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基于资产减值准备的盈余管理应计利润计量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于公允价值的理念,提出一种计量盈余管理的新模型——改进后扩展Jones模型。这一模型主要是在计量总应计利润时,扣除了资产减值准备对盈余的影响,并在修正Jones模型的基础上,考虑无形资产对计量盈余管理的影响。利用我国上市公司2003年到2006年的数据,通过改进后扩展Jones模型与其他盈余管理计量模型的比较分析,发现改进后扩展Jones模型检定盈余管理的效果更加显著。  相似文献   

研究者广泛认为公司盈余管理的主要动机之一是与会计指标相关的高管薪酬制度安排。但关于盈余管理是否能提高公司高管薪酬的研究相对缺乏。本文使用中国上市公司作为样本考察盈余管理对高管薪酬的影响,并尝试使用分位数回归弥补传统OLS回归分析可能带来的估计偏误。检验结果表明在控制非操控性应计和现金流量等其他因素影响下,盈余管理能够显著提高公司高管薪酬;而分位数回归结果表明传统OLS回归会低估这一影响。  相似文献   

研究者广泛认为公司盈余管理的主要动机之一是与会计指标相关的高管薪酬制度安排.但关于盈余管理是否能提高公司高管薪酬的研究相对缺乏.本文使用中国上市公司作为样本考察盈余管理对高管薪酬的影响,并尝试使用分位数回归弥补传统OLS回归分析可能带来的估计偏误.检验结果表明在控制非操控性应计和现金流量等其他因素影响下,盈余管理能够显著提高公司高管薪酬;而分位数回归结果表明传统OLS回归会低估这一影响.  相似文献   

为了研究我国国有和民营公司银行贷款利率与公司财务指标之间的关系,以及在按盈余管理水平分级下两者之间的关系,选取深、沪两市上市公司2007年新增贷款的利率信息和相应的公司财务信息,通过实证研究的方法探究了不同产权下盈余管理及贷款定价指标之间的相互联系。研究发现,国有公司银行贷款利率与公司财务指标之间具有很大相关性;对盈余管理程度不同的公司,银行在决定贷款利率时考虑的主要财务指标侧重不同。  相似文献   

企业通过社会资本这一重要的非正式制度获取稀缺资源,影响企业的利润水平,对企业的会计信息质量产生影响.首先结合社会资本理论和高阶梯队理论对公司盈余行为进行分析,然后构建了商业资本和政治资本两个维度共6项指标的高管社会资本衡量体系,全面测量了高管团队的社会资本,检验了高管团队社会资本与企业盈余管理的关系.结果表明,高管团队社会资本(TMT)是加剧盈余管理的必要但非充分条件,高管团队社会资本对企业的盈余管理有显著提升作用,并且在国有企业中高管团队社会资本对盈余管理的影响更加显著.  相似文献   

结合纺织服装行业特点选取7个公司市盈率的相关财务指标,回归分析了相关财务指标与市盈率的相关性,对纺织服装类上市公司市盈率进行了相关研究,发现公司内部财务指标中的净资产收益率和盈余现金保障倍数与市盈率具有显著的相关性,公司外部财务指标与市盈率均不具有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

该研究旨在探讨企业失败原因与期间之关联性,企业失败的原因并非一蹴可及,往往是透过时间累积而引发的,学者指出企业失败可分为四项原因:人为因素、内部因素、企业结构因素与财务比率因素(Pretorius,2008),该研究依据这四项原因发展出相关的变量指针以探讨企业失败原因与期间之关联性。该研究期间为2007年至2010年间中发生变更交易之上市上柜公司,扣除金融与保险业者,共取得列入全额交割股公司计69家,依据净资产总额相近的公司配对69家正常公司,最后共有138家公司为本研究之研究样本。研究结果显示,透过三年度数据分析结果财务比率因素具有跨年度的影响力,以总资产周转率最具有代表性。另外,距离企业失败期间越远(距离失败前三年),此四大原因皆具有影响力;距离企业失败前二年时,企业结构因素与财务比率因素对于企业失败具有影响力;而在企业失败前一年时,仅财务比率因素具有影响力,这些财务比率以负债比率、普通股市值对负债比率与总资产周转率显示之。  相似文献   

