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教学是一门科学,更是一门艺术;是知识的传递,更是情感的交流。教师应把握教学规律,处理好教学中的"动与静、定性与定量、平面与立体、图与表、电教与人教、纵向与横向、时间与空间、数理与物理、综合与具体、理论与应用"等十大关系,关注"难点、重点、趣点、接点"四大关键,做到深入浅出、泛引精解、厚论薄述,讲授中声音有强弱、节奏有快慢、形式多变化,将教学变得生动、有趣、高效。  相似文献   

Hatcher, Richard; Troyna, Barry and Gewirtz, Deborah Racial Equality and the Local Management of Schools
Hustler, David and McIntyre, Donald (eds) Developing Competent Teachers: Approaches to Professional Competence in Teacher Education
Daglish, Neil Education Policy-Making in England and Wales: The Crucible Years, 1895–1911
Diller, Ann; Houston, Barbara; Morgan, Kathryn Pauly and Ayim, Maryann The Gender Question in Education: Theory, Pedagogy and Politics
Webb, Rosemary and Vulliamy, Graham Roles and Responsibilities in the Primary School: Changing Demands, Changing Practices
Delamont, Sara A Women's Place in Education: Historical and Sociological Perspectives on Gender and Education
Copelman, Dina M. London's Women Teachers
Halstead, J. Mark and Taylor, Monica J. Values in Education and Education in Values
Cowen, Robert (ed) The Evaluation of Higher Education Systems
Jipson, Janice; Munro, Petra; Victor, Susan; Froude Jones, Karen and Freed-Rowland, Gretchen Repositioning Feminism and Education: Perspectives on Educating for Social Change
Carnoy, Martin (ed) International Encyclopedia of Economics of Education (Second Edition)
Elliott, Jane; Francis, Hywel; Humphreys, Rob and Instance, David (eds) Communities and Their Universities: The Challenge of Lifelong Learning
Oram, Alison Women Teachers and Feminist Politics 1900–39
Wang, Margaret C.; Reynolds, Maynard C. and Walberg, Herbert J. Handbook of Special and Remedial Education: Research and Practice (Second Edition)
Broadfoot, Patricia M. Education, Assessment and Society
Stoll, Louise and Fink, Dean Changing Our Schools  相似文献   

习近平关于继续教育工作的重要论述阐释了意义、地位、宗旨、任务、质量等根本问题;反映了创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念;表达了人的全面发展与社会发展相结合、政府意志与公民力量相结合、文化继承与本土创新相结合、理论建构与制度建构相结合、问题导向与责任担当相结合的时代特征;体现了方向性、前瞻性、协同性、人民性和特色性的实践价值。  相似文献   

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Regional Clearing House on Population Education has commissioned a series of case studies on the promotion of adolescent reproductive and sexual health, with emphasis placed on advocacy and information, education and communication (IEC). The case studies will document the experiences of Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The advocacy activities include programs to gain the support of lawmakers and policymakers, the mass media and other influential groups. IEC activities, on the other hand, reach out to the youth, counselors, teachers and trainers, extension workers and motivators, and health personnel. Advocacy and IEC also differ in strategies. Political lobbying, high level meetings, seminars, mass media campaigns, and advocacy skills training are typical advocacy strategies; while, individual counseling, research, non-governmental organization involvement in communities, youth camps are of IEC strategies. The case studies also examine national policies, program responses and strategies, and factors that have contributed to best practices, and innovative approaches to advocacy and IEC. The impact of the target groups of the case studies will be evaluated and those with successful outcomes will be identified.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Eric Ives, Diane Drummond and Leonard Schwarz, The First Civic University: Birmingham 1880–1980: An Introductory History
David Coulby, Beyond the National Curriculum: Curricular Centralism and Cultural Diversity in Europe and the USA
John Haldane (ed), Philosophy and Public Affairs
Basil Bernstein, Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity: Theory, Research, Critique
Margaret J. McLaughlin and Martyn Rouse (eds), Special Education and School Reform in the United States and Britain
R. Mahalingam and C. McCarthy (eds), Multicultural Curriculum – New Directions for Social Theory, Practice and Policy
Martin Hughes, Charles Desforges, Christine Mitchell and Clive Carre, Numeracy and Beyond: Applying Mathematics in the Primary School
Jon Davison and John Moss, Issues in English Teaching
Robert Graham, Taking Each Other Seriously: Experiences in Learning and Teaching
John Retallick, Barry Cocklin and Kennece Coombe (eds), Learning Communities in Education
John Smyth, Alastair Dow, Robert Hattam, Alan Reid and Geoffrey Shacklock, Teachers' Work in a Globalizing Economy
Peter McLaren, Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Pedagogy of Revolution
Ann Filer and Andrew Pollard, The Social World of Pupil Assessment
D.C. Phillips and Nicholas C. Burbules, Post-positivism and Educational Research
Britt-Marie Berge with Hildur Ve, Action Research for Gender Equity
David Coulby, Robert Cowen and Crispin Jones (ed), Education in Times of Transition
Mark Halstead and Terence McLaughlin (eds), Education in Morality  相似文献   

