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恒河猴头骨非测量性状指标观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察了24例实验恒河猴(Macaca mulatta)完整头骨的近100项非测量性状.结果表明,颅形以楔形为主(41.67%),其次为盾形(29.17%);眶形多为圆形(58.33%);枕骨大孔形状较多,以五角形(29.17%)和菱形(20.83%)多见;翼区缝结构绝大多数为额颞型(79.17%).枕外隆凸显著(41.67%).>12岁时颅顶缝趋向愈合,<12岁猴矢状缝各段以深波形和锯齿形居多,冠状缝和人字缝各段主要为微波形.颧颞孔一般左右各一个(83.33%),颧面孔一般左右各一个(45.83%),两侧俱缺的较常见(33.33%),眶下孔以左右各3个最常见(41.67%).  相似文献   

猴城:印度首都新德理无人养猴,但因市民不敢惹猴,所以猴能自由来去,放胆扎营,以致泛滥成灾。据说,这里的猴,最多时可达2000多只,它们经常流串到政府大厦撕咬印刷品,警卫发现也无可奈何,不能开枪,不敢殴打。因为猴是印度的尊神啊。猴岛:位于海南省陵水县东南的南湾半岛,长15公里,岛上树林成片,灌木丛生,雨量充沛,鲜果不断,约有恒河猴数十群,1000多只。每群猴均有猴王率领,纪律严明,群猴之间各有自己的“地盘”和势力范围,神圣不可侵犯。猴王每年都要争夺一次,众猴便凭借自己的武艺,逞强争斗,争夺宝座。微型猴:在南美亚马逊河流域的森林中,生…  相似文献   

从猴年说猴谈起,运用丰富的实例和充分的说理,介绍了我国猴作品艺术及其产生和发展的历史;分析、论述了猴艺品的三大艺术特色,得出了生活是艺术创作的源泉、人民的需要是产生优秀美术作品的肥沃土壤和民间猴艺品是我国民间美术百花园中一朵亮丽的艺术奇葩的结论。  相似文献   

采用猴1-蚊-猴。循环感染的方法,对疟原虫子孢子多态性学说进行验证.结果发现.接种了食蟹猴疟原虫速发型虫体子孢子的名只猕猴,在接种后第8天全部出现速发.除一只死之外其余猴也全部出现复发;接种了食蟹猴疟原虫迟发到虫体于孢子的2只猕猴也都出现速发和复发.因此.用子孢子多态性学说很难解释食蟹猴疟原虫的复发.食蟹猴疟原虫不具有两种类型的子孢子.  相似文献   

张宏星 《语文知识》2004,(3):20-20,17
农历甲申年(2004年)是猴年,现将部分与猴有关的成语简介如下。  相似文献   

古人画的字哪个更像猴子呢?十二生肖依次是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪“猴”本业就是“侯”、“候”,“候”就是“伺望、观察”,是猴性机灵聪明的一种表现。  相似文献   

下午放学回家,叮叮猴看到一只小虫子猛然飞到自己面前,还一直围着自己转悠。叮叮猴正在纳闷儿时,小虫子说话了:"叮叮猴,我是当当猴!你快点儿帮帮我!"叮叮猴赶紧问:"出了什么事?"当当猴叹了一口气说:"上星期,一位小仙子从窗户外面飞了进来。她热情地帮我做作业、打扫卫生……所以,我越来越懒了。今天,她告诉我,原来她是品质仙子派到语文国考察的。因为我没经受住考验,所以被变成了这样。  相似文献   

动物园里,大人指着笼子里的猴,对小孩说:“你知道这种动物叫什么名字吗?”“不知道。”小孩看着上蹿下跳的猴回答。“记住,孩子,”大人说,“这种动物叫猴,是专门供咱们人类开心的动物。”“何以见得呢?”小孩问。“不信,你瞧。”大人说着,从提包中摸出一颗花生,朝笼子里的大猴背后扔去。只见大猴急转身,略一迟疑,却用嘴接住,然后再用爪子从嘴里取出来,剥开吃掉,显得很滑稽。小孩笑起来,说真有意思。大人也被大猴的举动逗得很开心,便来了兴致,又将另一颗花生扔进去,还是扔向大猴身后的地方。大猴故伎重演,转身,跳起来用嘴接住,用爪子取出剥开…  相似文献   

