in SFD.  相似文献   

Motivation questionnaires that are currently validated do not account for muscular development motives in exercise populations, and have rarely been used to examine resistance training populations. Resistance training is a popular and widely available exercise, so the lack of such motivational information is a cause for concern. The aim of this study was to assess the need for considering motives for muscular development. This was achieved by the development of a simple scale that matched the format and style of the Exercise Motivations Inventory. The muscular development scale was combined with the 'weight management' and 'appearance' items of the Exercise Motivations Inventory to form a 13-item test questionnaire. This was administered to four groups of experienced exercisers: resistance training males (n = 40), resistance training females (n = 36), males training in a variety of sports (n = 27) and aerobic training females (n = 40). Factor analysis with varimax rotation revealed a relatively distinct muscular development factor, but with cross-loading on weight management. Muscular development was shown to be the most effective discriminator for the four groups. A multivariate analysis of variance and additional discriminant analysis revealed a series of significant differences between groups, which suggests that motive-based differences are more powerful than sex factors in determining choice of exercise modality. Although the interrelated nature of muscular development and weight management needs to be recognized and accounted for, there is a clear need for considering muscular development motives in future investigations, especially those that intend to examine motives for 'ideal' physical appearance.  相似文献   

There are existing measures of exercise motives (what people want from exercise), but corresponding measures of gains (what people get) are needed, because motives and gains could influence each other and together influence other variables. An exercise motives and gains inventory (EMGI) was developed by creating gains scales to complement existing Exercise Motivations Inventory 2 scales. Confirmatory factor analyses of EMGI items established that items reflected their intended constructs; and that motive and gain constructs were distinct. Exploratory structural equation modeling of EMGI scales established that the higher-order structures of motives and gains were somewhat different: Appearance motive was associated with weight management, whereas appearance gain was associated with health and fitness. Paired-sample t-tests established that gains were less than motives in some instances (ill-health avoidance, positive health), and greater in others (e.g., affiliation, challenge). The EMGI can be used to investigate the consequences and causes of motives and gains.  相似文献   


Using a scrambled sentence priming protocol, the first aim of this study was to investigate whether differences in novel exercise-related goals existed between participants primed with motivational or non-motivational material (i.e. autonomous, controlled or neutral primes). The second aim was to explore whether an indirect effect was present between priming condition and the goal-related exercise sessions that individuals performed over the week following administration of the prime. No effects were observed across priming conditions with respect to subjective vitality, goal concordance and the frequency with which participants planned to exercise. However, autonomy-primed individuals set goals for their exercise sessions that were significantly longer in intended duration (M = 57.72 min, SD = 37.42) than those set by their counterparts in both the controlled-prime condition (M = 44.12 min, SD = 27.78) and the neutral-prime condition (M = 37.10 min, SD = 20.47). Bootstrapped analyses also revealed a significant indirect relationship between prime and exercise behaviour, with the autonomy prime predicting longer goal-based exercise sessions, via the effect on the duration of participants’ intended exercise sessions. These findings highlight the potential influence that priming autonomous motivation may have on individuals’ exercise aspirations, as well as the way in which primes may indirectly shape exercise engagement.  相似文献   

研究我国职业足球运动员的参赛目标动机有利于诊断我国职业足球队管理中存在的一些问题.通过调查发现,我国职业足球队员的参赛目标动机主要包括:任务目标、获奖目标、竞争目标、压力目标、成就目标、提高目标、获胜目标等.在运动员的目标动机中,获奖、竞争、成功、争胜的动机水平相对较高,是主导的动机;而压力、完成任务、提高学习的动机水平相对较低,处于依附地位.  相似文献   

我国经常参加体育锻炼人口发展系统是一个复杂系统,科学的制定这一系统发展目标是我国大众体育各项工作开展的依据。以系统动力学理论与方法为工具,构建系统模型进行仿真模拟,对体育事业发展"十二五"规划中我国经常参加体育锻炼人口发展目标进行定量分析,并与体育事业发展"十二五"规划所提出的目标进行定性的对比分析,探讨我国经常参加体育锻炼人口发展系统各要素之间是如何协同作用于系统发展的,从而验证系统发展目标制定是否具有科学性。研究结果表明,体育事业发展"十二五"规划提出的经常参加体育锻炼人口发展目标是切合实际的、可行的,而体育事业发展"十一五"规划提出的经常参加体育锻炼人口发展目标是不切实际的。通过两次目标对比提示,在制定目标时,要以系统原理为依据,从定性与定量相结合,从系统发展的内在规律出发,充分考虑系统环境,防止所制定的目标带有盲目性,不切实际,造成实际操作中人力、财力、物力的损失。  相似文献   

Robert Putnam’s conceptualization of social capital has been commonly associated with, and used to analyse, sport-for-development programmes. This paper bucks this trend and uses James Coleman’s rational strain of social capital to examine the use of sport as a component part of a programme to support male adults in addressing connected problems of substance misuse, homelessness and other forms of social exclusion. Using a qualitative research strategy, in-depth and longitudinal data were collected using individual interviews and focus groups with programme participants and key stakeholders over a three-year period. The results suggest the importance of unintentionality for the formation and use value of social capital; indicating that social capital created through this programme was individual, contingent on interactional context and benefited individuals in line with Coleman’s six aspects of social capital.  相似文献   