语言的功能:表达与交流、历史记忆、承载文化、发展构建与伸展、审美、政治、心理调节、哲学与神学、游戏。语言的陷阱:言、意和文之间的错位,语言与现实的脱节,语言统治着人类,语言荒谬化的诱惑。  相似文献   

随着高校后勤化的推进,学生宿舍已经不仅仅是学生睡觉、休息的地方,它更成为学生学习、生活、娱乐、交往的重要场所,也是大学生思想品德、组织纪律、集体主义、精神文明建设、素质教育等诸方面培养和形成的重要阵地,它对学生的人格塑造、道德养成、人生观、世界观、价值观的树立和形成,甚至生活道路的选择,都产生着直接或间接的影响,同时学生宿舍也成为学生违纪的高发地。为了更好的发挥学生宿舍中管理育人、服务育人的功能,高等院校必须更新观念、加大投入,培养一支高素质的管理干部队伍,将大学生宿舍文化建设纳入校园文化建设之中,创建和谐宿舍文化。  相似文献   

侯锡刚  李杨  苗颖 《辽宁高职学报》2007,9(2):96-97,102
高职院校的班主任应该处理好十个关系,即热爱与严格的关系;说到与做到的关系;谨慎与糊涂的关系;治标与治本的关系;疏导与堵截的关系;个别教育与集体教育的关系;批评与鼓励的关系;借鉴和创新的关系;坚持原则与讲求策略的关系;摆正自己与学生家长的关系。这十个关系的妥善处理,有利于学生的成长,对班主任工作起到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

汉水流域丧歌作为一个典型的汉水文化事象,其中蕴涵着丰富而典范的孝文化、乐感文化和伦理习俗文化等中国文化的核心内核。迎来送往、养生送死、慎终追远、追根溯源等传统道德标准是汉水流域丧歌创作和流传的最深刻文化动因,而其巨大的习俗传承价值、伦理教育价值、历史认识价值、社会心理价值和美学认同价值则是其长期而广泛流传的最直接的现实动因。演唱丧歌是汉水文化习俗的最重要的组成部分和最普遍的表现形式,几乎伴随着汉水流域民俗大礼———丧礼形式的每一过程。加之汉水文化产生和繁育在世界文化遗产与中国道教圣地武当山、世界民间故事村武家沟村、汉民族第一部神话史诗《黑暗传》、第一个以“汉”命名并将“汉”字几乎覆盖所有中国文化事象的朝代汉代和汉民族民歌村吕家河村等古老文化化石和文化富集区所在地,在中国文化产生和演变的历程中具有典范和代表意义,因而,挖掘、整理、保护好汉水流域丧歌,并进而认识、利用、传承好汉水流域丧歌,不仅对于抢救、挖掘、整理、保护、传承、利用地方文化具有示范作用,同时,对于在全球化背景下重新辨证深入地全面认识和实现中国传统文化的价值,实现中国传统文化的科学持续发展,有效地服务于中国特色的精神文明和和谐社会的建设,不仅具有深远的历史文化价值,而且更具有直接强大的现实社会价值。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Richard Edwards and Robin Usher, Globalisation and Pedagogy: Space, place and identity
Jackie Brine, Educating Women: Globalizing Inequality
David Carr, Professionalism and Ethics
Andrew Pollard and Ann Filer, The Social World of Pupil Career: Strategic Biographies through Primary School
Bernard Crick, Essays on Citizenship
Mike Bottery and Nigel Wright, Teachers and the State: Towards a Directed Profession
Stephen Heathorn, For Home, Country and Race: Constructing Gender, Class and Englishness in the Elementary School 1880-1914
Jane M. Page, Reframing the Early Childhood Curriculum: Educational Imperatives for the Future
Leslie P. Steffe and Patrick W. Thompson (eds), Radical Constructivism in Action
Patricia Broadfoot, Marilyn Osborne, Clare Planel and Keith Sharpe, Promoting Quality in Learning – Does England have the Answer?
Claire Cameron, Peter Moss and Charlie Owen, Men in the Nursery: Gender and Caring Work
Mike Cole (ed), Education, Equality and Human Rights
R. Alexander, P. Broadfoot and D. Phillips, Learning from Comparing: New Directions in Comparative Educational Research , Volume 1 Contexts, Classrooms and Outcomes
OECD, Learning to Bridge the Digital Divide  相似文献   

