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The provision of access to professional education for handicapped students in Russia faces a number of problems. Research shows that special attention needs to be given to such issues as the practice of preferential enrollment for handicapped people, the main factors limiting access to a professional education, and the provision of an obstacle-free environment.  相似文献   

In this article Tricia Clark shares her experience of the ways in which post-16 provision can be further developed to meet the needs of young people with autistic spectrum disorders. She emphasises the need, in accordance with SENDA 2001, for further education colleges to anticipate the needs of all disabled students in order to accommodate them. She concludes that the key to inclusive provision is flexibility.  相似文献   

Warnock advocated that all young people with learning difficulties should be entitled to an appropriate education beyond the compulsory age of 16. The purpose of the study was to investigate attitudes to post‐16 educational provision for students with special educational needs. What are the strengths and weaknesses of current provision and is it deemed adequate from the perspective of the student? The study reveals that despite many of Warnock's visions becoming a reality, many have not. For students with moderate learning difficulties the doors have, by and large, been opened to access mainstream further education provision at least to some extent. However, for those students with more severe difficulties, including autistic spectrum condition and profound and multiple learning difficulties, provision appears to be either inadequate or simply unavailable.  相似文献   


In countries that have developed special education (SE) provision, whether in segregated settings or ‘included’ in mainstream, racial, ethnic and immigrant minorities continue to be disproportionately represented. Explanations for placement in SE programmes continue to centre round assumptions of deficiencies in student abilities to learn and ‘behave’, their family backgrounds and communities. Many policy-makers, politicians, schools and teachers ignore or are ignorant of the historical background and social contexts in which these students are expected to learn. The article overviews some of this history and policy responses concerned with SE, low attainment and troublesome school behaviour in England, including recent evidence and current explanations for the placement of the students. A premise here is that research, policy and literature are still separating what is happening in ‘special’ education from other areas of education. This cannot continue, as world-wide moves towards inclusive education have meant that mainstream schools and colleges now incorporate (or still exclude) a range of students regarded as having learning difficulties or disabilities, and all young people are now expected to acquire some kind of qualification or be prepared for independent living.  相似文献   

In this article, Anne-Marie Wright, lecturer at the University of Chester, considers the current situation for students with severe learn i n g difficulties in general colleges of further education. She presents findings from a critical review of the literature and a small-scale preliminary investigation which set out to explore the idea that, despite radical changes to the special school sector and to the structure and organisation of further education, provision in colleges of further education for these students is poorly focused. Students with severe learning difficulties experience provision that is, at best, circuitous and repetitive and that, at worst, leads individuals back into dependence, unemployment and social segregation. Using the outcomes of her own interviews and the scrutiny of inspection reports, Anne-Marie Wright provides a searching critique of current practice and an interesting set of recommendations for ways in which the situation could be radically reviewed and improved.  相似文献   

This paper examines the class distribution of young people, aged 16–17 years, in colleges of further education (FE) using data from the Youth Cohort Study. It finds that, contrary to popular perceptions of FE colleges as being for ‘other people’s children’, middle‐class students as well as working‐class students are well represented. However, this does not imply that FE colleges are institutions of choice; middle‐class representation is often related to lower achievement and, for low‐achieving working‐class students, leaving education entirely is more likely than entry to FE. These findings are explored using notions of habitus and field. Their relationship with studies of the education of middle‐class children is also discussed, and the paper suggests that research on class in FE colleges must come to terms with middle‐class presence.  相似文献   


Until April 1987 mentally handicapped children were legally excluded from education in Northern Ireland. Provision was made instead in special care schools administered by social services authorities. This contrasts with the position in the rest of the UK where all children have been educated in schools administered by education authorities since the early 1970s. A survey was conducted to investigate aspects of provision in special care schools. Comparative samples of special schools for children with mental handicap in England, and special schools for other categories of children with special needs in Northern Ireland were also surveyed.

Results show that the special care school pupils were disadvantaged often seriously, compared with the other samples. Staffing ratios were inferior in most respects of provision. Other resources were often criticized by head teachers as inadequate. The special care school transport system was also shown to be seriously deficient, causing the length of the school day to be reduced for a very large proportion of pupils. The inadequacies identified impinged particularly on severely and profoundly handicapped pupils, despite earlier Government arguments that the interests of this group could be damaged in a transfer to education.