Numerous sport-based interventions exist which target marginalised or ‘at-risk’ young people with the intention of enabling some form of social change for programme participants. Very often, the objective of such interventions is the acquisition and development of qualities associated with ‘good citizenship’. However, critical scholars have noted how sport-based initiatives are frequently used as a form of social control, focusing on the development of personal responsibility. As such, these initiatives accentuate more passive forms of citizenship, as opposed to more active forms of citizenship towards which many educational policies and programmes are aimed. Nevertheless, there is a limited amount literature which explores the connection between sport-based interventions and citizenship development within marginalised or ‘at-risk’ youth populations. This paper presents findings from a small-scale, qualitative study of one such (football-based) intervention located in a number of inner-city boroughs of London, UK. Placing the accounts of programme participants and staff at the centre of the analysis, the paper: (i) uncovers the practicalities and nuances of football being utilised as a tool for social engagement, and (ii) explores broader notions of personal and behavioural development in relation to the acquisition of citizenship qualities. The paper concludes by suggesting that sporting activity may confer citizenship benefits for young people, but only when integrated into wider programmes of social support and community engagement.  相似文献   

成就目标定向理论研究的回顾与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郗琳 《体育学刊》2003,10(1):31-34
通过查阅献资料,对1990年以来国内、外(以国外为主)发表的目标定向的论进行分析,结果显示,具有较强任务定向将有利于自己建立适应的动机模式,对活动有积极的态度与认识,在面对困难时表现较强的意志力,显示对活动的内在兴趣;自我定向则相反。在掌握目标动机气氛下,个体参与活动的内在兴趣提升了,并在学习中更多地使用了积极的认知策略和自我约束;而在成绩动机气氛下,则削弱了学生的内部动机和自我效能感,破坏了学生对某项活动的兴趣。另外,高水平目标定向与高自尊有一定的相关性。今后的发展趋势如下:第l,个体的目标取向不是一成不变的,它牵涉到其认知、情感、价值等方面的内容,因此,目标取向是否仍有其他内容,是今后探讨的内容之一;第2,由于东西方化的差异性,教育在利用目标定向理论预测运动行为时需作进一步的检验与完善;第3,有关目标定向的长期效应和短期效应是否一致,存在什么样的差异性,也将是今后讨论的热点;第4,目标定向是如何深入调节学生的情绪状态(例如自尊体验、心境状态)也将是未来讨论的话题。  相似文献   

The distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic goals, and between goal pursuit for intrinsically and extrinsically motivated reasons, is a central premise of self-determination theory. Proponents of the theory have proposed that the pursuit of intrinsic goals and intrinsically motivated goal striving each predict adaptive psychological and behavioral outcomes relative to the pursuit of extrinsic goals and extrinsically motivated goal striving. Despite evidence to support these predictions, research has not explored whether individuals naturally differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic goals. Two studies tested whether people make this differentiation when recalling goals for leisure-time physical activity. Using memory-recall methods, participants in Study 1 were asked to freely generate physical activity goals. A subsample (N = 43) was asked to code their freely generated goals as intrinsic or extrinsic. In Study 2, participants were asked to recall intrinsic and extrinsic goals after making a decision regarding their future physical activity. Results of these studies revealed that individuals' goal generation and recall exhibited significant clustering by goal type. Participants encountered some difficulties when explicitly coding goals. Findings support self-determination theory and indicate that individuals discriminate between intrinsic and extrinsic goals.  相似文献   

We assessed the effectiveness of two generalized visual training programmes in enhancing visual and motor performance for racquet sports. Forty young participants were assigned equally to groups undertaking visual training using Revien and Gabor’s Sports Vision programme (Group 1), visual training using Revien’s Eyerobics (Group 2), a placebo condition involving reading (Group 3) and a control condition involving physical practice only (Group 4). Measures of basic visual function and of sport-specific motor performance were obtained from all participants before and immediately after a 4-week training period. Significant pre- to post-training differences were evident on some of the measures; however, these were not group-dependent. Contrary to the claims made by proponents of generalized visual training, we found no evidence that the visual training programmes led to improvements in either vision or motor performance above and beyond those resulting simply from test familiarity.  相似文献   