莫里斯军士长从遥远的埃及带回一种能实现三个愿望的猴爪——一个用符咒镇住的木乃伊小爪子。它却改变了怀特一家人的生活……  相似文献   

②执出(i)猴兄弟挑着两担桃,到集市上去卖。⑧猴弟弟接过钱。拿了两个桃子给哥哥。⑧猴弟弟也渴了。把那一元钱塞到哥哥手里。⑤一路上,一元钱在猴兄弟手里传来传去,轮流买桃子吃。⑦猴哥哥一看筐。是空的。 ~.⑥到了集市上。猴兄弟准备卖桃子了孑一 |L’¨,’ ;1⑧猴弟弟一看筐。也是空的。(亘)猴兄弟只好挑着!隆嚷舔猴兄弟卖桃@宋玉坤 @吴新杰  相似文献   

通过分析Logistic模型的推导过程得到了各个参数之间的关系,这些参数包括种群增长率r,环境容纳量K,密度制约系数l,常数项a,拐点时刻rm.并且进一步阐明了参数的生态学意义(定义)与统计学意义(即统计估计所得的参数值)的不一致.表明常用的线性与非线性回归所求得的参数并不能代表其真实的生态学意义.本文以海南南湾野生猕猴的种群增长曲线为例,偿试了一种新的方法通过对捕促猴行为的不同处理引起的Logistic非线性回归曲线的不同反应的分析,并结合参数之间固有关系,得到了不同于回归方法所求得的参数值  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between crying and infant abuse in group-living rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). The subjects were 10 abusive mothers with their infants and 10 control mother-infant pairs. Abused infants cried more frequently than controls in the first 12 weeks of life, even when cries immediately following abuse were excluded from the analysis. The coos of 5 abused infants differed from those of 5 controls in several acoustic parameters, whereas their screams and geckers were acoustically similar, when recorded in the same context. Abusive mothers were less likely than control mothers to respond positively to the cries of their infants. Although infant cries may increase the probability of abuse being repeated, infant crying per se does not appear to be a major determinant of abuse.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between moderate-level prenatal alcohol exposure, prenatal stress, and postnatal response to a challenging event in 6-month-old rhesus monkeys. Forty-one rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) infants were exposed prenatally to moderate level alcohol, maternal stress, or both. Offspring plasma cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) were determined from blood samples before maternal separation and after separation. Behavioral observations were made repeatedly across separation. Moderate-level prenatal alcohol exposure was associated with significantly higher plasma ACTH response to maternal separation. Offspring exposed to prenatal alcohol, prenatal stress, and prenatal alcohol and stress showed reduced behavioral adaptation to stress compared with controls. Baseline, 2-hr, and 26-hr plasma ACTH levels were intercorrelated and predicted behavior during separation.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of moderate alcohol and/or psychological stress during prenancy on off-spring growth and behavior in 33 rhesus monkey infants ( Macaca mulatta ). Infants were derived from 1 of 3 groups of female: (1) alcohol-consuming,0.6g/Kg, Daily throughou gestation (equivalet, to 1-2 drinks), beginning 5 day prior to breeding;(2) alcohol-consuming (as above) and exposed to mild psychological stress(removal from home cage and exposed to 3 random noise bursts); (3) sucrose-consuming, equivolemic, and equicaloric to the alcohol solution.Beginning on day 4 postpartum, intantrs underwent brief weekly separations from their mother for assessment of growth, behavior, and facial dimensions. Results indicated that moderate alcohol consumption throughout pregnancy was sufficient to affect attention and neuromotor functioning, even though the infants were normol in birthweight, gestational length, and facial dimensions, Moreover, alcohol-induced neuromotor impairments were exacerbated by maternal exposure to psychological stress, and males from the alcohol/stress condition had reduced birthweights. Finally, although all females consuming alcohol produced viable offspring, alcohol accompanie by stress during gestation resulted in 23% fetal losses (abortion and stillbirths).  相似文献   