Nearly one fifth of the special care school population were aged 19 and over, and nearly one third of the profoundly handicapped pupils were 19 or over. In many cases adults and children shared the same facilities.

These results are compared and contrasted with Government documents which claimed parity of provision in special care schools and special schools in England, and which adopted a stated policy of normalization in the development of services for the mentally handicapped.  相似文献   

Previous research set out to identify and examine practice and provision for young people exhibiting behaviour problems who may have been placed in colleges of further education for a variety of reasons. In this paper, Natasha Macnab, John Visser and Harry Daniels explore some of the implications faced by college staff and examine some of the key themes that emerged from this previous study. The first of these themes concerns ‘college culture’, which is seen as being ‘adult orientated’ and therefore more likely to appeal to young people who are tired of school. Indeed, college staff suspect at times that schools are using the transition to college as an alternative to exclusion for some young people. This form of ‘managed transfer’ raises real issues in colleges, especially when some members of college staff do not yet appreciate the ‘appeal of teaching young people with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD)’, regarding them as ‘disaffected’ and ‘switched off’ from education. The authors of this article note the need for ‘skilled and committed adults’ to build relationships with these young people in order to promote their social inclusion. They argue that this work will require professional development for staff but will have real benefits for the young people concerned.  相似文献   

An outline of further education and related provision for young people with special needs is given by Judy Bradley and Dr. Seamus Hegarty, National Foundation for Educational Research, Slough, Berkshire. the need for rationalisation is emphasised  相似文献   

For almost 150 years the Scandinavian folk high school has served as an important institution in helping young people in their transition from adolescence to adulthood. In recent decades it has also become an avenue for the education and integration of young adults with special needs. At present, there are in the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland almost 400 folk high schools, each with an enrolment of about 100 students. Some of these schools are sponsored by handicap organizations and are primarily designed for handicapped students, but include a smaller number of nonhandicapped students. The present article describes in detail some of these schools. Several developing countries in Africa and Asia have initiated educational projects based on the Nordic folk high school concept.  相似文献   

本研究采用自编态度问卷对上海市9所高校的573名在校大学生就残疾学生接受高等融合教育的态度及其影响因素进行了调查。结果表明:在认知维度上,在校大学生对残疾学生及其接受高等教育的态度较为积极,但对高等融合教育形式相对陌生。在情感维度上,在校大学生表现出积极的接纳态度。在行为倾向上,在校大学生的社会行为倾向态度较个体行为倾向态度更为积极。被调查者的性别、专业、与残疾人的接触频率及对高等融合教育的了解程度对其态度有影响作用。调查结果表明,上海实施高等融合教育在同伴接纳这方面的条件已基本具备。  相似文献   

Increasingly, professional psychologists are extending their services from school-age children to young handicapped children. Psychological intervention and education issues regarding this group of children are complicated by the fact that the field of early childhood special education itself is in its infancy. This article presents the emerging field of early childhood special education, clarifies some major concerns in educating young handicapped children, and raises issues for school psychologists working in this area.  相似文献   

该文对164名特殊学生家长、58名特殊教育教师和274名正常学生家长进行了调查,主要发现:(1)特殊学生家长对学校教育活动的参与程度是不均衡的;(2)特殊学生家长比普通学生家长更积极地参与学校教育;(3)特殊教育教师希望家长能更多地参与学校教育。  相似文献   

Care into Core     
In 2002, the UK Government set the target of increasing participation in higher education to 50% of 18–30 year olds by 2010, with a particular focus on young people from ‘non‐traditional backgrounds’. In order to increase this participation, a range of initiatives have been introduced in an effort to encourage young people to enter post‐16 education. One significant initiative is Aimhigher, which specifically targets lower socio‐economic groups and aims to raise the attainment and aspirations of young people. This paper emerges from research conducted in 2008 into post‐16 withdrawal rates amongst Aimhigher students in the South East of England. Drawing from interviews and case studies with young people, further education (FE) colleges and schools, the paper argues that students benefit significantly from the intensive pastoral support provided in Aimhigher target schools, but that this is rarely carried over into FE. Although there is often significant pastoral support provided to students in FE, it is often quite disparate from that provided in Aimhigher schools and suffers from low take up. Whilst previous research investigating student withdrawal has focused on individual factors (socio‐economic status and ethnicity) or institutional factors (the labour market), this paper highlights the views of young people and argues that, through establishing effective and cohesive mentoring schemes, schools and FE colleges have a substantial role to play in reducing student withdrawal.  相似文献   

