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依据经济学分析可知,教育实习机会的正外部性导致了市场失灵,相对于高师院校的理想需求而言,教育实习机会供给短缺。而政府有效干预是解决这一问题的不可或缺的力量,通过政府补贴或政府规制,可以有效克服市场失灵,实现实习机会的理想供给,从而保证全体高师生的教育实习。  相似文献   

论教育理想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育的过程是一个为价值取向所指引的过程,这使得教育活动富含着理想,积蕴着人文情怀。教育的理想是人所赋予的,但人所赋予教育的理想又反过来观照着人的生存和发展。教育不仅关注既存的社会现实,而且关注着理想的社会形态。教育理想分为两个层面:一是具有实践品格的现实关切之理想;一是作为教育精神寄所的终极眷注之理想。  相似文献   

所谓精神教育,从广义上理解,是一个与身体教育相对应的概念。具体来讲,是指旨在促进人的精神世界发展,提升人的精神生活质量的教育活动的总称。重视精神教育是当代西方教育发展的主要趋势之一,探讨并实施精神教育对我国的现代化具有很强的理论意义和实践意义。精神教育的内涵可以从“不是”和“是”两方面来把握。“不是”即它与别的教育活动的区别:精神教育不是功利教育、社会教育、宗教教育、实用教育。精神教育的“是”包括三个层次:第一层次是心理教育、情感教育;第二层次,是道德教育、生活教育;第三层次,是审美教育、理想教育。我认为,倡导精神教育,符合人类自身发展的需要,也是社会发展到当代所应该关注的选择。  相似文献   

通过对美国联邦1776年至2010年间各个时期的教育政策进行梳理,探讨其在教育机会均等方面所做出的努力。20世纪60年代前,联邦教育政策重点在于普及义务教育,关注入学机会均等。20世纪下半叶,联邦教育政策开始重点关注弱势群体教育机会均等,但仍然局限于弱势儿童入学机会均等方面。新世纪伊始,联邦教育政策不仅关注弱势群体入学机会均等问题,同时意识到优质教育公平的重要性,更加注重资助学业成就落后的地区,开始为弱势儿童的学业过程和结果均等做出努力。  相似文献   

The ideal of educational equality is fundamentally grounded in the egalitarian principle that social and institutional arrangements should be designed to give equal consideration to all . However, beyond this broad stipulation, the precise content of the ideal of educational equality is more difficult to determine. In this article, I aim to contribute to the debate on equality in education by dealing with the current, contentious issue of provision for students with disabilities and special educational needs. Thus, the paper addresses the question of what constitutes a just provision for these students, and it provides an answer in terms of the capability approach, as developed by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum.  相似文献   

教育公正问题是我国高等教育大众化进程中倍受人们关注的焦点之一。目前,我国高等教育存在着东西部地区发展严重失衡、教育资源在不同阶层之间分配严重不公等问题。只有反思和重新确定政府职责,强化责任意识,关心弱势群体,加大投资力度,完善制度规则,才能确保教育公正的最终实现。  相似文献   

Social movements have initiated both academic programs and disciplines. I present ethnographic data that I gathered during 17 months of fieldwork with the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) in southeastern Pará, Brazil, to explore the MST’s role in creating agroecological education opportunities. My analysis highlights three factors in southeastern Pará that initiate environmental education opportunities. First, activist professors are key players, serving as mediators between the state and social movements. Second, recurring events incubate environmental educational institutions and degree programs. Third, by collaborating with institutionalized education, movements are able to develop their own radical educational spaces. These three factors result in a gradual anti-neoliberal transformation in southeastern Pará’s rural educational opportunities. I develop a theoretical perspective of the political ecology of education to understand the relations between these three factors and educational change. By drawing attention to the educational politics of scale, I help advance theories of environmental education in a neoliberal age.  相似文献   

教育公平是教育的社会理想和教育政策追求的目标,它的核心是教育机会均等。教育机会不均等情况下,经济落后地区的女童就学难问题很突出,“择校”行为中的公平问题也是人们不断思考的问题。从我国现实情况看,补偿原则使处于不利地位的群体获得受教育的机会,体现了教育公平。教育公平的基本准则应是“在义务教育阶段应以公平为先,在非义务教育阶段适度地以效益为主,教育普及和提高质量同时进行”。  相似文献   

The common school ideal is the source of one of the oldest educational debates in liberal democratic societies. The movement in favour of greater educational choice is the source of one of the most recent. Each has been the cause of major and enduring controversy, not only within philosophical thought but also within political, legal and social arenas. Echoing conclusions reached by Terry McLaughlin, but taking the historical and legal context of the United States as my backdrop, I argue that the ideal of common schooling and the existence of separate schools, which is to say, the existence of educational choice, are not merely compatible but necessarily co-exist in a liberal democratic society. In other words, we need both common schooling and educational choice. The essay proceeds in four parts. First, I explain why we need to understand something about pluralism in order to understand common schooling and school choice. In the second and third parts, I explore the normative significance of pluralism for common schooling and educational choice, respectively. In the fourth part, I show how the two can be reconciled, given a certain understanding of what pluralism demands.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore conditioning factors influencing learning opportunities in food-related education taught from a perspective of sustainable development. Over the course of the eighth-grade school year, data were derived from field studies of two classes taught in Home and Consumer Studies with an exploratory case-study design. Data were analyzed using thematic and ideal-type analysis, resulting in four ideal-type portrayals: the Convinced, the Easygoing, the Unable, and the Skeptical, which characterize how pupils participate in and respond to sustainable food education in different ways. The characteristics of each of the four ideal types imply contextual frames that condition unequal learning opportunities in sustainable food education. By identifying, scrutinizing, and accommodating to existing conflicts and related structures, educational policy makers and practicing teachers can increase opportunities for pupils to develop informed reasoning, regardless of their ideal type characteristics.  相似文献   

