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针对民航飞机平视指引系统(HGS)的设备研制及该设备在飞机上加/改装的技术验证问题,设计了HGS系统半实物仿真平台。通过对全飞行阶段HGS工作模式和数据接口的分析,建立了HGS系统交联激励仿真模型,设计了基于真实航电总线的HGS系统仿真器和飞行参数激励器,实现飞机起飞、爬升、巡航、下降、进近、着陆的全过程动态仿真,完成了系统的集成测试。数据分析结果表明:所设计的仿真器满足HGS系统仿真验证的需求。  相似文献   

<正>谣言一:飞机越大越安全。真相:这个说法常常影响人们买机票时的决定,总想着选个大飞机安全。而实际上,飞机大小所影响的主要是舒适性,而非安全性。通常情况下,飞机飞行大体可以分为起飞、初始爬升(离场程序)、爬升、巡航、下降、进近(进场程序)、最终进近、着陆这八个阶段,通常容易出现特情的是起飞和着陆阶段。而对于不同的机型而言,这八个阶段的操作程序和其相对的外界环境  相似文献   

一、风对飞行的影响风影响飞机起飞和着陆的滑跑距离和时间。一般飞机都逆风起降,因为逆风能获得较大的升力和阻力,缩短滑跑距离;起飞时逆风能产生飞机的附加进气量,因而增大飞机运动开始时的方向稳定性和操纵性。着陆时逆风便于修改航向,对准跑道,减小对地的冲击力。侧风不能过大,否则无法起降。航线飞行,逆风飞行可增加载重量,但要消耗较多燃料;顺风飞行需减少载重量,但可节省燃料,并能增大航程和速度,减少时间,但易造成飞行事故的是风场变,因为由风切变造成的动力湍流,有许许多多大小不一的涡旋,风切变越大,湍流越强。在低谷由强风切变形成的湍流,对飞机除了造成颠簸外,还严重影响飞机起降安全,据统计占航空事故的20%左右。  相似文献   

1996年7月11日,中国南方航空公司一架由上海飞往广州的飞机准备降落时,因几位乘客使用手机,差一点偏离航向发生事故。据统计,近年来世界范围内每年都发生20多起类似的飞行事故。因此,世界上许多航空公司都规定,禁止乘客在整个飞行过程中使用移动电话。为什么在飞机上打移动电话  相似文献   

飞机涡轮发动机的发明者、德国人帕布斯·海恩,在对飞机飞行安全事故的角度进行深入剖析后,提出了著名的“海恩法则”。他认为:一起重大的飞行安全事故背后有29个事故征兆,每个征兆背后又有300个事故苗头,每个苗头背后还有1000个事故隐患。如果将三个数连乘所得的积接近九千万。也就是说近九千万个微小因素中的任何一个,都有可能酿成一起重大事故。  相似文献   

以RedBird模拟器为对象,结合单发教练机CESSNA-172R的具体科目动作,对飞行学员在训练阶段的应用展开研究,特别是针对临界IMC条件下模拟器的飞行进近训练,同时指出了RedBird模拟器与真实飞机存在的细微区别。  相似文献   

只要看一眼旧金山国际机场28跑道上波音777飞机的残骸, 所有的人都会意识到,最糟糕的事情发生了。整个机尾折断,一个发动机从机翼中脱落,从机身顶部焦黑的大洞和散落在柏油跑道上的碎片看得出大火烧过的痕迹。得益于飞机的抗坠毁设计,即便遇上飞行事故乃至空难,乘客仍然有生存机会。一项对1983年到2000年飞行事故的调查显示,在568起飞行事故中,机上共53487人,2280人丧生,95.7%的乘客生还。  相似文献   

通过建立非线性六自由度飞行动力学模型和飞行仿真模型,借助Matlab可视化编程工具,利用Flightgear(飞行模拟器)的输入/输出接口将仿真数据实时传输.驱动Flightgear模拟器实现了飞行仿真的可视化,真实的模拟了飞机的降落过程,并得到飞机飞行性能参数随时间变化的曲线.  相似文献   

古人曾用"天高任鸟飞"来形容在无边无际的天空中,鸟类可以自由地飞翔。但在航空运输高度发达的今天,稍有不慎,就会发生两辆飞机在空中相撞的事故。这类事故虽然在飞行事故中所占的比例不大,但是一旦发生却损失惨重。两辆飞机在辽阔的空中飞行,怎么就会撞到一起去呢?  相似文献   