以沪深两市A股上市公司2006—2008年经验数据,运用完全信息非对称动态纳什博弈模型,考察了公司客户在诉讼风险约束下盈余管理与审计费用溢价的作用机理。实证结果发现:在控制其他因素的影响后,诉讼风险不对称性会导致上市公司减少(增加)收入的盈余管理与审计费用溢价负(正)相关,正向盈余管理比同幅度负向盈余管理产生较弱的审计费用溢价效应,高增长型客户正向盈余管理导致的审计费用溢价效应在诉讼风险环境中被扩大。这表明审计师在风险导向审计模式下充分考虑了公司、诉讼风险的不对称性,修正了审计的风险判断。  相似文献   

以如实反映与决策相关两项会计信息质量要求为依据,探究融券机制影响标的公司盈余信息质量的效应。本文基于2009—2019年数据,使用两种多期DID模型,研究发现融券机制对标的公司盈余信息的如实反映程度与决策相关性均有积极作用,体现于应计操纵减少与未来盈余反应系数(FERC)的提高,该结果具有稳健性。进一步而言,融券机制通过改变成本因素迫使公司更多地使用真实活动盈余管理作为操纵账面信息的替代,进而改善如实反映,而高质量的应计盈余亦是未来盈余反应系数和决策相关性产生积极变化的主要驱动。融券机制有助于改善标的公司盈余信息的如实反映与决策相关,受融券机制治理效应最明显的是应计盈余。因此,应稳步鼓励放松卖空限制,进行金融创新和金融体制改革,有控制地放开市场,促进资本市场的资源配置更加精准可靠。  相似文献   

盈余是企业诸多契约的核心参数.企业盈余管理的机会主义偏向同限制这一倾向的盈余稳健性机制并存.文章考察了2006-2012年中国A股上市公司盈余指标年度和年内分布状况.通过检验上市公司盈余持续性变化规律,结果显示年度间盈余的样本回归系偏小,反映盈余稳健性的持续性不强.同时年度内盈余分布对比分析揭示,披露微利的样本观测明显较多,上市公司规避市场监管的投机行为更强.因此盈余稳健性只是公司盈余管理机会主义的外在表现.  相似文献   

Lisrel, a more versatile technique than traditional path analysis, was employed to account for 42% of the variance in the persistence of 343 new freshman financial aid recipients at a major urban university. Unlike recent persistence models, the specific model developed here highlights the impact of student finances—in particular, the amount of assistance from the programs of federal campus-based aid—on the persistence of freshmen with high financial need. The results indicate that financial need, student residency status, and noncampus-based loans and grants have direct effects on new freshman persistence regardless of the type or amount of campus-based aid awarded. The direct effect of each federal campus-based program on persistence was significant and positive. Implications for administrators and persistence researchers are discussed.Expanded version of a paper presented at the 24th Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Fort Worth, Tex., May 1984.  相似文献   

It is well established in the research literature that student financial aid has a positive influence on year-to-year persistence. However, there has been no prior research on price responsiveness in persistence decisions. This article examines the influence of the amounts of student financial aid received and tuition charged on year-to-year persistence by college students in the high school class of 1980. The principal finding is that the persistence decisions of college students in the early 1980s were more responsive to increases in student aid than to tuition increases. This finding suggests that persistence rates can be improved if institutions increase need-based aid for currently enrolled students when tuition is increased each year, or if government student aid increases over the levels provided in the 1980s.Presented at the Seventh Annual NASSGP/NCHELP Research Conference, Washington, D.C., May 16, 1990.  相似文献   

Path analysis is used to examine the process of persistence in higher education among a sample of 403 low-income black youth attending a variety of institutions throughout the United States. The model explores the role of college experiences — academic and social integration and academic achievement. Although social integration was misspecified, the model expiains 32% of persistence variance when academic integration is specified prior to academic achievement. The direct effect of college grades is strongest, accounting for half of the explained variance. Academic integration is actually more important than previously believed, exerting an indirect influence through grades. Since college experiences are more important than background characteristics, persistence among low-income minority youth could be improved by program interventions.  相似文献   