Soccer players should achieve an energy intake that provides sufficient carbohydrate to fuel the training and competition programme, supplies all nutrient requirements, and allows manipulation of energy or nutrient balance to achieve changes in lean body mass, body fat or growth. Although the traditional culture of soccer has focused on carbohydrate intake for immediate match preparation, top players should adapt their carbohydrate intake on a daily basis to ensure adequate fuel for training and recovery between matches. For players with a mobile playing style, there is sound evidence that dietary programmes that restore and even super-compensate muscle glycogen levels can enhance activity patterns during matches. This will presumably also benefit intensive training, such as twice daily practices. As well as achieving a total intake of carbohydrate commensurate with fuel needs, the everyday diet should promote strategic intake of carbohydrate and protein before and after key training sessions to optimize the adaptations and enhance recovery. The achievement of the ideal physique for soccer is a long-term goal that should be undertaken over successive years, and particularly during the off-season and pre-season. An increase in lean body mass or a decrease in body fat is the product of a targeted training and eating programme. Consultation with a sports nutrition expert can assist soccer players to manipulate energy and nutrient intake to meet such goals. Players should be warned against the accidental or deliberate mismatch of energy intake and energy expenditure, such that energy availability (intake minus the cost of exercise) falls below 125 kJ (30 kcal) per kilogram of fat-free mass per day. Such low energy availability causes disturbances to hormonal, metabolic, and immune function.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生休闲体育动机与行为的关系。方法:采用改编的《休闲动机量表》和《体育活动等级量表》进行休闲体育动机和行为的测量,并建立休闲体育动机的验证性因子分析模型和休闲体育动机与行为的关系模型。结论:投入规范是影响大学生参加休闲体育活动的主要动机。投入规范与休闲体育行为呈显著正相关关系,而无动机和外在规范则与休闲体育行为呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

Since its emergence during the 1970s, scientific research on exercise addiction has been interested primarily in the mental and physical causes and consequences of the behaviour of exercise addicts. This focus can be ascribed to the dominance of psychology and medicine among this field of research. This paper wishes to contribute to these thematic priorities and basic approaches by taking a phenomenological perspective as a basis, thus making the embodied and the personal dimension of exercise addiction the centre of attention. This approach aims towards two goals: First, it shall be pointed out that philosophy, especially phenomenology, can make a profound contribution to research concerning exercise addiction. Second, a phenomenological approach, which has so far remained mostly unknown to international sport philosophy, will be introduced, namely the New Phenomenology founded by German philosopher Hermann Schmitz. For this purpose, the objective of New Phenomenology will be explained as well as its two pivotal terms ‘felt body’ and ‘person’. Based on this, the main features of a neophenomenological analysis of exercise addiction that puts a focus on embodied experience and one’s personal situation will be outlined. Lastly, the analytical potential of New Phenomenology will be elucidated by means of an empirical case analysis.  相似文献   


We examined the relationship between physical self-esteem and claimed self-handicapping among athletes by taking motives into consideration. In Study 1, 99 athletes were asked to report their tendency to engage in claimed self-handicapping for self-protective and self-enhancement motives (trait measures). Low self-esteem athletes reported a higher tendency to engage in claimed self-handicapping for these two motives compared with high self-esteem athletes. Neither low nor high self-esteem athletes reported a preference for one motive over the other. In Study 2, 107 athletes participated in a test that was ostensibly designed to assess high physical abilities – and thus to encourage self-handicapping for self-enhancement motives (success-meaningful condition) – or to assess low physical abilities, and thus to encourage self-handicapping for self-protective motives (failure-meaningful condition). Before starting the test, athletes were given the opportunity to claim handicaps that could impair their performance. Low self-esteem athletes claimed more handicaps than high self-esteem athletes in both conditions. Findings suggest that low physical self-esteem athletes engage more in claimed handicapping regardless of motives, relative to high physical self-esteem athletes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the attributes of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes in sport and their potential for sustainable community development. The gap between sport-related CSR and community development needs to be filled by shifting attention to the capacity building of communities. While the neoliberal foundations of CSR are recognized, it is essential to understand the ideological varieties driving CSR that can enable inclusiveness and collaboration in fostering community benefits of CSR programmes. The paper contributes to the literature on CSR in sport advancing the discourse, and sets the stage for a community-based framework for research: (1) related to sport as a tool for social change; (2) exploring the relationship of organizational motives, stakeholder engagement and CSR programme design/implementation; and (3) evaluating the perceived benefits of CSR programmes, and the extent to which these can help achieve sustainable community development.  相似文献   

活动类型和强度对大学男生心境变化影响的研究   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29  
阐述和考察了个体锻炼活动中心境的理论与实践意义及其诸影响因素,主要包括:(1)活动类型;(2)活动强度;(3)适宜强度刺激等。并引入“运动处方”概念,探讨在这一类个体活动指导形式中加入个体主观变量的必要性和可能性。  相似文献   

不同运动强度对经常与不经常锻炼者心境的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用RPE生成方案调节强度,36名大学生以小、中、大3强度分别运动10min,检验不同强度运动前后心境状态的变化,以及对经常与不经常锻炼者心境的影响。结果显示,低强度运动有利于心境改善;中等强度运动对心境改善效果不明显;大强度运动对心境没有产生影响。中等强度运动对不经常锻炼者自尊的提高更有效,低强度运动对不经常锻炼者混乱的降低更显著。建议根据个体锻炼经历不同施以不同运动强度,从而获得心境改善的最大效果。  相似文献   

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