当今世界,已经被广泛应用的民用飞机拉近了人们的距离,改善了人民的日常生活;在民用飞机飞行系统中包含了很多的机电系统,这些系统保障着飞机的飞行安全。其中飞机液压系统属于重中之重,在飞行过程中,飞机液压系统的渗漏是造成飞机操纵系统失效的主要原因,严重影响飞行安全和航班正点率,基于多年的飞机维修经验探讨了飞机液压系统的常见故障日常维护方法,以供借鉴。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations on the airflows at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). In particular, the effects of hangar buildings and terrain were studied to explore the effects of turbulence on flying aircraft, especially during landing. The CFD simulation showed that significant differences in wind speeds may occur between the north and the south runways on the western part of the HKIA under typhoon conditions with a strong north to northwesterly wind. Simulation also showed that the hanger buildings between the two runways on the western side and the nearby terrain could be causing the observed difference in the wind speeds. The results also indicated that these obstacles could cause significant wind speed variations at the western end of the south runway. This may affect the operation of landing aircraft. The CFD results for a typical typhoon case were analyzed and found to match the wind data recorded by an aircraft landing that day.  相似文献   

在传统的飞机飞控系统教学中,通常以曲线形式显示飞机的姿态、舵面等数据,直观性不强,学生的学习难度较大,针对这一问题,利用虚拟仿真技术,基于P3D平台,设计了飞机飞行航迹数据回放演示程序,能够直观地将飞机的飞行姿态、舵面等数据以真实形象的三维场景表现出来,降低了学生的抽象思维难度,提高了学习效率。  相似文献   

空客330高原机场着陆技术分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就高原飞行着陆姿态、高原飞行着陆距离和拉平技术进行分析,以有效解决高原飞行中遇到的着陆姿态偏大和着陆平飘距离偏长的问题。  相似文献   

本文通过对高原航线运行的保障工作分析,从机务、飞行器的准备情况、放行的需求、空勤人员的保障以及出现紧急情况的处置程序等方面考虑,提出各保障环节应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

In the UK, the Royal Aeronautical Society recommends the inclusion of practical flight exercises for accredited undergraduate aerospace engineering programmes to enhance learning and student experience. The majority of academic institutions teaching aerospace in the UK separate the theory and practice of flight dynamics with students attending a series of lectures supplemented by an intensive one-day flight exercise. Performance and/or handling qualities flight tests are performed in a dedicated aircraft fitted with specialist equipment for the recording and presentation of flight data. This paper describes an innovative approach to better integrate theory and practice and the use of portable Commercial-off-The-Shelf (COTS) technologies to enable a range of standard, unmodified aircraft to be used. The integration of theory and practice has enriched learning and teaching, improved coursework grades and the student experience. The use of COTS and unmodified aircraft has reduced costs and enabled increased student participation.  相似文献   

Turbulence in the wake generated by wind flow over buildings or obstacles may produce complex flow patterns in downstream areas. Examples include the recirculating flow and wind deficit areas behind an airport terminal building and their potential impacts on the aircraft landing on nearby runways. A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation of the wind flow over an airport terminal building was performed in this study of the effect of the building wake on landing aircraft. Under normal meteorological conditions, the studied airport terminal building causes limited effects on landing aircraft because most of the aircraft have already landed before entering the turbulent wake region. By simulating the approach of a tropical cyclone, additional CFD sensitivity tests were performed to study the impacts of building wake under extreme meteorological conditions. It was found that, in a narrow range of prevalent wind directions with wind speeds larger than a certain threshold value, a substantial drop in wind speed (〉3.6 m/s) along the glide path of aircraft was observed in the building wake. Our CFD results also showed that under the most critical situation, a drop in wind speed as large as 6.4 m/s occurred right at the touchdown point of landing aircraft on the runway, an effect which may have a significant impact on aircraft operations. This study indicated that a comprehensive analysis of the potential impacts of building wake on aircraft operations should be carried out for airport terminals and associated buildings in airfields to ensure safe aviation operation under all meteorological conditions and to facilitate implementation of precautionary measures.  相似文献   

航空气象服务是保障民航安全运行的重要基础。气象对航空的影响不仅限于某一气象要素或某种天气现象,而是受多种气象要素或天气现象的综合影响。因此,开发出一套先进的民航气象观测信息系统,加强航空气象服务,对于进一步加强飞行安全、减少由于气象原因引起的各类飞行等级事故,具有重要的意义。面向某机场气象台的应用需求,讨论了基于Windows操作系统的气象观测信息系统的架构设计。  相似文献   

Performance of an airplane defines its usefulness and is the primary reason for designing and manufacturing aircrafts. In this article we present simple methods for approximately evaluating the performance of an airplane in normal and accelerated flight conditions. Methods are presented for calculating maximum and minimum flight speed, maximum flight altitude, endurance range, etc. Some flight conditions involving acceleration like take-off, landing, pull-ups and turns are also considered.  相似文献   

危害国际航空安全犯罪包括非法劫持航空器罪、危害航空器飞行安全罪和危害国际民用航空机场安全罪。我国刑法对危害国际航空安全犯罪的转化不够彻底。我国刑法应完善对暴力危及飞行安全罪的规定,应增加危害国际民用航空机场安全罪。  相似文献   

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