Some rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) infants have a "despair" or depression-like response to mother-infant separation, while others do not. The presumed interrelation between early rearing conditions and the neurobiological status of the infant that might lead to increased risk for despair is not understood. In this study, the characteristics of the "mother" were controlled by rearing infant rhesus monkeys with their biological mothers, or with inanimate mothers. Behavioral data were collected before and after separation at 6-7 months of age. The neurobiological status of the infants was evaluated by measuring the concentration of norepinephrine, its major metabolite, and the metabolites of dopamine and serotonin in cerebrospinal fluid. The results suggest that despair is not simply a behavioral response to separation. Instead, despair may reflect the inability to cope with the separation environment. Coping with the separation environment appears to depend on neurobiological and behavioral characteristics of the infant that are related to, if not determined by, characteristics of the mother.  相似文献   

An established, captive colony of 74 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was group-tested on a simultaneous visual discrimination problem and three reversals of the initial discrimination. The task incorporated important aspects of rhesus foraging behavior. Although other studies of communal groups of nonhuman primates have reported rapid learning, subjects in the present study showed no evidence of one-trial acquisition of the initial problem or of rapid learning-set formation across the reversal series. Instead, mean and individual performance, on all variables measured, improved gradually, both within and across series. Subjects appeared to “learn how to learn,” consistent with findings of traditional studies of individual discrimination learning. Our finding of gradual learning in group-living animals argues that the source of rapid learning in previous reports is not attributable to social influence or ecological relevance, but may reflect specific procedural or species differences between studies.  相似文献   

本文借鉴文献计量学的方法,利用我国灵长类学文献的各种特征,定量地描绘我国灵长类学研究结构,反映我国灵长类学研究状况.结果表明,动物学研究等8种期刊是我国灵长类学研究的核心期刊.我国灵长类学研究分为:起步、停滞、恢复与发展及持续发展4个阶段,持续发展阶段集中了总文献量的89%,是我国灵长类学研究发展的重要阶段.对我国17种灵长类动物(包括所有特有种)作过研究,其中对Macacamulatta的研究最多;研究学科以生理学、形态与解剖学、生态与行为学、饲养学为主(占总文献量的82%);猕猴属Macaca在各学科研究中都占重要地位.目前我国灵长类学研究在学科及物种方面都不平衡,有必要增加对较薄弱的学科、灵长类种类研究的投入,使它们能共同发展.  相似文献   

粤、桂、琼、湘四省区灵长类动物分布及地理生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东、广西、海南、湖南等四省区,地处热带、亚热带区域,本区域分布有8~9种灵长类动物,是我国灵长类主要分布区之一.在本区所分布的灵长类动物中有6种是国家一级保护动物,有一种及两个亚种为本区所特有,在这9种灵长类动物中现存数量最少的是黑长臂猿,仅约20只左右,现存数量最多的是猕猴,大约10000只,其它几种的数量都为几千只本文根据80年代以来在华南地区开展的猕猴、叶猴、长臂猿等研究及其它野生动物调查结果,对本区内的灵长类动物分布等综述报道,为制定本地区灵长类动物整体保护策略提供基础资料.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 compared the responses of 10 laboratory-reared and 10 wild-reared rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) to a real snake and to a range of snake-like objects. Most wild-reared monkeys showed considerable fear of the real, toy, and model snakes, whereas most lab-reared monkeys showed only very mild responses. Fear was indexed by unwillingness to approach food on the far side of the snake and by behavioral disturbance. Experiment 2 examined the effectiveness of seven flooding sessions in reducing snake fear in 8 wild-reared rhesus monkeys. Mean latency to reach for food, trials to criterion (four consecutive short latency responses), and total exposure time to criterion declined significantly across flooding sessions. Behavioral disturbance declined within sessions but not across sessions. Results of a final behavioral test revealed that substantial long-lasting changes had occurred in only 3 of the 8 monkeys. The results are discussed in the context of dissociation between different indices of fear.  相似文献   

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