构建现代大学制度的过程就是对现行大学制度不断变革和完善的过程。大学制度变革要面临大学与政府、大学与社会、大学内部学术与行政之间的价值差异,具体表现为自治与控制、超越与适应、自由与秩序之间的价值差异。每一种价值都有其局限性和合理性,不能简单地肯定一个而否定另外一个。自治、超越、自由是基于大学本位的价值追求,因此要以自治、超越、自由为重心,通过大学制度创新调整大学与政府、大学与社会、学术与行政之间的关系,寻求自治与控制、超越与适应、自由与秩序之间的平衡。  相似文献   

中国特色现代职业教育体系构建与发展是一项系统的战略工程,必须尊重现实社会时代环境与条件,遵循自律性与他律性统一、公益性与市场化结合、民主化与法制化和谐、本土化与国际化融通及区域性与全局性统一的原则,确立体系结构系统性、特色定位本色性、内涵品格现代性、教育功能完备性、服务方式终身性、发展模式和谐性及国际交流开放性的战略目标定位.  相似文献   

论地方性知识的价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地方性知识是与普适性知识相对应的一个学术概念。它是指在一定的情境(如历史的、地域的、民族的、种族的等)中生成并在该情境中得到确认、理解和保护的知识体系。地方性知识具有地域性、整体性、授权性、实用性等特点。地方性知识是一定地域的人民在长期的历史发展过程中通过体力和脑力劳动创造并不断积淀、发展和升华的物质和精神的全部成果和成就,包括物质文化和精神文化。它具有育人、文化保护、生态保护、医学、环境与资源管理、农业研究、调解民间纠纷等价值。  相似文献   

本调查从市民思想道德素质、科学人文素质、文明卫生素质三个方面设计问卷,随机选取十堰市市区主要地段具有典型性和代表性的政府机关、事业单位、厂矿企业、工商业户、学校等人群开展问卷调查和访谈。调查结果显示,目前十堰市市民在使用文明礼貌用语、诚信、友善互助、文明礼让、环保意识等方面素质较高,但市民在参与公益活动、科学素养、人文素养、环境保护行动等方面的素质还有待提高。鉴于市民文化程度、生活方式、思想观念等的多样性和复杂性,建议有关部门健全规章制度,强化落实,促进市民文明素质提升。  相似文献   

知识冲突与教育发展规划的制定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育发展规划制定的过程就是一个知识冲突不断地产生与消解的过程。在教育发展规划制定过程中存在着三类非常重要的主体,即规划决策者、规划研究者与规划评价者。这三类主体在教育发展规划制定过程中所承担的角色与职责是不同的。其中,起主导与支配作用的主要是规划决策者与规划研究者。在教育发展规划制定过程中存在的知识冲突主要是由于规划决策者与研究者对于理论知识与实践知识、规范知识与实证知识、战略知识与策略知识、显性知识与隐性知识的选择、表达与应用的不同而产生的。根据对理论知识与实践知识、规范知识与实证知识、战略知识与策略知识、显性知识与隐性知识的选择、表达与应用的不同,可以把知识冲突分为选择性冲突、表达性冲突与应用性冲突三种形式。知识冲突在教育发展规划制定过程中的存在不仅是必然的,而且也是必需的。它的存在不仅有利于赋予教育发展规划以更多的合理性与进一步重构教育发展规划的合法性,而且也有利于保障与提高教育发展规划的有效性。  相似文献   