文中以科学性、导向性、全面性、层次性、个性化以及可操作性为原则,构建了高校财务风险评价指标体系,采用改进的层次分析法对各指标进行赋权,并对各影响因素的重要性进行排序,然后利用模糊综合评判法建立高校财务风险评价模型.实例及其评判结果与实际情况的一致性,表明该模型具有科学、客观、合理以及操作简便的特点,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

ARCH模型在我国金融市场的应用情况研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
金融数据时间序列具有丛集性和方差波动性特点,传统经典计量模型对此的解释能力不足。ARCH模型引入观测数据方差自相关假设,有力地刻划和解释了金融数据的丛集性和厚尾尖锋特性。目前,国内用此模型对股指收益率、非对称性、市场有效性、量价关系、风险管理、保证金水平等问题研究取得了多项成果。但是,在研究中也存在样本容量小,容易导致实证结果不稳定、不可靠,对杠杆效应、周内效应、羊群效应形成原因和机理研究不足等问题。后续研究应该注重对超高频数据分析、波动的持续性、无条件分布的厚尾性及高维系统的分析。在参数估计方面,应针对具体市场和样本数据,检验各种模型和参数估计方法的能力。  相似文献   

The nexus between college choice and persistence   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Initial student commitments have long been considered an influence on persistence, but the reasons why students choose to attend a college have seldom been considered as dimensions of initial commitments that could influence persistence processes and outcomes. This study used NPSAS-87 to examine the influence of finance-related reasons for choosing a college on persistence decisions. The findings include (1) finance-related choices have direct and indirect influences on whether students persist in college; and (2) market-based, monetary measures of financial aid, tuition costs, housing costs, and other living costs have a substantial direct effect on persistence.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the effectiveness of financial aid in promoting the persistence of black and Hispanic students admitted to the most selective colleges and universities in the United States to complete their college education. To explore whether more dollars of aid enhance graduation, the analysis separates two constructs—aid eligibility and aid amount—when assessing their influence on graduation likelihood of these students. Using the College & Beyond (C&B) database and implementing an IV/LATE analytical strategy, I find that although need-based aid eligibility is negatively related to graduation likelihood, aid amounts exert a positive influence on graduation, conditional on eligibility for aid. Among types of aid, grants and scholarships have the most positive effect on graduation. The results also indicate that financial aid amounts help equalize initial racial and ethnic differences in graduation likelihood. Minority students’ graduation likelihood is found to be more sensitive to the amount of financial resources they secure, especially in the form of grants and scholarships, than that of their white counterparts.  相似文献   

This research uses path analysis to explore the relationships among a number of variables (including financial aid variables), which have been shown in both theory and prior research to be related to student persistence. The subjects were 227 full-time freshmen, who enrolled Fall Quarter 1982, in a liberal arts college at a large commuter institution of higher education, and who received financial aid. The model, which includes background and academic variables, accounted for 35% of the variance in persistence. Persistence was measured by credits completed over a two-year period. Significant variables that showed the largest total effects on persistence were college grade-point average and high school rank. The financial aid variables in the model showed no significant effect on persistence in this study of students who received aid. The model was cross-validated on a second data set and the model was supported.Revised version of a paper presented at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Orlando, Fla., June 22–25, 1986.  相似文献   

资本结构决策是企业融资决策的核心问题,它直接决定企业融资方式的选择及各种融资方式所占的比重。本文运用计量经济学的方法,以湖南32家上市公司自2005—2009年的数据为样本,通过主成分因子分析和多元回归分析建立湖南省上市公司资本结构模型,并对模型进行计量经济学检验,结果表明:公司规模、财务困境成本、盈利能力、收益现金流和所得税与负债比率正相关;资产担保价值和非负债税盾与负债比率负相关;成长性对我国资本结构无显著影响。另外,时间和盈余管理对资本结构选择的影响显著。  相似文献   

本文选取2005到2007年安徽省46家上市公司为研究对象,对安徽省上市公司规模与业绩间的关系进行了实证研究。用总资产来解释企业规模;用主营业务收入、主营业务利润、其他业务利润、利润总额、净利润来解释公司业绩。通过简单线性回归分析、对数回归模型、因子分析发现,利润总额、主营业务收入等与规模有显著的相关性,公司规模反过来对业绩也有显著的影响,说明安徽省上市公司资产规模与公司的业绩存在着相互影响的关系。  相似文献   

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