I argue that analyses of racial(ised) discourse and policy processes in education must grapple with cultural disregard for and disgust with blackness. This article explains how a theorization of antiblackness allows one to more precisely identify and respond to racism in education discourse and in the formation and implementation of education policy. I contend that deeply embedded within racialized policy discourses is not merely a concern about disproportionality or inequality, but also a concern with the bodies of Black people, the signification of (their) Blackness, and the threat posed by the Black to the educational well-being of other students. Using school (de)segregation as an example, I demonstrate how policy discourse is informed by antiblackness, and consider what an awareness of antiblackness means for educational policy and practice.  相似文献   

静水流深见“气象”——鲁洁先生的教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁洁先生的贡献在于对教育问题一以贯之的关切和睿智的思虑。对教育公共理性价值的孜孜以求,构成了鲁洁先生卓然的人格和教育品质,即有精神、有境界、有道理、有正气,是为气象。鲁洁先生学术气象的养成之道,概有四者:一是立乎其大的学术视野;二是以人为本的核心观念;三是知行合一的精进功夫;四是居敬涵泳的人生态度。鲁洁先生之教育研究气象,于其自身而言,实有其独特性,不可摹仿,难以复制;对所有有志于教育研究以至于学术研究的人来说,又确具一般性,是一个值得悉心领悟的文本。  相似文献   

This paper argues that autonomy is an educational ideal. Since personal autonomy is essentially a matter of the person governing herself, a plausible account of autonomy presupposes an account of u person's identity. I support a conception of autonomy which presupposes a hierarchical theory of the self, yet allows rationality a significant place in a person's identity. I defend this conception of autonomy as an educational ideal from recent criticisms by Stone (1990) and Cuypers (1992).  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后对教育服务的承诺产生了影响,当前我国高等教育只有遵循“利用逐步自由化”、“发展中国家更多参与”的原则,以及扩大教育目标间的交流与合作,才能寻求一个符合我国国情的高等教育模式。  相似文献   

Conclusions Play is an important part of the life of the young child, both at home and in school. In designing a play environment for handicapped children who are attending a preschool along with their nonhandicapped peers, the teacher needs to be aware of the needs and limitations resulting from the child's particular disability. This knowledge can be put to use in making the environment as productive as possible and providing play opportunities that are fun, educational, and practical for each child. While it is important that we consider the particular handicapping condition, teachers should never lose sight of the fact that a handicapped child is first and foremost a child, whose basic needs are not too different from those of all children. These basic needs should be the primary concern of the teacher who is interested in guiding the child toward productive educational experiences and helping that child become an integral part of the school group.  相似文献   

In this paper I reply to Stefaan Cuypers' explication and critique of my views on rationality and critical thinking ( Cuypers, 2004 ). While Cuypers' discussion is praiseworthy in several respects, I argue that it (1) mistakenly attributes to me a Humean view of (practical) reason, and (2) unsuccessfully argues that my position lacks the resources required to defend the basic claim that critical thinking is a fundamental educational ideal. Cuypers' analysis raises deep issues about the motivational character of reasons; I briefly address this matter as well.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between education, meritocracy and redistribution. It first questions the meritocratic ideal highlighting how it relates to normative expectations that do not hold fully neither in their logic nor in practice. It then complements the literature on persistent inequalities by focusing on the opportunities for change created by current trends in the economy and in social aspirations. As the meritocratic argument that education is strongly linked to certain rewards in the labour market comes under pressure, increasing social dissatisfaction with education and skills wastage could be expected, as already noted in part of the political economy literature. This literature, however, has tended to conclude from such observations that educational expansion cannot deliver equality. The paper contributes to the debate by focusing on the opportunities created by current trends for the reorganisation of the relationship between education, the economy and society.  相似文献   

The basic principle of educational equality is that each child should receive an equally good education. This sounds appealing, but is rather vague and needs substantial working out. Also, educational equality faces all the objections to equality per se, plus others specific to its subject matter. Together these have eroded confidence in the viability of equality as an educational ideal. This article argues that equality of educational opportunity is not the best way of understanding educational equality. It focuses on Brighouse and Swift's well worked out meritocratic conception and finds it irretrievably flawed; they should, instead, have pursued a radical conception they only mention. This conception is used as a starting point for developing a luck egalitarian conception, pluralistic and complex in nature. It is argued that such a conception accounts for the appeal of equality of opportunity, fits with other values in education and meets many of the objections. Thus, equality is reasserted as what morally matters most in education.  相似文献   

In this paper I ask how educational researchers can believe the subjective perceptions of qualitative participant-observers given the concern for objectivity and generalisability of experimental research in the behavioural and social sciences. I critique the most common answer to this question within the educational research community, which posits the existence of two (or more) equally legitimate epistemological paradigms—positivism and constructivism—and offer an alternative that places a priority in educational research on understanding the purposes and meanings humans attribute to educational practices. Only within the context of what I call a transcendent view from somewhere—higher ideals that govern human activities—can we make sense of quantitative as well as qualitative research findings.  相似文献   

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