学校是对青少年进行教育的专门机构.是进行法制教育的重要渠道和阵地。高校法制教育是弘扬法制文化、培养法制人才、树立和更新法制观念的重要途径和环节.担负着向在校青年学生进行全面素质教育的重要任务。加强高校法制教育。对规范在校青年大学生行为,有效地预防和降低青年大学生犯罪有着重要的作用,是提高全民族思想素质的奠基工程,直接影响着我国社会主义市场经济和民主政治向纵深发展。作为高校的管理部门,高校保卫组织同样担负着“管理育人”的职能,在高校法制教育活动中。高校保卫组织甚至是学校内部法制教育的主要组织者。  相似文献   

This article considers aspects of higher education provision in general further education colleges in England, as seen from within the further education sector. It argues that there is a need to examine what are the defining features of higher education, who determines them, and the risks and advantages of structuring further and higher education vertically, so that given subject areas are taught at several levels within the same institution. Evidence is given to show that the funding, qualifications and inspection regimes applying in England to the majority of provision in general further education colleges are increasingly different from those in universities, giving less agency to both staff and students. This raises questions both about the extent to which the differences rationally reflect the different nature of the learners and their courses and about the implications for expansion, differentiation and participation in undergraduate education.  相似文献   

The recent UK government Green Paper proposes reform for the supply side of 14–19 education, establishing four key goals. This article focuses on the first of these goals: meeting needs and improving choice. The article draws on research on sixth form colleges, general further education colleges and schools. It argues that employers, one of the two groups highlighted in the Green Paper, are a relatively weak force in shaping provision. The second group, young people, are more powerful due to current funding incentives. It presents evidence which suggests that colleges and schools perceive both practical and attitudinal difficulties in collaborating to meet needs by offering flexible routes and a distinctive range of choices. A long history of intervention in the supply side has not achieved widening participation nor equity amongst the choices offered. A more radical approach to influencing the demand side may be needed.  相似文献   

During a conference organized as part of I.Y.D.P., parents of the disabled from throughout Queensland attempted to identify the primary needs they experienced in coping with a disabled child in the family. Recommendations were made concerning the provision of services which would help to alleviate these needs. Issues and recommendations concerning education, including educational rights, legislative and financial considerations, teacher education, and the adequacy of educational services, are discussed in this paper. The dearth of a range of appropriate post‐school options was of crucial import; provision of continuing education services for disabled school leavers, including minimally handicapped students integrated into regular classes, is seen as an urgent requirement. Co‐operative planning and service provision should be given priority status by special education authorities, tertiary institutions and employment departments and agencies.  相似文献   

“盲、聋、培智学生群体教育”是我国基础教育的一个重要组成部分,是针对身心发展有缺陷或残疾的少年儿童,即智力、听觉、视觉、肢体、语言、情绪等方面发展障碍的儿童少年的特殊教育。特殊教育学校的“体育教育”是指对在听力、视力、语言、智力、肢体等方面有缺陷者,通过身体练习,以增强体格体质、促进身心健康、帮助缺陷康复、培养个体意志品质和生活自理能力,帮助他们融入社会所进行的体育教育活动。  相似文献   

THE APARTHEID POLICY in South Africa has legally separated its 35 million inhabitants into four official racial groups. Political power and privilege have been vested entirely in the white group (i.e., 14% of the population), while the blacks are sociopolitically disadvantaged. The systems of education and special education strikingly reflect, and are a product of the divided, inequitable society. The majority of black South African students are academically retarded due to the inadequacy and inequity of the educational and sociopolitical system. Moreover, facilities for black handicapped children both within and outside the mainstream are extremely limited. For whites, there are far better facilities for disabled children, but their education system tends to be conceptually antiquated and narrow‐minded. The past decade has seen some improvements in the provision of special education facilities and in the approach to education generally. Significant political changes are now occurring in 1990, which are heralding the downfall of the apartheid system and are likely to produce a major overhaul of the education and special education systems for all children. However, the enormity of numbers involved remains a major problem and calls for innovative solutions.  相似文献   

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