在全球经济高速发展的大背景条件下,高等院校面对组织内外部环境不断地变化,要想长存与发展,创造其特有的品牌价值,必须依靠人的力量.但是为了更好的组织、管理、发动员工的积极性与主观能动性,高等院校必须进行创新性思维,多想些管理思路和切实可行的办法,如组织内部需要有团队建设的理念、激励机制的促进,再辅助其它人力资源管理的方法,才能转变并提升高等院校组织管理机制,让人才自觉自愿地发挥其潜能,最终达到提高组织行为绩效的目的.  相似文献   

This article describes the findings of a qualitative study on knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices towards children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in four regions of Uganda. Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were held with parents of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, policy-makers, and service providers. Our findings describe how negative knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices create barriers to treatment and inclusion of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus and their parents in Uganda. The findings show how knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and practices evolve over time, are both similar and differ in the various regions, and become more conducive towards accessing treatment and achieving inclusion. Sensitisation and early intervention including parents and service providers in dissemination of knowledge, rehabilitative care to set the trend for positive change and support, as well as longitudinal studies of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus and their parents are recommended.  相似文献   

教学原则研究20年:反思与前瞻   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
改革开放以来的20年,我国教学原则研究大体经历了引进与反思,批判与整合和体系的新建构与研究的多样化三个阶段,研究内容涉及教学原则的概念,性质与特点,地位与作用,来源与依据及体系的建构等方面,今后的研究应处理好科学与人文,继承与发展和引进与吸收的关系,并呈现出了新的研究趋势。  相似文献   

劳动教育是人改造外部世界,满足人的物质文化与精神文化需求,实现人的自由全面发展的文化实践。"劳动崇拜论""劳动决定论""劳动终结论"和"劳动起源论"批判和中外教育史上有关劳动教育的论争揭示了,文化是劳动和劳动教育的本质,劳动教育研究需要文化研究。"劳动""文化"和"教育"在词源上有共通之处。劳动教育,作为文化实践,是通过物质、能量转换改造自然的"化育"和通过信息、符号改造社会的"教化"的统一,蕴含价值-规范、行为-作用、语言-符号、知识-技术等不同的文化层级和实践综合。劳动教育有文化唯物性,也就是具有物质生产性和面向社会现实的大众文化性。劳动教育有文化启蒙价值,它是解放所有人的文化启蒙,是反映和表现社会生活文化的知识文化启蒙。总之,劳动教育的文化本质和实践充分呈现了人与自然、社会之间进行的物质、能量和信息转换,以及物质文化和精神文化创造的过程,是劳动的"教育性"与教育的"劳动性"、体力劳动教育与脑力劳动教育、化育与教化、精英与大众、理论与实践之间历史的、现实的、社会的辩证统一。  相似文献   

Books reviewed:
Abbott, Chris Special Educational Needs and the Internet
Bolter, Jay D Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print
Brant, Liz & Harvey, Tony Choosing and Using Music in Training
Clarke, Alan Designing Computer-Based Learning Materials
Cole, Robert A Issues in Web-Based Pedagogy
Evans, Norman The Institute for Learning and Teaching
Goodson, Carol Providing Library Services for Distance Education Students
Hammersley, Martyn Educational Research: Policy-making and Practice
Hazemi, Reza & Hailes, Stephen ed The Digital University
Hopkins, David & Harris, Alma Creating the Conditions for Teaching and Learning
Ketteridge, Stephen The Effective Academic
Khan, Badrul Web-Based Training
Lea, Mary & Nicoll, Kathy ed Distributed Learning
Macdonald, Ranald & Wisdom, James ed Academic and Educational Development
Miller, Andrew Mentoring Students and Young People
Russell, Terry Teaching and Using ICT in Secondary Schools
Schostak, John F Understanding, Designing and Conducting Qualitative Research in Education
Shayer, Michael & Adey, Philip ed Learning Intelligence
Tilling, Mike The Learning Organiser  相似文献   

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